Everybody keeps talking about a FFA or CTF modes for PvP but I think the an oddball or king of the hill would work really good and be super fun. Each team would get points for how long they can hold an object or an area and I think it would work well with the arena maps. Let me know what you guys think.
Well with CTF they would have to make bigger arena maps otherwise it would take like 3 seconds to cap it. If the maps were bigger it would be more spread out and there would be less action unless they added more players.
King of the hill, or (again, sorry for bringing up WoW) an Arathi Basin type style game could be pretty fun. Another cool type might be a juggernaut type game, where someone has a massive buff to damange and healing and 5-10 others trying to take that person down. Kills or time spent as the Jugg would be the deciding win factor. Idk, sounds like fun to me
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I am streaming almost every night (WoW, BF3, WoT, RO2) Check it out: http://www.twitch.tv/leoniditron
KotH or CTF would be really fun, but i don't think they're going to do that, based on some comments that they don't intent to balance pvp (making some skills not to work while holding a flag or pvp falls in the balance category).
But again, that would be fun.
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Sorry about my english, still learning.
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I am streaming almost every night (WoW, BF3, WoT, RO2) Check it out: http://www.twitch.tv/leoniditron
But again, that would be fun.