The Pilus Prior helps make the running of the Centuriae go smoothly. Making sure people are staying in line, moral is high, that no one is cheating (to the best of their ability).
Well you really need to be more specific. What does staying in line mean EXACTLY? Is maphack cheating? Etc.
Quote from name="Elfen Lied" »
New changes have been made, yes, and were I not so busy today I would devote the entire day to explaining exactly what the rights and roles of each rank are. I hope to get started on it tomorrow.
I was thinking something like that. So, this would be considered a guild or a clan? I think I've seen some SICK SC players in the channel, but don't quote me on that, lol.
I was thinking something like that. So, this would be considered a guild or a clan? I think I've seen some SICK SC players in the channel, but don't quote me on that, lol.
lol sorry just had to. and you probably have. if theres a char called sick_runesRus. thats me. lol
This will be moderated heavily to reduce arguements, spam, and pointless arguements.
last 5 posts? (and this one)...
Anyways, i PMd ferret to get added to list of SICK members, not sure if he will read it. But i just returned from leave of absence and was surprised i had not been added. Kind of depressing.
P.S. winston im pretty sure maphack is ASSUMED to be a cheat.
In general response to the issue of Map Hacking, it is a cheat, and not necessary to have. A player can be far more successful without it when you consider the possible banning of accounts, and yes, even though there haven't been mass bans recently, I still hear of people getting banned.
I agree, it is a cheat, but it isn't to everyone. Some people are dependant on maphack.
Anyway, if we want to get even more detailed on the cheating, is grushing a cheat? Is saying you'll give someone your forge for a rush and then not giving it cheating? Etc.
All I want, is for the leaders (Jetrall you are excused) to start writing these down, I agree that getting them all will be a task that will take time, but the leaders haven't even started (Once again excluding Jetrall) on any specifics, or even most generals for the guild.
Actually I'm pretty sure questions and answers related to the condition and being of clan SICK, as were my posts, aren't considered spam, but whatever you want to think is fine. But this post is now off topic, so I'll end this here.
Just to get this Cleared up, so that no one gets pissed off at me, im not trying to be mean to Jarhead or Fudlow at all.
Just out of Curiosity, why is Jarhead and Fudlow in high commanding ranks, and Winston is not? Winston was a Pilus Prior in a Legion way before Jarhead was, and I know that Winston has done more than Fudlow and Jarhead. I mean, think about it, i havent even seen Fudlow post on any of the new guild threads, so he isnt that active, and Winston has already started to do a few more things to get people to interact with each other, get more involved with other guild members, hence his "SICK Competition".
I just think its dumb how he wasnt put as a high rank, let alone higher than someone like Acid Reign, who is pretty inactive atm. IMO, Jetrall also has done a lot more then AcidReign, and just as much as Jarhead and Fudlow, if not more.
Once again, please dont hate me Fudlow or Roo, i am just stating the facts.
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World of Warcraft - Finnegin- Level 80 Enhancement Shaman
I, Winston the 4th, have more concerns/suggestions. (Mostly suggestions)
First of all, I would like the guild to lean more towards the democratic side. The legionaires have no say in what is happening with the guild at this point in time. I suggest the "council" begins by setting up a thread specifically for guild suggestions so that all members of SICK may at least have their voice read. The next step would be to make threads where SICK members may vote on different possibilities for the guild and what happens to it. As well, you could ask each member under what Pilus Prior and/or Decurion they wish to be placed, this way the council will have input from everywhere on which they can base a final decision on the "squads". There are many other possibilities as well. I also realize that this will take time to setup.
Second, recruitment needs to be setup as soon as possible. This is one thing that we need as a guild to keep us alive, we need our ranks to be filled to the brim. I suggest you quickly set people up to recruit. You must be very specific on what they must do, whether it is make a game in Diablo 2 called "Clan tryout" or for them to lead some baals and tell people about the guild and where to go to get into it. Recruitment is a necessity for are survival.
Third, I would wish that I or someone else is granted permission to create an "official" SICK Diablo 2 thread where people may post whether they need a rush or not and where people may post the items they wish to trade. This way people can put an overall post rather then pming someone about it when this person may be offline. This may make the Diablo 2 communcation a lot easier and members will feel more at ease when asking for a rush or for an item.
What we really need is to have every single member or at least the majority of them, Higher ups or not all come together in one MSN or AIM chatroom, or possible the IRC chatroom ( i think it still works), and as a guild in real time work stuff out. The higher ups do it as much as we can, everytime the top four are all online we try get a chatroom going dicussing the guild. Though generally the stuff is essentually privileged until it is made public, however the concept doesn't need to be a restrictive one.
All of us in one room will allow the Legionnaires and Decurions a chance to speak. Something they have often been denied. Not through anyone fault, well not intentionally. Their concerns have often been merely overlooked for something else with a much higher priority.
Port: 6667
Channel: #diablo3
Pretty sure it still works.
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
I, Winston the 4th, have more concerns/suggestions. (Mostly suggestions)
Second, recruitment needs to be setup as soon as possible. This is one thing that we need as a guild to keep us alive, we need our ranks to be filled to the brim. I suggest you quickly set people up to recruit. You must be very specific on what they must do, whether it is make a game in Diablo 2 called "Clan tryout" or for them to lead some baals and tell people about the guild and where to go to get into it. Recruitment is a necessity for are survival.
this is something i was asking on diablo 2 today. you remember you were there with ferret. but i would like to put my 2 cents in and try to recruit people. 1. when noones on and theres nothing to do it would be just that one more thing to do. 2. im sorta at a spot in diablo were i just need godly gear. (though im poor).
so yes. recruitment, if you tell me how, what, and where to recruit i will do it.
Have you ever considered asking Umaru or whoever to put a few more forums up for SICK in the forums list for more organization? Currently every single thing imaginable is posted under the SICK Forums, and one has to do a lot of sifting to find specific threads some times. It gets very annoying. I'm suggesting a forum for clan politics issues and new SICK members, a forum for all of the RP you guys do, and of course an off topic section specifically for SICK. That, or you could use a phpbb site like or something, which would give you more control and would accurately display members' clan ranks under their posting names if it is set up right, as well as freedom to make a complete SICK forum site. In fact, if you want to see what something like that is capable of, you could always check my other clan's site. Just some thoughts.
I will second Caliban's feelings toward Winston. He has done sooo much for SICK and should be recognized for it.
Once again, I am in agreement with Winston. I also feel that the legionnaires should also have a say, or be allowed to vote on some of the things that go on within the guild. Or else this is just a bunch of people being where they don't want to be and possibly with rules they don't want to follow and then we will eventually end up back to square one.
The request for rush thread also a good idea. Then people could see who needs one and if they are availabe can offer their services.
I would also like to see a thread with a listing of what things are worth, what they could be traded for. I get items and usually just end up selling them instead of trading for them because I either don't want to carry them around (I need a mule -lol) or don't know if they are any good for trade or if someone else could really use it.
I know this would be a big task but if someone/a few someones knows/is good at trading maybe they could step up to help out. Start out with a list of what things are worth or what they can trade it for.
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Smiling is infectious.
Give, expecting nothing thereof. ------------ BoD - Come have some fun! Folks will always come and go, so enjoy them while they're meant to be in your life.
Have you ever considered asking Umaru or whoever to put a few more forums up for SICK in the forums list for more organization? Currently every single thing imaginable is posted under the SICK Forums, and one has to do a lot of sifting to find specific threads some times. It gets very annoying. I'm suggesting a forum for clan politics issues and new SICK members, a forum for all of the RP you guys do, and of course an off topic section specifically for SICK. That, or you could use a phpbb site like or something, which would give you more control and would accurately display members' clan ranks under their posting names if it is set up right, as well as freedom to make a complete SICK forum site. Just some thoughts.
Asking Umaro about something can prove to be as fruitful as trying to get blood from a stone.
He has also ask that I not mess with anything around here, Fairly sure that includes the creation of new sub forums, depsite the need for them. Will try ask again, but don't go holding your breath or anything.
Once again, I am in agreement with Winston. I also feel that the legionnaires should also have a say, or be allowed to vote on some of the things that go on within the guild. Or else this is just a bunch of people being where they don't want to be and possibly with rules they don't want to follow and then we will eventually end up back to square one.
Again that would be much easier if all of us were in one place at the same time in real time. I hate the speed of PMs. I much rather the speed and multiple inputs of IM/IRC.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Asking Umaro about something can prove to be as fruitful as trying to get blood from a stone.
Oh, I see... Oh well.
Quote from name="Elfen Lied" »
Again that would be much easier if all of us were in one place at the same time in real time. I hate the speed of PMs. I much rather the speed and multiple inputs of IM/IRC.
I don't know if this would work out, but you could always schedule some time/date for when a public chat would be, for discussion of these types of things. Of course you'd have to provide a time appropriate for everyone, or at least the majority, since we don't all live in the same time zones...
What we really need is to have every single member or at least the majority of them, Higher ups or not all come together in one MSN or AIM chatroom, or possible the IRC chatroom ( i think it still works), and as a guild in real time work stuff out. The higher ups do it as much as we can, everytime the top four are all online we try get a chatroom going dicussing the guild. Though generally the stuff is essentually privileged until it is made public, however the concept doesn't need to be a restrictive one.
All of us in one room will allow the Legionnaires and Decurions a chance to speak. Something they have often been denied. Not through anyone fault, well not intentionally. Their concerns have often been merely overlooked for something else with a much higher priority.
Port: 6667
Channel: #diablo3
Pretty sure it still works.
That's a great idea. It never crossed my mind. (Not sarcasm)
If you have an IRC Client like MIRC, or X-Chat, you can connect to the following server, and channel.
Server: Channel: #diablo3
Only it seems accessing it through mIRC didn't work for me, through the link did though.
If you use;
Server: Channel: #diablo3
The chatroom in the bolded link can be reached on mIRC or a similar program
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
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guild seems to be like the same people. like in elder scrolls IV: oblivion. were each guild is like fighters guild or mage guild.
lol sorry just had to. and you probably have. if theres a char called sick_runesRus. thats me. lol
last 5 posts? (and this one)...
Anyways, i PMd ferret to get added to list of SICK members, not sure if he will read it. But i just returned from leave of absence and was surprised i had not been added. Kind of depressing.
P.S. winston im pretty sure maphack is ASSUMED to be a cheat.
To many people it is, but as well to many people on Bnet, it doesn't hurt other players, so it's not a cheat.
Anyway, if we want to get even more detailed on the cheating, is grushing a cheat? Is saying you'll give someone your forge for a rush and then not giving it cheating? Etc.
All I want, is for the leaders (Jetrall you are excused) to start writing these down, I agree that getting them all will be a task that will take time, but the leaders haven't even started (Once again excluding Jetrall) on any specifics, or even most generals for the guild.
Just out of Curiosity, why is Jarhead and Fudlow in high commanding ranks, and Winston is not? Winston was a Pilus Prior in a Legion way before Jarhead was, and I know that Winston has done more than Fudlow and Jarhead. I mean, think about it, i havent even seen Fudlow post on any of the new guild threads, so he isnt that active, and Winston has already started to do a few more things to get people to interact with each other, get more involved with other guild members, hence his "SICK Competition".
I just think its dumb how he wasnt put as a high rank, let alone higher than someone like Acid Reign, who is pretty inactive atm. IMO, Jetrall also has done a lot more then AcidReign, and just as much as Jarhead and Fudlow, if not more.
Once again, please dont hate me Fudlow or Roo, i am just stating the facts.
First of all, I would like the guild to lean more towards the democratic side. The legionaires have no say in what is happening with the guild at this point in time. I suggest the "council" begins by setting up a thread specifically for guild suggestions so that all members of SICK may at least have their voice read. The next step would be to make threads where SICK members may vote on different possibilities for the guild and what happens to it. As well, you could ask each member under what Pilus Prior and/or Decurion they wish to be placed, this way the council will have input from everywhere on which they can base a final decision on the "squads". There are many other possibilities as well. I also realize that this will take time to setup.
Second, recruitment needs to be setup as soon as possible. This is one thing that we need as a guild to keep us alive, we need our ranks to be filled to the brim. I suggest you quickly set people up to recruit. You must be very specific on what they must do, whether it is make a game in Diablo 2 called "Clan tryout" or for them to lead some baals and tell people about the guild and where to go to get into it. Recruitment is a necessity for are survival.
Third, I would wish that I or someone else is granted permission to create an "official" SICK Diablo 2 thread where people may post whether they need a rush or not and where people may post the items they wish to trade. This way people can put an overall post rather then pming someone about it when this person may be offline. This may make the Diablo 2 communcation a lot easier and members will feel more at ease when asking for a rush or for an item.
- Winston the 4th
P.S. Thank you for your support Cali.
All of us in one room will allow the Legionnaires and Decurions a chance to speak. Something they have often been denied. Not through anyone fault, well not intentionally. Their concerns have often been merely overlooked for something else with a much higher priority.
Port: 6667
Channel: #diablo3
Pretty sure it still works.
this is something i was asking on diablo 2 today. you remember you were there with ferret. but i would like to put my 2 cents in and try to recruit people. 1. when noones on and theres nothing to do it would be just that one more thing to do. 2. im sorta at a spot in diablo were i just need godly gear. (though im poor).
so yes. recruitment, if you tell me how, what, and where to recruit i will do it.
Once again, I am in agreement with Winston. I also feel that the legionnaires should also have a say, or be allowed to vote on some of the things that go on within the guild. Or else this is just a bunch of people being where they don't want to be and possibly with rules they don't want to follow and then we will eventually end up back to square one.
The request for rush thread also a good idea. Then people could see who needs one and if they are availabe can offer their services.
I would also like to see a thread with a listing of what things are worth, what they could be traded for. I get items and usually just end up selling them instead of trading for them because I either don't want to carry them around (I need a mule -lol) or don't know if they are any good for trade or if someone else could really use it.
I know this would be a big task but if someone/a few someones knows/is good at trading maybe they could step up to help out. Start out with a list of what things are worth or what they can trade it for.
Folks will always come and go, so enjoy them while they're meant to be in your life.
We have our own forum on Xifre, but no one uses it.
Asking Umaro about something can prove to be as fruitful as trying to get blood from a stone.
He has also ask that I not mess with anything around here, Fairly sure that includes the creation of new sub forums, depsite the need for them. Will try ask again, but don't go holding your breath or anything.
Again that would be much easier if all of us were in one place at the same time in real time. I hate the speed of PMs. I much rather the speed and multiple inputs of IM/IRC.
Oh, I see... Oh well.
I don't know if this would work out, but you could always schedule some time/date for when a public chat would be, for discussion of these types of things. Of course you'd have to provide a time appropriate for everyone, or at least the majority, since we don't all live in the same time zones...
I've opened the channel, the rest of you can file in as you please. I'll try stick around as long as I can.
I'ma try find the web based one for those of you without an IRC program like mIRC.
Couldn't find the webversion of this one.
Did find this one
You can access this chat room by going to our java IRC Client located at:
If you have an IRC Client like MIRC, or X-Chat, you can connect to the following server, and channel.
Channel: #diablo3
Only it seems accessing it through mIRC didn't work for me, through the link did though.
If you use;
Channel: #diablo3
The chatroom in the bolded link can be reached on mIRC or a similar program