He is not a natural warrior, but chopping down trees in the wilderness fringes of Mount Arreat has steeled his body. He uses the tool his hands are most accustomed to, his axe, along with the physique his environment has endowed him with to thrive in this hell on earth.
A more experienced warrior might engage enemies in close combat, but the woodsman recognizes the importance of playing to his own strengths. He employs hit and run tactics, and long range assaults to accomplish the same end. He outpaces his enemies, using his superior conditioning to make them fight on terms that he dictates.
The Woodsman Build: This build stresses survivability and meneuverability.
[] <- Indicates a specific runestone, IE [Golden] = Golden Runestone.
Assumptions: Sprint[Obsidian] throws out a respectable number of twisters. Throw Weapon[Indigo] acts like chain lightning in D2
I would possibly remove Bloodthirst and add Juggernaut
I would possible change Leap's runestone to Indigo or Obsidian, depending on the future mechanics of Sprint
Fury Generation
The Woodsman's utility skills double as a great source of fury. Stomp[Golden], Leap, Charge, and War Cry give him all the initial Fury he could use.
The combination of "Throw Weapon"[Indigo] and the Passive skill "No Escape" are used toward the middle of his battles, providing him with a powerful finishing move that returns as much Fury as he could need to Sprint to his next encounter.
Attack Damage
Sprint: Socketed with Obsidian (or optionally Alabaster), sprint has the potential to be quite the damage dealer
Throw Weapon: When combined with the Indigo rune and the "No Escape" passive skill, it potentially turns into a great source of AoE damage
Leap Attack: If socketed with Obsidian (Instead of Alabaster), it could provide good supplemental damage.
Avoidance: The nature of the woodsman's strengths keeps him at a distance from mele attackers. He uses throw and sprint; both long ranged attacks which slow his enemies while speeding him up. When he is in close range, he ensures his opponents are stunned or knocked back with Leap[Alabaster], Charge, and Stomp. Otherwise he employs quick hit and run tactics to deliver unreturned damage.
Resistance: War Cry[Obsidian] allows him a fair amount of armor for ranged physical attackers, and a huge amount of resistance to the elements. *Note that I almost chose to socket War Cry with [Alabaster] for the life bonus, but since he wasn't going to take a lot of mele damage, I figured magical resist was probably more valuable. Elemental resistance also fits the "Woodsman" character better*
Regeneration: Furious Charge[Indigo] and Bloodthirst(passive) provide him with spot-healing, while inspiring presence(Passive) ensures that while his enemies are stunned or he is keeping his distance, his health will be returning.
Escape: Stomp, Charge, Leap, and Sprint can all be used to get-out-of-Dodge, should things get dangerous enough to warrant retreat. Charging through a group of monsters to escape will also offer a health bonus during your escape. Optionally, if you swap Juggernaut in for Bloodthirst, you'll have an additional Health buffer when stunned, mezzed, etc.
Known Weaknesses
Single Target Bosses: If there are no additional monsters to bounce your thrown axes off of, your only reliable weapon that can deal enough damage is sprint (and optionally Leap). Your mobility and crowd control skills should let you get past these prolonged boss fights, though.
Confined Spaces with high HP monsters - This isn't a dangerous situation, but it is one where having a spammable mele skill would speed things up. You'll probably have to stun/knockdown lock the enemy monsters while you whittle away their health with axes.
It'd definitely be a difficult build to play (as any build that defies the principle characteristic of a class would), but could be fun too.
The only change I'd make to keep the flavor but help his weaknesses would be to swap Frenzy (indigo) for Leap Attack. Frenzy fits the fast nature of the character, and the sidearm rune sends piercing axes flying into the fray, a perfect fit. This way, you'd have a reliable fury generator coupled with some extra ranged damage to supplement your weapon throws and tornadoes.
Yeah, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't theorycrafting, so you could be right.
Though, from my initial impression, unless there are Fury-draining monsters in the game, you should have more than enough fury whenever you need it. If I disregard all fury benefits from damage, war cry, and even the Weapon Throw combo you spoke of (Which would have HUGE fury bonuses), you would still conservatively have 70 Fury every 15 seconds to use. That's enough to sprint almost constantly, and still have enough fury to use axe throw once during that time (with 10 fury to spare).
As that is a worst case scenario, at this time I can't imagine needing any more fury generating sources.
He is not a natural warrior, but chopping down trees in the wilderness fringes of Mount Arreat has steeled his body. He uses the tool his hands are most accustomed to, his axe, along with the physique his environment has endowed him with to thrive in this hell on earth.
A more experienced warrior might engage enemies in close combat, but the woodsman recognizes the importance of playing to his own strengths. He employs hit and run tactics, and long range assaults to accomplish the same end. He outpaces his enemies, using his superior conditioning to make them fight on terms that he dictates.
The Woodsman Build: This build stresses survivability and meneuverability.
[] <- Indicates a specific runestone, IE [Golden] = Golden Runestone.
Assumptions: Sprint[Obsidian] throws out a respectable number of twisters. Throw Weapon[Indigo] acts like chain lightning in D2
I would possibly remove Bloodthirst and add Juggernaut
I would possible change Leap's runestone to Indigo or Obsidian, depending on the future mechanics of Sprint
Fury Generation
The Woodsman's utility skills double as a great source of fury. Stomp[Golden], Leap, Charge, and War Cry give him all the initial Fury he could use.
The combination of "Throw Weapon"[Indigo] and the Passive skill "No Escape" are used toward the middle of his battles, providing him with a powerful finishing move that returns as much Fury as he could need to Sprint to his next encounter.
Attack Damage
Sprint: Socketed with Obsidian (or optionally Alabaster), sprint has the potential to be quite the damage dealer
Throw Weapon: When combined with the Indigo rune and the "No Escape" passive skill, it potentially turns into a great source of AoE damage
Leap Attack: If socketed with Obsidian (Instead of Alabaster), it could provide good supplemental damage.
Avoidance: The nature of the woodsman's strengths keeps him at a distance from mele attackers. He uses throw and sprint; both long ranged attacks which slow his enemies while speeding him up. When he is in close range, he ensures his opponents are stunned or knocked back with Leap[Alabaster], Charge, and Stomp. Otherwise he employs quick hit and run tactics to deliver unreturned damage.
Resistance: War Cry[Obsidian] allows him a fair amount of armor for ranged physical attackers, and a huge amount of resistance to the elements. *Note that I almost chose to socket War Cry with [Alabaster] for the life bonus, but since he wasn't going to take a lot of mele damage, I figured magical resist was probably more valuable. Elemental resistance also fits the "Woodsman" character better*
Regeneration: Furious Charge[Indigo] and Bloodthirst(passive) provide him with spot-healing, while inspiring presence(Passive) ensures that while his enemies are stunned or he is keeping his distance, his health will be returning.
Escape: Stomp, Charge, Leap, and Sprint can all be used to get-out-of-Dodge, should things get dangerous enough to warrant retreat. Charging through a group of monsters to escape will also offer a health bonus during your escape. Optionally, if you swap Juggernaut in for Bloodthirst, you'll have an additional Health buffer when stunned, mezzed, etc.
Known Weaknesses
Single Target Bosses: If there are no additional monsters to bounce your thrown axes off of, your only reliable weapon that can deal enough damage is sprint (and optionally Leap). Your mobility and crowd control skills should let you get past these prolonged boss fights, though.
Confined Spaces with high HP monsters - This isn't a dangerous situation, but it is one where having a spammable mele skill would speed things up. You'll probably have to stun/knockdown lock the enemy monsters while you whittle away their health with axes.
I really like this build. Sounds like an incredibly fun, and interesting play style for a barbarian. Great build for hardcore too. Though the overall damage will not be up to par as other builds I've seen. Though I think this is a great soloable build to try out.
Really love the idea. You've found a non-pvp use to have Leap, Charge, and Sprint, by making a highly mobile 'ranged' fighter. The post is well thought-out.
I would worry killing would go slowly, but it's all speculation at this point. Your weaknesses could become common situations, and even if not, they could still take up a large chunk of your play time as you burn through small packs and then have to run away from and re-engage bosses or huge high HP packs.
You really packed on the life leech; hopefully you'll be able to keep your distance and won't need so much. Though, if you think you're ok on fury, you could switch War Cry for Battle Rage and just try to go crazy and keep on the life-leech. Unless you're hardcore. I would get rid of the leech on charge, though, probably for Bull Rush. Your Bloodthirst -> Juggernaut option could be good, too, but it depends on how common stuns are and how fragile you feel.
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He is not a natural warrior, but chopping down trees in the wilderness fringes of Mount Arreat has steeled his body. He uses the tool his hands are most accustomed to, his axe, along with the physique his environment has endowed him with to thrive in this hell on earth.
A more experienced warrior might engage enemies in close combat, but the woodsman recognizes the importance of playing to his own strengths. He employs hit and run tactics, and long range assaults to accomplish the same end. He outpaces his enemies, using his superior conditioning to make them fight on terms that he dictates.
The Woodsman Build: This build stresses survivability and meneuverability.
Fury Generation
Attack Damage
Known Weaknesses
It'd definitely be a difficult build to play (as any build that defies the principle characteristic of a class would), but could be fun too.
The only change I'd make to keep the flavor but help his weaknesses would be to swap Frenzy (indigo) for Leap Attack. Frenzy fits the fast nature of the character, and the sidearm rune sends piercing axes flying into the fray, a perfect fit. This way, you'd have a reliable fury generator coupled with some extra ranged damage to supplement your weapon throws and tornadoes.
Nice concept.
Though, from my initial impression, unless there are Fury-draining monsters in the game, you should have more than enough fury whenever you need it. If I disregard all fury benefits from damage, war cry, and even the Weapon Throw combo you spoke of (Which would have HUGE fury bonuses), you would still conservatively have 70 Fury every 15 seconds to use. That's enough to sprint almost constantly, and still have enough fury to use axe throw once during that time (with 10 fury to spare).
As that is a worst case scenario, at this time I can't imagine needing any more fury generating sources.
I really like this build. Sounds like an incredibly fun, and interesting play style for a barbarian. Great build for hardcore too. Though the overall damage will not be up to par as other builds I've seen. Though I think this is a great soloable build to try out.
I would worry killing would go slowly, but it's all speculation at this point. Your weaknesses could become common situations, and even if not, they could still take up a large chunk of your play time as you burn through small packs and then have to run away from and re-engage bosses or huge high HP packs.
You really packed on the life leech; hopefully you'll be able to keep your distance and won't need so much. Though, if you think you're ok on fury, you could switch War Cry for Battle Rage and just try to go crazy and keep on the life-leech. Unless you're hardcore. I would get rid of the leech on charge, though, probably for Bull Rush. Your Bloodthirst -> Juggernaut option could be good, too, but it depends on how common stuns are and how fragile you feel.