92+ Solo Build Firebirds
Firebird's Plume
- Stat Priority: Int Vit CHC
Firebird's Pinions
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + CDR
The Traveler's Pledge
- Stat Priority: Fire % CHD CHC Socket
Firebird's Breast
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + Socket
Ancient Parthan Defenders
- Stat Priority: Int Vit CHC Fire %
Firebird's Talons
- Stat Priority: Int CHD CHC CDR
Fazula's Improbable Chain
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + Life
Firebird's Down
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor +
Firebird's Tarsi
- Stat Priority: Int Vit Armor + MS
The Compass Rose
Halo of Arlyse
- Stat Priority: CHD CHC CDR
Chantodo's Will
- Stat Priority: AS CDR Dmg %
Chantodo's Force
- Stat Priority: Int CHC CDR
Legendary Gems
Kanai's Cube
This is your very basic Firebirds Build for Solo Play with the change of dropping frost Nova for Sparkflint for a continuous 10% more damage throughout the rift. You will do your best to always get 20 stack Chantodos to maximize its damage. You want to focus on being within many mobs on the map to proc your Ancient Parthians through Halo of Arlyse.
I am also very aware that armor slot and ring slots are missing for Kanais for some reason the Swami and Obsidian ring are not showing on the lists.
Just remember Swami and Obsidian Ring
Paragon Priorities
Primary Stat |
Vitality |
Movement Speed |
Maximum Resource |
Attack Speed |
Cooldown Reduction |
Critical Hit Chance |
Critical Hit Damage |
Life |
Armor |
Resist All |
Life Regeneration |
Area Damage |
Resource Cost Reduction |
Life on Hit |
Gold Find |
Nice build! Looking forward to trying it out tonight when the season starts!
Quick question. What do u use in the Armor/Ring slot ?
I am also very aware that armor slot and ring slots are missing for Kanais for some reason the Swami and Obsidian ring are not showing on the lists.
Just remember Swami and Obsidian Ring
It's bugged out so he added a reminder at the bottom.
Thanks Rasize
Could you explain how to stay alive while out of archon? What legendary gem would you advice to replace to get more defense? I am thinking stricken for esoteric or gizzard.
For example if i change Famillar for frost nova or explosive blast, should i try to stay in a group of mobs or teleport away? There is kinda a dilemma cause of ancient parthan defenders. I also find myself without arcane power at times, do i need apoc?
Some yellow elites or specific rift bosses just oneshot me if i tray to stay in melee. Rime, the one which spawns poison etc. Thats in gr71.
if u have issues swap CoE for Halo of arlyse then and use powerful over stricken
Its pretty clear and obvious when someone has 28+ upvotes and has consistently been receiving upvotes throughout the day and not even 3 hours after drahques guides are posted the person who had more upvotes is down voted to less than 16 on every single guide. That in itself is very fishy and should require some sort of investigation. Whether it was vote manipulation or asking people to down vote someone else just purely so they are top its bad business etiquette and shitty especially for a known Botter exploiter and cheater overall in this game. I wouldnt care as much if my shit was not down voted for pure gains and he had better guides but its very clear that he is manipulating votes by asking for people to down vote or making multiple accounts to do so.
Glad you like the build guide
thanks for the upvotes
I recently Updated due to finding better results with Frost nova I can change the video when I have a better sample yes. No guide is perfect thats why I will try to maintain updating it as I find better results
Hello, and thank you very much for sharing your build. I really enjoyed the ice armor / halo of arlyse synergy.
I have a dumb question though: you dont mention the sockets on rings as a priority feature. Is that because it isnt or it is assumed from the start that "duh, you ALWAYS need sockets on all your jewelry"?
I ask you that because many times I am putting a socket and leaving a very important stat behind, like CHC or CHD.
Best regards,
This might sound stupid, but does the Chantodo's will rolled with holy damage, is that ok ? or does it need to be fire?
Secondly if I am going to get + fire damage and + arcane damage, it's important that the fire damage be atleast 1 % higher right ?
Please explain the rational behind your answers.
Your help is very much appreciated.
P.s Build seems awesome though
Chantodos elemental damage on weapon does not matter. Yes you need your highest elemental to be fire % even if its 1% for the aoe to be fire and proc your firebirds buffs
The Rational behind having arcane is that when you start killing things your arcane spells in archon will begin to do damage due to swami stacks carrying over.
Why static discharge instead of flame ward rune on arcane torrent?
Not sure what kinda drugs you're on but having fire damage does not change your archon damage to fire... I've tried GR with your build here and it blows... There's no fire in this build!
Static to get ur up time on archon faster as it has higher proc coefficient than flameward
@stromzor the fire element is so your chantodos wave is fire to get firebirds stacks
How come you get like 10 sec CD on archon form? I am struggling with low uptime on archon. Even tho I have about 38 % CDR in gear + evocation passive and zodiac spams. Still feeling I am having low uptime in archon.
What is ur overall CDR You need really higher CDR im at 55+%
Doesnt really make sense, the view hero details says 38,13%, but evo is 20% + headgem 12.5% + shoulders 6% + offhand 6% adds up to 44,5%. So how does the CDR system actually work, I am kinda confused.Edit:Added paragon CDR ;now I have 44%, when it should be 20 + 10 + 6 + 6 + 12.5 which is 54.5I fucked up, its DR that changes it. But you recommend around 55%? Taking cdr in jewelry then?