I shure hope the Diablo 3 dosent have that friggin gay monthly pay. I think it is absolutely rediculous that u have to 15 bucks a month to play WoW. Also, im wondering about the system requirements, i hope they arent to big. I have a 1 Gig processor but i have everything else good, 1 Gig Ram, ATI Raedoen Graphics 9000 series. I hope it isnt anything stupidly rediculous. About the same requirements for WoW would be good, but without the montly fee
Pay to play was once a long discussed topic. I believe one of the solutions we came up with was a consistent charge based not on a date-to-date basis, but on the frequency of new updates available for the game, i.e, patches and the like.
As far as system requirments go, I can't see the next installment requiring too much more than 1 gig. Dungeon Siege 2's base system requirements were only 1 gig and a decent graphics card, and the graphics in that game were fine. I don't see Diablo 3 taking graphics requirements too much higher than that.
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Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.
In my opinion, i believe the D3 game (if there is ever one) will be pay to play for the simple fact that Blizzard just needs the money, sure their raking in tons and tons off of WoW now, but to stay up to speed with other games being created it also takes alot of money. Not only that, if there is a D3, i think it will most likely be 3d much like WoW, hopefully your computer will run it
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Lord Silver guide us... Lord Silver teach us... Lord Silver protect us... In your light we thrive... In your mercy we are sheltered... In your wisdom we are humbled... We live only to serve... Our lives are yours...
I still dont think that Diablo 3 will be released. I think the Diablo trademark is for the newlyy released book on blizzards website. However, I would love Diablo 3 because i totally addicted to D2:LoD. And i am not saying that new processors cost that much. It is just the struggle to find one that fits in your specific motherboard. Sometimes that can get very fustrating.
It is just the struggle to find one that fits in your specific motherboard. Sometimes that can get very fustrating.
I will lay off you about Diablo3, I do not even think you will believe it until you’re done installing it on your pc. Upgrading a CPU is easy, my 4 year old niece watched me build my newest pc, and, no joke, even she understood how to do it. You just line up two gold triangles and pull the lever. Using a slot machine is harder.
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Because if the invisible guy the president believes in isn't the real invisible guy then the real invisible guy gets mad and no longer powers our economy with his invisible hand. Jesus, have you never even read anything about economics?
I can help you. What motherboard do you use? Or, right click 'my computer,' if you are using pc, if it is a mac, forget it.. lol. Go to properties, and tell me what it says.
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Because if the invisible guy the president believes in isn't the real invisible guy then the real invisible guy gets mad and no longer powers our economy with his invisible hand. Jesus, have you never even read anything about economics?
Umm, it says how fast my processor is and how much RAM i have. Also it says the Model number of my Windows XP edition. But it says nothing to do with the motherboard.
It is a benchmarking tool that tells you everything about your pc.
It may be easier to just open your pc, you may be able to do it while leaving it on, just dont touch anything. look for a name.
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Because if the invisible guy the president believes in isn't the real invisible guy then the real invisible guy gets mad and no longer powers our economy with his invisible hand. Jesus, have you never even read anything about economics?
It is an AMD Athlon Processor, ill try to open it up.
It may be a 939 pin, which is very easy to find. I use a 939 pin AMD.
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Because if the invisible guy the president believes in isn't the real invisible guy then the real invisible guy gets mad and no longer powers our economy with his invisible hand. Jesus, have you never even read anything about economics?
hey, i will be back in about an hour, possibly less.
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Because if the invisible guy the president believes in isn't the real invisible guy then the real invisible guy gets mad and no longer powers our economy with his invisible hand. Jesus, have you never even read anything about economics?
AMI is American Megatrends. We may need all those funky numbers to identify the motherboard, but not from the AMIbios chip. On the silican of the motherboard a name is usually printed, do you have your manual?
Downloading everest may be a quick solution
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Because if the invisible guy the president believes in isn't the real invisible guy then the real invisible guy gets mad and no longer powers our economy with his invisible hand. Jesus, have you never even read anything about economics?
I do not think upgrading your cpu would be the best way to go, but you should at least think about an athlon xp. 1gigahertz will run D3, but not very well given the detail of other games on the market, as Aequitas has noted. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819104211 is 100 bucks for a better core and 750 more megahertz. If you saved your clams now, you could possibly get a new rig in time for D3, which i recommend.
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Because if the invisible guy the president believes in isn't the real invisible guy then the real invisible guy gets mad and no longer powers our economy with his invisible hand. Jesus, have you never even read anything about economics?
I hope the system requirments are the same as WoW, but of course without the monthy fee, becaise i just think that is gay. If it has those requirments then my CPU will brezze right through that game.
I also asked my dad bout gettin a new rig, since im only 14 years old. He said that he mgiht think about it for my birthday, which is october 6th. Ill send you a pic of it right here....http://pcwri.com/P4%20Special.htm that one from my local computer buidling place (they make the best computers around, all custom) pr i could simply go to the place and tell themthe stuff i want to keep from my old computer, like the graphics card, sound card, and memory.
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As far as system requirments go, I can't see the next installment requiring too much more than 1 gig. Dungeon Siege 2's base system requirements were only 1 gig and a decent graphics card, and the graphics in that game were fine. I don't see Diablo 3 taking graphics requirements too much higher than that.
Lord Silver teach us...
Lord Silver protect us...
In your light we thrive...
In your mercy we are sheltered...
In your wisdom we are humbled...
We live only to serve...
Our lives are yours...
Do you have your manual? If not, then you need to either open the pc and find some id on the motherboard... Or download everest http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/EVEREST-Ultimate-Edition-Download-30373.html
It is a benchmarking tool that tells you everything about your pc.
It may be easier to just open your pc, you may be able to do it while leaving it on, just dont touch anything. look for a name.
Downloading everest may be a quick solution
is 100 bucks for a better core and 750 more megahertz.
If you saved your clams now, you could possibly get a new rig in time for D3, which i recommend.
I also asked my dad bout gettin a new rig, since im only 14 years old. He said that he mgiht think about it for my birthday, which is october 6th. Ill send you a pic of it right here....http://pcwri.com/P4%20Special.htm that one from my local computer buidling place (they make the best computers around, all custom) pr i could simply go to the place and tell themthe stuff i want to keep from my old computer, like the graphics card, sound card, and memory.