So as I understand it (and please correct me if I'm wrong), the purpose of the defense stat is to reduce the % of damage taken, and the armor rating will reduce the % chance of being hit by an attack. Seeing as how there is no attack rating and attacks always have a 95% hit rating, will armor rating in PvP do anything?
On a similar note, with the reduced % damage gained through the defense stat and +defense items, is PvP at level 60 just going to be insanely pointless? I've seen stats of characters early on who have a 50% reduced damage stat. Assuming this is increased with better gear, if all high level characters have 70-90% reduced damage and thousands of hitpoints, an attack that normally does 9000 damage (which I think is going to be very high at the end) is now going to be doing 900 damage. Combine that with all the +thousands of life regen skills that some characters have - is this going to make for endless PvP battles?
Compare that with the insane amount of enhanced damage % people are going to pull from skills and runes alone, not to mention gear % damage and attack mods. And for some reason I thought they were the opposite from what you mentioned, that armor gave % damage reduction and defense gave avoidance? No?
In the end D3 pvp is an afterthought. It has been made crystal clear that it will not be balanced.
Compare that with the insane amount of enhanced damage % people are going to pull from skills and runes alone, not to mention gear % damage and attack mods. And for some reason I thought they were the opposite from what you mentioned, that armor gave % damage reduction and defense gave avoidance? No?
I'll use meteor for the example, because I think it has the highest % weapon damage of any skill in the game (or is at least very, very high). Meteor at level 60 with a level 7 crimson rune does 990% weapon damage on impact. Let's say I equip a wand that does 200 damage, and I find a bunch of other gear that increases my damage by 400%. So this is 200 damage and +1390% (!) damage from gear and meteor. The 1390% damage for this would be (200 x 13.9) = 2780. So add that to the initial 200 damage and it's 2980. Is my math right?
If I am up against this build and I have gear that cuts it in half or even more, something that can regenerate thousands of hp of life (which a lot of these skills seem to be able to do), and I have several thousands of life total, how is this going to work?
I'm going out on a limb here in assuming weapon damage will be a separate stat from % damage and say meteor will hit way harder than that. People were trying to say that other skills would be hitting for up to 60 thousand. It's all just speculation. If pvp is anything in d3 like it was in diablo 2 LOD then most characters can be built to withstand a beating from most abilities, but there will always be a hammerdin that can two/three shot you somewhere lurking in the bushes waiting for you to drop your guard.
So as I understand it (and please correct me if I'm wrong), the purpose of the defense stat is to reduce the % of damage taken, and the armor rating will reduce the % chance of being hit by an attack. Seeing as how there is no attack rating and attacks always have a 95% hit rating, will armor rating in PvP do anything?
Defense (the stat) reduces all damage taken by a %. Armor reduces all physical damage taken by a %. Resistance reduces that elemental type taken by a %. There is no hit chance, and everything is % reduction.
On a similar note, with the reduced % damage gained through the defense stat and +defense items, is PvP at level 60 just going to be insanely pointless? I've seen stats of characters early on who have a 50% reduced damage stat. Assuming this is increased with better gear, if all high level characters have 70-90% reduced damage and thousands of hitpoints, an attack that normally does 9000 damage (which I think is going to be very high at the end) is now going to be doing 900 damage. Combine that with all the +thousands of life regen skills that some characters have - is this going to make for endless PvP battles?
In Diablo 2, monsters had way more health than players. This bled over into PvP where players were doing way too much damage to each other because the skills were tuned to kill monsters. In D2 PvP, there was an overall damage reduction modifier if the target was another player. This could very well be the case in Diablo 3 again, judging by the damage output in the Beta compared to how much health the characters have. Barbarians can use skills to swing for 100+ and the Wizard can electrocute for ~50, while @ level 13 the average hero health is ~300-350.
It really all depends on how the damaging and damage reducing effects are calculated, additive or multiplicative. Let's take the meteor example.
- Attacker: 200 weapn damage
- Attacker: 1000% meteor damage bonus
- Attacker: 1000% damage bonus from 1000 attack stat
- Target: 80% Defense and 60% Fire Resistance
so this can either be...
200 * 10 * 10 * 0.2 * 0.4 = 1600 fire damage
200 * (10 + 10) * 0.2 * 0.4 = 320 fire damage
Now, assuming you should be able to easily get high 4-digit health values, and more defenses, it's really hard to say what version they are using. There are also crits and + crit damage.
On a similar note, with the reduced % damage gained through the defense stat and +defense items, is PvP at level 60 just going to be insanely pointless? I've seen stats of characters early on who have a 50% reduced damage stat. Assuming this is increased with better gear, if all high level characters have 70-90% reduced damage and thousands of hitpoints, an attack that normally does 9000 damage (which I think is going to be very high at the end) is now going to be doing 900 damage. Combine that with all the +thousands of life regen skills that some characters have - is this going to make for endless PvP battles?
In the end D3 pvp is an afterthought. It has been made crystal clear that it will not be balanced.
If I am up against this build and I have gear that cuts it in half or even more, something that can regenerate thousands of hp of life (which a lot of these skills seem to be able to do), and I have several thousands of life total, how is this going to work?
In Diablo 2, monsters had way more health than players. This bled over into PvP where players were doing way too much damage to each other because the skills were tuned to kill monsters. In D2 PvP, there was an overall damage reduction modifier if the target was another player. This could very well be the case in Diablo 3 again, judging by the damage output in the Beta compared to how much health the characters have. Barbarians can use skills to swing for 100+ and the Wizard can electrocute for ~50, while @ level 13 the average hero health is ~300-350.
- Attacker: 200 weapn damage
- Attacker: 1000% meteor damage bonus
- Attacker: 1000% damage bonus from 1000 attack stat
- Target: 80% Defense and 60% Fire Resistance
so this can either be...
200 * 10 * 10 * 0.2 * 0.4 = 1600 fire damage
200 * (10 + 10) * 0.2 * 0.4 = 320 fire damage
Now, assuming you should be able to easily get high 4-digit health values, and more defenses, it's really hard to say what version they are using. There are also crits and + crit damage.
Source: Gamescon 11 Video