I voted Nay because i dont want diablo to just be another WoW or Eq. I liked the admins idea (which to i added my own vision for).
There is like 4-5 chars for every class.
Lets use a barbarian as a example.
There would be 5 barbarians and each one would have a unique look and storyline. There could be perhaps 3 male barbarians and 2 female. Each would have a diffrent height and weight and body build.
But to be able to customize some simple stuff like eye and hair color would be neat.
if blizzard kept diablo 3 at the same angle, your eyes and face really wouldnt make a difference. but hair and stuff would be nice, i guess. One part i like about every necro or other class looking the same is you could indentify the person just by the way they looked.
i like th ehole 5 barbarians concept and shit but if u can alter eyes and facial expressions who gives a fuck you gonna wear gear anyways that covered that up
DeckardCain's idea is very nice,but i want 2 add some thing 2 it
like he sayed for ex:barbarian....5 kinds of them and evry single one would have like a difference in magic.for ex:female barbarian would have more long range magic then close combat......
and more examples as such.......
Should you be able to alter your eyes, face, hight, width, skin color, gender, hair color, hair style, etc. etc.
There is like 4-5 chars for every class.
Lets use a barbarian as a example.
There would be 5 barbarians and each one would have a unique look and storyline. There could be perhaps 3 male barbarians and 2 female. Each would have a diffrent height and weight and body build.
But to be able to customize some simple stuff like eye and hair color would be neat.
like he sayed for ex:barbarian....5 kinds of them and evry single one would have like a difference in magic.for ex:female barbarian would have more long range magic then close combat......
and more examples as such.......
SlipKNoT 4 EveR
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