There were general login issues with the launcher. Asia started (to my knowledge) on time.
Also: gratz, @BehindTimes to a successful start on Asia! I kept a close eye on the leaderboards during the start, and I believe you were #6 at 70. Was interesting to see how things unfolded.
I checked this site, and it says Asia S20 already started: but I can't log in to the game or download the update.
Yeah. Asia was having tons of server problems today.
on EU the not working ...
There were general login issues with the launcher. Asia started (to my knowledge) on time.
Also: gratz, @BehindTimes to a successful start on Asia! I kept a close eye on the leaderboards during the start, and I believe you were #6 at 70. Was interesting to see how things unfolded.
Thank you! Later though, Trag's is not really a set I'm familiar with, so wasn't able to progress that far with it. One day I should really learn it.