i know it was already agreed upon to go with some fancy form of SICK but in all honesty that seems rather overdone...
why cant we do something more old school like for example say my name was Thasador we could do Thasador Macleod (just as an example). not really sure how that would work with sick but perhaps we could come but with another name to go with the long title of silver inferno crusading knights. i just like that idea better than the usual -[SICK]- sort of clan tags... etc
to me that just seems cool to have a load of people all part of a tightly nit clan, seems a lot closer than the usual and something i think that would differentiate us from all others.
imagine 8 people all in the server all with (for example) macleod at the end. so damn cool
and then naturally we would have a symbol, something like this:
Because SICK is not a clan like Macleod. SICK is not a clan at all, it's a Guild.
Groups in FPSs are called Clans. Groups in RPGs (or almost every Medieval Fantasy game) are called Guilds.
Our guild name would have to be "Clan Macleod" for that to work. Or "of the Clan Macleod"
Thus your name would be;
of the Clan Macleod
I hope D3 has better denotion of affiliation. Currently you have to sacrifice character numbers to denote your affiliation with a guild or group.
Of a possible 15 characters SICK_ takes up 5, leaving 10 for your actual name. Such as SICK_Archaeon
Where as in WOW, no characters are needed to be sacrificed as your guild name is clearly labeled under your character name. Assuming you first belong to one of course. such as;
The Argonauts
I find WOWs system much better. I hope it appears in D3.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
It's a shame that spaces aren't valid characters. Underscores are ugly. So you'd be limited to one underscore:
Num3n_clanmacleod or Num3nClan_Macleod or something.
SICK_ is 5 characters leaving 10 for your name.
|SICK| is 6 leaving 9 for your name.
Ideally we would hope for something that gives the player the greatest freedom with the characters. If WOW didn't have official guild denotion that would suck big time. You only have 12 characters. SICK_ would leave you with 7. Almost everyone here's characters have more than 7 characters to their name. Archaeon, that wouldn't even fit if we had to use the SICK_ tag as well. Fortunately for me, the original name I took the name from is Archaon so it is not true loss for me, but for others.
D3 might have something similar to WOW in that the game makes the tags for you, to a point, you still have to make the tag your self, but it is no way restricts the number of characters one can have in their name. And if it works like WOW we wouldn't have to worry about whether we use x's or _'s or |'s on the side of the name as we would be able to use the full name of the guild. Silver Inferno Crusading Knights. That is assuming guild names do not have a limit in the number of characters they can have in a name.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
why cant we do something more old school like for example say my name was Thasador we could do Thasador Macleod (just as an example). not really sure how that would work with sick but perhaps we could come but with another name to go with the long title of silver inferno crusading knights. i just like that idea better than the usual -[SICK]- sort of clan tags... etc
to me that just seems cool to have a load of people all part of a tightly nit clan, seems a lot closer than the usual and something i think that would differentiate us from all others.
imagine 8 people all in the server all with (for example) macleod at the end. so damn cool
and then naturally we would have a symbol, something like this:
*edit* and since we arent allowed to post pictures for some reason here is the link
anyways I just think that would be really cool and would fit this game and clan.
Groups in FPSs are called Clans. Groups in RPGs (or almost every Medieval Fantasy game) are called Guilds.
Our guild name would have to be "Clan Macleod" for that to work. Or "of the Clan Macleod"
Thus your name would be;
of the Clan Macleod
I hope D3 has better denotion of affiliation. Currently you have to sacrifice character numbers to denote your affiliation with a guild or group.
Of a possible 15 characters SICK_ takes up 5, leaving 10 for your actual name. Such as SICK_Archaeon
Where as in WOW, no characters are needed to be sacrificed as your guild name is clearly labeled under your character name. Assuming you first belong to one of course. such as;
The Argonauts
I find WOWs system much better. I hope it appears in D3.
but why cant we be different?
anyways it was just a suggestion perhaps ill just make my own characters with something at the end like of the Clan Macleod as u suggested.
Num3n_clanmacleod or Num3nClan_Macleod or something.
also magistrate does google chrome have the firefox red underlined words for incorrect spelling?
|SICK| is 6 leaving 9 for your name.
Ideally we would hope for something that gives the player the greatest freedom with the characters. If WOW didn't have official guild denotion that would suck big time. You only have 12 characters. SICK_ would leave you with 7. Almost everyone here's characters have more than 7 characters to their name. Archaeon, that wouldn't even fit if we had to use the SICK_ tag as well. Fortunately for me, the original name I took the name from is Archaon so it is not true loss for me, but for others.
D3 might have something similar to WOW in that the game makes the tags for you, to a point, you still have to make the tag your self, but it is no way restricts the number of characters one can have in their name. And if it works like WOW we wouldn't have to worry about whether we use x's or _'s or |'s on the side of the name as we would be able to use the full name of the guild. Silver Inferno Crusading Knights. That is assuming guild names do not have a limit in the number of characters they can have in a name.