[2.4] GR85+ Earthquake (solo/group)
Eyes of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit CHC Socket
Spires of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR CDR
Hellfire Amulet
- Stat Priority: Physical % CHC CHD Socket
Spirit of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Socket
Skular's Salvation
- Stat Priority: Physical % Str Vit CHC
Pull of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit CHC CHD
Dread Iron
- Stat Priority: Str Vit Life LPS
Weight of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Socket
Foundation of the Earth
- Stat Priority: Str Vit AR Skill: CotA
Blade of the Tribes
- Stat Priority: Str Dmg % LPS Socket
Legendary Gems
Kanai's Cube
5th passive on Hellfire amulet: Nerves of Steel.
MOST COMMON ASKED QUESTION: "Why DEAD IRON belt?". Well, because our weapon *Blade of the tribes has following secondary: "WAR CRY and Threatning shout now CAUSE and Avalance and Earthquake". And Since Dead Iron roll's a secondary free stat with up to 200 % Avalanche damage, then why not use it?". We ran simulations in d3planner, and this IS the best choice.
To See MORE DETAILED Item-Stats: http://ptr.d3planner.com/953687051
Paragon Priorities
Movement Speed |
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Maximum Resource |
Cooldown Reduction |
Critical Hit Chance |
Critical Hit Damage |
Attack Speed |
Resist All |
Armor |
Life |
Life Regeneration |
Area Damage |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Life on Hit |
Gold Find |
This build is part of The Ultimate Guide for Patch 2.4- Season 5, with all the new builds for all classes, you can see the spreadsheet here:
>>> www.tinyurl.com/S5Builds <<<
If you have any questions about the Skill-, Gear-, Stat-choices or anything about the build. You are more than welcome, to ask me on one of the following platforms:
a) Diablofans: http://www.diablofans.com/members/223051-drahque
c) E-mail: Drahque@gmail.com
d) For LIVE-answers: www.twitch.tv/Drahque
e) In this guide on here on Dfans
This build will be up-dated regularly by Drahque. And daily on the spreadsheet: www.tinyurl.com/S5Builds
P.S. there is also D3planner Simulations for the build in-included in it.
So idk if anyone is having the issue i am having which is i don't have enough damage to kill past g rift 75 maybe its because i don't have all my gear enchanted idk. I am at para 760
My issue with this strategy is two things.
first, you spend a lot more time on the ground, since you are Boulder tossing twice between each leap rotation, might not seem like a lot of time but it's enough time for mobs to swing at you when your stuns are diminished.
The second thing is that you are trying to optimize your Boulder toss damage, at the expense of how quickly you lay down more earth quakes. You get 2-3 extra half strength boulders in which hit a small area, and you probably end up with 7 earthquakes stacked up instead of 8. So you end up not actually doing any extra damage.
your correct though its probably more of a comfort level thing, but I'm sure when you are trying to push and get a personal best you'll notice the difficulty at dodging hits.
So im wondering where im falling short. I have fully ancient gear (minus the hellfire), specced as the guide says and cant seem to push out enough dmg to put mobs down fast enough to clear higher than a 69 greater rift. How exactly is this build capable of 85+? Would love to continue using this build as its the only one that doesnt get one shot at higher than 69 but cant progress any further without maximizing damage output. Any guidance on the proper use or the tricks to killing the trash fast enough to get a grift boss to spawn before time is already over would be amazing.
Stop to look at the items and think before you ask. You can clearly see dread iron belt gives huge dps bonus to Avalanche and the other one also gives a dps bonus. There is NOT a pair of bracers that buff earthquake or Avalanche. Therefore you basically just asked "why make yourself do more damage?" You might be right though perhaps doing lots of damage is pointless. In order to find out if that's true you should remove all of your items/gear, dismiss any followers or pets you may have, start a solo greater rift on the highest difficulty you have access to, and go hug those mobs to death. Then repeat that at least 10 times so you know for sure luck had no part in what you did and compare your score to what you get by doing damage. After that is all done and you have your answer feel free to let everyone know because I am sure you are not the only 1 who thinks that doing more damage is pointless.
Yes, leap starts focus/restraint... as long as you hit someone. Yes the avalanche/earthquake hits all trigger Bane of the Stricken and it adds up pretty quick especially against elites. I've had crits for 30bil+ with a full fury boulder toss. It's a pretty crazy build. Only thing I'm missing is nerves of steel on hellfire amulet.
You shouldn't really be losing out on too much fury because with paragon/animosity you will have at least 180 fury so after three leaps and a shout/cry/EQ you will be ready to leap again and any capping loss will be inconsequential.
What should I use if I dont have Furnace? 650 paragon levels still not one has dropped
How much of your gear has been augmented with gems?
wudijo guide says that a player at your level gains about 40% damage by throwing a level 70 in every ancient (+4200 strength). That could be the difference for you.
Besides that id say its strategy. Are you doing the rotation correctly to reset your leaps? Are you skipping low density areas? Are you skipping unfavorable yellow packs? I sort of hit a wall at like GR 72-3 then watched a view videos on when to skip, when to not skip, and that alone allowed me to push another few levels. The key here is scouting. I bet numerous times you've spent 60 seconds killing a blue pack to walk around a corner and find another blue pack. You could of killed them both in the time it took you to kill one. Same thing counts for shrines, if your fighting a huge clump, there may be a conduit right around the corner... Scout ahead. Scouting ahead also allows you to Agro and pull more mobs together. And if there's not a giant clump... Skip it. Move on.
best player on seasonal leaderboard has done an 81. I have pretty much same level gear as him and have done a 78, that's pretty much as far as gear will carry you. Anything after that is paragon levels, skillcap and just RNG of getting a good rift. The level 85+ is not realistic, unless maybe you hit 3k paragon with perfect gear.
quick question I have liked this build, but seem to get hosed by garbage in rifts.
7Are you able to switch out eatquake for avalanche glacier because I hae bad crowd control and I am ow stuck on 80 I cant get any highr
im really new at posting things on this site. how would i go about linking my profile?
im really new at posting things on this site. how would i go about linking my profile?so following those instructions below this is what i came up with: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Havocdemon-1442/hero/72206869. That being said i was debating back and forth between fire and physical. any thoughts from the populace?
Issues with this build:
1. Threatening shout and war cry have long CD's and aren't reduced by any of the gear or skills,
2. There isn't any spammable attacks,
3. Battle rage skill slot is a waste - you could use an 800% increased dmg ground stomp (obv better w/ belt) OR an 800% increase seismic slam you could spam with much bigger AOE and effectiveness than ancient spears tiny radius.
4. Ancient spear wasting all of your fury with only 1 attack in a 9 yard radius so when your TS and WC are on CD you're forced to just leap around the map to get fury while you wait?
5. There;s also no need to actually have earthquake waste a skill slot when 3 of your abilities constantly cause it, could replace it with the 800% increased avalanche spammable with tectonic rift or again Ground stomp or seismic slam .
6. Animosity also a waste of a passive, could get any number of passives that significantly boost dmg or defense instead - brawler, pound of flesh, weapon master, relentless, no escape, superstition.
None of these issues are mutually exclusive, they are just parts that make no sense to me and there seems to be 4-5 different ways to make this build better and more effective with a few switches IMO. Just don't get all the hype about it with all the obvious holes.
Have you actually tried this build or just theorycrafting without playing it ?
Anyway Ill bite....
1. Its used by your BIS weapon
2. With enough CDR and or extra fury on belt and weapon you are airborn 8 or 9 out of 10 seconds due to leap
3. Ive seen others use WOTB in this slot, still grifting is mostly about cleaning up aoe packs fast and burning blue / yellow mobs while doing so Id say a constant boost beats a temporarily boost. Also as said, its all about effecient AOE where WOTB provides ST damage mostly. SS doesnt add that much damage nor mobility which is what you want for progressing rifts.
4. Fury gets up to full in 3 jumps + one skill due to passives, plus the ancient spear fully resets your leap cd due to the earth set bonus
5. It is needed to make the build physical and do the grouping up which you need to do in grifts. Without it the element would be fire and non runed.
6. Animosity is needed so you get 6 seconds reduced CD on leap instead of 5 which is HUGE to make this build actually work ( more leaps , less time on ground = more outgoing damage and less incoming damage ).
Hope this helps and you actually try the build with some CDr on items to make it fluid.
So Hey Guys I have been using this build since Day one!!!
Here is my Build so far http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/LaGranMuerte-1466/hero/72714802
I know im missing some gear but I do what I can with the time given to me
Any WHO what I really wanted to get feed back on is the weapon slot in cube
I was using "The Furnace" But found that the Spear was Doing way more damage and helping me clear mobs way faster.
Any thoughts on this guys?
Hey Man
Thank you for this i for some reason couldn't find anything like this out there
Guess ill juggle them both depending on how high the grift level is
Hey, is there an optimal value or a minimum amount of cooldown reduction? I'm stuck at 33,33%, I think it's a bit too low .. http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Akron-2219/hero/74651759
Try increasing your max fury by secondaries on belt/weapon or paragon. Max fury is basically CDR via boulder toss and 2pc. This will also increase the damage of your bolder toss.
Occasional D3 player and I have been playing this build and having fun with it. I wanted to know which follower is best suited for this build?