I've not seen any copies of it, nor did I know that there were copies of it floating around. I figured you typed it up yourself, and in the case of going through with each character and copying what they say manually, yes I am too lazy to do that. (How long would it take? Going through the game 7 times old school style to get each and every character's intro speach? x.x)
Thanks though for the file. o.o ^.^
Also, they added the special intros after LoD came out right? I don't remember hearing Charsi say anything different to the barb untill I got LoD. o.O
No they had the special intros for the orginal 5 in classic D2.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Akara and Drognan have a special intro for the Sorc
Geglash has a special intro for the Barbarian.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Fara has a special one for the paladin. And Kashya has a special one for the Amazon. Malah also has one for the sorceress. And Qual-Khek has a special one for the druid.
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One becomes strong when they are fighting to protect someone close to them... - Shiro Haku
well the single npc who really talks with the assassin is Nihlathak maybe because he thinks that she may in the way of his purpose
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When All the Corrupted Souls Will Fall In To My Hands No Angel Or The Bravest Hero Cant Defeat Me
Im The Essence Of Darkness
Beware Foolish Mortals The Death Nearly Aprochesee[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
well why because she has just a minor roll why and Magistrate we aretalking about Natalya maybe he has a special talk with the necro i dont like very much that char for me kind of weak
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When All the Corrupted Souls Will Fall In To My Hands No Angel Or The Bravest Hero Cant Defeat Me
Im The Essence Of Darkness
Beware Foolish Mortals The Death Nearly Aprochesee[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
well why because she has just a minor roll why and Magistrate we aretalking about Natalya maybe he has a special talk with the necro i dont like very much that char for me kind of weak
Punctuation is your friend. Or at least it would like to be.
Yeah, it took me a few read overs to figure it out.
well why because she has just a minor roll
Um, she doesn't even need to be in the next one at all. Why does she have to die in it? Why can't Malah or Gelgash die instead?
Magistrate we aretalking about Natalya
Yes, I am well aware of that. I was just adding my two cents in to the above off-topic posts about how certain NPC's give special introduction text to certain character classes.
i dont like very much that char for me kind of weak
Meet me on East sometime- I could prove otherwise.
So i was playing D2 last night and got halfway through it and when i returned to town i saw Natalya and remembered what i wanted to ask you guys. My question is, what is Natalya's purpose, why is she even there? She doesn't do much does she?
I read in an interview once about LoD that the game makers were well aware of the concept of an Assassin even before the expansion. While the Assassin didn't make it as a class in the original D2, they still wanted to introduce the concept of group that hunts down corrupted mages.
Diablo 2 Easter Egg - Natalya Secret Expansion Text
This was first revealed by the good people at DiabloII.net. In Act III there is a secret message by Natalya that was removed from the game but is still accessible to those who have Battle.net access. What you have to do is beat act three and then join a game where someone has access to Act 3, but has not beaten it. Talk to Natalya about the final quest to hear a specch you normally couldn't hear because Natalya disappears after you beat Act 3 (except in this case.)
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"Klaatu barada nikto"
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Thanks though for the file. o.o ^.^
Also, they added the special intros after LoD came out right? I don't remember hearing Charsi say anything different to the barb untill I got LoD. o.O
Geglash has a special intro for the Barbarian.
One becomes strong when they are fighting to protect someone close to them... - Shiro Haku
Im The Essence Of Darkness
Beware Foolish Mortals The Death Nearly Aprochesee[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
its not supposed to be a nice game
autostats are rediclous
lack of pots is not welcome
if it aint broke dont fix it! (diablo2)
I want to ask why? Although if done appropriately, I wouldn't mind.
Im The Essence Of Darkness
Beware Foolish Mortals The Death Nearly Aprochesee[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Punctuation is your friend. Or at least it would like to be.
Um, she doesn't even need to be in the next one at all. Why does she have to die in it? Why can't Malah or Gelgash die instead?
Yes, I am well aware of that. I was just adding my two cents in to the above off-topic posts about how certain NPC's give special introduction text to certain character classes.
Meet me on East sometime- I could prove otherwise.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
CyberPunk RP Nexus
This was first revealed by the good people at DiabloII.net. In Act III there is a secret message by Natalya that was removed from the game but is still accessible to those who have Battle.net access. What you have to do is beat act three and then join a game where someone has access to Act 3, but has not beaten it. Talk to Natalya about the final quest to hear a specch you normally couldn't hear because Natalya disappears after you beat Act 3 (except in this case.)