[2.4] GR85+ Earthquake (solo/group)
Eyes of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit CHC Socket
Spires of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR CDR
Hellfire Amulet
- Stat Priority: Physical % CHC CHD Socket
Spirit of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Socket
Skular's Salvation
- Stat Priority: Physical % Str Vit CHC
Pull of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit CHC CHD
Dread Iron
- Stat Priority: Str Vit Life LPS
Weight of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Socket
Foundation of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Skill: CotA
Blade of the Tribes
- Stat Priority: Str Dmg % LPS Socket
Legendary Gems
Kanai's Cube
5th passive on Hellfire amulet: Nerves of Steel.
MOST COMMON ASKED QUESTION: "Why DEAD IRON belt?". Well, because our weapon *Blade of the tribes has following secondary: "WAR CRY and Threatning shout now CAUSE and Avalance and Earthquake". And Since Dead Iron roll's a secondary free stat with up to 200 % Avalanche damage, then why not use it?". We ran simulations in d3planner, and this IS the best choice.
To See MORE DETAILED Item-Stats: http://ptr.d3planner.com/953687051
Paragon Priorities
Movement Speed |
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Maximum Resource |
Cooldown Reduction |
Critical Hit Chance |
Critical Hit Damage |
Attack Speed |
Resist All |
Armor |
Life |
Life Regeneration |
Area Damage |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Life on Hit |
Gold Find |
This build is part of The Ultimate Guide for Patch 2.4- Season 5, with all the new builds for all classes, you can see the spreadsheet here:
>>> www.tinyurl.com/S5Builds <<<
If you have any questions about the Skill-, Gear-, Stat-choices or anything about the build. You are more than welcome, to ask me on one of the following platforms:
a) Diablofans: http://www.diablofans.com/members/223051-drahque
c) E-mail: Drahque@gmail.com
d) For LIVE-answers: www.twitch.tv/Drahque
e) In this guide on here on Dfans
This build will be up-dated regularly by Drahque. And daily on the spreadsheet: www.tinyurl.com/S5Builds
P.S. there is also D3planner Simulations for the build in-included in it.
Agreed also the first spec in awhile that I feel like I can play in a group or solo and only switch a couple of items. Means more time playing less time moving gems / jewelry around.
I always play Barbarian and this is by far the most fun iv ever had since iv played this game. Its soooo good <3
I guess it will be impossible to do 85+ with this build (without 2k paragon).
No survability at all.
Why CotA on boots as 4th stat if CotA is not used in this build?
None? Band of might? Nearly perma stun? Try APD ?
Appreciate the answer Idyar_The_Omnipotent I ended up doing both of those things you mentioned. Sorry for the late reply lol.
NOOOO SORRY, no damage at all haha.
Iv been playing Barbarian only since iv been playing this game since it came out in 2012 and this now is by far the most fun iv ever had playing with the barbarian. yes, more fun than the whirl wing build. LOVE IT
btw...this really does have potential to push very far GRIFTS.
okay guys so I HAVE A QUESTION here...I know this build uses Focus and Restraint but i like to use Unity w/ my Templar in solo rifts so what "other" ring should i use with my Unity for doing greater rift solos? I just really dont know. I am using this build btw.
Hey I have a question about this build how does one kill a gelatinous sire efficiently solo? Ive ran in to a couple and can never kill all of them a few always end up getting away after they split
With enough CDR (I think I have around 30-40% sheet CDR) i dont seem to have much issue with resetting the leap CD, but when I do I tend to cheese it by waiting a split second before tossing the boulder as mobs tend to still be stunned. In terms of maximizing damage/fury would it make more sense to leap x 3, boulder toss, war cry/threatening shout (whichever is up), boulder toss, then repeat? Maybe i dont have quite enough max fury yet to justify the 4 generators then fury dump though, and havent crunched the numbers to know for sure.
Why does the boots have call of the ancients skill on them when you dont use the skill?
Weapon Master > Animosity right? every enemy you hit +2 Fury so a Leap combo can max out your Fury vs Animosity a Leap combo will only give you around 100 Fury.
Animosity increases fury generated by 10% Earthen might generates a minimum 30 per avalanche or earthquake. As well as what was previously posted the max fury is important to toss more which means to reset more of the cooldown on leap.
I believe this is correct.
Maybe im wrong but it just feels better to me.
I wonder what is the top rift you can do with this build guys?
Baaah, just tested IK + Raekor (without perfect itens) at paragon 650 and it's 1000 times better man.
And more fun imo