I'm sure you'll all agree that the potions in Diablo 2 (Besides mana, rejuvenation, and mana) are all but useful in most cases. I would love for this to change.
If any of you have ever played the Secret of Evermore, you'll remember the magic system they employed: it was based on Alchemy. There were different elements and substances you could find and combine them in different ways to cast different spells. It would be nifty if there were a similar system in Diablo 3. The player could have an alchemy case of some sort where he stored his ingredients (in his inventory), and whenever he wanted to make a new potion or some such item, he could look into the case, see what he has, and use an index of known recipies to make something (the recipies could be learned through the course of the game).
Collecting the items could be interesting. Using Diablo 2 monsters as an example: maybe the ingredients to a certain spell or potion could be 2 foul crow beaks and a tainted horn, and another could be a demon's heart and bone dust. Also, in the PC/XBox game Morrowind, an alchemy system was used. Different types of plants and minerals were scattered everywhere, and you could find certain plants in certain areas where they grew naturally. I think that would benefit gameplay greatly. Instead of passing straight through areas like the Tamoe Highland or the Outer Steppes, you might need to gather ingredients that can only be found there, and therefore have the player actually use the area for something.
I think that the alchemy case could be used by all classes, but only the Alchemist would have full use of it, obviously. The Barbarian or Necromancer, for example, would be able to make basic potions or elixers, but the Alchemist would be able to make things such as smoke screens, flash potions, or mustard gas potions.
My idea for Alchemist skills is as follows:
The skill tree (which I hope will be used again in D3) will have the basic potions the Alchemist can make, as well as other skills that i didn't really think of yet. Each point, as in Diablo 2, will increase one's proficiency with that particular skill, thus increasing the damage it does, and maybe even decreasing the ingredients needed to make. Although you have the ability to make the potions because you have points in that tree slot, it does not guarantee that you are currently able to use that skill. What dictates wheather you can use it or not is solely based on the ingredients you have, not how much mana you have. And thus, the Alchemist has no use for mana where making potions is concerned (Other Alchemist skills will use mana though).
Try to think of the "Potions" segment of the skill tree as a rating of abilities, not a list of spells. Spells are cast using mana, but potions are MADE using the alchemy case's ingredients. And so if you're reading the fire potions section of the potions tree, you may have 4 points into Fire Potion. That means that you have a proficiency of level 4 in making that type of potion, so your Fire Potions are more potent than those of someone who only has 2 in Fire Potion. They do more damage, and at higher levels you may be so proficient at making them, that some ingredients are unnecessary and you won't have to use them.
I was thinking that there could be a potion icon, as in Diablo 2, that would light up if you were able to make the potion, and would be colored red if you didn't have the right ingredients and couldn't make it. That way, you could make the potion in the middle of a battle from the normal view, rather than having to go into your inventory, look at the index, compare your ingredients from your case to the index, and finally make the potion. *point* *click* *poof* *throw*
Potions could include:
Fire Potions
-Fire Potion: small explosion damages the enemy on impact
-Incendiary Potion: flame engulfs the enemy on impacts, the enemy burns for a specified duration
-Scatter-Flame Potion: A "scatter-bomb" that, when thrown, ignites and burns for a specified duration. If an enemy is not hit, the fire burns on the ground and has the chance of igniting passersby.
(other variations are of course possible using different recipies)
Area Effect Potions
-Flash Potion: temporarily blinds whomever is in line-of-sight of impact. Can be used around corners to gain the advantage.
-Smokescreen: emits a thick, choking haze that causes confusion and has a specified duration
-Rejuvinating Mist: Explodes, releasing a fine mist that, when inhaled by you or anyone in your party, slowly restores health, mana, stamina, and whatever other guages there are. Duration is predefined.
(again, other variations possible)
Acid Potions
-Acid Potion: Burns the enemy when thrown
-Potion of Corrosion: Severely burns the enemy when thrown, toxic fumes from the acid damage nearby enemies
-Acidshower Potion: Severely burns the enemy when thrown, acid splashes and likewise damages nearby enemies, a cloud of toxic vapor forms adding the chance for further damage to nearby enemies.
(more variations on this could be made possible using different recipies, for example, you could make an acid potion that burned the enemy but also exploded adding fire damage on impact.)
These are just a few ideas. Digest them, and tell me what you think and add your own spin to it if you'd like.
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"This place has been hallowed by the blood of thousands of champions of the Light, many of whom were mortal, like yourself." - The Archangel Tyrael
1. have character be able to be good or evil with a skill set based on that
2. have characters be able to be male or female
3. some new classes that they should have are fighter(adept in all
fighting ranged and not ranged), warlock(combines magic and melee),
illusionist(uses magic to distract and alter attributes of enemies or allies)
I think they just need a customizable everything no set class but depending on what you do and use will alter your skills and your look like if your big on magic you will slowly transform into a sorcer with and acquire a wand or an archer you will adapt into a rogue and have a bow and when your characters stats rnt ratable for one charc or another you will just b a cloaked wonderer
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When the Warrior reaches the gates of Heaven
To St. Peter he will say
I've served my time in Hell sir,
So may i venture in?
BLizz just needs to make D3 already so we dont have to sit here and play D2untill our index fingers fall of from all the clicking ... I mean im sure I can speak for most of us we have all done pretty much everything that can be done in D2:LoD ... Idk I just sick of D2:LoD i stopped when 1.11 came out ... well .......
If I write something, I'm going to write it clearly, correctly, and in detail. That means lots of sentences. If you don't care to read it, fine, but I am putting a lot of thought into my ideas, and I think they're worth reading.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"This place has been hallowed by the blood of thousands of champions of the Light, many of whom were mortal, like yourself." - The Archangel Tyrael
If any of you have ever played the Secret of Evermore, you'll remember the magic system they employed: it was based on Alchemy. There were different elements and substances you could find and combine them in different ways to cast different spells. It would be nifty if there were a similar system in Diablo 3. The player could have an alchemy case of some sort where he stored his ingredients (in his inventory), and whenever he wanted to make a new potion or some such item, he could look into the case, see what he has, and use an index of known recipies to make something (the recipies could be learned through the course of the game).
Collecting the items could be interesting. Using Diablo 2 monsters as an example: maybe the ingredients to a certain spell or potion could be 2 foul crow beaks and a tainted horn, and another could be a demon's heart and bone dust. Also, in the PC/XBox game Morrowind, an alchemy system was used. Different types of plants and minerals were scattered everywhere, and you could find certain plants in certain areas where they grew naturally. I think that would benefit gameplay greatly. Instead of passing straight through areas like the Tamoe Highland or the Outer Steppes, you might need to gather ingredients that can only be found there, and therefore have the player actually use the area for something.
I think that the alchemy case could be used by all classes, but only the Alchemist would have full use of it, obviously. The Barbarian or Necromancer, for example, would be able to make basic potions or elixers, but the Alchemist would be able to make things such as smoke screens, flash potions, or mustard gas potions.
My idea for Alchemist skills is as follows:
The skill tree (which I hope will be used again in D3) will have the basic potions the Alchemist can make, as well as other skills that i didn't really think of yet. Each point, as in Diablo 2, will increase one's proficiency with that particular skill, thus increasing the damage it does, and maybe even decreasing the ingredients needed to make. Although you have the ability to make the potions because you have points in that tree slot, it does not guarantee that you are currently able to use that skill. What dictates wheather you can use it or not is solely based on the ingredients you have, not how much mana you have. And thus, the Alchemist has no use for mana where making potions is concerned (Other Alchemist skills will use mana though).
Try to think of the "Potions" segment of the skill tree as a rating of abilities, not a list of spells. Spells are cast using mana, but potions are MADE using the alchemy case's ingredients. And so if you're reading the fire potions section of the potions tree, you may have 4 points into Fire Potion. That means that you have a proficiency of level 4 in making that type of potion, so your Fire Potions are more potent than those of someone who only has 2 in Fire Potion. They do more damage, and at higher levels you may be so proficient at making them, that some ingredients are unnecessary and you won't have to use them.
I was thinking that there could be a potion icon, as in Diablo 2, that would light up if you were able to make the potion, and would be colored red if you didn't have the right ingredients and couldn't make it. That way, you could make the potion in the middle of a battle from the normal view, rather than having to go into your inventory, look at the index, compare your ingredients from your case to the index, and finally make the potion. *point* *click* *poof* *throw*
Potions could include:
-Incendiary Potion: flame engulfs the enemy on impacts, the enemy burns for a specified duration
-Scatter-Flame Potion: A "scatter-bomb" that, when thrown, ignites and burns for a specified duration. If an enemy is not hit, the fire burns on the ground and has the chance of igniting passersby.
(other variations are of course possible using different recipies)
-Smokescreen: emits a thick, choking haze that causes confusion and has a specified duration
-Rejuvinating Mist: Explodes, releasing a fine mist that, when inhaled by you or anyone in your party, slowly restores health, mana, stamina, and whatever other guages there are. Duration is predefined.
(again, other variations possible)
-Potion of Corrosion: Severely burns the enemy when thrown, toxic fumes from the acid damage nearby enemies
-Acidshower Potion: Severely burns the enemy when thrown, acid splashes and likewise damages nearby enemies, a cloud of toxic vapor forms adding the chance for further damage to nearby enemies.
(more variations on this could be made possible using different recipies, for example, you could make an acid potion that burned the enemy but also exploded adding fire damage on impact.)
These are just a few ideas. Digest them, and tell me what you think and add your own spin to it if you'd like.
2. have characters be able to be male or female
3. some new classes that they should have are fighter(adept in all
fighting ranged and not ranged), warlock(combines magic and melee),
illusionist(uses magic to distract and alter attributes of enemies or allies)
When the Warrior reaches the gates of Heaven
To St. Peter he will say
I've served my time in Hell sir,
So may i venture in?
Keep it real fellas
EventfulHoryzon, didn't even bother, its not worth the time. shorten plz.