I'm at the last journey chapter, gotta get a char to lvl 70 in hc, I was wondering if one of you would be kind enough to boost me to it. Let me know, thx!
In Hardcore, i would say its more dangerous to get a boost then to slowly go solo on normal difficulty.
Isn't that why when you get boosted, the booster clears the entrance to
the rift so it's safe, then you sit just inside whilst they go crazy
killing stuff on T6 or higher on that rift level. Rinse and repeat for
each rift level. No risk unless the booster doesn't clear the entrance
I see a lot of wrong information in this thread. A couple of things:
1) Leveling a char on HC (solo), with no HC experience (i.e., you have to play a bit more careful coming from a SC experience) can easily take up 6-8 hours. You might be able to get to 70 in 3-4, but usually that's not the case (at least 6 hours is a more realistic estimate based on what I've seen from the several people that leveled to 70 "on their own" for the season journey - please refrain from showing off if you personally are the hero that managed to do it in 3 hours, because you're simply above average then). On the other hand, getting a boost on HC takes 15-30 minutes. Depends on a few factors, but getting a boost is definitely easier if you have zero intention to play HC and delete the character right after hitting 70.
2) A HC boost differs from an SC boost as actually open maps are worse than, for example, cave maps. On a Blood Marsh map with ghosts you have to clear a significant part of the map before the low-level character can join, which means a lot of XP lost. That being said, there are a few simple rules the player being boosted should follow:
Always stay close to the entrance; if anything dangerous appears, leave to previous map/town.
If you don't play the character after getting to 70, take a barb (gets cheat death passive very early) or WD (cheat death passive quite early and Spirit Walk).
WAIT until the booster tells you to teleport ("it's safe"). If you die, you have to restart and waste the booster's time, which is very annoying.
Don't loot *anything*, no matter how many stars there are on the map, just focus on getting to 70 safely.
The booster also has to keep a few things in mind:
Always make sure to clear the entrance of the map (if there are teleporter/chargers/ghosts you need to clear a bit more), then go back to the entrance, tell the low-level that it's safe, wait until they're there, continue clearing the map.
If you advance to level 2+ of a map, make sure to clear the *exit* of the previous level as well - if anything happens, the low-level player can safely go back to the previous map and wait for you to clean the entrance.
3) I don't know what "losing work of weeks" means. Usually people providing a boost are powerful enough to be able to not only clear T6 quickly, but also to not die there - ever. I only played HC for a week, but my barb was good enough for T8+, so boosting someone on T6 was ridiculously easy and 100% safe for me as the booster. (No, I'm currently not playing anymore, so not doing any boosts right now.)
Just wanted to clarify those things, because I felt this thread was going in a very weird direction. Now to your more concrete issue: there are plenty of boost communities, just search for them in-game, ask in chat a few times and at some point you'll find someone. I find it funny that people say boosting in HC doesn't work - in fact, I'd guess that HC players actually have *more* experience in boosting than SC players, because you need back-up characters and restarts after you die, so while some players have only one or two characters on SC, on HC almost everyone has had a variety of characters at 70 - and obviously you don't waste hours on that leveling, but get someone (usually a friend) to do that for you. And since you're boosting one of your friends who just ripped anyways, you might as well get two more randoms in to get the bonus XP. That's why it's not too hard to find people on HC to give you a boost; just make sure to not die, as explained in point 2.
TL;DR: Search for HC boost community in-game, and you'll be done with it in no time.
Edit: You should probably add region+battle tag to your post (I could move the thread to the appropriate LFG forum then).
This is my last objective for the season 6 journey for completion. Is there someone here who can spend a few moments of their time and boost me please ?
no offense, but for these type of things, you are wasting you time posting on Dfans or Battlenet. Just search up the community and im sure you'll find someone.
Personally, I wont do it unless you plan on playing HC. Its a waste of my time knowing that you'll eventually delete the character or you are just SC achievement hunting. I also hate to break it to you, most people in the HC community are like me.
So this is advise to anyone who primarily plays SC. If you need the seasonal HC power level. Ask for it with ZERO refer of completing a season journey. The moment you ask for that, you are guaranteed to never get power leveled. Heck, there is a higher chance of you being kicked from the community.
Well funny you should say that because for the last 2 season, I have gotten help from people on dfan for a boost, stating that it was sololy for the SC completion, so I guess not everyone is like you.
And a waste of time ? You mean you can't spare 10 minutes of your time to boost someone ? Alright then...
I'm at the last journey chapter, gotta get a char to lvl 70 in hc, I was wondering if one of you would be kind enough to boost me to it. Let me know, thx!
In Hardcore, i would say its more dangerous to get a boost then to slowly go solo on normal difficulty.
Hmm, maybe at the beginning but after youre lvl 30+
the rift so it's safe, then you sit just inside whilst they go crazy
killing stuff on T6 or higher on that rift level. Rinse and repeat for
each rift level. No risk unless the booster doesn't clear the entrance
I see a lot of wrong information in this thread. A couple of things:
1) Leveling a char on HC (solo), with no HC experience (i.e., you have to play a bit more careful coming from a SC experience) can easily take up 6-8 hours. You might be able to get to 70 in 3-4, but usually that's not the case (at least 6 hours is a more realistic estimate based on what I've seen from the several people that leveled to 70 "on their own" for the season journey - please refrain from showing off if you personally are the hero that managed to do it in 3 hours, because you're simply above average then). On the other hand, getting a boost on HC takes 15-30 minutes. Depends on a few factors, but getting a boost is definitely easier if you have zero intention to play HC and delete the character right after hitting 70.
2) A HC boost differs from an SC boost as actually open maps are worse than, for example, cave maps. On a Blood Marsh map with ghosts you have to clear a significant part of the map before the low-level character can join, which means a lot of XP lost. That being said, there are a few simple rules the player being boosted should follow:
The booster also has to keep a few things in mind:
3) I don't know what "losing work of weeks" means. Usually people providing a boost are powerful enough to be able to not only clear T6 quickly, but also to not die there - ever. I only played HC for a week, but my barb was good enough for T8+, so boosting someone on T6 was ridiculously easy and 100% safe for me as the booster. (No, I'm currently not playing anymore, so not doing any boosts right now.)
Just wanted to clarify those things, because I felt this thread was going in a very weird direction. Now to your more concrete issue: there are plenty of boost communities, just search for them in-game, ask in chat a few times and at some point you'll find someone. I find it funny that people say boosting in HC doesn't work - in fact, I'd guess that HC players actually have *more* experience in boosting than SC players, because you need back-up characters and restarts after you die, so while some players have only one or two characters on SC, on HC almost everyone has had a variety of characters at 70 - and obviously you don't waste hours on that leveling, but get someone (usually a friend) to do that for you. And since you're boosting one of your friends who just ripped anyways, you might as well get two more randoms in to get the bonus XP. That's why it's not too hard to find people on HC to give you a boost; just make sure to not die, as explained in point 2.
TL;DR: Search for HC boost community in-game, and you'll be done with it in no time.
Edit: You should probably add region+battle tag to your post (I could move the thread to the appropriate LFG forum then).
Hello guys, it's that time again
This is my last objective for the season 6 journey for completion. Is there someone here who can spend a few moments of their time and boost me please ?
I'm lvl 45 now, wouldn't take long... :/
no offense, but for these type of things, you are wasting you time posting on Dfans or Battlenet. Just search up the community and im sure you'll find someone.
Personally, I wont do it unless you plan on playing HC. Its a waste of my time knowing that you'll eventually delete the character or you are just SC achievement hunting. I also hate to break it to you, most people in the HC community are like me.
So this is advise to anyone who primarily plays SC. If you need the seasonal HC power level. Ask for it with ZERO refer of completing a season journey. The moment you ask for that, you are guaranteed to never get power leveled. Heck, there is a higher chance of you being kicked from the community.
Well funny you should say that because for the last 2 season, I have gotten help from people on dfan for a boost, stating that it was sololy for the SC completion, so I guess not everyone is like you.
And a waste of time ? You mean you can't spare 10 minutes of your time to boost someone ? Alright then...
I can boost you easily if you still need it.
next time ask in the general HC chat, plenty of guys can do it in less that 5 min
Just ask me if you see me online, will do it ... and its a Joke
and for those who think if you make a mistake and die . cmon you are a lv 1 zero gear. so just die if its happen.
WTB people who play Hc to anwser not SC guys with ZERO xp in HC and say it hard and you have to take care bla bla bla... LOL
man power leveling is a joke same has sofcore Learn that guys.....
usualy 2 to 3 rift t6 and the job is done for a toon with ZERO niet nada gear or paragon.
Alright, added you both, im lvl 51 now so 1 rift on t6 should do it.
That's alright I reached 70, thx tho.