myself and Elfen will be moving all the bios from the Silversurfnstudism thread into this one.
I am asking everyone who would like to participate to Include their bio in here, lets all try to keep it more or less in the same structure
This will also make things easier for promotions and Roleplaying
This is the structure to be used
1. Name/titles (as in Sir, Lord, Baron, Mr, Miss, or etc)
2. Guild Rank (what ranks within the guild you hold, there are several ranks, so just post your Military rank, i.e the Latin one)
3. Guild Century assigned to (which Century you are part of) If Applicable
4. Weapons/items/armor used (if any and any properties they might hold)
5. Appearance (Provide picture(s) much like that in the silversurfnstudism thread on page 1 (and throughout).
6. Bio (please include location of origin if applicable)
7. Goals if any.
This will Keep the guild much more organised while we await diablo 3. This will also add to the fun of the Roleplaying many of us do here, many of the higher ranking officers will be able to bestow enchantments and grant magics to the worthy and by having this page it will make it much easier
it will be strictly for bios and all the stories of silversurfnstudism will be left in that thread, as that thread will be strictly for telling ur stories and tales, and having them put into the tomb to be forever remembered
also note. If ur bio is already in the SilverSurfnstudism thread please revise it and put in into this structire listed abvove so that it can be deleted from that thread
2. Rank - LORD GOD
3. Legion - All of SICK is under my command
4. Speed is my weapon , Knowledge is my armor
5. Appearance - I can take the form/appearance of any being living or dead
4. A pair of hand crossbows, repeating. Made by myself, styled after revolvers. Ability to split bolts fired to create a circle of flying death.
Customized bolts. Nets, poisoned, explosive, incendiary, among others.
A cloak, known as a piwafwi,it shields me from the gaze of others when in the shadows and muffles any slight noise I might make to the point where it is silent.
6. I am searching for the Dark Tower, the repository of all truth, all that is, known and unknown.
It lies at the end of the world, and there I am bound, for Ka controls me.
Ka, known to some as Fate, is like a wind, you cannot catch it, you cannot stop it, it merely takes you along for the ride
I am searching for the Tower. I have known many, and killed many more, some I loved, to reach the Dark Tower.
For if Ka wills it, it will be done. Ka is defied at a price far to great to comprehend.
For I also wish to see who resides in the top room of the Tower, who controls all that is, or perhaps I will find it empty.
I am Roland Deschain of the Line of Eld, out of Gilead that was.
I am of the Ka-tet of Assassins, under our Lord God Silversurfnstud.
I search for the Tower.
7. I plan to find the Tower, and climb to the top.
4. A bastard sword, The Sword of the Flame; it burns with a magical fire, and a charring blast is released whenever a hit is scored. "Meta Infernum" is etched on the hilt, though it appears somewhat faded and may not be original to the sword. a clock and leather armour.
or see avatar, my avatar has the proper sword except you can't really see it...
6. My name is Winston, Winston the 4th. I come from a long line of warriors who always led a band of mercenaries. My father, Winston the 3rd, taught me how to use a sword from a tender age, using wooden sticks. I quickly grasped the fundamentals of swordplay. At the age of 12 I received my first real sword. It was light, easy to use with one hand and sharp. I grew stronger and more adept in the ways of the sword everyday. At the age of 14 I was trained enough to be part of my fathers mercenaries. I was now a mercenary.
7. I will rid the world of evil and defeat the black knight, to avenge my father.
4. The Swords of Destruction, gigantic swords able to join together These weapons are a sight to behold. The blades are crafted of red-gold with a silver edge. The guards is finely polished platinum, and the wire wound hilts are crafted of black adamantine. The blades of these weapons seem to shimmer, revealing a fluid, razor edge. Truly there was great skill involved in their construction, as well as a blessing or two from some well-meaning eye above.
5. Appearance - Tall, unnaturally strong for thin build, Black hair, always in black armor and clothing.
1. Name/titles - Lord Elfen Lied the Blood Dragon of Sylvania
2. Rank - Imperator
3. Legion - HELLSING (His Royal Elfen Lied's Legion of Soldiers and Immortal Night Guard)
4. Weapon/s and armor - A single Bastard Sword I call the Purifier; while it is no fabled Holy avenger, the Legendary blade Carsomyr, it is still a mighty weapon, 4 and half feet of Evil destroying steel and blessed silver, It has been in the Blood Dragon family for centuries.
Heavy armor, dark silver in colour, and the enchantments on this suit are particularly powerful. the perfectly fitted interlocking plates are specially angled to deflect arrows and blows, and the entire suit is carefully adorned with rich engraving and embossed detail. Sheathed in the chitinous scales of the ankheg and treated with the blood of a noble dragon, it provides a greater degree of protection than traditional plate mail and is not succeptible to rust.
5. Appearance - Tall, early 30's, average build,
6. Bio - During the winter of 1431, I was born in a military fortress in Sylvania, a rather evil and cursed land, but it is home, lying east of the Empire of Man. I was the second son of Abhorash the Blood Dragon and Neferata Queen of Lahmia. At the age of five, I like my father and brother, Krell before me, was initiated into the Order of the Dragon, an order of selected nobles fiercely devoted to the deity Silversurfnstud. It is around this time that the Time of Troubles, when gods and deities are forced to walk the worlds as mortals, begins.
War is rampant through the lands, nobles are captured and held for ransom, sadly I along with my older brother were no exception. We were captured and held for ransom by the Dark Elves (or Drow). Dark Elves are known for their intense brutality and cruelty towards prisoners and slaves. And none more so than the resident of Naggaroth, the Home of Witch King the Dark Elf Lord Malekith. It is here that I developed a taste for torture. In 1447, shortly before the death of our father, my brother and I were rescued, by our father's forces, under the command of the General, Nagash the Black.
Our honoured father dies during our trek home, upon returning, Krell as the oldest is named as his successor and is crowned Lord of Sylvania. in 1451 in a campaign to take over several neighbouring provinces, Reikland, a large rich and prosperous province and Gallowmere a small hauntingly eerie province, Nagash the black dies I am named as his replacement. Together Krell and I finish what he and Nagash could not, complete taking over of the two provinces. I am named Lord of the province of Gallowmere. In 1456 Krell dies from a mortal wound he sustained during the occupation of Reikland, and I and now made Lord of all Sylvania and other recently captured provinces.
In the year 1457 I married a beautiful, young priestess by the name of Izabella, and she soon became my world. I would shower her with many gifts from the spoilers of my victories. In the winter of 1466 on one campaign to defend the Eastern border of my lands it appeared that neither side could gain the upper hand and the fighting lasted much longer than any wished it to. During this lengthy campaign the enemy send a note to my wife Izabella, claiming that I had been killed in the course of the battle. After she received the news she was wracked with sorrow and leaped to her death from a tower window of our castle. Upon returning home victorious I went into a state of madness. Most of what happened during the first few months following my return is a blur, though my advisors have informed me that I had killed some of their predecessors in fits of rage while blood drunk and furious over my beloved wife's death. However the horrors visited upon me were nothing compared to those of my enemies who forced the letter. Entire families were massacred, towns and cities razed, countrysides set ablaze.
My rule is known as much for my devotion to my people as it is for my brutality and executions of my enemies. My enemies and those of my god are executed publicly and their body parts put on display so that other men might learn the horrors awaiting them if they should cross Elfen Lied, or the god Silversurfnstud. Towards the end of the 1450's my lands are constantly under attack from the forces of Karl Franz, trying to retake Reikland. They are unsuccessful, yet neither am I advancing much further west. In the winter of 1461-62 Kurt Hulberg is successful in reclaiming Reikland, but that is all he is able to achieve. My armies are successful in defending my lands.
The Church War, in which followers of the gods fight each other, rather than the peoples of the Lords and kings fighting each other, breaks out short after and rages for 14 years, Fighting is much more fierce as now members of the cloth take up arms and do battle,. It ends shortly after 1476, when several members of the church of Talos, the Storm God, attempt to assassinate me in retribution for the killing of 100 of Storm Knights, but I am saved by my God, Silversurfnstud. It is in this instance that in exchange for a lifetime of service, I am granted second life and become a No life King, a seemingly immortal being of immense power. The other churches quickly bow before the might of Silversurfnstud. and things quickly return to normal, Hostile provinces once again begin attacking one another or themselves.
During the next few years I shaped and molded many faithful followers of the Lord God Silversurfnstud into the most feared army in the lands, His royal Elfen Lied's Legion of Soldiers and Immortal Night Guard (HELLSING), who in addition to waging war in the name of our Lord God, also serve as a form of bodyguards though the god Silversurfnstud is of course capable of defending himself should the need arise. As the masses of followers of Silversurfstud multiplied so did the need for more legions to protect the people, and thus the Silver Inferno Knights (SICK) were born. however SICK retained the motto of HELLSING, In the name of God, the impure Souls of the Living Dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, Amen. as well as other characteristics, such as ranks. As the notoriety of SICK grew so did my rank within it, and soon I was appointed to the newly formed rank of Imperator of the Legions of the god Silversurfnstud.
The followers of Silversurfnstud are not all militants, it is also comprised of civilians and priests. And as such ruling bodies need to be created. Hence the Executive Council came into being. The Council is comprised of The Lord God, The Imperator of the Legions, the Head Zealot and other extremely highly ranked members. And to enforce the laws the Executive Council had created, the Executioner Squad was formed. The Executioner Squad is well known for its brutal enforcement of the laws of Silversurfnstudism. Many of their methods are modified methods I learned through my time held captive by the Dark Elves.
In the year 1480 while engaged in a titanic battle with the men of the Empire under the command of Karl Franz himself, a terrible storm suddenly appeared darkening the skies and battering everyone with torrential down pour. With neither side wished to leave we were left with two options, fight in the storm or seek whatever shelter could be sought and ride it out. Both chose the latter. Taken shelter in a ruined temple we waited. Its eeriness was hauntingly pleasing, but the shrill cry of one of my warriors was not. He spoke of something in the darkness, a beast he called it. he talked of it possessing snake-like hind quarters, yet the torso of a man, and many arms. Assuring him he was mistaken I was met with others claiming to have see the same thing. Sensing a possible loss in moral was imminent, I ventured further into the temple to investigate. Deep in the bowels of the temple I came across a forgotten tomb. The inscription of the sarcophagus had withered away over time only the line “here lies Nostros, champion of the Light” remained unscathed.
Seeing the name I remembered the stories my father used to tell me and my brother. Our father told us tales of a warrior called Nostros, a holy warrior who worn armor of shinning silver and wield a mighty sword that was said to be infused with the very essence of virtue. My reminiscing of days long since passed was interrupted by a high pitched screech emanating from the lower recesses. My men began to cower in fear, an action I did not condone so to instill some faith in my men I headed to where the sound appeared to come from, but before I could even enter the darkness I was thrown back by something, slamming into the sarcophagus, breaking it into pieces. Feeling around I felt the decay of bone, then the cold of steel of a blade. Having lost my own sword while in mid flight, I grabbed the sword. Its length was nothing overly impressive, it was no more than 4 and a half feet, from the tip of the blade to the bottom of the hilt, but it glowed with a white light. This had to be Nostros’ own sword, the ‘Purifier’. Thought lost to the ages, the Purifier is an ancient evil banishing sword, it is said that evil cannot wield such a weapon, that they would be destroyed should it even try.
Holding the sword in my hands tightly the beast lumbered out from the shadows. A Marilith. An ancient evil, from days long since passed. A being half snake and half beautiful woman, and with 6 arms each holding a weapon of various shapes and sizes. Having walked the paths of the world beyond, nothing in this world holds any terror for me. I arose to my feet and issued a challenge to the demon swaying hypnotically from side to side before me. Apparently the creature had taken up residence in the temple, and believing us to be intruders, was ready to protect its lodging. Like my foe I was not going to give us with out a fight, seeing it as the most logic of options. This thing had an intense look in its eye. It was not going to let us leave peacefully. Ordering my men to stay back I alone approached it, and true to my nature issued a number of insulting taunts, though the Marilith remained largely unfazed. Having enough of my oratory the creature lunged forward and began swinging away at me. I managed to evade most of its attacks but those that landed torn through my armor like it was leather. Allowing the creature to attack, slashing at my flesh, it grew ever more confident in its ability to kill me, but also it substituted power for accuracy. A fact I took full advantage of. Striking hard and deep in the beast’s abdomen as it readied itself for another forceful blow. It fell to the ground. I dug my sword into its shoulder and turned the sword in the wound, widening it and taking delight in the pain and torment before decapitating the creature.
As I now found myself without any armor, I took it upon myself to don the armor of the once mighty Nostros, hoping that it might serve me as well as it had Nostros, in the tales I had heard of him. It was no doubt centuries old, but in surprisingly good condition. Even the blood-red cape had not yet withered away, and the plate mail had not yet lost its silvery shine. A runner came forward saying the storm had died down, and Karl Franz’s army was emerging.
The two sides met again and the fighting resumed almost to the point where you would have known it had even stopped. Being the warrior I am I found myself frequently in the thick of it. Hacking and slashing my opponents to pieces, I reveled in the massacre, enjoying the sheer brutality of it all. Drunk with bloodlust, a curse of the armor? Or was it my own deteriorated state of mind? I didn’t care, all that mattered was the piles of corpses I left in my wake. For 3 days and 3 nights we fought and killed each other, the soil littered with corpses, the rivers tainted with the blood of the fallen. On the fourth day with victory assured, it was swiftly taken from me. Like a rat fleeing a sinking ship, the army of Karl Franz, retreated. It seemed many had fled when a story they had heard had apparently become very real. Elfen Lied lives, the hundred man slayer, the undying, countless times he as fallen in battle, yet returned to life as if he had sustained only a small cut or graze.
Early in the year 1498 after hearing word of a small city nestled along the Dyre River in the province of Entsteig in the lands of Sanctuary, by the name of Deeha’Blothri was in need of some strong warriors to help quell an uprising. I decided to lend aid, as the city was strategically placed at a river fork and at the end of the road the lead south to the Tamoe Mountains and Khanduras. Let allow it was populated by many of Silversurfnstud’s faithful. A combined force of mercenaries and militia had taken up arms upon the people of the surround lands, and appeared as though ready to take the city by force, should they not be stopped. I took with me a large force of heavy armored cavalry, the Cavaliers, elite equestrian knights, the pride of the Royal Sylvanian Army. Few have withstood the onslaught they bring at full charge, the ground shaking as they ride.
The leader of this rabble Gorm Folcwald, was a monster of a man. He was almost as wide as he was tall, and a skilled warrior, and charismatic leader. His head would make a great adornment for the battlements of Deeha’Blothri, but he was not willing to part with it so easily. Whipping his men into a frenzy he sent wave after wave of them upon the gates of the city. The besieged residents did well to hold them off as long as they did until the relief force could arrive. It a little after midday on the twenty third day of the second month of 1498 when we arrived at the out skirts of the city, the journey from my homeland was long, we were tired and hungry. But we pressed on, lest the city be lost. Approaching the southern most gates, I, along with a small contingent of Cavaliers charged the rebels as the tried to break through the gate with a battering ram. Charging hard we broke their lines, crushing them mercilessly beneath our horse hooves, and cutting down the others, until only Gorm Folcwald was left alive. I dismounted, and walked straight up to him after signaling to everyone to leave his alone for me. A skilled warrior he was, but no match for me, A shame though he would have made a valued warrior to my causes, but I did not stand for his anarchy, I put the rebel leader’s head on a spike and placed it at the top of the bridge to the keep, to act as a warning to others. Liking what I saw of the city, it’s surroundings and of course its people, I decided to stay for a while.
The year 1500 shall mark my beginning of my third year spent in Deeha’Blothri.
7. Goals - Like all those who follow the Silversurfnstud, my ultimate goal is the destruction of Evil. But i am also looking for that one truly great opponent. And to find the Holy Avenger, blade Carsomyr,
Carsomyr is a weapon of legend, perhaps one of the most powerful blades ever forged on Faerun, though its origin and history is thought purposefully forgotten, such that the sword itself never overshadow the importance of the struggles that must be fought today. It is infused with the very essence of virtue, and requires as much from any paladin that would hope to wield it. The evils of the Realms must truly stand aside when this weapon is brought to bear, their magic dispelled with a word, steadfastly resisted with ease. Carsomyr also harbors a special distaste for the forces of evil and chaos, and such creatures must fear additional damage from its touch in battle.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
4. Weapon/ Armor: A large axe always accompanies me called The Slayer of Kings, it is something to behold, firstly is its emense size, too large and heavy for the normal man to swing, it is made from a rare metal adamantite, the hardest of all know metals in the worlds of Sanctuary, Middle Earth, Old World, Gallowmere, Fae'run and Albion. Inside this great weapon is trapped the greater Daemon U'Zuhl. aeons of imprisonment inside the axe have driven it insane with rage and hate. In battle the blade moans with fury. Naturally in has been coated in silver nitrate and blessed. along with a smaller short sword as a backup.
Armor is full of gashes from years of battle, red, white and green scales overlap, protecting the me from normal blows as well as fire, cold and electricity. It is hard to determine whether the benefits originate within the scales or the spells of the mage.
5. Appearance: (without me armor)
6. Bio: TBA when its done
7. Goals: The erradication of all things evil, anything that trys to harm any member of SICK will be regarded as a direct threat to my Lord God Silver. I defend my fellow brothers, in some cases sisters, with my life.
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If you ever meet a hafling and a hungry dragon you dont have to outrun the dragon, you only have to outrun the hafling.
Weapon/ Armor: He wears an orange leather vest with a green undershirt tucked into a pair of cloth navy blue pants and leather boots. He wears green leather bracers on both wrists. He has a long slendor sword buckled onto his sash. There is a shredded red piece of cloth wrapped around the handle leading into a blade which is also a bright orange color.
Bio: His mother died at birth and no one but his father knew her name. His father was named Kronnb. The last name he has was given to him later on in his life when he traveled the world learning many types of sword combat and martial arts. Kronnb was a great warrior but tends to live a life of solitude. Sarcon spends most of his time fighting against his brother, Brail, who is very quick tempered and has always lived in the shadow of his older brother. Sarcon sometimes finds himself with a bow and arrow. Although he is an excelent marksman, he dislikes the use of a bow saying "I doesn't get my hands dirty enough for my taste."
Goal: His goal is to someday be able to defeat his father in a non-agressive fight. He has no ill feelings toward him he just wants to surpass his abilities. His brother, however, keeps this goal from becoming reality on several occasions.
1. Alphasys, described as the berzerker. However there is much wisdom brought from his very long life.
2. Decurion/Priest
4. Hands or maul.
6. Born a normal child in 2000 B.C. in Egypt. Alphasys was forced to build the pyramids. He built sluggishly and was whipped. This infuriated a rage inside of him he never knew he had. He grabbed the whipper by his head and crushed his skull. Alphasys fled into the Middle East, hoping to escape via a trade route. He continued onto Scandinavia. He realized he was not a human when he was 70 years old and still stronger then ever. In 1003 A.D. Alphasys sailed with Leif Ericson to discover new land. They landed in Labrador. In two days when they were all sleeping, the winds went up and the temerature down. Everyone froze. However, Alphasys woke transformed into stone. He realized then that he was immortal... except in battle. He fought the Native Americans. They had captured him and forced him to destroy or be destroyed by a massive 8 foot Native American barbarian. Alphasys struck with two fists directly in the barbarian's chest, shattering his rib cage which destroyed the barbarians insides. He broke free of the battle ring but was forced to retreat back to Europe. In 1312 he fought in the crusades when he met SICK. They accepted him into their ranks as a mere follower. He now strives to become a better known face and in 2007 Alphasys had been promoted to Decurion.
7. To strive forward and become a known face in the legions of SICK.
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It's the decisions you make when you have no time to make them that define who you are.
Guild Century assigned: God’s Exiled Angels II (GXAII)
Weapons: Two hand Scyths Items: Amulet of Shadows, abilty to become one. Armor: Stealth is my game, light armor that has essence of night woven into the dark set of armor, with light cloths covering skin.
Bio: Im from no where in particular. Im a vagabond, where i lay my head is home for a single night. Im a stalker. Im a abducter. Im a murderer. Im a theif. Im a liar. Im a tiger in the brush, you'll never see it comin ...
Goals: To never be known or seen by my enemies.
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SICK...SILVER Inferno Crusading Knights ... Coming to Diablo 3 Realm Near You!
Legatus legionis (General) / Vice President of the Executive Council / Prelate / Executioner Squad Member
General of SICK
Weapon: Shuriko (Short, Straight Katana) a flexible but unbreakable blade of razor sharpness, a hilt covered with comfortable leather, and a huge pearl fixed at its end. The magical characters for Celestial Fury are inscribed on the blade, which glows pale violet and crackles with electricity when drawn. The sword is sheathed in a scabbard of dragon hide, the slate-grey scales of which constantly flash with streaks of silver, blue, and violet.
Enchantment: Nihilithak casted an enchment known as The Insanity of War. Armor: Splint mail given to those whom were members of the Shogun Edo Elite Guard, instead of metal strips, this armor uses wyvern scales bound to a chain backing by means of a magical fire. The resulting armor is ash grey in color and more flexible than standard splint mail.
Appearance: 6'1" with massive build. Bald and covered in tatoos from the Shogun Edo.
Before joining SICK
Current Picture
Born and raised on the base of Mount Blood near the southeastern lands of the Sanctuary. Blessed by the Gods of War at age 10 and offered my young soul to the Gods in exchange for abilities of a warlord. Slueth my own wicked father and joined the Shogun Edo at age 14. At age 20, granted rank of Elite Guard of the Shogun and was sent to ensnare Nihilithak on the summit of Mount Blood. Was cursed by his powers and combined my gift from the Gods of War with his enchment of The Insanity of War spirit. Lord Silver saved my life and I took a never ending oath to devote my life to vanquish all evil from the Sanctuary by his side.
My goals include...taming and training my Insanity of War spirit and serving all of my devotion to Lord God Silver and SICK. Marching the army of SICK into the belly of Hell itself for the sake of humanity.
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Those before me shall quiver in my wake as I unleash the fury within!
-Weapons: Great maul known as Odis, a weapon created for a very specific purpose: to slay undead. Any such creature hit by it not only feels the sting of weapon, but also has a chance of being simply blasted from existence. There are legends that speak of a priest so holy a single glancing touch could send a vampire to oblivion, but whether the weapon empowered her or she empowered it is a topic for theologians. and twin blades Daystar; whether created specifically for use in the service of Silver or appropriated at some point in the long history of the church, Paladins of the Loyal Fury have made good use of Daystar in their battles against evil undead. Through magic or blessing it is empowered with the Sunray, a force of pure life energy so potent that it slays both living and unliving, and The Blade of Searing; The benefits inherent in this sword are plain to see; it is exceptionally accurate, and a lick of flame follows every blow, searing the target in addition to the normal damage received. It is an efficient troll-killer, though it has not yet been heralded as such in song or legend.
-Power: Naturally initiate fear in others and create earthquakes.
-Armor: Mere wolf hide with hard leather backing. it is is formed from interlocking shadow dragon scales. Elegant workmanship and practical considerations make this armor both beautiful and useful. The shadow dragon scales grant the wearer extra protection from acid while the excellent craftsmanship and high-quality materials ensure that the armor is as supple as leather. Light armor for me to be more swift with my huge build.
Appearance: 7 foot 2 inches 320 lbs
Born and trained from the day I was able to walk, in the arts of war. Destroyed the God of War, Ares when he came to the physical plane.
Goals I have consists of serving Lord Silver, Elfen Lied and Carloseus...and to become a legend in all history as one of the greatest warriors.
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Hero of the Trojan War, son of Telamon, thus called the Telamonian Ajax, also called Ajax the Greater. In the Iliad he is represented as a gigantic man, slow of thought and speech, but quick in battle and always showing courage. He led the troops of Salamis against Troy and was one of the foremost Greek warriors, fighting both Hector and Odysseus to draws.
Weapon: Jeweled dagger
Item: Tiara that lets me levitate
Armor: Bikini armor plate, runes cunningly worked into its surface reflect spells as well as blows, and the armor weighs only half as much as a typical suit of plate mail, well half as much as it would if it were a full suit, and looking something similar to this;
if the pic doesnt work this link should.
Appearance: 5 ' 7 " 130 pounds
Married to Thasador aka. Ryan and became mother of assassins. With agility and quickness, I am both beautiful and deadly.
I have no goals besides to stand with Ryan.
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The wrath of Thasador is in no comparison to the wrath of his significant other. ME!
Appearance - I didn't see you. And you're blind. Got it?
Bio - A terrible mistake has been made. Frequently I am haunted by the Moth Elevator Memory which is like the most profound form of deja vu imaginable. The memory itself is a garbled transmission sent across space that is distorted and can only be interpreted in my mind as a moth fluttering near a light inside a levitating box.
And thus, I cannot ascertain how it is I am here. Yet I am here anyway and choose to spite the distorted transmissions of my origin by making a life for myself inside my own legion. The information that was my point of origin has been riled by the stars and now I can only serve my commander; fulfill my duty until my mind is spongy enough to absorb enough fragments to dicipher the Moth Elevator Memory. I stand ready to serve.
Goals - To soften enemy defenses by means of infiltration, subterfuge, and sabotage; acting as tactical support officer and strategic advisor.
1. Warlord55
2. Decurion
3. Slayers
4. Single handed sword and sheild, and standard armor
5. Unknown
6. First one into battle last one out
7. Destroy evil in Diablo3
Weapon: Hidden, retractable dagger in my sleeve along with a short blade, forged by the infamous weaponsmith DarkJay. This short blade as I like to call it, Maverick, was made to substain against fracturing and dulling. With the very swipe of this sword, unleashes hot cinder that engulfs all opponents in flames.
Armor: Cloak woven by my mother and her magical ways. Gives me the ability to assimilate myself in any shadow and transport myself to any shadow in respectable range.
Items: A sack of my enemies small belongings to give luck in combat.
Appearance: 5'8" with small body size for agility.
Bio: Was commanded by a general in the great city of Westmarch. I was his political weapon that assassinated any targets he deemed to be neccessary to maintain his majesty's power.
Goals: To serve Lord Silver and Thasador, to redeem myself for the many I have slained.
4. 2 Gladius used simultaneously. Forged by a stray group of barbarians deep in the Arcane Forest.
Light plated armor with no enchantments, but rather the work of a master craftsmen. Light enough to move through the field of battle quickly, but strong enough to withstand the piercing of arrow sword and axe. Its only weakness is the blow of a heavy blunt weapon.
5. 6'3 with athletic build. Allows for strength and agility to be used to almost full potential. Ideal for my combat style.
6. Born and raised in the Arcane Forest, which lies north of the Monastery of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye. Taught to hunt from an early age, spent early years hunting livestock and cutting it up to sell. As soon as i became a teenager i was taken from my butchering proffesion and taught to be a warrior. My years of hunting affected my ability in combat, i was unable to understand the concept of defense. My barbarian masters embraced this, and taught me the use of 2 weapons. It suited my combat style; aggressive and offensive. My motto soon became 'the best defense is a good offense', and i thrived on never backing down or surrendering. During my first battle I showed the true potential of my style, but as always there was a hole in my tactics, and i was badly injured. If not for the noble Samurai Thasador, i would have died that day. Since then i have been under the training of Baron Carloseus, who has helped me to refine my combat style while still playing to my strengths. Known only by the title of Jarhead, which was given to me due to my aggresiveness and recklessness, my real name only remains known by those closest to me. I am known these days for my light heartedness on the battle field, always trying to give others hope and a laugh, and never fully realising death could be a mere swipe of a sword away. My inability to be serious when it matters has prevented me from ever being promoted, but as long as I continue to fight alongside my brothers I will never care.
7. To be one day promoted, and to increase my ability in combat under the watchful eye of Baron Carloseus and with the guidance of Thasador Tsuji.
The codename: NoExplanation was given to the wonderer by a friend in battle. This friend, Dancer Macabre from the land of Tristram. He was a ruthless barbarian.
One day the wonderer and Dancer Macabre were conducting an exploration of the sewers of Lut Gholein, when they stumbled onto a pack of looters. The pack of looters taunted the pair with snide remarks about cleaning the sewers of all the riches it bestowed. The wonderer without hesitation attacked the pack. He murdered almost the entire lot, all but one. The wonderer pulled out a carving knife and etched the symbols of DE on his brow and pointed the now scared looter toward the exit.
Dancer Macabre was stunned by what he had just witnessed. Dancer questioned, "Why didn't you kill him?" To which the wonderer mudderd, "No Explanation."
1. Patriarch Jetrall – Son of Jaahred, Warrior of Mount Arreat, Child of Bul-Kathos
2. Legionnaire.
3. Jetrall serves in the Legion of the Damned, under commanding officer DarkJay.
4. He wears sharpened, black, plate-armour; molded for superior agility and flexibility. The steel glints as if polished every day even through the thickest stains of blood and grime. Across his back, strapped to his mighty shoulders, is the ever-present axe, Agarwaen. He wields a great maul; blackened with fire, but with hints of ancient blue runes through the soot. His helm, black as night, reaches for the heavens with its steel plumes, the visor curving down menacingly. His gauntlets and greaves, imbued with mysterious power, allow Jetrall to move with unnatural speed and prowess as he delivers deadly blows to his enemies. He also carries, strapped and tied to various places, charms of all sorts and trinkets such as the skulls of fallen creatures and poison darts from the jungles of Kurast. His final memento, a small leather belt, worn tied around the bicep – its significance remains a mystery to all but him.
5. Picture for reference. Not entirely accurate.
6. Born in Harrogath, Jetrall was brought up, along with his elder brother, Jehraan, learning the ways of the Barbarian Warriors of Mount Arreat. His father, an old war veteran, was proud to see his sons learning the ways of the warrior. When Jehraan was finally honoured as an official Warrior of Mount Arreat, his father bestowed him a great axe – Agarwaen. Jetrall also was accepted as a Warrior, sent out to patrol the borders of Barbarian territory. Word soon reached him of his brother’s death, and he returned home to a grieving household, the slain body of his brother lain in ornamental armour upon a pedestal. The axe, Agarwaen, went to Jetrall in customary fashion, a weapon he would forever carry with him to seek his revenge upon all evils. He left the Mountain in search of meaning and retribution, traveling throughout the realm of Sanctuary. Countless foes fell to Agarwaen’s ever-sharp blade. Desert, jungle, sea, mountain, caverns; no terrain could stand in his way. At last he came upon the Rogue Foothills and met his destiny. This story, yet untold, will shortly come to be known.
7. “I seek only vengeance. Vengeance for my fallen brothers. Vengeance for the countless tormented and perverted. Vengeance for lost love.” – Jetrall.
Sorry to necro this thread up, even though all active members should be doing this...erm...anyways, all SICK members are to do their official bio page. This thread will also help out the SICK novel that is still be created. Now all active members that have not done your bio, um....DO IT.
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Those before me shall quiver in my wake as I unleash the fury within!
I am asking everyone who would like to participate to Include their bio in here, lets all try to keep it more or less in the same structure
This will also make things easier for promotions and Roleplaying
This is the structure to be used
1. Name/titles (as in Sir, Lord, Baron, Mr, Miss, or etc)
2. Guild Rank (what ranks within the guild you hold, there are several ranks, so just post your Military rank, i.e the Latin one)
3. Guild Century assigned to (which Century you are part of) If Applicable
4. Weapons/items/armor used (if any and any properties they might hold)
5. Appearance (Provide picture(s) much like that in the silversurfnstudism thread on page 1 (and throughout).
6. Bio (please include location of origin if applicable)
7. Goals if any.
This will Keep the guild much more organised while we await diablo 3. This will also add to the fun of the Roleplaying many of us do here, many of the higher ranking officers will be able to bestow enchantments and grant magics to the worthy and by having this page it will make it much easier
it will be strictly for bios and all the stories of silversurfnstudism will be left in that thread, as that thread will be strictly for telling ur stories and tales, and having them put into the tomb to be forever remembered
also note. If ur bio is already in the SilverSurfnstudism thread please revise it and put in into this structire listed abvove so that it can be deleted from that thread
2. Rank - LORD GOD
3. Legion - All of SICK is under my command
4. Speed is my weapon , Knowledge is my armor
5. Appearance - I can take the form/appearance of any being living or dead
6. Short bio Read Sig, long bio See Silversurfnstudism Thread
7. Goals - To vanquish the lands of all Evil
2. Senior Decurion
3. Assassins
4. A pair of hand crossbows, repeating. Made by myself, styled after revolvers. Ability to split bolts fired to create a circle of flying death.
Customized bolts. Nets, poisoned, explosive, incendiary, among others.
A cloak, known as a piwafwi,it shields me from the gaze of others when in the shadows and muffles any slight noise I might make to the point where it is silent.
6. I am searching for the Dark Tower, the repository of all truth, all that is, known and unknown.
It lies at the end of the world, and there I am bound, for Ka controls me.
Ka, known to some as Fate, is like a wind, you cannot catch it, you cannot stop it, it merely takes you along for the ride
I am searching for the Tower. I have known many, and killed many more, some I loved, to reach the Dark Tower.
For if Ka wills it, it will be done. Ka is defied at a price far to great to comprehend.
For I also wish to see who resides in the top room of the Tower, who controls all that is, or perhaps I will find it empty.
I am Roland Deschain of the Line of Eld, out of Gilead that was.
I am of the Ka-tet of Assassins, under our Lord God Silversurfnstud.
I search for the Tower.
7. I plan to find the Tower, and climb to the top.
2. Legionaire
4. A bastard sword, The Sword of the Flame; it burns with a magical fire, and a charring blast is released whenever a hit is scored. "Meta Infernum" is etched on the hilt, though it appears somewhat faded and may not be original to the sword. a clock and leather armour.
or see avatar, my avatar has the proper sword except you can't really see it...
6. My name is Winston, Winston the 4th. I come from a long line of warriors who always led a band of mercenaries. My father, Winston the 3rd, taught me how to use a sword from a tender age, using wooden sticks. I quickly grasped the fundamentals of swordplay. At the age of 12 I received my first real sword. It was light, easy to use with one hand and sharp. I grew stronger and more adept in the ways of the sword everyday. At the age of 14 I was trained enough to be part of my fathers mercenaries. I was now a mercenary.
7. I will rid the world of evil and defeat the black knight, to avenge my father.
2. Rank - Tribunus Laticlavus
3. Legion - SLAYERS (Silver's Legionary Advocates Yeilding Elite Reckless Supremacy)
4. The Swords of Destruction, gigantic swords able to join together These weapons are a sight to behold. The blades are crafted of red-gold with a silver edge. The guards is finely polished platinum, and the wire wound hilts are crafted of black adamantine. The blades of these weapons seem to shimmer, revealing a fluid, razor edge. Truly there was great skill involved in their construction, as well as a blessing or two from some well-meaning eye above.
5. Appearance - Tall, unnaturally strong for thin build, Black hair, always in black armor and clothing.
Pics coming soon.
2. Rank - Imperator
3. Legion - HELLSING (His Royal Elfen Lied's Legion of Soldiers and Immortal Night Guard)
4. Weapon/s and armor - A single Bastard Sword I call the Purifier; while it is no fabled Holy avenger, the Legendary blade Carsomyr, it is still a mighty weapon, 4 and half feet of Evil destroying steel and blessed silver, It has been in the Blood Dragon family for centuries.
Heavy armor, dark silver in colour, and the enchantments on this suit are particularly powerful. the perfectly fitted interlocking plates are specially angled to deflect arrows and blows, and the entire suit is carefully adorned with rich engraving and embossed detail. Sheathed in the chitinous scales of the ankheg and treated with the blood of a noble dragon, it provides a greater degree of protection than traditional plate mail and is not succeptible to rust.
5. Appearance - Tall, early 30's, average build,
6. Bio -
During the winter of 1431, I was born in a military fortress in Sylvania, a rather evil and cursed land, but it is home, lying east of the Empire of Man. I was the second son of Abhorash the Blood Dragon and Neferata Queen of Lahmia. At the age of five, I like my father and brother, Krell before me, was initiated into the Order of the Dragon, an order of selected nobles fiercely devoted to the deity Silversurfnstud. It is around this time that the Time of Troubles, when gods and deities are forced to walk the worlds as mortals, begins.
War is rampant through the lands, nobles are captured and held for ransom, sadly I along with my older brother were no exception. We were captured and held for ransom by the Dark Elves (or Drow). Dark Elves are known for their intense brutality and cruelty towards prisoners and slaves. And none more so than the resident of Naggaroth, the Home of Witch King the Dark Elf Lord Malekith. It is here that I developed a taste for torture. In 1447, shortly before the death of our father, my brother and I were rescued, by our father's forces, under the command of the General, Nagash the Black.
Our honoured father dies during our trek home, upon returning, Krell as the oldest is named as his successor and is crowned Lord of Sylvania. in 1451 in a campaign to take over several neighbouring provinces, Reikland, a large rich and prosperous province and Gallowmere a small hauntingly eerie province, Nagash the black dies I am named as his replacement. Together Krell and I finish what he and Nagash could not, complete taking over of the two provinces. I am named Lord of the province of Gallowmere. In 1456 Krell dies from a mortal wound he sustained during the occupation of Reikland, and I and now made Lord of all Sylvania and other recently captured provinces.
In the year 1457 I married a beautiful, young priestess by the name of Izabella, and she soon became my world. I would shower her with many gifts from the spoilers of my victories. In the winter of 1466 on one campaign to defend the Eastern border of my lands it appeared that neither side could gain the upper hand and the fighting lasted much longer than any wished it to. During this lengthy campaign the enemy send a note to my wife Izabella, claiming that I had been killed in the course of the battle. After she received the news she was wracked with sorrow and leaped to her death from a tower window of our castle. Upon returning home victorious I went into a state of madness. Most of what happened during the first few months following my return is a blur, though my advisors have informed me that I had killed some of their predecessors in fits of rage while blood drunk and furious over my beloved wife's death. However the horrors visited upon me were nothing compared to those of my enemies who forced the letter. Entire families were massacred, towns and cities razed, countrysides set ablaze.
My rule is known as much for my devotion to my people as it is for my brutality and executions of my enemies. My enemies and those of my god are executed publicly and their body parts put on display so that other men might learn the horrors awaiting them if they should cross Elfen Lied, or the god Silversurfnstud. Towards the end of the 1450's my lands are constantly under attack from the forces of Karl Franz, trying to retake Reikland. They are unsuccessful, yet neither am I advancing much further west. In the winter of 1461-62 Kurt Hulberg is successful in reclaiming Reikland, but that is all he is able to achieve. My armies are successful in defending my lands.
The Church War, in which followers of the gods fight each other, rather than the peoples of the Lords and kings fighting each other, breaks out short after and rages for 14 years, Fighting is much more fierce as now members of the cloth take up arms and do battle,. It ends shortly after 1476, when several members of the church of Talos, the Storm God, attempt to assassinate me in retribution for the killing of 100 of Storm Knights, but I am saved by my God, Silversurfnstud. It is in this instance that in exchange for a lifetime of service, I am granted second life and become a No life King, a seemingly immortal being of immense power. The other churches quickly bow before the might of Silversurfnstud. and things quickly return to normal, Hostile provinces once again begin attacking one another or themselves.
During the next few years I shaped and molded many faithful followers of the Lord God Silversurfnstud into the most feared army in the lands, His royal Elfen Lied's Legion of Soldiers and Immortal Night Guard (HELLSING), who in addition to waging war in the name of our Lord God, also serve as a form of bodyguards though the god Silversurfnstud is of course capable of defending himself should the need arise. As the masses of followers of Silversurfstud multiplied so did the need for more legions to protect the people, and thus the Silver Inferno Knights (SICK) were born. however SICK retained the motto of HELLSING, In the name of God, the impure Souls of the Living Dead shall be banished into eternal damnation, Amen. as well as other characteristics, such as ranks. As the notoriety of SICK grew so did my rank within it, and soon I was appointed to the newly formed rank of Imperator of the Legions of the god Silversurfnstud.
The followers of Silversurfnstud are not all militants, it is also comprised of civilians and priests. And as such ruling bodies need to be created. Hence the Executive Council came into being. The Council is comprised of The Lord God, The Imperator of the Legions, the Head Zealot and other extremely highly ranked members. And to enforce the laws the Executive Council had created, the Executioner Squad was formed. The Executioner Squad is well known for its brutal enforcement of the laws of Silversurfnstudism. Many of their methods are modified methods I learned through my time held captive by the Dark Elves.
In the year 1480 while engaged in a titanic battle with the men of the Empire under the command of Karl Franz himself, a terrible storm suddenly appeared darkening the skies and battering everyone with torrential down pour. With neither side wished to leave we were left with two options, fight in the storm or seek whatever shelter could be sought and ride it out. Both chose the latter. Taken shelter in a ruined temple we waited. Its eeriness was hauntingly pleasing, but the shrill cry of one of my warriors was not. He spoke of something in the darkness, a beast he called it. he talked of it possessing snake-like hind quarters, yet the torso of a man, and many arms. Assuring him he was mistaken I was met with others claiming to have see the same thing. Sensing a possible loss in moral was imminent, I ventured further into the temple to investigate. Deep in the bowels of the temple I came across a forgotten tomb. The inscription of the sarcophagus had withered away over time only the line “here lies Nostros, champion of the Light” remained unscathed.
Seeing the name I remembered the stories my father used to tell me and my brother. Our father told us tales of a warrior called Nostros, a holy warrior who worn armor of shinning silver and wield a mighty sword that was said to be infused with the very essence of virtue. My reminiscing of days long since passed was interrupted by a high pitched screech emanating from the lower recesses. My men began to cower in fear, an action I did not condone so to instill some faith in my men I headed to where the sound appeared to come from, but before I could even enter the darkness I was thrown back by something, slamming into the sarcophagus, breaking it into pieces. Feeling around I felt the decay of bone, then the cold of steel of a blade. Having lost my own sword while in mid flight, I grabbed the sword. Its length was nothing overly impressive, it was no more than 4 and a half feet, from the tip of the blade to the bottom of the hilt, but it glowed with a white light. This had to be Nostros’ own sword, the ‘Purifier’. Thought lost to the ages, the Purifier is an ancient evil banishing sword, it is said that evil cannot wield such a weapon, that they would be destroyed should it even try.
Holding the sword in my hands tightly the beast lumbered out from the shadows. A Marilith. An ancient evil, from days long since passed. A being half snake and half beautiful woman, and with 6 arms each holding a weapon of various shapes and sizes. Having walked the paths of the world beyond, nothing in this world holds any terror for me. I arose to my feet and issued a challenge to the demon swaying hypnotically from side to side before me. Apparently the creature had taken up residence in the temple, and believing us to be intruders, was ready to protect its lodging. Like my foe I was not going to give us with out a fight, seeing it as the most logic of options. This thing had an intense look in its eye. It was not going to let us leave peacefully. Ordering my men to stay back I alone approached it, and true to my nature issued a number of insulting taunts, though the Marilith remained largely unfazed. Having enough of my oratory the creature lunged forward and began swinging away at me. I managed to evade most of its attacks but those that landed torn through my armor like it was leather. Allowing the creature to attack, slashing at my flesh, it grew ever more confident in its ability to kill me, but also it substituted power for accuracy. A fact I took full advantage of. Striking hard and deep in the beast’s abdomen as it readied itself for another forceful blow. It fell to the ground. I dug my sword into its shoulder and turned the sword in the wound, widening it and taking delight in the pain and torment before decapitating the creature.
As I now found myself without any armor, I took it upon myself to don the armor of the once mighty Nostros, hoping that it might serve me as well as it had Nostros, in the tales I had heard of him. It was no doubt centuries old, but in surprisingly good condition. Even the blood-red cape had not yet withered away, and the plate mail had not yet lost its silvery shine. A runner came forward saying the storm had died down, and Karl Franz’s army was emerging.
The two sides met again and the fighting resumed almost to the point where you would have known it had even stopped. Being the warrior I am I found myself frequently in the thick of it. Hacking and slashing my opponents to pieces, I reveled in the massacre, enjoying the sheer brutality of it all. Drunk with bloodlust, a curse of the armor? Or was it my own deteriorated state of mind? I didn’t care, all that mattered was the piles of corpses I left in my wake. For 3 days and 3 nights we fought and killed each other, the soil littered with corpses, the rivers tainted with the blood of the fallen. On the fourth day with victory assured, it was swiftly taken from me. Like a rat fleeing a sinking ship, the army of Karl Franz, retreated. It seemed many had fled when a story they had heard had apparently become very real. Elfen Lied lives, the hundred man slayer, the undying, countless times he as fallen in battle, yet returned to life as if he had sustained only a small cut or graze.
Early in the year 1498 after hearing word of a small city nestled along the Dyre River in the province of Entsteig in the lands of Sanctuary, by the name of Deeha’Blothri was in need of some strong warriors to help quell an uprising. I decided to lend aid, as the city was strategically placed at a river fork and at the end of the road the lead south to the Tamoe Mountains and Khanduras. Let allow it was populated by many of Silversurfnstud’s faithful. A combined force of mercenaries and militia had taken up arms upon the people of the surround lands, and appeared as though ready to take the city by force, should they not be stopped. I took with me a large force of heavy armored cavalry, the Cavaliers, elite equestrian knights, the pride of the Royal Sylvanian Army. Few have withstood the onslaught they bring at full charge, the ground shaking as they ride.
The leader of this rabble Gorm Folcwald, was a monster of a man. He was almost as wide as he was tall, and a skilled warrior, and charismatic leader. His head would make a great adornment for the battlements of Deeha’Blothri, but he was not willing to part with it so easily. Whipping his men into a frenzy he sent wave after wave of them upon the gates of the city. The besieged residents did well to hold them off as long as they did until the relief force could arrive. It a little after midday on the twenty third day of the second month of 1498 when we arrived at the out skirts of the city, the journey from my homeland was long, we were tired and hungry. But we pressed on, lest the city be lost. Approaching the southern most gates, I, along with a small contingent of Cavaliers charged the rebels as the tried to break through the gate with a battering ram. Charging hard we broke their lines, crushing them mercilessly beneath our horse hooves, and cutting down the others, until only Gorm Folcwald was left alive. I dismounted, and walked straight up to him after signaling to everyone to leave his alone for me. A skilled warrior he was, but no match for me, A shame though he would have made a valued warrior to my causes, but I did not stand for his anarchy, I put the rebel leader’s head on a spike and placed it at the top of the bridge to the keep, to act as a warning to others. Liking what I saw of the city, it’s surroundings and of course its people, I decided to stay for a while.
The year 1500 shall mark my beginning of my third year spent in Deeha’Blothri.
7. Goals - Like all those who follow the Silversurfnstud, my ultimate goal is the destruction of Evil. But i am also looking for that one truly great opponent. And to find the Holy Avenger, blade Carsomyr,
Carsomyr is a weapon of legend, perhaps one of the most powerful blades ever forged on Faerun, though its origin and history is thought purposefully forgotten, such that the sword itself never overshadow the importance of the struggles that must be fought today. It is infused with the very essence of virtue, and requires as much from any paladin that would hope to wield it. The evils of the Realms must truly stand aside when this weapon is brought to bear, their magic dispelled with a word, steadfastly resisted with ease. Carsomyr also harbors a special distaste for the forces of evil and chaos, and such creatures must fear additional damage from its touch in battle.
2. Rank: Legatus legionis (General)
3. Legion: LOTD (Legion Of The Damned)
4. Weapon/ Armor: A large axe always accompanies me called The Slayer of Kings, it is something to behold, firstly is its emense size, too large and heavy for the normal man to swing, it is made from a rare metal adamantite, the hardest of all know metals in the worlds of Sanctuary, Middle Earth, Old World, Gallowmere, Fae'run and Albion. Inside this great weapon is trapped the greater Daemon U'Zuhl. aeons of imprisonment inside the axe have driven it insane with rage and hate. In battle the blade moans with fury. Naturally in has been coated in silver nitrate and blessed. along with a smaller short sword as a backup.
Armor is full of gashes from years of battle, red, white and green scales overlap, protecting the me from normal blows as well as fire, cold and electricity. It is hard to determine whether the benefits originate within the scales or the spells of the mage.
5. Appearance: (without me armor)
6. Bio: TBA when its done
7. Goals: The erradication of all things evil, anything that trys to harm any member of SICK will be regarded as a direct threat to my Lord God Silver. I defend my fellow brothers, in some cases sisters, with my life.
Rank: Decurion
Legion: Sentinels
Weapon/ Armor: He wears an orange leather vest with a green undershirt tucked into a pair of cloth navy blue pants and leather boots. He wears green leather bracers on both wrists. He has a long slendor sword buckled onto his sash. There is a shredded red piece of cloth wrapped around the handle leading into a blade which is also a bright orange color.
Bio: His mother died at birth and no one but his father knew her name. His father was named Kronnb. The last name he has was given to him later on in his life when he traveled the world learning many types of sword combat and martial arts. Kronnb was a great warrior but tends to live a life of solitude. Sarcon spends most of his time fighting against his brother, Brail, who is very quick tempered and has always lived in the shadow of his older brother. Sarcon sometimes finds himself with a bow and arrow. Although he is an excelent marksman, he dislikes the use of a bow saying "I doesn't get my hands dirty enough for my taste."
Goal: His goal is to someday be able to defeat his father in a non-agressive fight. He has no ill feelings toward him he just wants to surpass his abilities. His brother, however, keeps this goal from becoming reality on several occasions.
2. Decurion/Priest
4. Hands or maul.
6. Born a normal child in 2000 B.C. in Egypt. Alphasys was forced to build the pyramids. He built sluggishly and was whipped. This infuriated a rage inside of him he never knew he had. He grabbed the whipper by his head and crushed his skull. Alphasys fled into the Middle East, hoping to escape via a trade route. He continued onto Scandinavia. He realized he was not a human when he was 70 years old and still stronger then ever. In 1003 A.D. Alphasys sailed with Leif Ericson to discover new land. They landed in Labrador. In two days when they were all sleeping, the winds went up and the temerature down. Everyone froze. However, Alphasys woke transformed into stone. He realized then that he was immortal... except in battle. He fought the Native Americans. They had captured him and forced him to destroy or be destroyed by a massive 8 foot Native American barbarian. Alphasys struck with two fists directly in the barbarian's chest, shattering his rib cage which destroyed the barbarians insides. He broke free of the battle ring but was forced to retreat back to Europe. In 1312 he fought in the crusades when he met SICK. They accepted him into their ranks as a mere follower. He now strives to become a better known face and in 2007 Alphasys had been promoted to Decurion.
7. To strive forward and become a known face in the legions of SICK.
It's the decisions you make when you have no time to make them that define who you are.
Guild Rank: Pilus Prior
Guild Century assigned: God’s Exiled Angels II (GXAII)
Weapons: Two hand Scyths
Items: Amulet of Shadows, abilty to become one.
Armor: Stealth is my game, light armor that has essence of night woven into the dark set of armor, with light cloths covering skin.
Bio: Im from no where in particular. Im a vagabond, where i lay my head is home for a single night. Im a stalker. Im a abducter. Im a murderer. Im a theif. Im a liar. Im a tiger in the brush, you'll never see it comin ...
Goals: To never be known or seen by my enemies.
Legatus legionis (General) / Vice President of the Executive Council / Prelate / Executioner Squad Member
General of SICK
Weapon: Shuriko (Short, Straight Katana) a flexible but unbreakable blade of razor sharpness, a hilt covered with comfortable leather, and a huge pearl fixed at its end. The magical characters for Celestial Fury are inscribed on the blade, which glows pale violet and crackles with electricity when drawn. The sword is sheathed in a scabbard of dragon hide, the slate-grey scales of which constantly flash with streaks of silver, blue, and violet.
Enchantment: Nihilithak casted an enchment known as The Insanity of War.
Armor: Splint mail given to those whom were members of the Shogun Edo Elite Guard, instead of metal strips, this armor uses wyvern scales bound to a chain backing by means of a magical fire. The resulting armor is ash grey in color and more flexible than standard splint mail.
Appearance: 6'1" with massive build. Bald and covered in tatoos from the Shogun Edo.
Before joining SICK
Current Picture
Born and raised on the base of Mount Blood near the southeastern lands of the Sanctuary. Blessed by the Gods of War at age 10 and offered my young soul to the Gods in exchange for abilities of a warlord. Slueth my own wicked father and joined the Shogun Edo at age 14. At age 20, granted rank of Elite Guard of the Shogun and was sent to ensnare Nihilithak on the summit of Mount Blood. Was cursed by his powers and combined my gift from the Gods of War with his enchment of The Insanity of War spirit. Lord Silver saved my life and I took a never ending oath to devote my life to vanquish all evil from the Sanctuary by his side.
My goals include...taming and training my Insanity of War spirit and serving all of my devotion to Lord God Silver and SICK. Marching the army of SICK into the belly of Hell itself for the sake of humanity.
-Weapons: Great maul known as Odis, a weapon created for a very specific purpose: to slay undead. Any such creature hit by it not only feels the sting of weapon, but also has a chance of being simply blasted from existence. There are legends that speak of a priest so holy a single glancing touch could send a vampire to oblivion, but whether the weapon empowered her or she empowered it is a topic for theologians. and twin blades Daystar; whether created specifically for use in the service of Silver or appropriated at some point in the long history of the church, Paladins of the Loyal Fury have made good use of Daystar in their battles against evil undead. Through magic or blessing it is empowered with the Sunray, a force of pure life energy so potent that it slays both living and unliving, and The Blade of Searing; The benefits inherent in this sword are plain to see; it is exceptionally accurate, and a lick of flame follows every blow, searing the target in addition to the normal damage received. It is an efficient troll-killer, though it has not yet been heralded as such in song or legend.
-Power: Naturally initiate fear in others and create earthquakes.
-Armor: Mere wolf hide with hard leather backing. it is is formed from interlocking shadow dragon scales. Elegant workmanship and practical considerations make this armor both beautiful and useful. The shadow dragon scales grant the wearer extra protection from acid while the excellent craftsmanship and high-quality materials ensure that the armor is as supple as leather. Light armor for me to be more swift with my huge build.
Appearance: 7 foot 2 inches 320 lbs
Born and trained from the day I was able to walk, in the arts of war. Destroyed the God of War, Ares when he came to the physical plane.
Goals I have consists of serving Lord Silver, Elfen Lied and Carloseus...and to become a legend in all history as one of the greatest warriors.
Rank: Legionaire
Legion: My husbands legion of assassins
Weapon: Jeweled dagger
Item: Tiara that lets me levitate
Armor: Bikini armor plate, runes cunningly worked into its surface reflect spells as well as blows, and the armor weighs only half as much as a typical suit of plate mail, well half as much as it would if it were a full suit, and looking something similar to this;
if the pic doesnt work this link should.
Appearance: 5 ' 7 " 130 pounds
Married to Thasador aka. Ryan and became mother of assassins. With agility and quickness, I am both beautiful and deadly.
I have no goals besides to stand with Ryan.
Rank - IX. Pilus Prior (1st Lieutenant)/ Zealot
Legion - God's Exiled Angels II.
Items - Flares, cogs, sabos, lockpicks, incendiary devices, traps, and makeshift sabotage instruments.
Appearance - I didn't see you. And you're blind. Got it?
Bio - A terrible mistake has been made. Frequently I am haunted by the Moth Elevator Memory which is like the most profound form of deja vu imaginable. The memory itself is a garbled transmission sent across space that is distorted and can only be interpreted in my mind as a moth fluttering near a light inside a levitating box.
And thus, I cannot ascertain how it is I am here. Yet I am here anyway and choose to spite the distorted transmissions of my origin by making a life for myself inside my own legion. The information that was my point of origin has been riled by the stars and now I can only serve my commander; fulfill my duty until my mind is spongy enough to absorb enough fragments to dicipher the Moth Elevator Memory. I stand ready to serve.
Goals - To soften enemy defenses by means of infiltration, subterfuge, and sabotage; acting as tactical support officer and strategic advisor.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
2. Decurion
3. Slayers
4. Single handed sword and sheild, and standard armor
5. Unknown
6. First one into battle last one out
7. Destroy evil in Diablo3
My Rank is: Legionaire
ASSASSINS is the legion I serve
Weapon: Hidden, retractable dagger in my sleeve along with a short blade, forged by the infamous weaponsmith DarkJay. This short blade as I like to call it, Maverick, was made to substain against fracturing and dulling. With the very swipe of this sword, unleashes hot cinder that engulfs all opponents in flames.
Armor: Cloak woven by my mother and her magical ways. Gives me the ability to assimilate myself in any shadow and transport myself to any shadow in respectable range.
Items: A sack of my enemies small belongings to give luck in combat.
Appearance: 5'8" with small body size for agility.
Bio: Was commanded by a general in the great city of Westmarch. I was his political weapon that assassinated any targets he deemed to be neccessary to maintain his majesty's power.
Goals: To serve Lord Silver and Thasador, to redeem myself for the many I have slained.
2. Legionaire
4. 2 Gladius used simultaneously. Forged by a stray group of barbarians deep in the Arcane Forest.
Light plated armor with no enchantments, but rather the work of a master craftsmen. Light enough to move through the field of battle quickly, but strong enough to withstand the piercing of arrow sword and axe. Its only weakness is the blow of a heavy blunt weapon.
5. 6'3 with athletic build. Allows for strength and agility to be used to almost full potential. Ideal for my combat style.
6. Born and raised in the Arcane Forest, which lies north of the Monastery of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye. Taught to hunt from an early age, spent early years hunting livestock and cutting it up to sell. As soon as i became a teenager i was taken from my butchering proffesion and taught to be a warrior. My years of hunting affected my ability in combat, i was unable to understand the concept of defense. My barbarian masters embraced this, and taught me the use of 2 weapons. It suited my combat style; aggressive and offensive. My motto soon became 'the best defense is a good offense', and i thrived on never backing down or surrendering. During my first battle I showed the true potential of my style, but as always there was a hole in my tactics, and i was badly injured. If not for the noble Samurai Thasador, i would have died that day. Since then i have been under the training of Baron Carloseus, who has helped me to refine my combat style while still playing to my strengths. Known only by the title of Jarhead, which was given to me due to my aggresiveness and recklessness, my real name only remains known by those closest to me. I am known these days for my light heartedness on the battle field, always trying to give others hope and a laugh, and never fully realising death could be a mere swipe of a sword away. My inability to be serious when it matters has prevented me from ever being promoted, but as long as I continue to fight alongside my brothers I will never care.
7. To be one day promoted, and to increase my ability in combat under the watchful eye of Baron Carloseus and with the guidance of Thasador Tsuji.
Rank- Decurion
Affiliation- SICK
Squad- Assassins
Weapon of Choice- Bailing Wire
The codename: NoExplanation was given to the wonderer by a friend in battle. This friend, Dancer Macabre from the land of Tristram. He was a ruthless barbarian.
One day the wonderer and Dancer Macabre were conducting an exploration of the sewers of Lut Gholein, when they stumbled onto a pack of looters. The pack of looters taunted the pair with snide remarks about cleaning the sewers of all the riches it bestowed. The wonderer without hesitation attacked the pack. He murdered almost the entire lot, all but one. The wonderer pulled out a carving knife and etched the symbols of DE on his brow and pointed the now scared looter toward the exit.
Dancer Macabre was stunned by what he had just witnessed. Dancer questioned, "Why didn't you kill him?" To which the wonderer mudderd, "No Explanation."
1. Patriarch Jetrall – Son of Jaahred, Warrior of Mount Arreat, Child of Bul-Kathos
2. Legionnaire.
3. Jetrall serves in the Legion of the Damned, under commanding officer DarkJay.
4. He wears sharpened, black, plate-armour; molded for superior agility and flexibility. The steel glints as if polished every day even through the thickest stains of blood and grime. Across his back, strapped to his mighty shoulders, is the ever-present axe, Agarwaen. He wields a great maul; blackened with fire, but with hints of ancient blue runes through the soot. His helm, black as night, reaches for the heavens with its steel plumes, the visor curving down menacingly. His gauntlets and greaves, imbued with mysterious power, allow Jetrall to move with unnatural speed and prowess as he delivers deadly blows to his enemies. He also carries, strapped and tied to various places, charms of all sorts and trinkets such as the skulls of fallen creatures and poison darts from the jungles of Kurast. His final memento, a small leather belt, worn tied around the bicep – its significance remains a mystery to all but him.
5. Picture for reference. Not entirely accurate.
6. Born in Harrogath, Jetrall was brought up, along with his elder brother, Jehraan, learning the ways of the Barbarian Warriors of Mount Arreat. His father, an old war veteran, was proud to see his sons learning the ways of the warrior. When Jehraan was finally honoured as an official Warrior of Mount Arreat, his father bestowed him a great axe – Agarwaen. Jetrall also was accepted as a Warrior, sent out to patrol the borders of Barbarian territory. Word soon reached him of his brother’s death, and he returned home to a grieving household, the slain body of his brother lain in ornamental armour upon a pedestal. The axe, Agarwaen, went to Jetrall in customary fashion, a weapon he would forever carry with him to seek his revenge upon all evils. He left the Mountain in search of meaning and retribution, traveling throughout the realm of Sanctuary. Countless foes fell to Agarwaen’s ever-sharp blade. Desert, jungle, sea, mountain, caverns; no terrain could stand in his way. At last he came upon the Rogue Foothills and met his destiny. This story, yet untold, will shortly come to be known.
7. “I seek only vengeance. Vengeance for my fallen brothers. Vengeance for the countless tormented and perverted. Vengeance for lost love.” – Jetrall.