Yar, so I've been thinking to myself, "Well, well, it's been a darn long while since I've RP'd. I should try and make a new one". So, I've been thinking, and looking around. My lurking in this section had only yielded the idea that this place is dieing, a horrible and slow death. So! To prevent such distressful things from occurring - I have decided to try and give RPing a shot here. I hate seeing this place die down, especially cause' RP's are just so damn fun.
Now, I've talked to Kal (Kalypsonite) about this, and he says he's up for it as well. However, this RP is going to take a while for myself and he to conjure up an entire story, and make it worth sticking through until the end. Not to mention I don't want to start right away, simply because it's exam time for all of us College and University students, followed by Christmas where we're all likely to be busy anyways.
However, seeing as how I don't know a lot about the RP I plan to make yet, I *know* what type of characters we'll have, and the *very general* sense of our setting. Now, I don't want all of you to run away when I say what this RP is *BASED OFF OF* (and nothing more) because you may not like the game or what-have-you. So, I'm going to provide you with the general things I know I want in this RP, and then see who all is up for joining in. Personally, I'd rather have a reasonably small crowd at first, because I know a lot of us have commitment issues. I feel like when there's only a few of us, we all feel more responsible as individuals and will always try and be attentive to this RP. However, if we have a large turnout group, I may be willing to do this RP in a slightly different style, primarily as a DnD RP using a fourm I can host as the base.
Now! Onto the details I have:
-this RP will be based off of the game Heroes of Newerth. If you do not know what it is, simply read the first post in this thread, Heroes Of Newerth. Now, this RP will not take place in Newerth nor will it have the same storyline (yes, there is a storyline to HoN, albeit unimportant and minor).
-With the plot, I have been thinking that we will be in normal Earth, present day, yadda yadda yadda. However, something in the atmosphere, or possibly a secretive government project, a group of humans are morphed. Or better yet, evolved. Each human though, evolves differently depending on their attitude, characteristics, etc. And adopts 4 special powers (those powers being the 4 skills you get from your HoN/DotA hero).
-Generally speaking, the only thing from HoN we'll be taking from are the characters. Every character in this RP will be a "representitive" of a HoN (or DotA if you prefer) character. All I mean by this, is that your character WILL be human and will have the powers of whatever hero you wish to have chosen. How you decide to translate the original skills into your own character is up to you - so long as the general mechanics stay the same. Allow me to give two examples:
1. A complete copy character, representing Glacius. After evolving, George (I love filler names, don't you?) realized he had a chilling aura, that seemed to make his friends and allies slightly colder - but for some reason and enhanced their endurance for spell casting. He also had an ability that would create a frost nova from a point nearby him and would damage and slow all his foes within an area around him. Although a very confusing ability, George also ahd the ability to completely freeze himself, any enemy, or himself for a few seconds. This would immobilize whomever was frozen completely, but would also prevent the afflicted from the majority of incoming damage. His last ability is a grand showing, summoning many storm clouds and creating a large downpour of ice and hail around him, severely hurting and chilling all those who dare stand in his way. Glacius's skills in HoN
2. A character representing Deadwood, but is obviously not a complete copy. Bob (ha! another good filler name ), being a bulky, blackbelt master, has the ability to smash the ground and send shockwaves to a circular area around him. those who are caught in the shockwaves are immobilized for a short time and take some damage over time. Using his intense muscle power, Bob is capable of pulling out a streetlight or a tree, and wield it as if his own, normal weapon. He is also able to toss the object at enemies which will slowly them by a large degree. Seeing many victims dead anywhere near him gets him excited. This excitement will cause Bob to run much more quickly for the longer amount of time he spends traversing these dead bodies. After the evolution, Bob because areguably the stronger person on all of Earth, and his final move proves it. He is able to unlock the potential for all of his muscles and he can hit a single enemy so hard it'll knock them back, stun them and anyone behind them. However this usually will also finish anyone off in just one, simple, hit. Deadwood's skills in HoN
Now realize, this is going to be a written RP, with no math or whatever. I simply want the general mechanics to be kept the same. So as shown by the deadtree/bob example, you don't have to be rampaging around a forest and breaking it down - I used dead bodies as an example of how it could be changed. For glacius, I just did a boring, cut-and-paste thing for his skills. Either could work, originality would be pretty damn sweet and well appreciated though.
One last neat thing I'd also like, is if everyone had their character have some sort of physical or personality trait that would relate to the original hero. For example, Bob could possibly have an intense hatred for nature and all things natural. *shrug*
But anyways, this idea is still rough, needs to be refined, and will not go through unless we have some support. And I will state again, this doesn't matter if you like HoN or DotA, neither, not at all or whatever. This is just an RP that is utilizing their skills and 1 cool trait about that hero. I hope you guys will enjoy this, and possibly I can come up with some epic, mind-boggling plots. :D!
So, just input ideas, opinions, critiques (if necessary? o.O), if you're up for doing this, etc.
edit: Oh! And if you guys want to start looking at the HoN and DotA heroes, these 2 pages will have all of them, including all the heroes' skills, backgrounds, etc. Heroes of Newerth heroes DotA heroes
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One becomes strong when they are fighting to protect someone close to them... - Shiro Haku
Awesome deal to hear you guys are up for it. And scyber, don't feel any need to rush or anything - as I said this RP is still a ways off from being started. And also, if the original hero is evil or not evil, doesn't mean you have to be, either. Like I said, I wanna see originality, and how everyone decides to form the their skills based off the originals' skills.
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One becomes strong when they are fighting to protect someone close to them... - Shiro Haku
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Now, I've talked to Kal (Kalypsonite) about this, and he says he's up for it as well. However, this RP is going to take a while for myself and he to conjure up an entire story, and make it worth sticking through until the end. Not to mention I don't want to start right away, simply because it's exam time for all of us College and University students, followed by Christmas where we're all likely to be busy anyways.
However, seeing as how I don't know a lot about the RP I plan to make yet, I *know* what type of characters we'll have, and the *very general* sense of our setting. Now, I don't want all of you to run away when I say what this RP is *BASED OFF OF* (and nothing more) because you may not like the game or what-have-you. So, I'm going to provide you with the general things I know I want in this RP, and then see who all is up for joining in. Personally, I'd rather have a reasonably small crowd at first, because I know a lot of us have commitment issues. I feel like when there's only a few of us, we all feel more responsible as individuals and will always try and be attentive to this RP. However, if we have a large turnout group, I may be willing to do this RP in a slightly different style, primarily as a DnD RP using a fourm I can host as the base.
Now! Onto the details I have:
-this RP will be based off of the game Heroes of Newerth. If you do not know what it is, simply read the first post in this thread, Heroes Of Newerth. Now, this RP will not take place in Newerth nor will it have the same storyline (yes, there is a storyline to HoN, albeit unimportant and minor).
-With the plot, I have been thinking that we will be in normal Earth, present day, yadda yadda yadda. However, something in the atmosphere, or possibly a secretive government project, a group of humans are morphed. Or better yet, evolved. Each human though, evolves differently depending on their attitude, characteristics, etc. And adopts 4 special powers (those powers being the 4 skills you get from your HoN/DotA hero).
-Generally speaking, the only thing from HoN we'll be taking from are the characters. Every character in this RP will be a "representitive" of a HoN (or DotA if you prefer) character. All I mean by this, is that your character WILL be human and will have the powers of whatever hero you wish to have chosen. How you decide to translate the original skills into your own character is up to you - so long as the general mechanics stay the same. Allow me to give two examples:
1. A complete copy character, representing Glacius. After evolving, George (I love filler names, don't you?) realized he had a chilling aura, that seemed to make his friends and allies slightly colder - but for some reason and enhanced their endurance for spell casting. He also had an ability that would create a frost nova from a point nearby him and would damage and slow all his foes within an area around him. Although a very confusing ability, George also ahd the ability to completely freeze himself, any enemy, or himself for a few seconds. This would immobilize whomever was frozen completely, but would also prevent the afflicted from the majority of incoming damage. His last ability is a grand showing, summoning many storm clouds and creating a large downpour of ice and hail around him, severely hurting and chilling all those who dare stand in his way. Glacius's skills in HoN
2. A character representing Deadwood, but is obviously not a complete copy. Bob (ha! another good filler name
Now realize, this is going to be a written RP, with no math or whatever. I simply want the general mechanics to be kept the same. So as shown by the deadtree/bob example, you don't have to be rampaging around a forest and breaking it down - I used dead bodies as an example of how it could be changed. For glacius, I just did a boring, cut-and-paste thing for his skills. Either could work, originality would be pretty damn sweet and well appreciated though.
One last neat thing I'd also like, is if everyone had their character have some sort of physical or personality trait that would relate to the original hero. For example, Bob could possibly have an intense hatred for nature and all things natural. *shrug*
But anyways, this idea is still rough, needs to be refined, and will not go through unless we have some support. And I will state again, this doesn't matter if you like HoN or DotA, neither, not at all or whatever. This is just an RP that is utilizing their skills and 1 cool trait about that hero. I hope you guys will enjoy this, and possibly I can come up with some epic, mind-boggling plots. :D!
So, just input ideas, opinions, critiques (if necessary? o.O), if you're up for doing this, etc.
edit: Oh! And if you guys want to start looking at the HoN and DotA heroes, these 2 pages will have all of them, including all the heroes' skills, backgrounds, etc.
Heroes of Newerth heroes
DotA heroes
One becomes strong when they are fighting to protect someone close to them... - Shiro Haku
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One becomes strong when they are fighting to protect someone close to them... - Shiro Haku