I'm "new" to D3 (Used to play it from release when AH still existed and stopped around 1-2 seasons after RoS came out), I play exclusively on HC since there's where the true challenge is at. Brings more excitement and makes my heart race at close calls.
I also play seasons and a little "off season" in between seasons to try things out.
However one thing that is important to me is "community". Having people to play and chat with. Since D3 usually only have players in start of seasons, after a month it dies of a lot. Even more so on HC because there is already a lower amount of players. I use the community finder and the Clan finder but even if I join the "biggest" communities with around 150 people and 50-70 online at the same time, it's dead quiet. When it comes to Clans it's either hardcore leaderboard pushers who requires 5 billion paragon in current season or they are inactive/doesn't respond.
Anyone else experiencing this? And if so, do you have a active social clan?
I have 2 accounts, one is softcore and one is hardcore. I truly love the HC challenge, and my sometimes spotty internet makes it even more challenging. Unfortunately this is an old poorly designed game, both modes are well short of where they could be player wise if Blizz would have done this game justice and did things right. I havent dusted off my HC account yet for season 19, that comes after I burn out on the EZ Mode account. I often find I end up going it alone, even crickets in the PL communities when I need one after an untimely death or even my initial push into HC seasons. This is the life of an HC player. As for clans, Im in a small one that consists of me, myself (both accounts) and my wife who depending on how she feels either plays non stop or not at all so I cannot help you clan wise
used to play it alot but looking back at it I can say that I lost 90% of my chars to random computer/internet/whatever issues. not for my own gameplay "mistakes". I even tried it with that BS char losing ratio and noticed that there is NO excitement left if you can randomely lose anything.
Never again. I don't call this a challenge but insanity to continue on this mode.
If there would be a 100% safety net that you can ONLY lose your char to gameplay and nothing else then alot more people would play that mode.
I was like this, but it got to a point where my non seasonal softcore classes were too geared. “Oh new build came out, sweet I have quadfecta gear.”
so I switched to HC almost full time. Let’s just say I died 3 times with my DH with top end gear due to server issues. Yea I am jaded, but decided to switch to the monk and made a necro and WD along the way. I just see more value in HC. Like the pools of reflection. And empowering GRs. HC is all or nothing. Which is awesome punishment.
but the community is there. Clan wise, most are dead except the leaderboard clans.
HC is fun, it provokes feelings SC could not. Too bad about server issues though. I'd recommend firing up a HC Diablo II char on single player for anyone wanting to play HC but doesn't feel that there's any point in it because of a poor internet connection/server issues. It's good fun as well. Too bad this poor playing experience (HC deaths due to server issues that is) could've been avoided from Blizzard's side by allowing offline play for D3. I don't keep my hopes up for D4 offline play either unfortunately unless they find a way to encrypt everything. There are many reasons why they wanted D3 "online only", most of them had to do with money.
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"For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and as the last Man He shall stand forth upon the Earth."
Hardcore is fun IF and only IF you play it like softcore, but most ppl just play it safe, doing super tanky builds, never pushing GRs, farming lower torments etc... cause they "don't want to lose their chars" that's the only reason i mostly play softcore now, no one is playing challenging content in hardcore which in turn makes hardcore easier than softcore.
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Those Who Do Not Know True Pain Cannot Possibly Understand True Peace...
I stopped playing hardcore when I realized that the game netcode was the thing causing me the most deaths so I was playing it safe so I would have some kind of buffer for when my connection would bog down. So I just decided to have fun playing in SC was the better option for then I could challenge myself and not worry about some random death that wasn't my fault.
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I'm "new" to D3 (Used to play it from release when AH still existed and stopped around 1-2 seasons after RoS came out), I play exclusively on HC since there's where the true challenge is at. Brings more excitement and makes my heart race at close calls.
I also play seasons and a little "off season" in between seasons to try things out.
However one thing that is important to me is "community". Having people to play and chat with. Since D3 usually only have players in start of seasons, after a month it dies of a lot. Even more so on HC because there is already a lower amount of players. I use the community finder and the Clan finder but even if I join the "biggest" communities with around 150 people and 50-70 online at the same time, it's dead quiet. When it comes to Clans it's either hardcore leaderboard pushers who requires 5 billion paragon in current season or they are inactive/doesn't respond.
Anyone else experiencing this? And if so, do you have a active social clan?
Best regards, Erik
I have 2 accounts, one is softcore and one is hardcore. I truly love the HC challenge, and my sometimes spotty internet makes it even more challenging. Unfortunately this is an old poorly designed game, both modes are well short of where they could be player wise if Blizz would have done this game justice and did things right. I havent dusted off my HC account yet for season 19, that comes after I burn out on the EZ Mode account. I often find I end up going it alone, even crickets in the PL communities when I need one after an untimely death or even my initial push into HC seasons. This is the life of an HC player. As for clans, Im in a small one that consists of me, myself (both accounts) and my wife who depending on how she feels either plays non stop or not at all so I cannot help you clan wise
used to play it alot but looking back at it I can say that I lost 90% of my chars to random computer/internet/whatever issues. not for my own gameplay "mistakes". I even tried it with that BS char losing ratio and noticed that there is NO excitement left if you can randomely lose anything.
Never again. I don't call this a challenge but insanity to continue on this mode.
If there would be a 100% safety net that you can ONLY lose your char to gameplay and nothing else then alot more people would play that mode.
I was like this, but it got to a point where my non seasonal softcore classes were too geared. “Oh new build came out, sweet I have quadfecta gear.”
so I switched to HC almost full time. Let’s just say I died 3 times with my DH with top end gear due to server issues. Yea I am jaded, but decided to switch to the monk and made a necro and WD along the way. I just see more value in HC. Like the pools of reflection. And empowering GRs. HC is all or nothing. Which is awesome punishment.
but the community is there. Clan wise, most are dead except the leaderboard clans.
HC is fun, it provokes feelings SC could not. Too bad about server issues though. I'd recommend firing up a HC Diablo II char on single player for anyone wanting to play HC but doesn't feel that there's any point in it because of a poor internet connection/server issues. It's good fun as well. Too bad this poor playing experience (HC deaths due to server issues that is) could've been avoided from Blizzard's side by allowing offline play for D3. I don't keep my hopes up for D4 offline play either unfortunately unless they find a way to encrypt everything. There are many reasons why they wanted D3 "online only", most of them had to do with money.
Hardcore is fun IF and only IF you play it like softcore, but most ppl just play it safe, doing super tanky builds, never pushing GRs, farming lower torments etc... cause they "don't want to lose their chars" that's the only reason i mostly play softcore now, no one is playing challenging content in hardcore which in turn makes hardcore easier than softcore.
Those Who Do Not Know True Pain Cannot Possibly Understand True Peace...
I stopped playing hardcore when I realized that the game netcode was the thing causing me the most deaths so I was playing it safe so I would have some kind of buffer for when my connection would bog down. So I just decided to have fun playing in SC was the better option for then I could challenge myself and not worry about some random death that wasn't my fault.