[2.4] GR85+ Earthquake (solo/group)
Eyes of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit CHC Socket
Spires of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR CDR
Hellfire Amulet
- Stat Priority: Physical % CHC CHD Socket
Spirit of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Socket
Skular's Salvation
- Stat Priority: Physical % Str Vit CHC
Pull of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit CHC CHD
Dread Iron
- Stat Priority: Str Vit Life LPS
Weight of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Socket
Foundation of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Skill: CotA
Blade of the Tribes
- Stat Priority: Str Dmg % LPS Socket
Legendary Gems
Kanai's Cube
5th passive on Hellfire amulet: Nerves of Steel.
MOST COMMON ASKED QUESTION: "Why DEAD IRON belt?". Well, because our weapon *Blade of the tribes has following secondary: "WAR CRY and Threatning shout now CAUSE and Avalance and Earthquake". And Since Dead Iron roll's a secondary free stat with up to 200 % Avalanche damage, then why not use it?". We ran simulations in d3planner, and this IS the best choice.
To See MORE DETAILED Item-Stats: http://ptr.d3planner.com/953687051
Paragon Priorities
Movement Speed |
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Maximum Resource |
Cooldown Reduction |
Critical Hit Chance |
Critical Hit Damage |
Attack Speed |
Resist All |
Armor |
Life |
Life Regeneration |
Area Damage |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Life on Hit |
Gold Find |
This build is part of The Ultimate Guide for Patch 2.4- Season 5, with all the new builds for all classes, you can see the spreadsheet here:
>>> www.tinyurl.com/S5Builds <<<
If you have any questions about the Skill-, Gear-, Stat-choices or anything about the build. You are more than welcome, to ask me on one of the following platforms:
a) Diablofans: http://www.diablofans.com/members/223051-drahque
c) E-mail: Drahque@gmail.com
d) For LIVE-answers: www.twitch.tv/Drahque
e) In this guide on here on Dfans
This build will be up-dated regularly by Drahque. And daily on the spreadsheet: www.tinyurl.com/S5Builds
P.S. there is also D3planner Simulations for the build in-included in it.
Idyar what's your strength/ paragon just for comparison's sake.
I'm para 780 and have 12,500 str (pre-rampage). And can do 75s solo, so I don't think I'm too far behind you.
i think he 86+ on build title is only realistic for non seasonal paragon 2000, gem Lvl 90 people.
What would you say is more important on a amulet 20% physical damage or 100% critical damage?
Also, shouldn't we remove resource cost reduction from paragon? Doesn't that interfere with our fury dump - boulder toss?
ok this maybe a stupid question since im am still a noob at this game (but i enjoy playing it every few months) but how do i equip battle rage, war cry, and threatening shout when i can only select one ingame since they are on the same keybinding?
Thanks for the explanation. Cheers.
Stat priority on Ammy in Order of best to worst is typically
the way Boulder toss works is that it spends all of your fury. Resource cost reduction doesn't work on this mechanic, since all fury spent mechanics are based upon actual fury spent, not effective fury spent. Regardless of how much RCR you have you will always spend 180 fury (or however large your pool is) throwing a Boulder.
Theoretically RCR increases how much "effective" fury you spend. If you have 180 fury and 10% RCR, you would have to "spend" 198 fury to actually lower your resource bar from 180 to 0. However like mentioned before... The mechanic is based upon actual fury spent not "effective" fury spent. RCR is worth avoiding in other builds such as a WW build that uses fury spent to reset cool downs, but it's meaningless with Boulder toss.
Currently only have 1 augment and para 820. I am pushing on my Sader and this is my second character. I have 10,613 strength in town with no buffs. Good luck pushing ! I am going for Gr 80 and I think im a couple hundred paragon away probably.
Hi so this may sound stupid but this is my build http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Madhatter-2277/hero/71391045 and I cannot complete gr70. The main reason is that even if the output damage is quite high, I die really, really fast. What am I missing? I really do not understand. I think I play it correctly, band of might procs, everything is like described in this guide...
Other than that I see is that you have bar a few all horrible 2ndary rolls ( thorns / gold / pickup / exp ) for this build. Try getting resistances on items where you cant have AR on ( helm / bracers / neck / rings ) and Life per Kill / reduced time in CC ( since we dont have perma wrath frozen and nightmare elites can really ruin your day )
Lastly , I see people preferring 10% weapon damage over 1400+ vitality on weapon but Im not sure if its the right choice, at gr 72 + I run into problems that bosses simply oneshot me. I changed to a lower dps weapon with vit and I do 72 just fine.
I am having trouble pushing past the 60s, here is my current gear http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Pelistorm-6910/hero/68525689
I take too much damage when I get bursted, is animosity needed or just a cushion to help with fury gen? I was thinking of swapping it out for Nerves of Steel, but if it is needed I guess I can just try and farm for a hellfire with one of the 5 passives I need but I really like having superstition stacked with esoteric.
Your boots are pretty horrible rolled, so thats where I would dump my bloodshards first.
That said, I think you simply need more vitality. I generally use rule of thumb 100k life per 10 levels of grift, i.e. I wouldnt go 60+ without having at least 600k hp to avoid burst deaths.
Anomosity is used by most to have 180+ fury combined with paragon and items, this will reduce the CD of the earth set skills by 6 seconds every time you throw a boulder so you have a nice rotation going.
Quick question: Why the CotA+ on the boots, considering boots can't roll CotA? Did you mean Ancient Spear?
Why does it say CotA skill on boots?
I'm confused why everyone is going physical damage in this build. I understand that keeping it physical damage for all skills in theory should maximize your damage but I am finding that is not the case for my gear at least. Before I begin please keep in mind every time I ran a simulation I make sure to change % elemental damage on the neck and bracers and changed the skills to reflect that elemental damage in use and adjusted the skill priority before simulating. I hope someone can show me what I am doing wrong here.
Every time I simulate vs a boss, elites or just white mobs using fire damage for earthquake and ground stomp my damage is increased by at least 5 billion more than using physical damage with only a single rift boss target and it's even higher if I am attacking elites with white mobs. I am also using Skular's Salvation and even with those bracers my damage is reduced significantly when using any combination of blood shed or cave-in with the physical % damage on neck and bracers and making sure to re-configure skill priority.
Not knowing exactly how the skills are calculated in the simulation my priorities are set with blood shed casting first thinking I would want to have that up before engaging then leap then falter then war cry then earthquake. When I simulate the fire damage earthquake with ground stomp, a note to mention here is for some reason the key to the increase damage is ground stomp as when I switch ground stomp out for battle rage blood shed my damage decreases by a lot. Can any one else reproduce this or see if I am missing something here?
Now that I am thinking does d3planner simulate an avalanche and earthquake when using war cry/threatening shout when the blade of the tribes is equipment? Also does it also simulate the additional avalanche when ground stomp is used?
Hey bro,
thanks for the good work here!
I can not roll CotA on the feet, is that a typo?
If so, what should the stat priority be on the feet?
Thanks again,
Would this be the proper rotation
Leap x 3 -> Shout -> Toss
Leap x 3 -> Cry -> Toss
Leap x 3 -> Shout -> Toss
Leap x 3 -> Quake -> Toss
Leap x 3 -> Shout -> Toss
Leap x 3 -> Cry -> Toss
Leap x 3 -> Shout -> Toss
Leap x 3 -> All skills on cooldown
Great build! Working on getting geared and look forward to playing this in-game!
OK, General question.... I would like to take advantage of seeing all my toons on Battle.net but last time I looked at my profile, I only see my first toon and that at lvl 1. Is there some setting either in D3 or Battle.net to update my characters?
Yes, I have read ALL the comments and CotA is NOT available on the boots! ROFL
This is how I do it. And you can use the shouts/cry at any point during the three leaps. Earthquake is best to save for use just before you Boulder toss, as leap will be on CD at that point. You will be vulnerable for a split second so I would suggest being on the outskirts of the pack for that one.
edit: number one leap quake Barb on seasonal leaderboard is Rank 26, with a GR 81 clear. He's not even paragon 1,000. Gives me hope. It's misleading cuz s lot of these guys have leap quake on their profile even though that's not what they use to make leader board... Gotta look at the "view hero details" page when in game to see the snapshot of the clearing build.