I'm very casual player, and season 19 was my first season. I'm playing WW barb, 650 paragon, GR 96 clear, but cant seem to get any better rolls on gear, to progress further. I'm following Raxxanterax WW Push Barb build, and I have all the basic gear, but I cant seem to farm or roll anything even close to what he has. I also cant seem to roll a socket on Flavor of time, Band of Might or COE, so i can use my legendary gems which would help out greatly. I'm either missing something completely or i just have the worst luck witch is also possible. I cant even begin to explain how many materials i have gone through and still not got anything. I'm playing on XBOX if that matters. Thanks for any help.
Sounds like bad luck hehe, keep farming and use the cube to roll rares into legendaries, i've gotten upgrades that way, or you can just mass farm bounties and reforge until u have what you want, takes alot of time though.
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Those Who Do Not Know True Pain Cannot Possibly Understand True Peace...
It's a grind game my man. It takes time to farm and if you focus on very specific things, it's just going to get you frustrated when they don't drop.
The best thing you can do for yourself is just keep grinding and "slowly" improve your character. Farm keys, level your gems, look for better ancient rolls, augment your gear, then level more gems, replace current augs with higher augs, rinse and repeat. Eventually you'll get those drops and when it's in the back of your mind, you're less likely to think about it and get frustrated with RNG.
You really gotta find ways to have fun with builds that let you grind for hours and it feels fun, the rest will eventually fall in your lap over time.
Lastly, what Kallizk said and to add to that also, learn how to be efficient with your materials. Farm bounties, reroll items in the cube that will give you the biggest upgrades. Basically only Weapons and maybe Rings/Amulets if you know what stats you need.
Sorry for the long post, there's just a ton of info out there and things you can do in order to improve your character and paragon 650 doing GR 96 is an amazing start but also barely scratching the surface of gametime played in a season. Just keep going from there.
Awesome thank you for the help! I was just a little worried that I was missing something and was just wasting my time doing what i was doing. Ill keep grinding it out!
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I'm very casual player, and season 19 was my first season. I'm playing WW barb, 650 paragon, GR 96 clear, but cant seem to get any better rolls on gear, to progress further. I'm following Raxxanterax WW Push Barb build, and I have all the basic gear, but I cant seem to farm or roll anything even close to what he has. I also cant seem to roll a socket on Flavor of time, Band of Might or COE, so i can use my legendary gems which would help out greatly. I'm either missing something completely or i just have the worst luck witch is also possible. I cant even begin to explain how many materials i have gone through and still not got anything. I'm playing on XBOX if that matters. Thanks for any help.
Sounds like bad luck hehe, keep farming and use the cube to roll rares into legendaries, i've gotten upgrades that way, or you can just mass farm bounties and reforge until u have what you want, takes alot of time though.
Those Who Do Not Know True Pain Cannot Possibly Understand True Peace...
It's a grind game my man. It takes time to farm and if you focus on very specific things, it's just going to get you frustrated when they don't drop.
The best thing you can do for yourself is just keep grinding and "slowly" improve your character. Farm keys, level your gems, look for better ancient rolls, augment your gear, then level more gems, replace current augs with higher augs, rinse and repeat. Eventually you'll get those drops and when it's in the back of your mind, you're less likely to think about it and get frustrated with RNG.
You really gotta find ways to have fun with builds that let you grind for hours and it feels fun, the rest will eventually fall in your lap over time.
Lastly, what Kallizk said and to add to that also, learn how to be efficient with your materials. Farm bounties, reroll items in the cube that will give you the biggest upgrades. Basically only Weapons and maybe Rings/Amulets if you know what stats you need.
Sorry for the long post, there's just a ton of info out there and things you can do in order to improve your character and paragon 650 doing GR 96 is an amazing start but also barely scratching the surface of gametime played in a season. Just keep going from there.
Awesome thank you for the help! I was just a little worried that I was missing something and was just wasting my time doing what i was doing. Ill keep grinding it out!