You mean for a good Rogue, right? And yeah, I agree. But once it's high enough, the Rogue suddenly becomes my favorite class to use in the first Diablo. However, since there wasn't much to distinguish classes besides starting attributes and one special dinky spell, you kind of had to enjoy the seperate classes based more on aesthetic values. And personally, I thought the Rogue looked coolest wearing the heavy armor, the voice talent for her was fun to listen to, and watching the end cinematic with her was also the coolest out of the three, I thought.
I never watched the final cinematic with her. Is it any different?
Pretty much the exact same thing happens. But it was interesting to watch cause she looks different than in her profile picture. You gotta give the first game credit for that actually. Cause in the second Diablo when you see Soulstones being smashed, it's just a gauntleted hand with a hammer and you don't even get to see your character's face up close or anything. That was actually a big disappointment for me.
I understood that Diablo has always been more plot driven that character driven, but with how much time and effort people invest in their characters, you would think you'd get to see a shot or two of your chosen class within the cinematic.
the end cinematic doesnt change depending on your class. or does it? i cant remember storywise its the warrior who kills diablo. making three different versions of about 5 seconds of screen time. that seems a bit much.
it seems like its the barbs hand in d2, its too big to be any body elses.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
the end cinematic doesnt change depending on your class. or does it? i cant remember storywise its the warrior who kills diablo. making three different versions of about 5 seconds of screen time. that seems a bit much.
it seems like its the barbs hand in d2, its too big to be any body elses.
I don't know. I don't think it's a bit much. Cause they did it, and since you see their faces you would be disappointed if you played the game with the Sorcerer and then at the end it's suddenly the Warrior and you're like, "Hey, that's not my guy!"
I understand that according to the story, it was the Warrior who ends the game. But it's still nice to see other outcomes even if that is not the official way it ends.
And I have heard people say that about the Barbarian because the hand looks big and I don't think that necessarily makes it true. A gauntlet over a hand could make about any hand seem much larger, depending on the gauntlet itself, I suppose.
about the dexterity and chance to hit, i had like 110% chance to hit and a lot of dexterity (like 80). both of my rings and my amulet increased dexterity or chance to hit in some amount. if you hit them before they hit you, it doesnt matter HOW much health you have. you need damage, speed, and chance to hit. i had all that in excess when i finished the game. so yeah. im awesome
ogdens sign is on lvl 4 the rock is on level 5. if yo udont have it you will have the other quests in their respective pools.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
thx man. i love you sounds like u played Diablo I not to long ago.
what i really hate about this game is that. i just completed the sign quest and i got some H crest helm. its a unique so i suppose its going to be good, but when i identify it, it has -3 armor and other stuff? y do they do that.. so annoying, my armor is only 13 right now...
Help.......... what do i do for Gharbad the weak, so far he gave me a crappy claymore for his word. now what??
Maybe you should just keep playing and see what happens. You're allowed to save it just in case you're not satisfied with the outcome. Although I think the outcome is ultimately the same with that little quest.
what i really hate about this game is that. i just completed the sign quest and i got some H crest helm. its a unique so i suppose its going to be good, but when i identify it, it has -3 armor and other stuff? y do they do that.. so annoying, my armor is only 13 right now...
Help.......... what do i do for Gharbad the weak, so far he gave me a crappy claymore for his word. now what??
that helm isnt the greatest but if you give the sign to snotspill on lvl 4 you have to attack him anyway, if you give it to ogden at least you get an item out of it.
Gharbad only ever gives you shit items, he is Gharbad the weak not Gharbad the "here is a absolutely awesome weapon for you"
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
uh...actually, if you give the sign to snotspill, he disappears and you can't get to the 5th level because the gate doesnt open. i did it one time. i gave it to him. and he was like 'you killed uglies! give thingy! you go now!' and then he disappeared. that was bogus.
when i went to the chamber of bone, i just dropped a fire wall on the entrance and walked close enough for like all of the skeletons to see 80% of them died from walking into the fire wall. that is my favorite tactic. Fire Wall is great and doesnt take a lot of magic like Flame Wave.
You mean for a good Rogue, right? And yeah, I agree. But once it's high enough, the Rogue suddenly becomes my favorite class to use in the first Diablo. However, since there wasn't much to distinguish classes besides starting attributes and one special dinky spell, you kind of had to enjoy the seperate classes based more on aesthetic values. And personally, I thought the Rogue looked coolest wearing the heavy armor, the voice talent for her was fun to listen to, and watching the end cinematic with her was also the coolest out of the three, I thought.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
Pretty much the exact same thing happens. But it was interesting to watch cause she looks different than in her profile picture. You gotta give the first game credit for that actually. Cause in the second Diablo when you see Soulstones being smashed, it's just a gauntleted hand with a hammer and you don't even get to see your character's face up close or anything. That was actually a big disappointment for me.
I understood that Diablo has always been more plot driven that character driven, but with how much time and effort people invest in their characters, you would think you'd get to see a shot or two of your chosen class within the cinematic.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
it seems like its the barbs hand in d2, its too big to be any body elses.
I don't know. I don't think it's a bit much. Cause they did it, and since you see their faces you would be disappointed if you played the game with the Sorcerer and then at the end it's suddenly the Warrior and you're like, "Hey, that's not my guy!"
I understand that according to the story, it was the Warrior who ends the game. But it's still nice to see other outcomes even if that is not the official way it ends.
And I have heard people say that about the Barbarian because the hand looks big and I don't think that necessarily makes it true. A gauntlet over a hand could make about any hand seem much larger, depending on the gauntlet itself, I suppose.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
where is this damn magic rock? what lvl number is it in????? and where is odgens sign?????
what i really hate about this game is that. i just completed the sign quest and i got some H crest helm. its a unique so i suppose its going to be good, but when i identify it, it has -3 armor and other stuff? y do they do that.. so annoying, my armor is only 13 right now...
Help.......... what do i do for Gharbad the weak, so far he gave me a crappy claymore for his word. now what??
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
holy i just went into the bone chamber and atleast 60 skeles came out and trapped me in a corner
that helm isnt the greatest but if you give the sign to snotspill on lvl 4 you have to attack him anyway, if you give it to ogden at least you get an item out of it.
Gharbad only ever gives you shit items, he is Gharbad the weak not Gharbad the "here is a absolutely awesome weapon for you"
when i went to the chamber of bone, i just dropped a fire wall on the entrance and walked close enough for like all of the skeletons to see 80% of them died from walking into the fire wall. that is my favorite tactic. Fire Wall is great and doesnt take a lot of magic like Flame Wave.