
[Guide] [Season 19] Zmonk (Push Meta)

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  • Crippling Wave Tsunami
  • Inner Sanctuary Temple of Protection
  • Breath of Heaven Zephyr
  • Epiphany Soothing Mist
  • Serenity Peaceful Repose
  • Mantra of Healing Heavenly Body
  • Resolve
  • Chant of Resonance
  • Beacon of Ytar
  • Near Death Experience


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Gem of Efficacious Toxin
    • Iceblink

Kanai's Cube

  • Flying Dragon
  • Spirit Guards
  • The Star of Azkaranth

This will be a pretty quick guide folks. The build is generally considered to be optimized, so there isn't much to discuss in the way of item and skill alternatives. It is also a relatively easy build to play (but it does take some work to really master it!) so we won't get too bogged down there either. We'll briefly discuss stat priorities, and then we'll touch on the playstyle.


Stat Priorities

We need to get as much of the following as possible:

-Cooldown [can roll on shoulders, gloves, amulet, rings, weapon, and shield]

-Attack Speed [can roll on gloves, amulet, rings, weapon]

-Health Globe healing bonus (secondary stat) [can roll on shoulders, chest, amulet, rings, boots, shield]

-general defense

Don't sleep on the importance of Health Globe bonus. Notice that Serenity, Breath of Heaven, Epiphany, and Mantra of Healing are all affected by your globe bonus. You absolutely cannot do your job as zmonk effectively if you do not have a decent globe bonus. Ideally, you're aiming for your globe bonus to be 200k+. (Currently my personal globe bonus is 228k and it can easily handle GR 150.) Note that globe bonus rolls can be higher on ancient items, but it is not necessary to get full ancients in order to achieve a good globe bonus.

It's ok if you're missing one or two Cooldown or Attack Speed rolls, but generally speaking, you want to try to roll these stats everywhere they're available for best results.

Beyond these 3 core stats, you just want defense. Monk's main stat is Dexterity, which gives Armor, so prioritize All-Resist on your gear. You can roll the items that aren't class-specific on an Intelligence based class for even more All-Resist.


Numlock. Everything besides Crippling Wave and Sanctuary can be numlocked/spammed on cooldown. Numlock will do 90% of your work for you.

The other 10% is:

-Dropping Sanctuary where ever your group stops. Always keep Sanctuary on the ground when your group is standing still. Attack with Crippling Wave. (Tip - you'll notice that Epiphany will cause you to randomly jump around all over the place, which is annoying, but it's also bad for the group because they're having to follow your Sanctuary drops. To keep this from happening, hold down your "force stand still" button while you're spamming Crippling Wave, and aim your click at an area with no enemies.)

-Taking Pylons with your Nemesis Bracers whenever the group instructs, then hustling back to keep giving healing and Sanc to your group. (Hopefully you're in voice chat, but if not, "t" is commonly used to indicate it's time to touch the Pylon.)

-On the boss, continue providing Sanc and hitting with Crippling Wave.


That's about it folks. Zmonk is a fun build to play and doesn't require a ton of paragon to play successfully. It's easy to get into, but takes some practice to master. Good luck and have fun! Let me know if you have any questions.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find
Area Damage

Build Guide