[2.4] GR85+ Earthquake (solo/group)
Eyes of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit CHC Socket
Spires of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR CDR
Hellfire Amulet
- Stat Priority: Physical % CHC CHD Socket
Spirit of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Socket
Skular's Salvation
- Stat Priority: Physical % Str Vit CHC
Pull of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit CHC CHD
Dread Iron
- Stat Priority: Str Vit Life LPS
Weight of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Socket
Foundation of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Skill: CotA
Blade of the Tribes
- Stat Priority: Str Dmg % LPS Socket
Legendary Gems
Kanai's Cube
5th passive on Hellfire amulet: Nerves of Steel.
MOST COMMON ASKED QUESTION: "Why DEAD IRON belt?". Well, because our weapon *Blade of the tribes has following secondary: "WAR CRY and Threatning shout now CAUSE and Avalance and Earthquake". And Since Dead Iron roll's a secondary free stat with up to 200 % Avalanche damage, then why not use it?". We ran simulations in d3planner, and this IS the best choice.
To See MORE DETAILED Item-Stats: http://ptr.d3planner.com/953687051
Paragon Priorities
Movement Speed |
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Maximum Resource |
Cooldown Reduction |
Critical Hit Chance |
Critical Hit Damage |
Attack Speed |
Resist All |
Armor |
Life |
Life Regeneration |
Area Damage |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Life on Hit |
Gold Find |
This build is part of The Ultimate Guide for Patch 2.4- Season 5, with all the new builds for all classes, you can see the spreadsheet here:
>>> www.tinyurl.com/S5Builds <<<
If you have any questions about the Skill-, Gear-, Stat-choices or anything about the build. You are more than welcome, to ask me on one of the following platforms:
a) Diablofans: http://www.diablofans.com/members/223051-drahque
c) E-mail: Drahque@gmail.com
d) For LIVE-answers: www.twitch.tv/Drahque
e) In this guide on here on Dfans
This build will be up-dated regularly by Drahque. And daily on the spreadsheet: www.tinyurl.com/S5Builds
P.S. there is also D3planner Simulations for the build in-included in it.
Leap has a base 10 second cooldown. Therefore for you to have 8s remaining you are tossing with only 60 fury. Make sure you have at least 150 max fury or better yet 180 max fury (Paragon + Gear + Animosity). This means you are reducing the cooldown by 5s or 6s respectively. I use CDR on shoulders + gem in socket with 180 fury and it feels like there is little to no cooldown on leap.
I was thinking, at the moment I practically don't use right click Earthquake. Would it be a good idea to replace it with ground stomp, so that Dead Iron belt procs? I'm at GR 40 at the moment.
I was also thinking about this, because right click Earthquake is mostly on cooldown for me.
hey so i'm basically ahivng the same problem, time to time my leap would be on cd for like 2 more seconds after boulder toss, so how does one go about getting to 180 fury? i'm at 142 right now, should i put para point on max resource until i hit 180 before str then? though so far it hasnt been a problem on gr50, or i may have just been lucky at avoiding stuff.
In your boots section you have Call of the Ancients damage. I think you want Ancient Spear damage.
I dont want to be that guy but I am. Do you guys actually read the comments above yours?
Its an error, ancient spear damage works, or movement speed to eek out some more strength or Armour.
I have decided to stay with the Mote build for the season, I just have a few questions my build is slightly different than this. Firstly I am using fire and not physical why use physical when the fire dmg is so much more aside from Boulder toss to be physical?, secondly I have avalanche on my skill bar so BotT procs a high damage avalanche again fire, is there any significant difference for running battlerage and not avalanche?
Not sure I am understanding your question correctly. Because we generally use cave-in to suck in monsters with earthquake this makes 100% of your damage physical. Having avalanche on your bars makes sense battle rage is certainly boring. "Significant difference" best bet would have to be to hit up d3 planner plug in your stats and see if if its a significant enough difference for you. If you are saying you put molten fury earthquake on your bars instead of cave in and then volcano on your avalanche that sounds like a fun fire based build!
Haven't tested myself but in the past because boulder toss uses *ALL* of your fury reduced resource cost will not do anything. Ancient parthenon defenders and strongarm are both great bracers for this build.
lovignt his build so far! I think that Max resource should be put to #2 instead of last cause maxing it out, i got up to 190 which is instant reset on leap. 180 wasn't cutting it out for me probs not enough cdr?
here's my guy http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/McFly-1488/hero/71032836
Also I think it's also beneficial to have at least 1 item with life per fury spent, Especially if you have relentless on Hellfire! It works so well with boulder toss since it consumes all your fury. I cant say how many times I've lived thanks to this!
And, what do you guys suggest for cube if i don't have 300th spear or furnace? currently using maximus, would anything be better?
finally, how do you guys deal with breakable obstacles (doors, etc) that blocks pathway? >.>
I did run molten until yesterday, the splash dmg with Boulder toss and BR: Bloodshed is intense with EQ pulling so many mobs to one place hitting them with Boulder toss is one mass explosion of dmg, So I changed over to physical.
PS. It seems to me like most of the dmg in this build is from Boulder Toss so that should probably answer the question many people are asking why Skular's Salvation and not Ancient parthan defenders.
The stat priority of the weapon should be Socket (gift) -> high bonus damage (no any element is fine) -> 10% damage -> Str -> gets more debateable. Personally I use and would recommend vit, CDR is also very strong, life per fury spent is also ok. Edit: Of course the earthquake % also matters a great deal.
That sucks at least you got them now
So the sim says in a normal grift aoe scenario boulder toss is about 10% of our dps. In the case of just the RG which is boulder toss best situation, it says its about 15% of our dps.
What should be the 5th passive from hellfire amulet?
Has anyone tried out using In-geom in the cube? A few days ago I didnt have a cubed Furnace so I tried out In-geom, it makes your leap and threatening shout 0 cd so you just spam those 2 together and devastate everything in sight while perma stunning with leap. It seemed like it was a lot more damage than 50% elite damage when it was up but the prob is its not up for every elite. Is it a viable option or is Furnace just too reliable to pass?
Boots show show cota skill