As a massive fan of The game type. (mainly league of legends) I belive that this would be insane fun. I think that blizzard should take a serious look at adding in a dota like map in an expansion or patch.
I know that there would have to be alot of work behind it, however it would add an unprecidented amount of longevity to the game. The abitily to make my hero stronger and stronger in the most competitive strategic and addictive game types of all time is one of the best experiences ever. I know that you would say just play team deathmatch but the whole thing of laning and jungling would be insane.
I understand that it would be near impossible to balance perfecly due to the billions of hero combinations however if blizzard just listened to the community then they would be able to balance with little effort.
As a massive fan of The game type. (mainly league of legends) I belive that this would be insane fun. I think that blizzard should take a serious look at adding in a dota like map in an expansion or patch.
I know that there would have to be alot of work behind it, however it would add an unprecidented amount of longevity to the game. The abitily to make my hero stronger and stronger in the most competitive strategic and addictive game types of all time is one of the best experiences ever. I know that you would say just play team deathmatch but the whole thing of laning and jungling would be insane.
I understand that it would be near impossible to balance perfecly due to the billions of hero combinations however if blizzard just listened to the community then they would be able to balance with little effort.
Just my long winded opinion. What is yours ?
League of legends is nothing like Diablo.... DOTA and tug of war hero nuke fests is no where near Diablo....
Neverwinter Nights is more like Diablo than DOTA.
And PvE > PvP as it always should be. Blizzard should focus the majority of their dev time on creating PvE than having to balance PvP.
Yes, i realise that they are completly different, its not hard to see how much fast paced diablo is than lol, all that im saying is that I believe that it is a cool idea.
I do realise that the whole point of diablo is PvE however, I frankly wouldnt care if they just made the map and didnt balance, add items, buffs ect. It could be a fun, intense mutiplater exerience.
As interesting as it would be to see this put into Diablo I don't think it'll happen. Unfortunately for two reasons, the first being that Blizzard Dota is coming out soon-ish-seriously-no-wait-really. Secondly because I have a feeling even if it did manage to make it's way into Diablo it would be a ghetto strand of the ancients attempt at dota, that just wouldnt feel right. I would love to see it, but I remain doubtful. Sorry =(.
As interesting as it would be to see this put into Diablo I don't think it'll happen. Unfortunately for two reasons, the first being that Blizzard Dota is coming out soon-ish-seriously-no-wait-really. Secondly because I have a feeling even if it did manage to make it's way into Diablo it would be a ghetto strand of the ancients attempt at dota, that just wouldnt feel right. I would love to see it, but I remain doubtful. Sorry =(.
Yeah, This is going to be the case and, i guess im being a bit fantastical. It is pretty unrealistic, im just throwing out ideas, u know to get ppl thinking.
Dota was a gametype datamined and posted by Boubs on mmo champ. Blizz implyed trying different styles of pvp that didnt feel like diablo. My bet was a dota type game.
Upon entering your characters equipment and skills are basically turned of.
You start at level 1 and each time you level up you can enable one skill.
You use gold you earn during the game to enable the item slots; eg; head, chest which gives the stat bonuses/affixes whatever.
But thats a way to get items/skills to improve etc. Dunno how much it would work. Iniitial suggestion only. They could add unique stuff for the dota pvp only mode.
Obviously it would just be a sub-type game so does not require to be a fully fleshed out dota/lol/dota2 game.
It doesn't even have to be that complex. No one says you have to level up or get new items in a moba.
Just throw people into the map and have their objective to destroy the oppositions buildings. It eliminates a lot of the laning, but puts emphasis on the teamfights and pushing, which is the most fun part anyways.
No this wouldn't work with how Dota is played or every Moba. For moba's to work you have to start at level one so it would have to be available to anyone. There would also need to be a larger availability of hero types as well so you can counter pick correctly and be able to fit the niche that your team may/will need if you want to play at a competitive level. Blizzard is already making a "Blizzard DOTA" right now so I don't see why they'd waste their time on a moba game that would be mediocre at best.
If they spent the time to make a moba for D3 it would end up like LoL where nearly everyone plays the same, there's only a handful of useful characters and while variety looks like it's there, it's not. Blizzard likes to do things right when they release something so they wouldn't want to spend the time on it since they're constantly balancing Dota 2 and Dota 1 still to this day.
Upon entering your characters equipment and skills are basically turned of.
You start at level 1 and each time you level up you can enable one skill.
You use gold you earn during the game to enable the item slots; eg; head, chest which gives the stat bonuses/affixes whatever.
But thats a way to get items/skills to improve etc. Dunno how much it would work. Iniitial suggestion only. They could add unique stuff for the dota pvp only mode.
Obviously it would just be a sub-type game so does not require to be a fully fleshed out dota/lol/dota2 game.
It doesn't even have to be that complex. No one says you have to level up or get new items in a moba.
Just throw people into the map and have their objective to destroy the oppositions buildings. It eliminates a lot of the laning, but puts emphasis on the teamfights and pushing, which is the most fun part anyways.
This would just be an Alterac Valley at that point and not a Moba. That's not a moba if you take out every aspect that makes it a Moba. You can't take out every aspect of a Moba and call it a Moba, that's just silly.
We need new ideas, as is blizzard already is making a new dota game... no need put resources to make another. Diablo 3 should really focus on PVE and than PVP fun factor aspects like dueling. Really hope they allow a dueling option that u can fight on any maps in diablo 3 and not only arena! Part of the fun could be go to a high mob area and duel so u have to content with both mobs and the guy u fighting:D
To be honest i think a Dota-sh kind mode (doesnt need to be the same) on diablo 3 would be AWESOME, as i said so other times in other topics, i truely hope blizzard bring us fun modes to have fun with besides deathmatch, as much as as DM can be, in time it does get boring.
The modes dont need to be focused on PVP, even PVE modes can be fun, like tower defense, protect the crystal (we stay in the center of the map protecting something or some npc from waves after waves of monsters) or any other mode besides the game itself.
The modes dont need to be out as soon as the game is out, afterall we dont want more delays =p, but in future patchs for sure.
just to let it in the air, i've HEARD about blizard doing a dotash mode on diablo 3, or thinking of doing, we dont really know what surprises blizard is hidding from us so....lets hope.
Really like idea of putting some game mode alike dota in Diablo 3, think it would be great for even greater testing skills, for example 4v4 and together with mobs, so you actually need to have perfect timing to have biggest advantage over opponent, it's not just about knowing to use spells/move and everything else, but also need to have total awareness of everything around you. I think it's totally possible to make some mode like this in game, i don't say exactly same like dota, but some mode where you fight against other players with other mobs on both sides, sounds really like fun.
I personally think that Diablo 3 could do to take something from Hero Attack (map in SC2) with regards to itemization for an in game DOTA map. What most of hero attacks items do is scale existing hero stats - for example the strongest "weapon" upgrade you can buy in the game increases physical damage dealt by 100% - you could modify that for all damage though and suddenly you have a pretty fair way to scale up player character damage using "in game items" - perhaps unlock a few extra inventory slots available only inside the DOTA match - that way you aren't scaling back peoples existing characters - which still gives them a reason to play the normal PVE experience.
To clarify the system a bit for those that are unfamiliar,
wepapon ups go +20%/+35%/+50%/+75%/+100%
Defense ups reduce all incoming damage and scale at half the weapon up speed
Energy ups - increase maximum energy and energy regen - this might work on a smaller scale than hero attacks
You can also do things like upgrade your teams creeps or defense with the in game DOTA currency
I think you guys are mainly overestimating how long it would take to make a DOTA map
There's a difference between creating a perfectly "balanced" DOTA map, but just the map itself wouldn't take that long - in its simplest version you have basically identical monsters that spawn, walk a path following some waypoints that overlap each other, some "stationary" monsters with pretty long ranges to act as the towers, tell the game to stop spawning monsters for that lane if the buildings destroyed - At worst you have to add a waypoint system into the d3 engine - I know they'd be perfectly capable of doing this with WoW though - just think a more diverse alterac valley npc spawn that are set to attack each other instead of just patrol.
Most of the Dota type maps that have been made traditionally have been done by people in just their free time
I am not even going to read the replies to this, nor will I read your entire post. All I'll say is, a game mode like this having played DoTA, and LoL, I think it could be EXTREMELY entertaining.
Obviously the mechanics would have to be different. But if the core still existed as in, 3 split lanes, killing both mobs and players to destroy the enemy base, then it'd be so beyond worth my time.
I would not mind seeing a Dota esque map installed into the pvp arena. You obviously could not have farming in game, but maybe some loose creeps that pose legitimate danger that you could run to fight for some health globes. Also with the lane ideas of the dota map it would be cool since its 4v4 if randomely 2 characters for each team would be placed adjacent one another, and the 3rd and 4th character for each team in the other 2 lanes with the only connection of the lanes being in the middle. If anyone can visualize that off my vague description I think that would be an awesome scenerio.
The real "point" would be that you could play with your existing d3 characters inside the d3 game.
It would do several things like
-get more people interested in pvp - as it is I wouldn't play in the arena but I would totally play Dota style pvp
-It would also help the AH be stronger - as more people pvp more people actually have a reason to need the high end gear - and people might even go so far as to create a set of gear for pvp and pve regardless of the lack of resilience
-Not everyone owns SC2 and not everyone wants to buy SC2 just to get access to Bliz DOTA (I do own it for the record, and would still like to see it in d3)
- It would allow you to play a grittier version of DOTA as compared to the "heh, let's make a team with Thrall and Jana - it'll be just like Thrall's cheating since Agara's not here" Or whatever - D3 has a different art style than WoW or sc2 and people don't necessarily want to mix them, admittedly more people are likely to want to see WoW characters in SC2 than they are to see Wow characters in D3 (do sparkle ponies come to mind?)
- The Dota map for SC2 isn't exactly going to be revolutionary - there's already 2 dota style maps in sc2's top 10 most played custom games - likely bliz dota will just steal the people that had been playing those - if it's a success at least. D3 Dota however could be a bit more revolutionary giving a means of persistence to your characters between Dota matches, and including itself in a format that isn't an RTS
- It would be fun - don't underestimate the power of fun Most people would at least try it out at some point, and many would be likely to find that they enjoy it - it would add a much needed extra layer of complexity to d3's proposed pvp system
Dota for diablo is a very bad idea.Diablo is a pve game and it should focus only small amount of time on pvp.On the other hand even if they made a dota map( which i think they wont) it will sux, because diablo isnt strategy game as warcraft 3 or starcraft.
There's nothing to stop us from having farming in a d3 style Dota - just farmed things couldn't stay around after the match
They would have to add in some kind of DOTA only currency - which could be as simple as an item that appears in your bags that's riddiculously stackable, think scraps of armor from Alterac Valley, that just appear in your bags whenever you kill something and can stack to like 100,000 and disappear between games.
Then they would have to add in a few things to spend the stuff on that also don't persist when you leave the match - assorted buffs probably being the easiest to program, but a separate dota only inventory would be nice. Creeps would also need to be much stronger then they are in the beta at least - but inferno creeps could be fine on their own without much adjustment ... at least if the game is tuned at high lvls the way I want it to be
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I know that there would have to be alot of work behind it, however it would add an unprecidented amount of longevity to the game. The abitily to make my hero stronger and stronger in the most competitive strategic and addictive game types of all time is one of the best experiences ever. I know that you would say just play team deathmatch but the whole thing of laning and jungling would be insane.
I understand that it would be near impossible to balance perfecly due to the billions of hero combinations however if blizzard just listened to the community then they would be able to balance with little effort.
Just my long winded opinion. What is yours ?
League of legends is nothing like Diablo.... DOTA and tug of war hero nuke fests is no where near Diablo....
Neverwinter Nights is more like Diablo than DOTA.
And PvE > PvP as it always should be. Blizzard should focus the majority of their dev time on creating PvE than having to balance PvP.
I do realise that the whole point of diablo is PvE however, I frankly wouldnt care if they just made the map and didnt balance, add items, buffs ect. It could be a fun, intense mutiplater exerience.
Yeah, This is going to be the case and, i guess im being a bit fantastical. It is pretty unrealistic, im just throwing out ideas, u know to get ppl thinking.
I for one....would freaking play it for ever!
dont missunderstand me, i love LoL aswell, but Diablo is not lol
Just throw people into the map and have their objective to destroy the oppositions buildings. It eliminates a lot of the laning, but puts emphasis on the teamfights and pushing, which is the most fun part anyways.
If they spent the time to make a moba for D3 it would end up like LoL where nearly everyone plays the same, there's only a handful of useful characters and while variety looks like it's there, it's not. Blizzard likes to do things right when they release something so they wouldn't want to spend the time on it since they're constantly balancing Dota 2 and Dota 1 still to this day.
This would just be an Alterac Valley at that point and not a Moba. That's not a moba if you take out every aspect that makes it a Moba. You can't take out every aspect of a Moba and call it a Moba, that's just silly.
The modes dont need to be focused on PVP, even PVE modes can be fun, like tower defense, protect the crystal (we stay in the center of the map protecting something or some npc from waves after waves of monsters) or any other mode besides the game itself.
The modes dont need to be out as soon as the game is out, afterall we dont want more delays =p, but in future patchs for sure.
just to let it in the air, i've HEARD about blizard doing a dotash mode on diablo 3, or thinking of doing, we dont really know what surprises blizard is hidding from us so....lets hope.
To clarify the system a bit for those that are unfamiliar,
wepapon ups go +20%/+35%/+50%/+75%/+100%
Defense ups reduce all incoming damage and scale at half the weapon up speed
Energy ups - increase maximum energy and energy regen - this might work on a smaller scale than hero attacks
You can also do things like upgrade your teams creeps or defense with the in game DOTA currency
There's a difference between creating a perfectly "balanced" DOTA map, but just the map itself wouldn't take that long - in its simplest version you have basically identical monsters that spawn, walk a path following some waypoints that overlap each other, some "stationary" monsters with pretty long ranges to act as the towers, tell the game to stop spawning monsters for that lane if the buildings destroyed - At worst you have to add a waypoint system into the d3 engine - I know they'd be perfectly capable of doing this with WoW though - just think a more diverse alterac valley npc spawn that are set to attack each other instead of just patrol.
Most of the Dota type maps that have been made traditionally have been done by people in just their free time
Obviously the mechanics would have to be different. But if the core still existed as in, 3 split lanes, killing both mobs and players to destroy the enemy base, then it'd be so beyond worth my time.
An excellent idea, I really like it
It would do several things like
-get more people interested in pvp - as it is I wouldn't play in the arena but I would totally play Dota style pvp
-It would also help the AH be stronger - as more people pvp more people actually have a reason to need the high end gear - and people might even go so far as to create a set of gear for pvp and pve regardless of the lack of resilience
-Not everyone owns SC2 and not everyone wants to buy SC2 just to get access to Bliz DOTA (I do own it for the record, and would still like to see it in d3)
- It would allow you to play a grittier version of DOTA as compared to the "heh, let's make a team with Thrall and Jana - it'll be just like Thrall's cheating since Agara's not here" Or whatever - D3 has a different art style than WoW or sc2 and people don't necessarily want to mix them, admittedly more people are likely to want to see WoW characters in SC2 than they are to see Wow characters in D3 (do sparkle ponies come to mind?)
- The Dota map for SC2 isn't exactly going to be revolutionary - there's already 2 dota style maps in sc2's top 10 most played custom games - likely bliz dota will just steal the people that had been playing those - if it's a success at least. D3 Dota however could be a bit more revolutionary giving a means of persistence to your characters between Dota matches, and including itself in a format that isn't an RTS
- It would be fun - don't underestimate the power of fun
There's nothing to stop us from having farming in a d3 style Dota - just farmed things couldn't stay around after the match
They would have to add in some kind of DOTA only currency - which could be as simple as an item that appears in your bags that's riddiculously stackable, think scraps of armor from Alterac Valley, that just appear in your bags whenever you kill something and can stack to like 100,000 and disappear between games.
Then they would have to add in a few things to spend the stuff on that also don't persist when you leave the match - assorted buffs probably being the easiest to program, but a separate dota only inventory would be nice. Creeps would also need to be much stronger then they are in the beta at least - but inferno creeps could be fine on their own without much adjustment ... at least if the game is tuned at high lvls the way I want it to be