I suppose this would be something major and global coming before Diablo 4 to counter botting in all of their games.
If there are people reading the forum and knowledgeable about how Blizzard's current detection works, I'd love to read an in-depth explanation about this if they don't mind to share, so we can speculate what is to change.
1. Are they scanning ALL files atm?
2. Do they have problems detecting the cheating softwares?
3. Do they have problems evaluating whether particular software is a cheating one?
4. Do they need manual reports to ban someone?
5. Have players been banned for THUD and/or macros until now besides botting?
6. Are there any other cheating softwares besides the most popular ones?
I don't expect someone to show and answer all of these in-depth since he would probably be a cheating fan himself then, but one never know, it doesn't hurt to ask lol.
Thud has no bans that any single person knows of. Macros haven't been banned besides the macro+script type things done with screenshots and other program combos for basically botting but was super easy for them to catch.
The current main bot source doesn't inject into the game and manually uses your keyboard and mouse and just reads the game without injecting is the main issue with them catching this. It has almost 0 ban reports and most probably got banned doing other stuff / manual reports.
Demonbuddy back in the day could tell when Warden went active and was going to find it and shutdown until they could find it and hide it again. Tho demonbuddy injected to the game and got banned so often.
The stuff I said is just stuff learned when I used to do all that back in the day RMAH stuff with 20+ accounts and early season botting and quad box botting etc.
As for the rest im not certain I haven't touched the game much in a while since I moved to PoE in 3.0. Diablo just got monotonous paragon farm and even if you botted it did nothing without a group to also get to gr 150 for gems and augs. Forced grouping is garbage.
The current main bot source doesn't inject into the game and manually uses your keyboard and mouse and just reads the game without injecting is the main issue with them catching this.
Yes, but there should still exist some file that runs the bot. How could they not catch this file? Is it masked with some virtual machine?
With D4 being light years away Im not sure that would be their motive. What I do know, they cannot scan your machine while playing, its an invasion of privacy and illegal, they can only look at D3, and if current popular bots dont inject or modify anything then they cannot detect them, which leaves them to methods such as detecting overall playtime in a given season and say playing for 24 hours straight. Even judging playtime is a slippery slope, back in the day Ive been known to go on 24 hour benders and logging 30 or more hours in any given weekend.
That leaves them down to watching individual suspected botters play with a live person and that person being 100% sure that the player being watched is a bot.
How much time and resources they are willing to spend cleaning up a dying game in maintenance mode is anybody's guess, but if they do suspend ALL botters and HUD users the landscape is going to be more barren than it is now. With shareholders to answer to, wiping out a large portion of your player base in a game that doesnt create revenue might not be the smartest move to make financially, its all about the $$$, and players = $$$
There are financial ramifications to banning all those accounts, and surely thats effecting their ultimate decision as they decide what to do (if they even can definitely detect bots).
Ill add as a casual player botting doesnt really bother me, there is no economy to ruin, and the one time I did play hard and made and finished the season on the leader boards it didnt bother me that I could have been higher if it werent for bots, it kind of impressed me a little that I made it despite the bots.
This game is garbage for a lot of reasons, but bots arent one of them, and eliminating all those accounts wont save it or make it better, just shuffle the leaderboards. If you truly care about making the boards then bots are a big deal to you, but your personal best wont change, and thats pretty much all I try to beat whether its on the boards or not
How much time and resources they are willing to spend cleaning up a dying game in maintenance mode is anybody's guess, but if they do suspend ALL botters and HUD users the landscape is going to be more barren than it is now. With shareholders to answer to, wiping out a large portion of your player base in a game that doesnt create revenue might not be the smartest move to make financially, its all about the $$$, and players = $$$
well...its okey to think like this.
Also, we should state that if you want to do something right, do it right. If anything is wrong with a game, it is subjective. Maybe there is something wrong with CS:GO, or LoL or any other games...people are still playing them a lot So putting aside your point of view on the state of the game, botting is not really a quality thing for any game. I don't like to compete with players who are abusing the game, so i will like it more if they are gone = I will play the game = $$$ in your words
If they would let a game that is as simbolic as Diablo III go to waste EVEN after its basically in maintenance mode, what would you say about the company's idea of gaming? I know ppl throwing shit at Blizz nowadays, but naysaying their every decision that is ACTUALLY towards a brigther future is really stupid, don't you think? We can dream, we can support a company at least with our attitude towards their good decisions.
Positive feedback is a strong motivating source, it can change many things for the better. They are trying with seasons, trying with new ideas for items and for a 8 year old game that still has new things, and is playable and can be enjoyed by players around the world that is something.
Also...this is all from my point of view too... but still, botters can go to HELL
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Originally Posted by (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
No idea what exactly is coming, could just be a smokescreen, but I hope this is true.
I suppose this would be something major and global coming before Diablo 4 to counter botting in all of their games.
If there are people reading the forum and knowledgeable about how Blizzard's current detection works, I'd love to read an in-depth explanation about this if they don't mind to share, so we can speculate what is to change.
1. Are they scanning ALL files atm?
2. Do they have problems detecting the cheating softwares?
3. Do they have problems evaluating whether particular software is a cheating one?
4. Do they need manual reports to ban someone?
5. Have players been banned for THUD and/or macros until now besides botting?
6. Are there any other cheating softwares besides the most popular ones?
I don't expect someone to show and answer all of these in-depth since he would probably be a cheating fan himself then, but one never know, it doesn't hurt to ask lol.
Thud has no bans that any single person knows of. Macros haven't been banned besides the macro+script type things done with screenshots and other program combos for basically botting but was super easy for them to catch.
The current main bot source doesn't inject into the game and manually uses your keyboard and mouse and just reads the game without injecting is the main issue with them catching this. It has almost 0 ban reports and most probably got banned doing other stuff / manual reports.
Demonbuddy back in the day could tell when Warden went active and was going to find it and shutdown until they could find it and hide it again. Tho demonbuddy injected to the game and got banned so often.
The stuff I said is just stuff learned when I used to do all that back in the day RMAH stuff with 20+ accounts and early season botting and quad box botting etc.
As for the rest im not certain I haven't touched the game much in a while since I moved to PoE in 3.0. Diablo just got monotonous paragon farm and even if you botted it did nothing without a group to also get to gr 150 for gems and augs. Forced grouping is garbage.
With D4 being light years away Im not sure that would be their motive. What I do know, they cannot scan your machine while playing, its an invasion of privacy and illegal, they can only look at D3, and if current popular bots dont inject or modify anything then they cannot detect them, which leaves them to methods such as detecting overall playtime in a given season and say playing for 24 hours straight. Even judging playtime is a slippery slope, back in the day Ive been known to go on 24 hour benders and logging 30 or more hours in any given weekend.
That leaves them down to watching individual suspected botters play with a live person and that person being 100% sure that the player being watched is a bot.
How much time and resources they are willing to spend cleaning up a dying game in maintenance mode is anybody's guess, but if they do suspend ALL botters and HUD users the landscape is going to be more barren than it is now. With shareholders to answer to, wiping out a large portion of your player base in a game that doesnt create revenue might not be the smartest move to make financially, its all about the $$$, and players = $$$
There are financial ramifications to banning all those accounts, and surely thats effecting their ultimate decision as they decide what to do (if they even can definitely detect bots).
Ill add as a casual player botting doesnt really bother me, there is no economy to ruin, and the one time I did play hard and made and finished the season on the leader boards it didnt bother me that I could have been higher if it werent for bots, it kind of impressed me a little that I made it despite the bots.
This game is garbage for a lot of reasons, but bots arent one of them, and eliminating all those accounts wont save it or make it better, just shuffle the leaderboards. If you truly care about making the boards then bots are a big deal to you, but your personal best wont change, and thats pretty much all I try to beat whether its on the boards or not
They are surely announcing the big change with botting when it happens. Then if you are THAT stupid to do it again, you deserve your ban.
Can you imagine the day when game companies are able to use real AI to track cheating behavior?
The status quo is that a lot of botting goes unnoticed because a lot of manual checking is required.
The day that AIs perform this task without having to pay hordes of people is the day that "their time is coming".
Imagine a Quantum Computer set to the task of "manually observing" players ..
Or for the time being even a very smart AI program running on somewhat of a super computer ..
At some point there will be a revolution in this regard. Mark my word.
well...its okey to think like this.
So putting aside your point of view on the state of the game, botting is not really a quality thing for any game. I don't like to compete with players who are abusing the game, so i will like it more if they are gone = I will play the game = $$$ in your words 

Also, we should state that if you want to do something right, do it right. If anything is wrong with a game, it is subjective. Maybe there is something wrong with CS:GO, or LoL or any other games...people are still playing them a lot
If they would let a game that is as simbolic as Diablo III go to waste EVEN after its basically in maintenance mode, what would you say about the company's idea of gaming? I know ppl throwing shit at Blizz nowadays, but naysaying their every decision that is ACTUALLY towards a brigther future is really stupid, don't you think? We can dream, we can support a company at least with our attitude towards their good decisions.
Positive feedback is a strong motivating source, it can change many things for the better. They are trying with seasons, trying with new ideas for items and for a 8 year old game that still has new things, and is playable and can be enjoyed by players around the world that is something.
Also...this is all from my point of view too... but still, botters can go to HELL