Firebirds Group Speed 90s Clearer
Firebird's Plume
- Stat Priority: Int Vit CHC Socket
Firebird's Pinions
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + CDR
The Traveler's Pledge
- Stat Priority: Fire % CHD CHC
Firebird's Breast
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + Socket
Ancient Parthan Defenders
- Stat Priority: Int Vit CHC Fire %
Firebird's Talons
- Stat Priority: Int CHD CHC CDR
Fazula's Improbable Chain
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + Life
Firebird's Down
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + Socket
Firebird's Tarsi
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + MS
The Compass Rose
Convention of Elements
- Stat Priority: CHD CHC CDR Int
Chantodo's Will
- Stat Priority: AS CDR Dmg % Int
Chantodo's Force
- Stat Priority: CDR Int CHC
Legendary Gems
Kanai's Cube
This build guide is similar to Solo Firebirds build guides with slight changes. You drop bane of the Stricken for bane of the powerful as you will not get many stricken stacks on the rift guardian and powerful is more useful for the rift clear. You Cube ingeom instead of furnace as it will allow you to pop back into archon sooner with little to no need for chantados and longer durations of your swami effect.
I am also very aware that armor slot and ring slots are missing for Kanais for some reason the Swami and Obsidian ring are not showing on the lists.
I apologize for the bad explanation as I am still new to making guides.
Paragon Priorities
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Movement Speed |
Maximum Resource |
Attack Speed |
Cooldown Reduction |
Critical Hit Chance |
Critical Hit Damage |
Life |
Armor |
Resist All |
Life Regeneration |
Area Damage |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Life on Hit |
Gold Find |
I don't understand how this build works, where is the fire damage for the firebird dot proc?
Thanks for answering for me Rimtuoliz very busy grinding out them paragonz atm
ok ty for the explanation
In 2.4 archon or chantodo was changed to select your current highest magic dmg % (sheet) as it's element type. 1 item with 1% fire dmg will award fire nova, same for any other element.
Thanks for helping clear stuff up as I have many build guides Im responding to and also Paragon farming atm
What kinda gem should be used in helmet?
Diamond Thanks Ill add that
you can now add The Swami and Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac to the cube WildBill_69
Thanks @Haldiri
My 1st question is,why the APD is there.what is the function of APD if there is no halo and stunned enemy ?
My 2nd question is,what is the function of chantodo if we use ingeom and get very fast CD can get to archon immediately after archon finish and no stack of chantodo at all ?
Chantodos was to proc the Fire Elementall as that is your highest Elemental which dictates what the wave will be and procs your firebirds stacks
In S11 I have the all the Right Gear with the %fire dmg on the gear but my archon still continues to be ARcane because of the skill maybe?