Diablo I & Hellfire

Discussion of Diablo and the Hellfire expansion goes here.
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
My Let's Play of Hellfire >>
by EclipseTen
12 3,556
How am I supposed to beat King Leoric >>
by Bloodlust_Fox
12 56,655
Who has not played Diablo 1? >>
by ScyberDragon
74 11,044
Diablo 1 Crashes everytime. Help >>
by KainTheReaper
5 17,035
So I just started playing Diablo for the first time... >>
by iTwenty
23 6,026
Mono Soundtrack >>
by Snarf
5 3,104
Big Trouble in Little Caves >>
by Kracov
5 2,405
Diablo 1 Mod Help >>
by jsjm1993
9 16,296
Royal Circlet >>
by Musica
7 8,236
I wanna play diablo 1 online!! >>
by AleZzItAh
26 31,190
Never played diablo 1 >>
by assman840
14 3,913
Is there any way to play diablo without cd? >>
by Necdilzor
5 5,678
Your favorite Diablo townsperson >>
by Jdtgreat
79 16,738
How do you distribute stats ? >>
by Jack00
22 90,419
Favourite Quest. >>
by Elfen_Lied
59 13,044
My Let's Play of Diablo 1 >>
by EclipseTen
24 6,346
Spectral Elixir >>
by Musica
25 21,976
Newb Q's >>
by Puttah
22 11,978
Has anyone actually played Diablo 1? >>
by fbim4
44 9,505
Track Discussion: Echoes of War (renamed from merged threads) >>
by Enty
5 3,240
D1 - useful app >>
by 0x5b785d
4 2,739
Monk Lore >>
by Musica
6 8,387
D1 meta games >>
by Rousse
7 3,151
Diablo 1 Unable to Create Character >>
by KO_Bossy
1 20,013
Is there a button to see items on the ground ? >>
by Jack00
5 59,871
Where's the Butcher? >>
by last
5 22,679
Diablo Hellfire >>
by Kanastag
12 4,401
Need someone to play with. >>
by Dane
15 3,700
Where is your account saved ? >>
by Jack00
6 2,649
Amazing. >>
by pbrox
28 6,027