me and my friend were thinking about the game being more in depth.
in d2 expansion all the 5 original chars (sorce pally barb necro and zon) all had their own town. pally was kurast. sorce was act1. zon was lut gulein. necro was act4 hell (because he summons demons), act5 was barb.
We were thinking that u get your warrior as he is old like always BUT you choose were u were born (so u have skills you were born with) and then u choose a type of religion (character class) that you studied as you grew up. so it will be a mix. say you were born in a dark place near hell (necro) and you studied the arts of the elamentalist sorcerer. stuff like that. but i dont think we should have sorcerers. i think if we do go with the idea about going back in time when the vizjiery came to power and the horadrim and the zakarum religion that we should go with classes more like those. obviously their were barbs zons sins druids stuff like that. but maybe if we make somthing like a vizjiery to be an elementalist in replace of the sorceress. and have the horadrim be a kind of battle mage. and instead of paladins have zakarumians (maybe ill work on that name lol) because thats were the paladins came from was the zakarum religion. i am constantly talking about these ideas with friends and people on diablo. ALOT of people simple LOVE the idea of going back and dealing with the horadrim. if you have questions im full of ideas and i cant wait to see how this turns out.
iunno if people would like this better or the classic each class has their own unique skills. i guess we have to ask around to figure that out. please tell me what you think
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Has This Corrupt Chaos Infested Itself In My Soul? Or Has My Soul Been The True Essence Of Corruption All Along.... ----GXAII----
tht sounds like an awsome idea.
i whold have alot of fun playing as like a barb tht could summon stuff like bears or goolems... tht whould be alot of fun.
thanx but like i said its an idea in progress.....basically were taking what we would like to c on diablo3 and hot things in games right now and mixing ideas.
but im glad u like it
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Has This Corrupt Chaos Infested Itself In My Soul? Or Has My Soul Been The True Essence Of Corruption All Along.... ----GXAII----
i dont want to change the story line like that trying to make the characters fit the story line. the palidens were created by the zakarum religion. and the vizjiery (the common sorcerer in that time period) will take the place of the sorcerer. tell me were trolls or elves would come into the game? its not a WoW game ok im trying my best to change things up and still stick to the classic shit thats workd for diablo for years
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Has This Corrupt Chaos Infested Itself In My Soul? Or Has My Soul Been The True Essence Of Corruption All Along.... ----GXAII----
yeah making their appearance might be favored to some people (like wanting to be a sorce but not a chick) its not somthing i think would be a big attraction but we are going to need small extras like that so making their appearance is fine to me i guess. its not totally up to me but iv been playing d2 since it came out (first day) and i dont play much else besides that. so i know wut d3 could improve on and since i know over 500 people on diablo (allied with clans) i know roughly what people would want to c in d3.
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Has This Corrupt Chaos Infested Itself In My Soul? Or Has My Soul Been The True Essence Of Corruption All Along.... ----GXAII----
I think you should just remove characters classes. Replace character classes with one skill tab being the same for all characters and that all characters have that tab. Add an Good/Evil alignment rating that would determine if you have access to a skill tab. Allow the players to choose the 2nd and 3rd skill tab by completing an "almost impossible" mission.
I would then make diablo3 like a never ending set of quests that would create a new world from the start. Having one town initially then as quests are completed adding new towns/areas or renewing previously added towns/areas as new quests are generated. Players should pay Gold (like 100 Gold per Character Level) to move between using Way Points (no more free way points).
I would then balance all the skill for a skill tab making them "make sense" and "be balanced" when compared to other skill tabs. Use synergies, but limit synergies to skills required to get the skill as well as maximum synergy level equal to the skill level of the skill benefiting from the synergies and how soon a skill can be obtained (like a skill obtained at Character Level 6 in Diablo2 would benefit from a maximum of 4 synergy skill levels, where a skill obtained at skill level 12 would benefit from a maximum of 8 synergy skill levels, etc.)
Oh want to add that the one skill tab all characters would get (see previous post) would have all the same base skills:
Dodge - Raises defense from attacks while running/walking (triples if not attacking). PASSIVE
Evade - Raises defense from attacks while standing still (doubles if not attacking) PASSIVE
Parry - Raises defense from attacks while wielding a weapon (1% chance per skill level to reduce durability of weapon being "parried" by 1). Maximum defense would be equal to durability of weapon (Polearms would have the most, making them great for combat). PASSIVE
Shield Block - Replaces shield block in Diablo2 with Raising defense from attacks. Only active while wearing a shield. Maximum defense would be equal to shield wielding. PASSIVE
Two Weapon Usage - Reduces attack speed by 75%, but allows two single handed weapons to be used, or 1 two handed weapon with shield to be used. Each skill point grants increase of attack speed by 5%. PASSIVE
<Weapon> - One weapon type, randomly determined, would be a part of the tab. The skill point gives +1% attack speed, +5 Attack Rating, +1 Damage. Reduces weapon requirements by 1 attribute point in all attribute points in requirement. PASSIVE
Endurance - Increases Walk/Run speed by 1%, reduces stamina loss by 1%, Increases Faster Hit Recovery by 1%, and reduces damage (all) by 1 point per skill point. PASSIVE
<Body Armor> - One body armor type, randomly determined, will be selected and it will reduce the attribute requirements of all attributes in requirements, and gives 1% faster hit recovery by 1 point per skill level when wearing that type of armor.
Definitely make items have more attribute requirements and that wearing that item will reduce the attribute while wearing it (even dropping it to negatives which would penalize user).
If you still use charms, allow only the most powerful bonus of each bonus type (adds skill levels to all skills, adds skills to druid skills, adds skills to fire skills, adds skills to elementla skills, attack, damage, increased attack speed, resistance, reduce damage, adds attributes, etc.) to be applied - not all of the same bonuses (having 10 gcs with +1 elemental skills should only give only +1 to elemental skills, not +10).
Lastly any bonus given (the bonuses able to get from attributes or skills) cannot exceed the amount you get from said attribute or skill.
I like many of the ideas on here so far, so here is my 2 cents.
Customizable features: Yes. I think faces, skin color, height, sex, weight, everything should be customizable. You should also be able to buy additional clothes, maskes, or have your current weapons and armor customized for a price. You could add horns onto you helm, or add steel toes to you boots, or spikes onto your gloves etc... While these additions wouldn't add bonus' onto your equipment it could let you further aesthetically customize your character. All of these would cost gold, and I think it give you something else to do with all of the gold your character aquires.
Ability to Purchase Additional Inventory: Along with your personal stash along the way there would be many other options to hold your gear. Who said mules had to be a lvl 1 Amazon? Purchase a real mule to hold your extra gear. Perhaps you could purchase a camel, then additional cargo bags on each side. You would have to feed these animals but the extra space is well worth it. Or for an day by day fee you could buy storage from an NPC. While this would cost a lot of money the space you do get would be much much more than your normal private stash.
Banks/gambling/coluseum: In Diablo 3 you should have many more options to how you would like to spend your money. Perhaps buying bonds or investing your money. Or go to a tavern and gamble on local dice or card games. Or perhaps what PvP duels in the coluseum and place bets.
As far as skills go (I know, the original topic) I think each Char should have at least 4 skill trees. I also think you should have the ability to unlearn some skills. I think there is nothing more frustrating when you've spent hours on a character and you wish you could go back to square one with them. Of course this would cost a price but I think it'd be worth it. So what new skill trees you ask? Here are some ideas:
Barbarian- Totems (Similar to grim ward idea but can be created anywhere. Animal themed and give off aura or other benificial effects)
Amazon- Warcries. Similar to Barbarian, but different affects overall. I mean Amazons are warriors too, of course they have their own war cries. Increase attack rate, attack rating, increase dodge chances, etc...
Sorceress- Enchantments. Ability to enchant characters/allies with magic. Some include vampiric touch, knockback, mana burn, etc...
Necromancer- Dark Arts. Unlike Bone and Poison magic where bones are summoned or someone is poisoned. Here the necromancer summons dark energy to do his bidding. He is able to drain life from afar, summon darkness to blind enemies, smite minor beings, create claws from the shadows to hold down and scatch his enemies, etc...
Paladin- Shield (I think the shield abilities should shine in D3. Possibly ability to block other, reflect missles, reflect spells, shield bash, charge, etc... Also leaves room for more offensive manouvers)
Druid- Green magic. Drawing upon the energies of the forest the druid is able to create vines to entangle his victims, summon treants to assist him, thorn walls to slowly injure his enemies, or summon giant forrests to slow down impeding enemies.
Assassin- I think charges and finishing moves should have 2 seperate categories. Depending on level of charge the number of charges you can add after ward depend on which charge you begin with/what level. Perhaps up to 8 charges maybe? The flexibility here would allow for more finishing moves.
Anyhow, those are some ideas. Let me know what you think.
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in d2 expansion all the 5 original chars (sorce pally barb necro and zon) all had their own town. pally was kurast. sorce was act1. zon was lut gulein. necro was act4 hell (because he summons demons), act5 was barb.
We were thinking that u get your warrior as he is old like always BUT you choose were u were born (so u have skills you were born with) and then u choose a type of religion (character class) that you studied as you grew up. so it will be a mix. say you were born in a dark place near hell (necro) and you studied the arts of the elamentalist sorcerer. stuff like that. but i dont think we should have sorcerers. i think if we do go with the idea about going back in time when the vizjiery came to power and the horadrim and the zakarum religion that we should go with classes more like those. obviously their were barbs zons sins druids stuff like that. but maybe if we make somthing like a vizjiery to be an elementalist in replace of the sorceress. and have the horadrim be a kind of battle mage. and instead of paladins have zakarumians (maybe ill work on that name lol) because thats were the paladins came from was the zakarum religion. i am constantly talking about these ideas with friends and people on diablo. ALOT of people simple LOVE the idea of going back and dealing with the horadrim. if you have questions im full of ideas and i cant wait to see how this turns out.
iunno if people would like this better or the classic each class has their own unique skills. i guess we have to ask around to figure that out. please tell me what you think
i whold have alot of fun playing as like a barb tht could summon stuff like bears or goolems... tht whould be alot of fun.
Good Idea Man.
but im glad u like it
I would then make diablo3 like a never ending set of quests that would create a new world from the start. Having one town initially then as quests are completed adding new towns/areas or renewing previously added towns/areas as new quests are generated. Players should pay Gold (like 100 Gold per Character Level) to move between using Way Points (no more free way points).
I would then balance all the skill for a skill tab making them "make sense" and "be balanced" when compared to other skill tabs. Use synergies, but limit synergies to skills required to get the skill as well as maximum synergy level equal to the skill level of the skill benefiting from the synergies and how soon a skill can be obtained (like a skill obtained at Character Level 6 in Diablo2 would benefit from a maximum of 4 synergy skill levels, where a skill obtained at skill level 12 would benefit from a maximum of 8 synergy skill levels, etc.)
Dodge - Raises defense from attacks while running/walking (triples if not attacking). PASSIVE
Evade - Raises defense from attacks while standing still (doubles if not attacking) PASSIVE
Parry - Raises defense from attacks while wielding a weapon (1% chance per skill level to reduce durability of weapon being "parried" by 1). Maximum defense would be equal to durability of weapon (Polearms would have the most, making them great for combat). PASSIVE
Shield Block - Replaces shield block in Diablo2 with Raising defense from attacks. Only active while wearing a shield. Maximum defense would be equal to shield wielding. PASSIVE
Two Weapon Usage - Reduces attack speed by 75%, but allows two single handed weapons to be used, or 1 two handed weapon with shield to be used. Each skill point grants increase of attack speed by 5%. PASSIVE
<Weapon> - One weapon type, randomly determined, would be a part of the tab. The skill point gives +1% attack speed, +5 Attack Rating, +1 Damage. Reduces weapon requirements by 1 attribute point in all attribute points in requirement. PASSIVE
Endurance - Increases Walk/Run speed by 1%, reduces stamina loss by 1%, Increases Faster Hit Recovery by 1%, and reduces damage (all) by 1 point per skill point. PASSIVE
<Body Armor> - One body armor type, randomly determined, will be selected and it will reduce the attribute requirements of all attributes in requirements, and gives 1% faster hit recovery by 1 point per skill level when wearing that type of armor.
Definitely make items have more attribute requirements and that wearing that item will reduce the attribute while wearing it (even dropping it to negatives which would penalize user).
If you still use charms, allow only the most powerful bonus of each bonus type (adds skill levels to all skills, adds skills to druid skills, adds skills to fire skills, adds skills to elementla skills, attack, damage, increased attack speed, resistance, reduce damage, adds attributes, etc.) to be applied - not all of the same bonuses (having 10 gcs with +1 elemental skills should only give only +1 to elemental skills, not +10).
Lastly any bonus given (the bonuses able to get from attributes or skills) cannot exceed the amount you get from said attribute or skill.
Customizable features: Yes. I think faces, skin color, height, sex, weight, everything should be customizable. You should also be able to buy additional clothes, maskes, or have your current weapons and armor customized for a price. You could add horns onto you helm, or add steel toes to you boots, or spikes onto your gloves etc... While these additions wouldn't add bonus' onto your equipment it could let you further aesthetically customize your character. All of these would cost gold, and I think it give you something else to do with all of the gold your character aquires.
Ability to Purchase Additional Inventory: Along with your personal stash along the way there would be many other options to hold your gear. Who said mules had to be a lvl 1 Amazon? Purchase a real mule to hold your extra gear. Perhaps you could purchase a camel, then additional cargo bags on each side. You would have to feed these animals but the extra space is well worth it. Or for an day by day fee you could buy storage from an NPC. While this would cost a lot of money the space you do get would be much much more than your normal private stash.
Banks/gambling/coluseum: In Diablo 3 you should have many more options to how you would like to spend your money. Perhaps buying bonds or investing your money. Or go to a tavern and gamble on local dice or card games. Or perhaps what PvP duels in the coluseum and place bets.
As far as skills go (I know, the original topic) I think each Char should have at least 4 skill trees. I also think you should have the ability to unlearn some skills. I think there is nothing more frustrating when you've spent hours on a character and you wish you could go back to square one with them. Of course this would cost a price but I think it'd be worth it. So what new skill trees you ask? Here are some ideas:
Barbarian- Totems (Similar to grim ward idea but can be created anywhere. Animal themed and give off aura or other benificial effects)
Amazon- Warcries. Similar to Barbarian, but different affects overall. I mean Amazons are warriors too, of course they have their own war cries. Increase attack rate, attack rating, increase dodge chances, etc...
Sorceress- Enchantments. Ability to enchant characters/allies with magic. Some include vampiric touch, knockback, mana burn, etc...
Necromancer- Dark Arts. Unlike Bone and Poison magic where bones are summoned or someone is poisoned. Here the necromancer summons dark energy to do his bidding. He is able to drain life from afar, summon darkness to blind enemies, smite minor beings, create claws from the shadows to hold down and scatch his enemies, etc...
Paladin- Shield (I think the shield abilities should shine in D3. Possibly ability to block other, reflect missles, reflect spells, shield bash, charge, etc... Also leaves room for more offensive manouvers)
Druid- Green magic. Drawing upon the energies of the forest the druid is able to create vines to entangle his victims, summon treants to assist him, thorn walls to slowly injure his enemies, or summon giant forrests to slow down impeding enemies.
Assassin- I think charges and finishing moves should have 2 seperate categories. Depending on level of charge the number of charges you can add after ward depend on which charge you begin with/what level. Perhaps up to 8 charges maybe? The flexibility here would allow for more finishing moves.
Anyhow, those are some ideas. Let me know what you think.