[2.4] GR85+ Earthquake (solo/group)
Eyes of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit CHC Socket
Spires of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR CDR
Hellfire Amulet
- Stat Priority: Physical % CHC CHD Socket
Spirit of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Socket
Skular's Salvation
- Stat Priority: Physical % Str Vit CHC
Pull of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit CHC CHD
Dread Iron
- Stat Priority: Str Vit Life LPS
Weight of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Socket
Foundation of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Skill: CotA
Blade of the Tribes
- Stat Priority: Str Dmg % LPS Socket
Legendary Gems
Kanai's Cube
5th passive on Hellfire amulet: Nerves of Steel.
MOST COMMON ASKED QUESTION: "Why DEAD IRON belt?". Well, because our weapon *Blade of the tribes has following secondary: "WAR CRY and Threatning shout now CAUSE and Avalance and Earthquake". And Since Dead Iron roll's a secondary free stat with up to 200 % Avalanche damage, then why not use it?". We ran simulations in d3planner, and this IS the best choice.
To See MORE DETAILED Item-Stats: http://ptr.d3planner.com/953687051
Paragon Priorities
Movement Speed |
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Maximum Resource |
Cooldown Reduction |
Critical Hit Chance |
Critical Hit Damage |
Attack Speed |
Resist All |
Armor |
Life |
Life Regeneration |
Area Damage |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Life on Hit |
Gold Find |
This build is part of The Ultimate Guide for Patch 2.4- Season 5, with all the new builds for all classes, you can see the spreadsheet here:
>>> www.tinyurl.com/S5Builds <<<
If you have any questions about the Skill-, Gear-, Stat-choices or anything about the build. You are more than welcome, to ask me on one of the following platforms:
a) Diablofans: http://www.diablofans.com/members/223051-drahque
c) E-mail: Drahque@gmail.com
d) For LIVE-answers: www.twitch.tv/Drahque
e) In this guide on here on Dfans
This build will be up-dated regularly by Drahque. And daily on the spreadsheet: www.tinyurl.com/S5Builds
P.S. there is also D3planner Simulations for the build in-included in it.
Why do you wear dread iron when you aren't running ground stomp?I didn't realise that Dread Iron actually gives up to 200% increased damage to Avalanche. Neat.
Does leap count as a generator for the purposes of Focus and Restraint?
How does Bane of the Stricken work in this build? (As this isn't a high attack speed build) Do the ticks of damage from Earthquake allow you to gain stacks quickly?
Why do you use SKULAR's SALVATION, when ancient spear is not your main damage output?
Why wear dread iron belt when you dont even use Ground Stomp?
Leap is a generator
Dread iron is used for the avalanche damage increase +150-200%, But in all this is beginning stage and most if not all builds will see changes happening.
Hi. What's the rotation? Do you even need to earthquake?
Deadset explains whats going on very well.
Basically its leap x3 boulder toss to reset leap and then leap x 3 some more.
We have earthquake on our bars so the free earthquakes from the set get the rune.
I think the 3-hundred spear should be in the cube instead of the Furnace. Furnace only helps with elites while the spear does his dmg all the time and is your primary dmg source.
Your primary damage source is earthquake. Even if boulder toss was our main source of damage; read up on the difference between additive and multiplicative damage gains to understand why 60% skill damage from the spear is not as good as 50% damage from the furnace.
Feet should have Skill: Ancient Spear instead of Skill: CotA, right?
could Strongarm bracers be used if you're pulling them in?
Been messing around with this solo and in a group with a terrible Blade of the Tribes and it is a lot of fun and a good balance of group utility, crowd control, and damage. Really happy with it so far !
- The bracers are good but far from build enabling. In a group setting have been using either Strongarm or Nemesis.
- I am curious if the 2 piece Might of the Earth bonus takes partial fury. So like if I toss a boulder with 89 fury do I get 2 seconds off my cooldown or do i get 2.97 seconds off. I tried testing this but I am not observant enough and I am sure someone else knows for sure.
- Getting Lut Socks for the cube is super easy if you Kadala @ lvl 1 because its the only legendary boot available.
Dread Iron was given a 150-200% avalanche damage blue stat.
How much CDR is needed to push higher tiers with this?
So how do you play this build correctly?
Answered already in earlier comments but here it is again by Deadset. http://www.icy-veins.com/d3/barbarian-build-leap-earthquake-physical-with-might-of-the-earth-patch-2-4
i think it is safe to say, that CotA on boots is just ancient spear.
im just starting out, and was wondering what the breakpoint is on how many CDR is needed so with bouldertoss it will reset my leap
Currently im at 15,7% and bouldertoss doesnt reset my leap. leaves about 8 seconds on the cooldown