Ive been ready a lot of topics on PVP but have not seen any suggestions on how we can get them to implement it into the game.
From what ive read, 95% of the threads on PVP people want more, so is it seems like A matter of, does blizzard want to put things in the game that they want or what the community wants that are going to be playing it. I know all these things costs money and time but it seems like PVP in games can be the deciding factor on if they want to buy it. For as long as people have been anticipating this game I would thing blizzard would have what people want plus more.
Quite frankly I think they should consider bringing back in game PvP. Call me crazy but I think PKing should always be a part of Diablo rofl. But then again, it doesn't make as much sense given the 4 player limit per game.
baso80 nailed it. I can't think of any other reason they wouldn't add pretty simple modes to it. Jay's reasoning is not enough, and as he said, others in the development team want such features (wager for instance).
Also consider that they are desperately trying to release this game this year. They can literally only include so many things at release, and it makes sense that PvP would be pushed further down since co-op vs monsters has always been the focus of Diablo.
WoW is pay to play, which warrants regular updates.
Diablo 3 isn't. I'm wondering how this will determine their update schedule. Are they going to add stuff after launch or will all the new stuff only be in an expansion a year later.
Well, one form of income would come from the RMAH. I think it is a viable business model from a financial standpoint.I agree, they should finish the game and worry about the pvp after since they will mostly consist of simple systems and not big overhauls. Anyway, the way it is right now, 8 years of development and no actual income, it's about time they harvest the crops!!
From what the article on the front page says, ZombieMuse has it pretty well summed up.
PvP is there, but it will -not- receive the attention it gets in WoW or the like, turning it in to an 'e-sport'.
Before I go off on that tangent which is probably done in a more eloquent fashion elsewhere, just wait for updates/patches. The ideas are there for more modes, but time and energy goes to PvE first and foremost to get this game in our hands this year.
Wow pvp started out pretty freaking hardcore. I still remember the names of my rivals while leveling up. There used to be such a low guard response, people would literally grief and camp entire zones by killing the flight masters in the middle of towns and disrupt hearthstones. Whenever I wasn't out camping mad people who spammed emotes at me I'd try my hand at helping other people in my own faction being griefed.
Those were the days when wow kicked butt. Now it's all about... grinding and rushing to kill content that will be nerfed in a couple weeks anyways for pickup groups to clear.. running the FOTM class composition to abuse a gimmick in arena/bg and talking shat to people who you should be friendly with in every chat imaginable because for one reason or another one of your ratings is higher.
I played for 2/3 months during cataclysm and made a pvp video of random world pvp in tol barad, as it was a small touch of what made the original game good, then quickly burnt out when everyone wised up and started bringing 10 man groups to be safe and quest together so they could go kill dragons sooner.
Arathi Basin and Warsong gulch were some of the best bg's ever released, and they were released early-mid PRE-TBC. They added arenas in TBC which were cool but people quickly found ways to bypass skill through specific gimmicky class compositions, switching pre game into full on resist gear, and having ridiculously broken pvp items earned through PvM means. Actually the PvE gear 2.5 and on during pre-bc really started outclassing the pvp-acquired gear. Later on this brought about resilience so that pve gear wouldn't crush pvp gear for pvp while pvp gear wouldn't beat pve gear at pve, which ended up being pretty awful. This ultimately built up to the homogenization of all the classes. You can't be fair because they are different, wahhhhhh, so now every healer, caster, and every dps class are all roughly the same with many fewer differences than when they had half as many or fewer skills back at launch.
There was a season where I basically just mashed icy touch on my otherwise cool death knight to the top .5% of all players in my battlegroup. Other seasons my friends (or I) just didn't play the right classes for the FOTM compositions blizzard made ridiculously overpowering, or we had to struggle hard to accomplish anything. You couldn't enter two DPS into 2v2 unless you were a mage or a rogue. You couldn't enter two healers into a 2v2, you couldn't run certain 3v3 compositions, PMR just worked perfectly together for the longest time and hots and dots always destroyed 3v3 as well and the list goes on.
World of warcraft has become a game of convenience (aside from and paid by the annual subs), a game of mostly composition and gear based victories. It used to just be chaos. Both factions did most of the same quests, so every area you went to to quest/farm was a pvp hotspot, and it took a lot longer to level up and gear up back then. Now it's just like.. "Hey you don't have a life for a week? Grind battlegrounds and get half your epics, then slave over this raid for a trinket/weapon for 3 months and play every week to make sure you get those arena points to complete the set!"
Well... Before I ramble on any further you can see how I fondly recall world pvp and more and more start to despise organized pvp, calculated, gimmicky, item pvp.
To answer the original question posed, what it will take for blizzard to make the change is the community getting behind the idea. Currently the SC2 community is having their way with the ladder pool maps for instance. Wow has become a game of cenvenience (due to and paid for by annual subscriptions), and diablo 3 has the RMAH and planned expansions, meaning they won't forget about updating d3 for a near decade after launch. If there is an overwhelming outcry from the community to add more emphasis/modes/options for pvp then they will be more compelled to give the customer what they want in the form of mentioned pvp.
Why>\? because the 1st thing i will want to do is finnish the game with my friends.
the 2nd thing is ill want to kill my friends.
3rd thing is ill want to kill your friends with my friends.
The longer PvP lasts, the longer and more fondly the game will be remembered in my oppinion, however i realiese that PvE is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING however that does not mean that there should be a compromise to the PvP side of the game.
I think that there will be a ton of PvP content slowly added to the game as it progresses after release. I did read somewhere that they planned to only lauch with the slayer style arena until more balance had been established. I think that as long as the community asks for pvp enough, and there's enough outcry blizzard with give the customers what they want. I would love to see some CTF, and Last Man Standing arena personally.
Yes pretty much it, playing wow to me is like a job.... in the early days it was fun wild wild west... now its just gear>rest. Hopefully this corruption wont come to diablo 3, I want wild wild west type fun.. not structure fun that channels ppl like sheep to the slaughter house. Add more sandbox, random stuff will make this much better.
I think way too many people are looking at Diablo 3 pvp as if it were on the same level as WoW pvp. They are not the same and will never be the same. People asking for pvp gear and the likes will be let down. That will never happen. The focus of diablo is coop game play and farming for gear. If they allow pvpers to get gear just for pvping then it goes against a fundamental aspect of the Diablo experience.
And I wouldn't get your hopes up that pvp is going to get the kind of love you hope it will. It is not as big a priority as some people in the community seem to think it is. I don't see them releasing tons of new pvp content like an MMO would. You are playing the game for free so in reality once you buy it they are under no obligation to continue to add content to it. And if they are adding content I would bet my money on it being pvm content since that is where the most people would experience it in a game like Diablo.
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From what ive read, 95% of the threads on PVP people want more, so is it seems like A matter of, does blizzard want to put things in the game that they want or what the community wants that are going to be playing it. I know all these things costs money and time but it seems like PVP in games can be the deciding factor on if they want to buy it. For as long as people have been anticipating this game I would thing blizzard would have what people want plus more.
Remember that there's still two expansions to come, and they are expected to bring more than just new story and items content.
Diablo 3 isn't. I'm wondering how this will determine their update schedule. Are they going to add stuff after launch or will all the new stuff only be in an expansion a year later.
Fixed that for you.
PvP is there, but it will -not- receive the attention it gets in WoW or the like, turning it in to an 'e-sport'.
Before I go off on that tangent which is probably done in a more eloquent fashion elsewhere, just wait for updates/patches. The ideas are there for more modes, but time and energy goes to PvE first and foremost to get this game in our hands this year.
Wow pvp started out pretty freaking hardcore. I still remember the names of my rivals while leveling up. There used to be such a low guard response, people would literally grief and camp entire zones by killing the flight masters in the middle of towns and disrupt hearthstones. Whenever I wasn't out camping mad people who spammed emotes at me I'd try my hand at helping other people in my own faction being griefed.
Those were the days when wow kicked butt. Now it's all about... grinding and rushing to kill content that will be nerfed in a couple weeks anyways for pickup groups to clear.. running the FOTM class composition to abuse a gimmick in arena/bg and talking shat to people who you should be friendly with in every chat imaginable because for one reason or another one of your ratings is higher.
I played for 2/3 months during cataclysm and made a pvp video of random world pvp in tol barad, as it was a small touch of what made the original game good, then quickly burnt out when everyone wised up and started bringing 10 man groups to be safe and quest together so they could go kill dragons sooner.
Arathi Basin and Warsong gulch were some of the best bg's ever released, and they were released early-mid PRE-TBC. They added arenas in TBC which were cool but people quickly found ways to bypass skill through specific gimmicky class compositions, switching pre game into full on resist gear, and having ridiculously broken pvp items earned through PvM means. Actually the PvE gear 2.5 and on during pre-bc really started outclassing the pvp-acquired gear. Later on this brought about resilience so that pve gear wouldn't crush pvp gear for pvp while pvp gear wouldn't beat pve gear at pve, which ended up being pretty awful. This ultimately built up to the homogenization of all the classes. You can't be fair because they are different, wahhhhhh, so now every healer, caster, and every dps class are all roughly the same with many fewer differences than when they had half as many or fewer skills back at launch.
There was a season where I basically just mashed icy touch on my otherwise cool death knight to the top .5% of all players in my battlegroup. Other seasons my friends (or I) just didn't play the right classes for the FOTM compositions blizzard made ridiculously overpowering, or we had to struggle hard to accomplish anything. You couldn't enter two DPS into 2v2 unless you were a mage or a rogue. You couldn't enter two healers into a 2v2, you couldn't run certain 3v3 compositions, PMR just worked perfectly together for the longest time and hots and dots always destroyed 3v3 as well and the list goes on.
World of warcraft has become a game of convenience (aside from and paid by the annual subs), a game of mostly composition and gear based victories. It used to just be chaos. Both factions did most of the same quests, so every area you went to to quest/farm was a pvp hotspot, and it took a lot longer to level up and gear up back then. Now it's just like.. "Hey you don't have a life for a week? Grind battlegrounds and get half your epics, then slave over this raid for a trinket/weapon for 3 months and play every week to make sure you get those arena points to complete the set!"
Well... Before I ramble on any further you can see how I fondly recall world pvp and more and more start to despise organized pvp, calculated, gimmicky, item pvp.
To answer the original question posed, what it will take for blizzard to make the change is the community getting behind the idea. Currently the SC2 community is having their way with the ladder pool maps for instance. Wow has become a game of cenvenience (due to and paid for by annual subscriptions), and diablo 3 has the RMAH and planned expansions, meaning they won't forget about updating d3 for a near decade after launch. If there is an overwhelming outcry from the community to add more emphasis/modes/options for pvp then they will be more compelled to give the customer what they want in the form of mentioned pvp.
Why>\? because the 1st thing i will want to do is finnish the game with my friends.
the 2nd thing is ill want to kill my friends.
3rd thing is ill want to kill your friends with my friends.
The longer PvP lasts, the longer and more fondly the game will be remembered in my oppinion, however i realiese that PvE is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING however that does not mean that there should be a compromise to the PvP side of the game.
And I wouldn't get your hopes up that pvp is going to get the kind of love you hope it will. It is not as big a priority as some people in the community seem to think it is. I don't see them releasing tons of new pvp content like an MMO would. You are playing the game for free so in reality once you buy it they are under no obligation to continue to add content to it. And if they are adding content I would bet my money on it being pvm content since that is where the most people would experience it in a game like Diablo.