It is working on someones nerve, more dislikes than likes already.
Sad reality is they think cheating equals to being good at game, even calling themselves "pro", or even worse, "gamer".
Sad reality also, almost nobody cares.....
Sad reality, according to my intel, inteligent beings should not "disturb" those ignorants, because it makes ignorants automagickally blame you for anything, which is partially true because they think its personal (oh no i cant let my ego think im bad person), taking responsibility is hard for immature beings. Blizz obviously knows the majority of people are idiots, Blizz needs the money, money doesn't stink
Hey, I had a lot of unpleasant experiences with botters recently so I decided to make a video parody about it. Don't see other way to fight with them.
It's kinda dark humour tho.
Me: Likes.
It is working on someones nerve, more dislikes than likes already.
Sad reality is they think cheating equals to being good at game, even calling themselves "pro", or even worse, "gamer".
Sad reality also, almost nobody cares.....
Sad reality, according to my intel, inteligent beings should not "disturb" those ignorants, because it makes ignorants automagickally blame you for anything, which is partially true because they think its personal (oh no i cant let my ego think im bad person), taking responsibility is hard for immature beings. Blizz obviously knows the majority of people are idiots, Blizz needs the money, money doesn't stink
after removal of rmah\gmah d3 turned into solo game, where "cheating" is pointless