Build Guide
Great name for this build. Heh.
This is just a build I threw together. After gaining the last piece for the Earth set. The Cube items are just what I have gotten and cubed. Anyone is free to use what they want. For the Legendary Gems always use Trapped and Stricken. You can switch out Taeguk for Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard, Zei's Stone of Vengeance or Bane of the Powerful. Tell me what you guys think.
Left Click: Ancient Spear - Boulder Toss (Use it at last moments as it takes all your fury. I use it to refresh the CD on Leap and Ground Stomp)
Right Click: Seismic Slam - Strength From Earth (Use this as your main fury spender. SFE rune to increse survivability.)
#1 Slot: Leap - Call of Arreat (Basic knowledge for this. Use this all the time to generate fury and gather enemies near you.)
#2 Slot: Ground Stomp - Wrenching Smash (Again, use to stun all the time and pull mobs in)
#3 Slot: Avalanche - Tectonic Rift (Use at all times on big mob packs. I use tectonic rift for the 3 charges so I can spam the dmg done)
#4 Slot: Earthquake - Cave-In (Used to pull in mobs again)
Earthen Might - Fury gained after casting Avalanche/Earthquake
Brawler - Increased Dmg from all those mobs gathered around you
Rampage - Increased strength to continue doing dmg
Bloodthirst - Increased Survive Rates
Movement Speed |
Primary Stat |
Maximum Resource |
Vitality |
Cooldown Reduction |
Critical Hit Damage |
Critical Hit Chance |
Attack Speed |
Resist All |
Armor |
Life |
Life Regeneration |
Area Damage |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Life on Hit |
Gold Find |
Basically here's how it is:
Mvt Speed: 50points cap it out.
Strength: 50points.
Max Resource: 50points cap it out.
Vitality: 50points.
Repeat Str and Vit every 50points.
CDR: 50points cap it out.
CHD: 50points cap it out.
CHC: 50points cap it out.
AS: 50points cap it out.
Resist All: 50points cap it out.
Armor: 50points cap it out.
Life: 50points cap it out.
LR: 50points cap it out.
AD: 50points cap it out.
RCR: 50points cap it out.
LoH: 50points cap it out.
GF: 50points cap it out.
That's the way I'm doing it.
Great name for this build. Heh.