Blizzard says Team Deathmatch doesn't work because it gets old fast. For the sake of argument, let's assume that's true.
What ideas do you have for PvP that would replace this system?
Note: This is not a thread to argue about the news from yesterday - this thread is about solutions.
Just a note: What's a fun pvp? Serious people, pvp is pvp. Duel? great. TDM? great. Diablo 2 pvp style? great.
There's no solution bro. What the hell do you expect to be fun in pvp? it's totally subjective. People want to kill others, show it's superiority, be challenged, pvp people will find it fun whatever they put into this game.
For me duels and TDM is a small step. what's wrong with their implementation? What "blizzard style" phylosophy is that, that makes the community wait for so long for nothing? I'm not talking about 7 months, I'm talking about years and years of development that was screwed by some retarded phylosophy.
There's nothing wrong bro, there's nothing boring. Let this community play this shit pvp already. Battlegrounds? capture the flag? king of the hill? who cares, I want a quality pvp (NO ONESHOT FEST), the format(STYLE OF PVP) can be any.
The only thing really needed are maps for different purposes (arena for TDM, CTF, other objectives) and a lobby with possibility of creating teams, everything else could be managed by community, including balancing (banning the use of some skills and/or items in the game description), organized small tournaments, ladders, whatever is needed. It would keep the community engaged in building their own PvP with tools given by Blizzard.
This is all the game needs to rule for the next 10 years ... seriously, that was why people played d2 for a freakin decade and why there were plenty of private duel communities around. Guess what, it was great fun without your help. Spice it up, give the possibility to battle for loot, to battle as team or even to hold a clanwar. ADD CLANSUPPORT. GIEF SEVERAL OPTIONS OF TEAM PVP MODES. LET US CREATE OUR OWN GAMES. LET US ORGANISE TOURNAMENTS. STOP TRYING TO BALANCE CHARACTERS, you have never succeeded, see WORLD OF FAILCRAFT arena.
Dear clueless Blizzard lend an ear to all the people who have gathered experience in playing diablo pvp over the past 13 years. Stop iterating your systems and bullshit ideas like: let's incorparate pve elements into pvp... Listen to the community since you have no fuckin idea about what is fun nor do your internal testers. You have proven your internal tests are shit and not worth anything, several times. You have also proven that none of your OH SO GREAT TEAM of developers has ever understood why D2 was so successful ... has anyone of you ever played the game for more than 2 months????
I hope some blue reads this as they say they do. Read it damn bashiok and pass it on to your team of losers.
I find it a bit pretensious that they've decided on their own that TDM "feels pointless" after a while (specially without rewards).
Well, I find it funny that Blizzard can't think of enough rewards to make it worth our while. They can be rare dyes (actual Golden/Silver/Texturized dyes), titles (based on different battle achievements - tanking, disabling, dealing damage), banner customization, being able to name your own items or even having a rudimentary transmogrification system (it's about time those awesome looking crappy legendaries start being used).
It's pretty easy to have those rewards being given randomly every couple matches (and have them all be account-bound). If you wanna dye all your gear in proper "golden dye", you'd have to play quite a few matches (since the rewards are random). And why not have PvP matches give experience and gold? Or even a bonus to the next PvE grinding marathon?
I'd rather if they released it in its simplest form, and then work the problems out afterwards. Even if it has no rewards at first and they're introduced later. Better than causing such an outrage in the community
What I think would add some spice to deathmatch aside from creating objective based maps is incorporate some of the environment mechanics that diablo 3 has brought. For example: the butcher fight. Have fire traps in various places on the map that randomly activate or that can be activated. How about shrines or special globes that give a random elite affix to a player for a small duration? Some ideas like these is something I think could lessen the inequalities between classes and would balance the scale for pvp to have a slightly bigger focus on skill rather than how godly of gear you have on.
First of all, they need to implement duels, real duels, 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v1, 4v2, FFA, etc. wich you invite people in your party either queu in matchmaking or make a custom games, and these people should be easy to find, like a PVP channel where you can inspect people gear and skills kinda like the diablo 2 chat channels. Thats all we need for the structure of PVP, matchmaking and custom games. Then they can add playlists like capture the flag, battlegrounds, VIP and all kind of stuff like monthly and everyone will be happy PVPing forever.
simple but that would work perfectly.
1v1 duels ingame with ears would be nice too. Hardcore players can participate in matchmaking and custom games with no penalty, but if they do a duel in game and die, they die forever.
I would have no problem with team deathmatch and some rewards like mentioned by Zero(PS) being implemented right now.All they are doing is setting themselves up for even more failure.I mean now that they decided on their own ( again ) what the community wants (....duh...) that means people will expect A LOT,A FKN TON A LOT and they most likely wont deliver on the scale that people expect them to and then the forums will BLEEEEEEEEED.
1v1 duels ingame with ears would be nice too. Hardcore players can participate in matchmaking and custom games with no penalty, but if they do a duel in game and die, they die forever.
I can't agree with you on this one. HC is HC. Don't forget that. There should be no exception what so ever. I play hardcore and I would hate if there is some mode where your character suddenly is softcoreish. Me and all the other HC players play HC because of the thrill. To remove that is really stupid lol. If you want to duel in hc it should be like anytime playing hc. Die or Kill.
I dont play hardcore, but I heard blizzard said that they want hardcore players to be able to pvp without dying after 1 match, unfortunately im 90% sure hardcore players will be able to pvp without much penalty, but there must be, at least, one way for them to duel to the death, I always loved to do iron mans in diablo 2 and watch youtube videos of hardcore geared characters duel to the death. I love the thrill of hardcore, i'd definately play if it was totally safe of lags and disconnect deaths. im so sure that if I play hardcore and I die, it will be because of a power failure or something like that lol. The feeling of fighting to the death is probably damn awesome or even fighting ubers telling yourself, tonight, its me or them, you just need the mental strenght to do so and a damn good connection, with a backup generator lol.
Well, I can't really say that I care much to give my opinion because I'm losing interest in this game, but I guess I'll give it a shot. Don't bother telling me that I'm stating the already stated, because I didn't care to read into detail of every post. Anyway:
To start, I don't think TDM should be removed for any reason, but rather, should just be one of many game types available for PvP. Of course, I can agree fully that TDM would get boring if it were our only option, considering the obvious hand holding this game does and the severe lack of class diversity. (Don't even make the rune/gear argument. This game already has it's well defined cookie cutter styles for each class and most if not all people follow them, with few exceptions.) However, I can say that it should still be there if other options are available. For example:
Free-for-All: Everyone against everyone.
Siege: Capturing/defending a castle or other structure/location.
Capture the (Insert Object Here): Self explanatory. Probably will have other twist to go along with it.
Competitive Co-op: Two teams trying to complete a certain dungeon or complete a particular task before the other.
Dueling: Dueling would be an option that is always available at all times in the normal online game mode. This would simply be a friendly initiation of a duel with someone, which must be accepted by both players. It would be a one-on-one match. The loser would simply go back to their normal status after the duel was over. Great for settling differences quick and easy. Might even be able to toss in an ante to make it more interesting.
Wilderness: This game will be basically on an over sized map that acts similar to Diablo 2's original PvP style. It will have mechanics such as:
Hostile and Friendly mechanics, similar to Diablo 2.
A new, large map that would be reminiscent of Diablo's older art styles and atmosphere.
16 Player lobby
Controllable structures defended by strong creatures that players must fight for to control
Players, depending on the game, may start naked (still having a weapon) or with their gear. Naked will require them to search and fight for gear hidden throughout the map. (May have many variations.)
Small, but effective safe zones (Areas they capture or the default area they start in.)
Small dungeons that carry gear, and may require them to party up instead of killing each other to complete.
"Match" cash/gear. Players will start with a base amount of gold that they can use to get gear. They can earn gold through kills, dungeons, random chest, so on so forth. Such gold and items will be lost after the game is over.
The game will feature very good items that are dropped from hidden chest and monsters. Basically, don't make them grind, just give them the shit like it's a party. Please note that these items would not be kept upon leaving the game.
Copious amounts of betrayal.
Insert other cool ideas here.
Those are a few ideas, some of which I imagine have already been mentioned. They obviously cannot bring back the original PvP style, because the game is not set up that way, but I believe the Wilderness idea can possibly fix that and bring back some nostalgic Diablo feels. Honestly, I think it would be genius to just replicate the older PvP style into a game mode itself, along with other PvP options.
Edit: However, one thing left to address, Hardcore PvP:
Well, what can I say, you're hardcore. I think that if you play a hardcore character and jump into hardcore pvp, you should die, Forever. I can't say that it wouldn't make people rip their own eyes out or anything, but I'm fairly certain that if you make a hardcore character and then take that character out into the most hostile environment possible, knowing full well that this could be the end forever, then you should be able to go right on ahead and die forever. Of course, there is always the other side of the story, where you get the chance to totally ruin someones progress that they put lots of time and effort into, which I imagine would make sociopaths feel pretty good I guess, but it doesn't matter. On that note though, there could always just be the penalty of losing all the stuff your character was wearing when you die, instead of the character themselves dying forever. One way or another, Hardcore character death in PvP needs some sort of penalty or it's no different than softcore.
The problem here though is that I honestly think Blizzard is trying to avoid giving us the sort of PvP we want. Don't ask me why, but I'm pretty sure that our opinion matters very little. The first reveal trailers we saw were amazing, I think we can all agree. As it progressed, it got better, then BAM, shit hit the fan. RMAH, locked attributes, mediocre story line, bad voice acting, hand held skill progression, removal of socket runes, removal of charms, various other crap after various other crap. Despite all the outrage and disapproval (from what I believe to be at least the majority of the community), they went along with it anyway. Despite our cries for PvP and other cool shit, it's not here. While I know they do listen to "some" things we have to say, any significant change or addition will most likely never come from our own wishes.
Hold that against me, but just so you know, I want to be proven wrong. So badly...
If the players need to inform Blizzard how to create PvP for their game, then the players should be getting paid for it, and the design team should lose its job, in my opinion.
*not this*
But close.... I would say blizzard's ego is too BIG to accept that "their design" has failed. Anything we say that could help the cause would either: drive them further in the wrong direction or get them to quit working on it all together. Instead of a "fiscal cliff" I call it the Blizzard Cliff....keep moving foward, sudden death surely awaits.... keep moving foward
I feel like there is a lack of incentive to continue playing after a while. Even though team deathmatches have the possibility of getting old, I still feel like it should be an option. I think it would be nice to be able to set up custom matches. Even something as simple as a time limit and a kill counter would be enough. Or being able to set gold and or gear wagers with your opponents. Part of what makes pvping fun is bragging rights and some good smack talk. When all parties can die endlessly and there is no way to really determine a winner it makes the pvp experience feel like its missing something. We know that balancing isnt really an option, but at least give the players some simple tools to help take their experience to another level without the balance. At this point I am really enjoying digging in and finding new skills and abilities that were useless in pve but are great in pvp, but the novelty of that coupled with no real incentives in dueling is going to make me lose interest relatively quickly I feel. I am definitely enjoying pvp atm. I hope that Blizzard adds just a few more simple pieces to make pvp continue to be fun for much longer than it looks like it will be at present.
PvP needs to be fattened. I know they have said they still wish to add weight to the PvP experience, but I feel we as a community could give them some suggestions. Here is a list of a few of my ideas. I would also like to see others ideas. Give me some constructive criticism of my ideas so they can be adapted to a better overall PvP experience.
1.) The Obvious - More types of PvP. Free for all is fun, a lot of fun, but can get old fast with little rewards. Would also like to see a Capture the Treasure Goblin (Diablo version of Capture the Flag.) Arena matches with 1v1, 2v2, and 1v2, and 1v3. Another cool idea would be “Protecting My Zombie Family” from other players. The idea would be to try to kill other players zombies while keeping your zombies alive. Zombies would be elites so they don’t die when we look at them. Last Man Standing.
2.) A Rewarding System - Many players will not PvP if there is no reward for it. D3 is about efficient use of time, PvP to them will be time wasted. So we need to create a reward system for them to that gets them interested without making current gears worthless. This will be complicated as we can see Jay Wilson and crew had a lot of trouble with this.
2a.) We need a goal. Something to grind towards. I know some people just want to PvP, so for them we open a practice mode PvP that is set up like current 1.07 PTR. They get full access to all types of PvP without consequences. This would be a good place to try builds and strategies as well fight friends or coop with them. For the more serious PvPer on a mission for the godly loots, PvP Career mode. In PvP Career mode all characters start off with starter gear, but keep their stats and skills. This will give people with higher paragon skills a slight advantage, but more on that later.
2b.) What happens to my farmed gear? Its still available for PvE and as the character gains experience in his/her career, some farmed gear will be able to migrate to PvP. I believe a good number for this to peak at would be 6 of the 13 slots can come from PvE experiences. Also some PvP gear, 6 of 13, will also be allowed to migrate to PvE gear set. This will allow those worried about wasted time from efficient farming the mindset that yes, I can get gear from PvP so this is not a total waste of my time.
2c.) How do I obtain gear from PvP? The loser gets an amount of credit for the PvP armory, the winner gets slightly more credit for the Armory... Plus the ear of the loser and sometimes a piece of gear from the loser with the losers name engraved on it. (Example: Heyseus’ Lacuni Bracers.) Credits can be used to buy the equivalent of medium rare gear of the players level. Ears are used as trophies you can place in your PvP display or as payment to buy PvP legendaries. You must win to get PvP legendaries. PvP legendaries cost some armory credit plus a number of ears. The higher the PvP level of the former ear owner, the more the ear is worth and the less are needed for a PvP legendary item. Now what of that piece of gear that is sometimes dropped by the fallen PvPer? The loser keeps his gear, but receives a message that a piece of his gear is looted. The winner can mount gear in trophy room, equip it, or salvage it. Both for the winner and the loser, the piece of gear looted loses some of its stats and bonuses. Does this mean my godly legendary I farmed or bought from AH/RMAH and migrated to pvp gear degrades as well? Yes, yes it does. This helps remove items from stagnant economy. This also prevents people or bots from just joining games and allowing other players to kill them to quickly grind some PvP credit/experience. Looted gear is bound to account. Edit: After sleeping on this, to avoid people duping their gear too much even with decay from duping, looted gear can not be used in PvE and can only be used in 5 pvp matches. After that it disappears. So if you want to hang in trophy room or salvage it, use the item 4 times tops.
3.) The Journey of PvP. Each class will start off in the classes starting point. For the first levels, you will only be able to fight the same class as you. As the character becomes more skilled at fighting and learns the tricks of the trade from others of the same class, he/she sets out to Caldeum for Arena. This is where the different types of team matchups take place. Protect My Zombie Family is outside of Tristram. Capture the Treasure Goblin in Act 3. As a player gains PvP experience, he unlocks the ability to use more powerful gear and unlocks the ability to migrate up to 6 pieces of gear. The most powerful gear will be equivalent to upper end PvE legendaries. The best farmed gear will be better than the best PvP gear however. You must win matches and ears to gain legendaries. Migration is not permanent and can be reversed. Any decay from gear being looted from PvP loss is permanent. Finally, the only way to advance is to kill. Each kill during a match gives you experience.
4.)The look and the interface plus some restrictions. I think it would be nice to have a PvP hub (call it The Pub?) where many characters (more than 4, less than 100 can interact with each other. About the size of the chat channels is perfect but add visuals to each character. Important to size up potential opponents. In this hub, the armory is available. The ability to travel to any PvP zone including practice. A room off to the side is the players trophy room. Trophy room can be viewed through profile page as well. Profile page will have PvE and PvP tabs. In the Hub, the player has access to his PvP gear tab. The Hub is the only place the player can change his PvP gear or migrate gear from PvP to PvE or vice versa.
4a.) There is no PvP stash. Only PvP credits and open gear slots to place gear. This is to prevent people from using PvP stash to hold their godly gears while they grind credits and PvP experience with crap gear. Migrated gear must be used or its passport is revoked. For example, won’t be able to keep your PvP gear in your PvE stash. PvE gear can not be turned in for PvP credits.
4b.) Matches can be viewed in Hub. Up to 10 people can watch a match take place.
5.) Joining a match. Players can join a match a number of ways. Speak with other players in Hub and set up a match. Compete with friends in a created match. Choose from a list of players waiting for an opponent that match their gear/ pvp level and paragon level. Create a game where the player waits for similarly geared players who are allowed to join. This list gives players who use the matchmaker system some control and freedom over who they choose to fight. Final option is to let the matchmaker automatically choose opponents.
5a.) In the beginning players are only able to fight same class, however to curb the PvP balancing cries, players can choose to only fight their own class or exempt one class from opponents.
5b.) Teams are able to be created from hub and can join team based combat.
6.) Hardcore players take a knee at 10% health. Option of Fight to the Death is available.
That is my current list of ideas. I’m sure many of you won’t read because its too long. That’s ok. This is a creative process. Its not for everyone. I would like to see some detailed responses. The good, the bad, and the ugly of my ideas. I would also like to see how you could expand on my ideas or come up with your own ideas that might work as well. I know that these are big ideas and would take a lot of work to implement and some time do so, but if we are going to dream, dream big and start from the top.
Thank you for your time.
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Just a note: What's a fun pvp? Serious people, pvp is pvp. Duel? great. TDM? great. Diablo 2 pvp style? great.
There's no solution bro. What the hell do you expect to be fun in pvp? it's totally subjective. People want to kill others, show it's superiority, be challenged, pvp people will find it fun whatever they put into this game.
For me duels and TDM is a small step. what's wrong with their implementation? What "blizzard style" phylosophy is that, that makes the community wait for so long for nothing? I'm not talking about 7 months, I'm talking about years and years of development that was screwed by some retarded phylosophy.
There's nothing wrong bro, there's nothing boring. Let this community play this shit pvp already. Battlegrounds? capture the flag? king of the hill? who cares, I want a quality pvp (NO ONESHOT FEST), the format(STYLE OF PVP) can be any.
Just remove crit damage against players and nerf damage dealt by 1/4. Sounds easy to me.
This is all the game needs to rule for the next 10 years ... seriously, that was why people played d2 for a freakin decade and why there were plenty of private duel communities around. Guess what, it was great fun without your help. Spice it up, give the possibility to battle for loot, to battle as team or even to hold a clanwar. ADD CLANSUPPORT. GIEF SEVERAL OPTIONS OF TEAM PVP MODES. LET US CREATE OUR OWN GAMES. LET US ORGANISE TOURNAMENTS. STOP TRYING TO BALANCE CHARACTERS, you have never succeeded, see WORLD OF FAILCRAFT arena.
Dear clueless Blizzard lend an ear to all the people who have gathered experience in playing diablo pvp over the past 13 years. Stop iterating your systems and bullshit ideas like: let's incorparate pve elements into pvp... Listen to the community since you have no fuckin idea about what is fun nor do your internal testers. You have proven your internal tests are shit and not worth anything, several times. You have also proven that none of your OH SO GREAT TEAM of developers has ever understood why D2 was so successful ... has anyone of you ever played the game for more than 2 months????
I hope some blue reads this as they say they do. Read it damn bashiok and pass it on to your team of losers.
Well, I find it funny that Blizzard can't think of enough rewards to make it worth our while. They can be rare dyes (actual Golden/Silver/Texturized dyes), titles (based on different battle achievements - tanking, disabling, dealing damage), banner customization, being able to name your own items or even having a rudimentary transmogrification system (it's about time those awesome looking crappy legendaries start being used).
It's pretty easy to have those rewards being given randomly every couple matches (and have them all be account-bound). If you wanna dye all your gear in proper "golden dye", you'd have to play quite a few matches (since the rewards are random). And why not have PvP matches give experience and gold? Or even a bonus to the next PvE grinding marathon?
I'd rather if they released it in its simplest form, and then work the problems out afterwards. Even if it has no rewards at first and they're introduced later. Better than causing such an outrage in the community
simple but that would work perfectly.
1v1 duels ingame with ears would be nice too. Hardcore players can participate in matchmaking and custom games with no penalty, but if they do a duel in game and die, they die forever.
I dont play hardcore, but I heard blizzard said that they want hardcore players to be able to pvp without dying after 1 match, unfortunately im 90% sure hardcore players will be able to pvp without much penalty, but there must be, at least, one way for them to duel to the death, I always loved to do iron mans in diablo 2 and watch youtube videos of hardcore geared characters duel to the death. I love the thrill of hardcore, i'd definately play if it was totally safe of lags and disconnect deaths. im so sure that if I play hardcore and I die, it will be because of a power failure or something like that lol. The feeling of fighting to the death is probably damn awesome or even fighting ubers telling yourself, tonight, its me or them, you just need the mental strenght to do so
To start, I don't think TDM should be removed for any reason, but rather, should just be one of many game types available for PvP. Of course, I can agree fully that TDM would get boring if it were our only option, considering the obvious hand holding this game does and the severe lack of class diversity. (Don't even make the rune/gear argument. This game already has it's well defined cookie cutter styles for each class and most if not all people follow them, with few exceptions.) However, I can say that it should still be there if other options are available. For example:
Edit: However, one thing left to address, Hardcore PvP:
Well, what can I say, you're hardcore. I think that if you play a hardcore character and jump into hardcore pvp, you should die, Forever. I can't say that it wouldn't make people rip their own eyes out or anything, but I'm fairly certain that if you make a hardcore character and then take that character out into the most hostile environment possible, knowing full well that this could be the end forever, then you should be able to go right on ahead and die forever. Of course, there is always the other side of the story, where you get the chance to totally ruin someones progress that they put lots of time and effort into, which I imagine would make sociopaths feel pretty good I guess, but it doesn't matter. On that note though, there could always just be the penalty of losing all the stuff your character was wearing when you die, instead of the character themselves dying forever. One way or another, Hardcore character death in PvP needs some sort of penalty or it's no different than softcore.
The problem here though is that I honestly think Blizzard is trying to avoid giving us the sort of PvP we want. Don't ask me why, but I'm pretty sure that our opinion matters very little. The first reveal trailers we saw were amazing, I think we can all agree. As it progressed, it got better, then BAM, shit hit the fan. RMAH, locked attributes, mediocre story line, bad voice acting, hand held skill progression, removal of socket runes, removal of charms, various other crap after various other crap. Despite all the outrage and disapproval (from what I believe to be at least the majority of the community), they went along with it anyway. Despite our cries for PvP and other cool shit, it's not here. While I know they do listen to "some" things we have to say, any significant change or addition will most likely never come from our own wishes.
Hold that against me, but just so you know, I want to be proven wrong. So badly...
*not this*
But close.... I would say blizzard's ego is too BIG to accept that "their design" has failed. Anything we say that could help the cause would either: drive them further in the wrong direction or get them to quit working on it all together. Instead of a "fiscal cliff" I call it the Blizzard Cliff....keep moving foward, sudden death surely awaits.... keep moving foward
Oh I very much hope this is the case. There have been some awesome ideas proposed here on the forums and DotA is one of the best. Get it done Blizz.
Ha. Bagstone.
1.) The Obvious - More types of PvP. Free for all is fun, a lot of fun, but can get old fast with little rewards. Would also like to see a Capture the Treasure Goblin (Diablo version of Capture the Flag.) Arena matches with 1v1, 2v2, and 1v2, and 1v3. Another cool idea would be “Protecting My Zombie Family” from other players. The idea would be to try to kill other players zombies while keeping your zombies alive. Zombies would be elites so they don’t die when we look at them. Last Man Standing.
2.) A Rewarding System - Many players will not PvP if there is no reward for it. D3 is about efficient use of time, PvP to them will be time wasted. So we need to create a reward system for them to that gets them interested without making current gears worthless. This will be complicated as we can see Jay Wilson and crew had a lot of trouble with this.
2a.) We need a goal. Something to grind towards. I know some people just want to PvP, so for them we open a practice mode PvP that is set up like current 1.07 PTR. They get full access to all types of PvP without consequences. This would be a good place to try builds and strategies as well fight friends or coop with them. For the more serious PvPer on a mission for the godly loots, PvP Career mode. In PvP Career mode all characters start off with starter gear, but keep their stats and skills. This will give people with higher paragon skills a slight advantage, but more on that later.
2b.) What happens to my farmed gear? Its still available for PvE and as the character gains experience in his/her career, some farmed gear will be able to migrate to PvP. I believe a good number for this to peak at would be 6 of the 13 slots can come from PvE experiences. Also some PvP gear, 6 of 13, will also be allowed to migrate to PvE gear set. This will allow those worried about wasted time from efficient farming the mindset that yes, I can get gear from PvP so this is not a total waste of my time.
2c.) How do I obtain gear from PvP? The loser gets an amount of credit for the PvP armory, the winner gets slightly more credit for the Armory... Plus the ear of the loser and sometimes a piece of gear from the loser with the losers name engraved on it. (Example: Heyseus’ Lacuni Bracers.) Credits can be used to buy the equivalent of medium rare gear of the players level. Ears are used as trophies you can place in your PvP display or as payment to buy PvP legendaries. You must win to get PvP legendaries. PvP legendaries cost some armory credit plus a number of ears. The higher the PvP level of the former ear owner, the more the ear is worth and the less are needed for a PvP legendary item. Now what of that piece of gear that is sometimes dropped by the fallen PvPer? The loser keeps his gear, but receives a message that a piece of his gear is looted. The winner can mount gear in trophy room, equip it, or salvage it. Both for the winner and the loser, the piece of gear looted loses some of its stats and bonuses. Does this mean my godly legendary I farmed or bought from AH/RMAH and migrated to pvp gear degrades as well? Yes, yes it does. This helps remove items from stagnant economy. This also prevents people or bots from just joining games and allowing other players to kill them to quickly grind some PvP credit/experience. Looted gear is bound to account. Edit: After sleeping on this, to avoid people duping their gear too much even with decay from duping, looted gear can not be used in PvE and can only be used in 5 pvp matches. After that it disappears. So if you want to hang in trophy room or salvage it, use the item 4 times tops.
3.) The Journey of PvP. Each class will start off in the classes starting point. For the first levels, you will only be able to fight the same class as you. As the character becomes more skilled at fighting and learns the tricks of the trade from others of the same class, he/she sets out to Caldeum for Arena. This is where the different types of team matchups take place. Protect My Zombie Family is outside of Tristram. Capture the Treasure Goblin in Act 3. As a player gains PvP experience, he unlocks the ability to use more powerful gear and unlocks the ability to migrate up to 6 pieces of gear. The most powerful gear will be equivalent to upper end PvE legendaries. The best farmed gear will be better than the best PvP gear however. You must win matches and ears to gain legendaries. Migration is not permanent and can be reversed. Any decay from gear being looted from PvP loss is permanent. Finally, the only way to advance is to kill. Each kill during a match gives you experience.
4.)The look and the interface plus some restrictions. I think it would be nice to have a PvP hub (call it The Pub?) where many characters (more than 4, less than 100 can interact with each other. About the size of the chat channels is perfect but add visuals to each character. Important to size up potential opponents. In this hub, the armory is available. The ability to travel to any PvP zone including practice. A room off to the side is the players trophy room. Trophy room can be viewed through profile page as well. Profile page will have PvE and PvP tabs. In the Hub, the player has access to his PvP gear tab. The Hub is the only place the player can change his PvP gear or migrate gear from PvP to PvE or vice versa.
4a.) There is no PvP stash. Only PvP credits and open gear slots to place gear. This is to prevent people from using PvP stash to hold their godly gears while they grind credits and PvP experience with crap gear. Migrated gear must be used or its passport is revoked. For example, won’t be able to keep your PvP gear in your PvE stash. PvE gear can not be turned in for PvP credits.
4b.) Matches can be viewed in Hub. Up to 10 people can watch a match take place.
5.) Joining a match. Players can join a match a number of ways. Speak with other players in Hub and set up a match. Compete with friends in a created match. Choose from a list of players waiting for an opponent that match their gear/ pvp level and paragon level. Create a game where the player waits for similarly geared players who are allowed to join. This list gives players who use the matchmaker system some control and freedom over who they choose to fight. Final option is to let the matchmaker automatically choose opponents.
5a.) In the beginning players are only able to fight same class, however to curb the PvP balancing cries, players can choose to only fight their own class or exempt one class from opponents.
5b.) Teams are able to be created from hub and can join team based combat.
6.) Hardcore players take a knee at 10% health. Option of Fight to the Death is available.
That is my current list of ideas. I’m sure many of you won’t read because its too long. That’s ok. This is a creative process. Its not for everyone. I would like to see some detailed responses. The good, the bad, and the ugly of my ideas. I would also like to see how you could expand on my ideas or come up with your own ideas that might work as well. I know that these are big ideas and would take a lot of work to implement and some time do so, but if we are going to dream, dream big and start from the top.
Thank you for your time.