So I see a lot of people arguing "how can you be so against a game that isn't even out yet", but the problem isn't the game itself. Diablo Mobile could be kinda fun, and it makes sense from a organisation PoV because it's an untapped market if u get a good game in that genre on mobile. The problem is the delivery.
So first, we've got the fact they clearly and intentionally hyped up a Diablo announcement with tweets, videos and making it first in line on the main stage. Sure this got downplayed a little, nobody expected D4 but it was still hyped. Second we've got Blizzcon, which is a place their fans go to some of which pay thousands to get to... Blizzard fans are prominently PC gamers, because thats where their games are and most PC gamers are of a more "hardcore" variant as such not really into mobile games (and even if they was, it wouldn't be at the forefront of there desires).
Ok, so we've got a bunch of hyped up PC gamers spending thousands to go support there favourite dev and what does the dev do... It announces a mobile game. How out of touch with your audience do you have to be to think this is a good idea? To think the reaction is going to be good? To think this is what the people want? They even said it on stage "we're trying to reach new audiences". Well that's great, but you DON'T do that in a convention that is filled with your current audience that spent thousands to go there.... You do that outside of these conventions.
So this leaves 2 questions....
1. Is Blizzard so ludicrously out of touch with it's audience that it genuinely thought announcing a mobile game in this situation was a good move.
2. Does Blizzard are so little about it's current audience/Diablo in general that it knew this would be the reaction and did it anyway?
Either way you look at it, this is bad.
Mobile game isn't the problem, the delivery and the concerns that brings regarding the company are.
I'm going to say since D3 was released is when it all started, I didnt even read what you said because I know it doesn't matter and I dont even know why I'm replying. Maybe because I'm bored and frustrated.
The delivery was not the problem. The total absence of work to show on content the fan base would actually be interested in was the problem. If they had even cursory news to share on PC diablo titles present or future, content patches, expansions, anything at all to show the community hey we've been doing something on the franchise you love in the 17 months since we released necromancer, and we're going to be doing other things in the future, it would have been ok. The complete absence of that, coupled with a transparent cash grab for a totally different audience, and the tone deaf jokes from the presenters trying to blunt the disappointment in the room lead us to where we are.
The problem is they hyped us about diablo since blizzon 2017. Devs told people that 2018 will be a great year for diablo.
Then they release the video hyping everyone even more about a possible diablo 4 reveal or diablo 3 expansion.
Then they reveal the blizzcon shedule with Diablo being on the biggest stage right after the opening ceremony so it would be a huge Diablo anounncement.
They try to do some damage control with the post on the forums that some things take longer to make so people dont expect a d4 reveal but we still hoped for a d3 expansion or even a class DLC.
But what did we get ? a Diablo mobile no one was asking for. Yeah you dont reveal a mobile game before a hardcore PC playerbase. Its like a BMW driver going to a Honda meeting.
You're right the delivery was bad but you're wrong that the mobile game isn't the problem. It is a problem. Who wants to play an ARPG on a mobile and spend the time doing it to level and gear up on a mobile?
I know I sure as hell don't.
The only reason I could see myself doing it would be if the mobile version was Diablo 3 and I could play my PC character on mobile to keep the progression going. But to have an exclusively mobile game? No. Just no.
And this isn't even taking into account the fact that the game is a total reskin of the Endless of God game which NetEase made. Absolutely no effort went into this and it's painfully obvious. They do not care.
So I see a lot of people arguing "how can you be so against a game that isn't even out yet", but the problem isn't the game itself. Diablo Mobile could be kinda fun, and it makes sense from a organisation PoV because it's an untapped market if u get a good game in that genre on mobile. The problem is the delivery.
So first, we've got the fact they clearly and intentionally hyped up a Diablo announcement with tweets, videos and making it first in line on the main stage. Sure this got downplayed a little, nobody expected D4 but it was still hyped. Second we've got Blizzcon, which is a place their fans go to some of which pay thousands to get to... Blizzard fans are prominently PC gamers, because thats where their games are and most PC gamers are of a more "hardcore" variant as such not really into mobile games (and even if they was, it wouldn't be at the forefront of there desires).
Ok, so we've got a bunch of hyped up PC gamers spending thousands to go support there favourite dev and what does the dev do... It announces a mobile game. How out of touch with your audience do you have to be to think this is a good idea? To think the reaction is going to be good? To think this is what the people want? They even said it on stage "we're trying to reach new audiences". Well that's great, but you DON'T do that in a convention that is filled with your current audience that spent thousands to go there.... You do that outside of these conventions.
So this leaves 2 questions....
1. Is Blizzard so ludicrously out of touch with it's audience that it genuinely thought announcing a mobile game in this situation was a good move.
2. Does Blizzard are so little about it's current audience/Diablo in general that it knew this would be the reaction and did it anyway?
Either way you look at it, this is bad.
Mobile game isn't the problem, the delivery and the concerns that brings regarding the company are.
I'm going to say since D3 was released is when it all started, I didnt even read what you said because I know it doesn't matter and I dont even know why I'm replying. Maybe because I'm bored and frustrated.
The delivery was not the problem. The total absence of work to show on content the fan base would actually be interested in was the problem. If they had even cursory news to share on PC diablo titles present or future, content patches, expansions, anything at all to show the community hey we've been doing something on the franchise you love in the 17 months since we released necromancer, and we're going to be doing other things in the future, it would have been ok. The complete absence of that, coupled with a transparent cash grab for a totally different audience, and the tone deaf jokes from the presenters trying to blunt the disappointment in the room lead us to where we are.
The problem is they hyped us about diablo since blizzon 2017. Devs told people that 2018 will be a great year for diablo.
Then they release the video hyping everyone even more about a possible diablo 4 reveal or diablo 3 expansion.
Then they reveal the blizzcon shedule with Diablo being on the biggest stage right after the opening ceremony so it would be a huge Diablo anounncement.
They try to do some damage control with the post on the forums that some things take longer to make so people dont expect a d4 reveal but we still hoped for a d3 expansion or even a class DLC.
But what did we get ? a Diablo mobile no one was asking for. Yeah you dont reveal a mobile game before a hardcore PC playerbase. Its like a BMW driver going to a Honda meeting.
You're right the delivery was bad but you're wrong that the mobile game isn't the problem. It is a problem. Who wants to play an ARPG on a mobile and spend the time doing it to level and gear up on a mobile?
I know I sure as hell don't.
The only reason I could see myself doing it would be if the mobile version was Diablo 3 and I could play my PC character on mobile to keep the progression going. But to have an exclusively mobile game? No. Just no.
And this isn't even taking into account the fact that the game is a total reskin of the Endless of God game which NetEase made. Absolutely no effort went into this and it's painfully obvious. They do not care.
And may the odds be ever in your favour.