a) 1 Lieutenant of Daemaro Curast?
c) Scoobidux steals cookies. I can only assume it is from the characters so...11?
d) Shatterer is going to bring news to Nacho. He was not actually going to attack him, he was only messing with him.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Now that's out of the way:
Brilliant episode as always. I only hate that my name is in the title; it was hard to read it without peeking at the end
Also: DMM
[spoil]a) We don't know. There is a werehamster but I don't think he was confirmed as being Seth. A world called Percel
c) 17, because he likes cookies
d) Nacho is going to get possessed by Shatterer, because Shatterer is very, very strong.[/spoil]
Oh Shatt, you are finally here man. Reminds me of something important.
Anyway it was important when I was writing the episode.
Thought I would share it with you all.
It's about Shatt's laugh in this particular episode.
I couldn't quite describe it as I wanted. The laugh I had in mind was that of a character in Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.
His name is Benge and there is one moment in the movie where he traps some people and begins laughing. It was creepy as hell. Seems like he was breathing and laughing at the same time. I watched the French dub, so am not sure if the English or japanese version has the same effect.
Anyway here is the trailer.
It definitely ranks in the top 3 in my vampire movies.
Put in 2 trailers. They both seemed cool though not as cool as the movie itself.
I've only seen one Anime movie: Spirited Away. I should get into more anime, since I do seem to like it (Avatar, the last airbender was awesome. I'm interested in the life action version)
But I digress...
Too bad you can't show what that laugh was. Sounds pretty creepy though.
Am I going to be in the story? Remember, I'm a Demonic Dragon, Lieutenant of the Army of Light. I have demonic and necromantic magic also. That is all.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
Am I going to be in the story? Remember, I'm a Demonic Dragon, Lieutenant of the Army of Light. I have demonic and necromantic magic also. That is all.
Hmpff...if you really wanted to be in the story, you would have participated in the DMM!!!
Just kidding.
I am taking note of your greatness my good sir but it's the Narrator who tells the story...and he's such a cruel and sadistic bastard.
Who knows what he's gonna do with such information?
Anyway let's hope for the best, shall we...
Tomorrow DMM closes folks. I'll edit this post and indicate the game is closed.
Next chapter is next Thursday.
Firstly Scoobidux is an awesome name. Secondly...Will there be a successor of Scoobidux that can summon me again? I would really like to destroy stuffsss
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
There's gonna be loads of side quests my good Umpa.
Now let your imagination roll...
Story and plot is not as random as many of you think but hey I can guarantee lots of surprises, action scenes and more importantly sex tips.
As soon as I knew people approved of it, i wrote down the main quests and char bio...
That dissertation sure puts me in the 'writing mood'
I had been working on a book. I have already planned out the plot. That was a few months ago. I did it with my bro. Won't be working on it till really late this year though. Lots of complicated words in there...kinda of grandiose lol...I hate using 'complicated' words...feels fake but that's because I lack practice. I like to express myself with the 'basic' words.
It helps me build the foundation and fill up my vocabulary reservoir with drinkable water...Did I make any sense there? Lol...
If I make good progress, i"ll let you have a taste but I doubt it will be this year. Too much to do. And am taking a lot of extra and 'unnecessary' modules because i find them so interesting...
Pff...time...I wish it would slow down a bit...or maybe get a few extra hours in a day. Would have to relocate on a planet further from our good old sun. Heard their days are longer there...
Will probably take a break from fanfic after next month. Then will resume after a couple of months when I hit the blessed holidays.
I hope you people won't be sending me death threats then... J/K
Well if you want me to end it by then, it will a rushed finish...and pretty tasteless too(IMO)...
Either that or you equip yourself with some patience...
Tolkien wrote something brilliant about how a true story never ends. Just different characters taking up where the others last left and pursuing the adventures...
Don't know the exact quote...don't have my book with me.
Anyway love that quote. Will look it up sometime and post it here.
Don't worry. I won't let you down. :thumbsup:
So many emoticons there...hehehe...
--------------------DMM closed------------------------------
Results will be out next Thursday. Will show answers and declare winner with some general comments. Then will release next chapter right away.
Thank you for participating guys and of course thanks to all the readers for reading and giving their encouragements.
--------------------DMM results------------------------------ 24th Feb
Correct answers
a) Werehamster, lieutenant of Daemaro.
the world is called Precelsus Tutshi
c) 3
d) when you read next chapter, you'll know.
Nacho is the clear winner. Won't go in the marks details, but if you check his answers, you'll understand.
Last question, nobody was able to get very close, though most of you scored the same marks with Umpa the highest on this one. Nacho- 60 points and +rep
Consolation prizes. There's 2.
One for funniest description of part (d) which goes to Shatt and the other to the first ever participant of DMM which goes to Umpa. Yay! You all win. Shatterer- 30 exp points. Umpa- 25 exp points.
Edit 2- Will be busy tomorrow, so am putting out the chapter a bit earlier. Enjoy!
Next chapter will then be next Thursday.
Narrator- "Nacho is in the forest of Gurk on his knees with the terrible Shatterer towering in front of him. that's not what you are thinking... But who exactly is Shatterer or what is he?"
Shatterer- "A brave young prince you are for coming here all alone. I bring the words of my master, Lord Tulkan to you: The time of beast and man has passed. Once you recover the wand, remember that power is the ultimate truth. Come and seek Me out. I shall await your return."
Nacho still breathing with difficulty after the heavy onslaught of Shatterer, raised his head slowly.
What he saw almost froze his heart.
Standing before him was a man or what used to be a man. Tall and with eyes so drawn within their sockets that they seemed inexistant. On his head or skull rather rested a half-broken crown and in is his hand was a scepter. All around him shone a pale sickly blue light.
His face was distorted by a cynical leer as he gazed down upon the prince.
Nacho stood up and knew what was coming. Here was an evil being. Messenger he claimed to be, yet he was poised for attack. Nacho jumped back, drew his sword in a flash and in the same fluid movement touched his other hand on the side of the blade. When the blade parted contact with his palm, it glowed a deep red, like if it was on fire.
Shatterer's voice rang with malintent- "Shall we play then, prince?"
And the battle began.
Nacho was no match. Hydras he summoned and the fire-enchanted blade he wielded, but Shatterer only laughed through it all. Fire touched him to leave no mark, and Nacho's blade only cut through thin air however fiercely he slashed at the vile creature.
Then in one fell stroke Shatterer raised his scepter and brought it down upon Nacho. The prince survived, but only just. In a swift movement Nacho swung his sword upwards. His blade shattered as the scepter hit it but it was enough the deflect the fatal blow.
The enemy grabbed Nacho's hair and pulled his face close to his own. The putrid smell that came from him took Nacho aback.
Shatterer- "My master thinks you are of some value, so i shall let you live... But we shall meet again and you better be prepared weakling- for next time, you die.
And he added- "Remember then to be polite young prince and try to entertain me a little more than this pathetic fight we had."
Letting out a last evil cackle, Shatterer seemed to fade in the mist which had gathered around.
Deeply shaken by the encounter but otherwise physically unhurt except for his sore sword-arm, Nacho clumsily made his way back out of the forest.
At the camp.
Two hours had gone by. Nekro who had been to collect some driftwood was returning. Turmo had a small fire going with some dry leaves and straw he had gathered around.
Turmo to Nekro- " Why are you covered in so many bruises? Did you fall on your way?"
Nekro- "Hmm, actually ya I did. My leg still hurts. Is Nacho not back yet?"
Then they heard somebody running behind them. They were close to the main road and could see it from where they were. A young man arrived dressed in a deep purple cloak bearing the emblem of the Wolian clan and with a long staff hung over his back.
Nekro- You must be Azriel. I am Nekro, prince Nacho's esquire and here's Turmo a friend we've met along the way. Nacho will be here soon. He went to scout the area and see which path we shall take tomorrow."
Azriel- "Oh I see the Moomoo clan emblem on your quilted armor. I have never seen you before though."
Several minutes went by...
Then Az decided to break the silence- "So which branch of magic do you specialize, Turmo?"
"Oh...uhm....slimepretzel" mumbled Turmo.
"I never heard that before. I do Hym."
Turmo- "Who?"
"Hym. When I first learned about hym I instantly fell in love. And from then on, each morning I have practiced and now I do Hym at a completely new level." said Az glancing at Nekro.
Turmo- "I thought you two didn't know each other? Never knew you were so close. Nothing against you pal, but I sleep over here. So could you sleep over there?"
Az- "huh?"
Nekro laughing like a maniac- "Turmo it's H-Y-M. It's also known as water magic. The Wolian clan named it so, in honor of their first leader, Hym, who brought them the water from the Blue Fountain of Life.
Turmo- "Oh...fountain of life? Guys I think I'll have to tell you the truth now. I am not from here..."
Halfway through his story on how he created his time-travelling gadget that was actually a dimensional warp machine, Nacho arrived.
He put on a brave smile, welcomed heartily his friend Az and sat down, resting his back against a tree stump. He informed everyone that the forest track was intact and they were going to make an early departure next morning.
On his way back he had time to ponder on his meeting with Shatterer. He was no beast- that was for sure. And he also said something about the time of beasts and man having passed. Could he actually be working for Daemaro? And that Daemaro was trying some new clever scheme to foil his attempt to obtain the wand. And who is that Tulkhan?
All of these questions lingered on his mind until he realised one thing- he was not strong enough. He would have to learn new magic(spells) and he would also need to find a new sword.
While he was resting, Az spoke to him.
"Nacho, you have no weapon?"
Turmo and Nekro's attention turned to Nacho.
The Moomooer decided on the truth and he recounted his tale to his friends who were shocked.
But soon enough Nacho felt much better as everyone tried to cheer him up despite the danger that was out there, despite the fact that they didn't fully understand Shatterer's power and that even all of them combined would avail to nothing.
After wards, Turmo's tales became twice as funny and the friends set up a camp fire and made some hot pot with provision and cooking gear they had brought.
That night the Precelians learned the wonders of Turmo's dimension...about people traveling in metal boxes that could fly and a game called ovalball....
-------------------------End of episode 6------------------------
Az- "At last I joined the group. Thanks Narrator." Narrator- "Unbelievable! Someone with gratitude in the place."
Az- "Your gay jokes were very gay however." Narrator- "Pfft....the illusion of happiness eh? I guess it couldn't last long. Nobody can praise me around here. Terrible working conditions. I should ask for a pay rise."
Umpa- "Well if you actually started revealing the sex mysteries you keep babbling about." Narrator- "Babbling? Reptiles have no manners I see. And they are not sex mysteries. They are life mysteries. What...? You think I'm so low to talk about sex each episode."
Everyone- "Well yes." Narrator- "Ungrateful bastards."
Narrator- "Anyway today to celebrate my dog's birthday, I will answer my last life-mystery question."
Daemaro- "'s birthday? Ya...right...." Narrator- " I don't think we need your sarcasm here Dae. Well let's start. Now as everyone knows, a woman's orgasm can supposedly last for one hour."
*Seconds of silence go by*
Everyone- "And?"
[spoil] Narrator- Pawned you bitches! This is my ultimate technique. Side-distraction-timebomb pawnage. Distraction through the dog(I don't even have a dog...haha) and the time bomb..whereby you are tempted to ask the question after subtle temptation!! Mwahahahahaha..."[/spoil]
Nekro- "These jokes are starting to become tiring, not to say they sound utterly ridiculous." Narrator- "Hoho...listen to the bad loser who's been pawned..."
What will our friends encounter in the dark forest of Gurk?
What can Turmo do in a fight?
What can Nekro not do in a fight?
And more importantly- What do you have to do to be said as having a doggy style?
All of these answers will be revealed in the next chapter of Dfans the movie- The Forest of Gurk.
Answer questions at end of last chapter(exluding doggy style one) What will our friends encounter in the dark forest of Gurk?
What can Turmo do in a fight?
What can Nekro not do in a fight?
All carry 3 marks.
If you want to participate add 'DMM' to title of your post.
You are not allowed to edit your post
One post per user.(for DMM)
Marks given on extent of accuracy. Winner gets 100 exp.
Hehehe, brilliant episode once again. The meeting with the unbeatable villain is classic, yet awesome. It gets even better because that villain is Shatterer.
[spoil]The encounter:
There will be darkness in the forest. There will also be a small pygmee tribe called Feh'tiish.
Turmo in a fight:
He can confuse the enemy with tales of his home dimension.
Nekro in a fight:
He can't finish any attacks. He'll try, but in the end he' ll fail
Hey, it's your fault you made everybody hilarious
a) 1 Lieutenant of Daemaro
c) Scoobidux steals cookies. I can only assume it is from the characters so...11?
d) Shatterer is going to bring news to Nacho. He was not actually going to attack him, he was only messing with him.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
a) Werehamster, lieutenant of Daemaro.
c) two... just guessing
d) I think he's going to warn him about a great danger!! but it will all be a well crafted conspiracy...
THIS IS AWESOME!!!... and my name is in the next episode
@Jetrall- a cartoon? That's a movie man. A movie.
Update of entries for DMM-
Now that's out of the way:
Brilliant episode as always. I only hate that my name is in the title; it was hard to read it without peeking at the end
[spoil]a) We don't know. There is a werehamster but I don't think he was confirmed as being Seth.
c) 17, because he likes cookies
d) Nacho is going to get possessed by Shatterer, because Shatterer is very, very strong.[/spoil]
Join the chat!
Anyway it was important when I was writing the episode.
Thought I would share it with you all.
It's about Shatt's laugh in this particular episode.
I couldn't quite describe it as I wanted. The laugh I had in mind was that of a character in Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.
His name is Benge and there is one moment in the movie where he traps some people and begins laughing. It was creepy as hell. Seems like he was breathing and laughing at the same time. I watched the French dub, so am not sure if the English or japanese version has the same effect.
Anyway here is the trailer.
It definitely ranks in the top 3 in my vampire movies.
Put in 2 trailers. They both seemed cool though not as cool as the movie itself.
DMM entries:
But I digress...
Too bad you can't show what that laugh was. Sounds pretty creepy though.
Join the chat!
Hmpff...if you really wanted to be in the story, you would have participated in the DMM!!!
Just kidding.
I am taking note of your greatness my good sir but it's the Narrator who tells the story...and he's such a cruel and sadistic bastard.
Who knows what he's gonna do with such information?
Anyway let's hope for the best, shall we...
Tomorrow DMM closes folks. I'll edit this post and indicate the game is closed.
Next chapter is next Thursday.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Now let your imagination roll...
Story and plot is not as random as many of you think but hey I can guarantee lots of surprises, action scenes and more importantly sex tips.
As soon as I knew people approved of it, i wrote down the main quests and char bio...
That dissertation sure puts me in the 'writing mood'
I had been working on a book. I have already planned out the plot. That was a few months ago. I did it with my bro. Won't be working on it till really late this year though. Lots of complicated words in there...kinda of grandiose lol...I hate using 'complicated' words...feels fake but that's because I lack practice. I like to express myself with the 'basic' words.
It helps me build the foundation and fill up my vocabulary reservoir with drinkable water...Did I make any sense there? Lol...
If I make good progress, i"ll let you have a taste but I doubt it will be this year. Too much to do. And am taking a lot of extra and 'unnecessary' modules because i find them so interesting...
Pff...time...I wish it would slow down a bit...or maybe get a few extra hours in a day. Would have to relocate on a planet further from our good old sun. Heard their days are longer there...
Will probably take a break from fanfic after next month. Then will resume after a couple of months when I hit the blessed holidays.
I hope you people won't be sending me death threats then...
Either that or you equip yourself with some patience...
Tolkien wrote something brilliant about how a true story never ends. Just different characters taking up where the others last left and pursuing the adventures...
Don't know the exact quote...don't have my book with me.
Anyway love that quote. Will look it up sometime and post it here.
Don't worry. I won't let you down. :thumbsup:
So many emoticons there...hehehe...
--------------------DMM closed------------------------------
Results will be out next Thursday. Will show answers and declare winner with some general comments. Then will release next chapter right away.
Thank you for participating guys and of course thanks to all the readers for reading and giving their encouragements.
--------------------DMM results------------------------------
24th Feb
Correct answers
a) Werehamster, lieutenant of Daemaro.
c) 3
d) when you read next chapter, you'll know.
Nacho is the clear winner. Won't go in the marks details, but if you check his answers, you'll understand.
Last question, nobody was able to get very close, though most of you scored the same marks with Umpa the highest on this one.
Nacho- 60 points and +rep
Consolation prizes. There's 2.
One for funniest description of part (d) which goes to Shatt and the other to the first ever participant of DMM which goes to Umpa. Yay! You all win.
Shatterer- 30 exp points.
Umpa- 25 exp points.
Edit 2- Will be busy tomorrow, so am putting out the chapter a bit earlier. Enjoy!
Next chapter will then be next Thursday. that's not what you are thinking... But who exactly is Shatterer or what is he?"
Shatterer- "A brave young prince you are for coming here all alone. I bring the words of my master, Lord Tulkan to you: The time of beast and man has passed. Once you recover the wand, remember that power is the ultimate truth. Come and seek Me out. I shall await your return."
Nacho still breathing with difficulty after the heavy onslaught of Shatterer, raised his head slowly.
What he saw almost froze his heart.
Standing before him was a man or what used to be a man. Tall and with eyes so drawn within their sockets that they seemed inexistant. On his head or skull rather rested a half-broken crown and in is his hand was a scepter. All around him shone a pale sickly blue light.
His face was distorted by a cynical leer as he gazed down upon the prince.
Nacho stood up and knew what was coming. Here was an evil being. Messenger he claimed to be, yet he was poised for attack. Nacho jumped back, drew his sword in a flash and in the same fluid movement touched his other hand on the side of the blade. When the blade parted contact with his palm, it glowed a deep red, like if it was on fire.
Shatterer's voice rang with malintent- "Shall we play then, prince?"
And the battle began.
Nacho was no match. Hydras he summoned and the fire-enchanted blade he wielded, but Shatterer only laughed through it all. Fire touched him to leave no mark, and Nacho's blade only cut through thin air however fiercely he slashed at the vile creature.
Then in one fell stroke Shatterer raised his scepter and brought it down upon Nacho. The prince survived, but only just. In a swift movement Nacho swung his sword upwards. His blade shattered as the scepter hit it but it was enough the deflect the fatal blow.
The enemy grabbed Nacho's hair and pulled his face close to his own. The putrid smell that came from him took Nacho aback.
Shatterer- "My master thinks you are of some value, so i shall let you live... But we shall meet again and you better be prepared weakling- for next time, you die.
And he added- "Remember then to be polite young prince and try to entertain me a little more than this pathetic fight we had."
Letting out a last evil cackle, Shatterer seemed to fade in the mist which had gathered around.
Deeply shaken by the encounter but otherwise physically unhurt except for his sore sword-arm, Nacho clumsily made his way back out of the forest.
At the camp.
Two hours had gone by. Nekro who had been to collect some driftwood was returning. Turmo had a small fire going with some dry leaves and straw he had gathered around.
Turmo to Nekro- " Why are you covered in so many bruises? Did you fall on your way?"
Nekro- "Hmm, actually ya I did. My leg still hurts. Is Nacho not back yet?"
Then they heard somebody running behind them. They were close to the main road and could see it from where they were. A young man arrived dressed in a deep purple cloak bearing the emblem of the Wolian clan and with a long staff hung over his back.
Nekro- You must be Azriel. I am Nekro, prince Nacho's esquire and here's Turmo a friend we've met along the way. Nacho will be here soon. He went to scout the area and see which path we shall take tomorrow."
Azriel- "Oh I see the Moomoo clan emblem on your quilted armor. I have never seen you before though."
Several minutes went by...
Then Az decided to break the silence- "So which branch of magic do you specialize, Turmo?"
"Oh...uhm....slimepretzel" mumbled Turmo.
"I never heard that before. I do Hym."
Turmo- "Who?"
"Hym. When I first learned about hym I instantly fell in love. And from then on, each morning I have practiced and now I do Hym at a completely new level." said Az glancing at Nekro.
Turmo- "I thought you two didn't know each other? Never knew you were so close. Nothing against you pal, but I sleep over here. So could you sleep over there?"
Az- "huh?"
Nekro laughing like a maniac- "Turmo it's H-Y-M. It's also known as water magic. The Wolian clan named it so, in honor of their first leader, Hym, who brought them the water from the Blue Fountain of Life.
Turmo- "Oh...fountain of life? Guys I think I'll have to tell you the truth now. I am not from here..."
Halfway through his story on how he created his time-travelling gadget that was actually a dimensional warp machine, Nacho arrived.
He put on a brave smile, welcomed heartily his friend Az and sat down, resting his back against a tree stump. He informed everyone that the forest track was intact and they were going to make an early departure next morning.
On his way back he had time to ponder on his meeting with Shatterer. He was no beast- that was for sure. And he also said something about the time of beasts and man having passed. Could he actually be working for Daemaro? And that Daemaro was trying some new clever scheme to foil his attempt to obtain the wand. And who is that Tulkhan?
All of these questions lingered on his mind until he realised one thing- he was not strong enough. He would have to learn new magic(spells) and he would also need to find a new sword.
While he was resting, Az spoke to him.
"Nacho, you have no weapon?"
Turmo and Nekro's attention turned to Nacho.
The Moomooer decided on the truth and he recounted his tale to his friends who were shocked.
But soon enough Nacho felt much better as everyone tried to cheer him up despite the danger that was out there, despite the fact that they didn't fully understand Shatterer's power and that even all of them combined would avail to nothing.
After wards, Turmo's tales became twice as funny and the friends set up a camp fire and made some hot pot with provision and cooking gear they had brought.
That night the Precelians learned the wonders of Turmo's dimension...about people traveling in metal boxes that could fly and a game called ovalball....
-------------------------End of episode 6------------------------
Az- "At last I joined the group. Thanks Narrator."
Narrator- "Unbelievable! Someone with gratitude in the place."
Az- "Your gay jokes were very gay however."
Narrator- "Pfft....the illusion of happiness eh? I guess it couldn't last long. Nobody can praise me around here. Terrible working conditions. I should ask for a pay rise."
Umpa- "Well if you actually started revealing the sex mysteries you keep babbling about."
Narrator- "Babbling? Reptiles have no manners I see. And they are not sex mysteries. They are life mysteries. What...? You think I'm so low to talk about sex each episode."
Everyone- "Well yes."
Narrator- "Ungrateful bastards."
Narrator- "Anyway today to celebrate my dog's birthday, I will answer my last life-mystery question."
Daemaro- "'s birthday? Ya...right...."
Narrator- " I don't think we need your sarcasm here Dae. Well let's start. Now as everyone knows, a woman's orgasm can supposedly last for one hour."
*Seconds of silence go by*
Everyone- "And?"
[spoil] Narrator- Pawned you bitches! This is my ultimate technique. Side-distraction-timebomb pawnage. Distraction through the dog(I don't even have a dog...haha) and the time bomb..whereby you are tempted to ask the question after subtle temptation!! Mwahahahahaha..."[/spoil]
Nekro- "These jokes are starting to become tiring, not to say they sound utterly ridiculous."
Narrator- "Hoho...listen to the bad loser who's been pawned..."
What will our friends encounter in the dark forest of Gurk?
What can Turmo do in a fight?
What can Nekro not do in a fight?
And more importantly- What do you have to do to be said as having a doggy style?
All of these answers will be revealed in the next chapter of Dfans the movie- The Forest of Gurk.
Answer questions at end of last chapter(exluding doggy style one)
What will our friends encounter in the dark forest of Gurk?
What can Turmo do in a fight?
What can Nekro not do in a fight?
All carry 3 marks.
If you want to participate add 'DMM' to title of your post.
You are not allowed to edit your post
One post per user.(for DMM)
Marks given on extent of accuracy. Winner gets 100 exp.
[spoil]The encounter:
There will be darkness in the forest. There will also be a small pygmee tribe called Feh'tiish.
Turmo in a fight:
He can confuse the enemy with tales of his home dimension.
Nekro in a fight:
He can't finish any attacks. He'll try, but in the end he' ll fail
Hey, it's your fault you made everybody hilarious
Join the chat!