Decided to test out dueling on the PTR client 1.0.7. As you can see it didn't work out too well. May the person with the best gear win and the others fall to their demise. Not what I expected after eight months of development...
Personally not that great. So does that mean every body has to get the best gear before they go do pvp? I liked the trashed idea that it would match you up with people of the same armour grade. I guess this is what we have instead.
Personally not that great. So does that mean every body has to get the best gear before they go do pvp? I liked the trashed idea that it would match you up with people of the same armour grade. I guess this is what we have instead.
No of course everybody should be absolutely equal and if you join in lvl 40 blue items you should totally kick everybodies ass.
Why the fuck are you so negative? "I wasn't expecting much and was still dissapointed, blabla" Leave the forums, thanks.
How aren't you able to enjoy this PvP???
Set your own rules, blue items only, play with your friends and don't go all "I am a skilled pro" over it.
Guess I'm just disappointed I waited 8 months for this. But I believe this is just the start. I'm sure they will make it better. Hopfully pvp specific gear.
These guys refuse to learn from their own mistakes or WoW's mistakes. You have to adjust the numbers between PvE and PvP separately. It's just the starting point you have to work w/. Trying to balance all at once is impossible. Hell, even Starcraft 2 figured this out (no firebats or diamondbacks in PvP). They even said they were going to balance separately, and then backtracked for some strange reason. This whole team has been strangely unfocused; they scrap the Mystic b/c she wasn't polished enough, then gave us four boring as hell gems and the jeweler (maybe the voice actress wanted more money). Not having a hotkey for bulk purchases of potions or dyes, the awful, awful awful skill UI, and then the utter and complete farce that PvP has become. This is unprecedented (for Blizzard) unfinished and unpolished work. "When it's done" has gone out the window.
These guys refuse to learn from their own mistakes or WoW's mistakes. You have to adjust the numbers between PvE and PvP separately. It's just the starting point you have to work w/. Trying to balance all at once is impossible. Hell, even Starcraft 2 figured this out (no firebats or diamondbacks in PvP). They even said they were going to balance separately, and then backtracked for some strange reason. This whole team has been strangely unfocused; they scrap the Mystic b/c she wasn't polished enough, then gave us four boring as hell gems and the jeweler (maybe the voice actress wanted more money). Not having a hotkey for bulk purchases of potions or dyes, the awful, awful awful skill UI, and then the utter and complete farce that PvP has become. This is unprecedented (for Blizzard) unfinished and unpolished work. "When it's done" has gone out the window.
I think there's a lot going on behind closed doors. I heard they laid off a lot of people and vivendi wanted to sell their stake in the business. But my philosophy is try to make good what you got. I'm sure pvp can be fun under certain circumstances.
These guys refuse to learn from their own mistakes or WoW's mistakes. You have to adjust the numbers between PvE and PvP separately. It's just the starting point you have to work w/. Trying to balance all at once is impossible. Hell, even Starcraft 2 figured this out (no firebats or diamondbacks in PvP). They even said they were going to balance separately, and then backtracked for some strange reason. This whole team has been strangely unfocused; they scrap the Mystic b/c she wasn't polished enough, then gave us four boring as hell gems and the jeweler (maybe the voice actress wanted more money). Not having a hotkey for bulk purchases of potions or dyes, the awful, awful awful skill UI, and then the utter and complete farce that PvP has become. This is unprecedented (for Blizzard) unfinished and unpolished work. "When it's done" has gone out the window.
I think there's a lot going on behind closed doors. I heard they laid off a lot of people and vivendi wanted to sell their stake in the business. But my philosophy is try to make good what you got. I'm sure pvp can be fun under certain circumstances.
I agree, but I don't have faith in this particular team. I hate to admit it, but the WoW team seems better equipped to handle this game than the D3 team. Before the game was released, they had great systems in place, and then scrapped them or altered them, and are now putting them back in when they realized how bad it was. Soul bound gear, a necessary evil to force item sinks, was lost but now is found. Jewelry crafting. It wouldn't surprise me if they bring back the Energy stat (the resource stat).
Which brings me to PvP. When they announced it, they stated that they could tweak the numbers between PvP and PvE if they had to. This was great news, b/c they could balance separately, and keep everyone happy. Then they backtracked, and made nobody happy. Then they scrapped PvP altogether b/c they couldn't balance everything at once. The underlying foundations aren't this complicated or difficult. They refuse to start right and are surprised when they run into so many problems. WoW is just better designed, top to bottom, and usually has its mistakes fixed. I am honestly surprised that Blizzard brass has allowed this to fester this bad.
Remove it and you will only need to fix Hex from WD
Thats not the problem at all, even when i dont crit if i actually hit someone with a hammer of the acient on my barb its always a one shot unless they have like ignore pain or shadow power going, not even kidding. If its a crit you better hope you have an invulnerability ready.
They made the most rooky mistake ever, there is no flat damage reduction against players unlike diablo 2. We currently take full damage, the numbers are only reduced by armor, resist and monk and barb 30% reduction.
And thats just one of the facet of the problem, try to fight even a poorly geared monk that knows anything. Dodge is impossible to combat, i went 1 minute beating on the same monk standing still and couldnt hit him. He had 92% dodge with his buffs. When i finally hit him it was a one shot.
They literally did every single mistake the community told them not to do.
-PVE duration cc in PVP
-Possibility to have ridiculous ammount of Dodge
-No flat damage reduction
-Spamable invulnerability
Its time to move on from this trash, its clear the team that was formed for D3 are just terrible dev as a group. They might be all competant in their field as individual, but its clear that togheter they can only come up with mediocrity. While the wow team is not super solid, its still lead ahead of D3 team about anything, even pvp. SC2 team is just super solid overall and really the jewel of blizzard right now. Its time to just scrap Diablo team and move on. I am not waiting for Diablo expansion or anything, this series is dead with this team, the sooner people realise this, the sooner blizzard might just scrap the thing and move the franchise to a new start mabye? For now this team is just gona be a long stretched walk to the gaz chamber for this series. Just kill the thing now and save its dignity.
Peace out - A diablo fan that will never bother installing a PTR or this game anymore.
They had more then half a year to fix their video game, dont give me that patience crap.
It's pretty obvious that your character has zero defensive capability and that is why you die instantly. There are different ways to play the game other than max your dps and one shot things.
Lmao @ expectations that a game all about loot has pvp that's skill + loot based.
If you didn't go all dps maybe you'd survive. On my barb I've been 1 - 2 shotting people with HoTa, but there's been a couple wizards now that tear my ass up, and it takes like 5-6 HoTa smashes to get him down.
It's pretty obvious that your character has zero defensive capability and that is why you die instantly. There are different ways to play the game other than max your dps and one shot things.
My thoughts exactly. Can't you keep diamond skin up half the time with CM? I am not sure because wiz is my worst class. He'll you could even pick up a SS with a random wiz property on it for more armor and block%? There are options.
It's pretty obvious that your character has zero defensive capability and that is why you die instantly. There are different ways to play the game other than max your dps and one shot things.
I two shot a barb that was using sword and board spec.. around 1000 resist and 10000 armor 80k hp, as a test he didnt use his 7 second ignore pain. I die in a matter of seconds if i do the same as well. If you dont one shot or kill people in less then 5 seconds(aside from monks and DH that you cannot hit) the problem might be your gear. In Hota spec i have 900 all resislt 8500 armor 63k hp and 280k dps. If you meet anyone with half decent gear its gona be crap for both players doesent matter what spec you pick.
You can keep lying to yourself that this is in any way even a good experience. Mark my words, unless there is major changes done to this PVP, watch the numbers of players online to shrink even more(should be neat when they added the player online counter for 1.07!!! You can see the 100 people online worldwide woo!!) Why will it shrink? Because it show the quality of what pvp is for them, aka crap, so we know that what ever they spend another half year making up to replace tdm, its gona be dog shit.
It's pretty obvious that your character has zero defensive capability and that is why you die instantly. There are different ways to play the game other than max your dps and one shot things.
I two shot a barb that was using sword and board spec.. around 1000 resist and 10000 armor 80k hp, as a test he didnt use his 7 second ignore pain. I die in a matter of seconds if i do the same as well. If you dont one shot or kill people in less then 5 seconds(aside from monks and DH that you cannot hit) the problem might be your gear. In Hota spec i have 900 all resislt 8500 armor 63k hp and 280k dps. If you meet anyone with half decent gear its gona be crap for both players doesent matter what spec you pick.
You can keep lying to yourself that this is in any way even a good experience. Mark my words, unless there is major changes done to this PVP, watch the numbers of players online to shrink even more(should be neat when they added the player online counter for 1.07!!! You can see the 100 people online worldwide woo!!) Why will it shrink? Because it show the quality of what pvp is for them, aka crap, so we know that what ever they spend another half year making up to replace tdm, its gona be dog shit.
That was directed at the OP I didn't even read your post.
Decided to test out dueling on the PTR client 1.0.7. As you can see it didn't work out too well. May the person with the best gear win and the others fall to their demise. Not what I expected after eight months of development...
Remove it and you will only need to fix Hex from WD
Which brings me to PvP. When they announced it, they stated that they could tweak the numbers between PvP and PvE if they had to. This was great news, b/c they could balance separately, and keep everyone happy. Then they backtracked, and made nobody happy. Then they scrapped PvP altogether b/c they couldn't balance everything at once. The underlying foundations aren't this complicated or difficult. They refuse to start right and are surprised when they run into so many problems. WoW is just better designed, top to bottom, and usually has its mistakes fixed. I am honestly surprised that Blizzard brass has allowed this to fester this bad.
Thats not the problem at all, even when i dont crit if i actually hit someone with a hammer of the acient on my barb its always a one shot unless they have like ignore pain or shadow power going, not even kidding. If its a crit you better hope you have an invulnerability ready.
They made the most rooky mistake ever, there is no flat damage reduction against players unlike diablo 2. We currently take full damage, the numbers are only reduced by armor, resist and monk and barb 30% reduction.
And thats just one of the facet of the problem, try to fight even a poorly geared monk that knows anything. Dodge is impossible to combat, i went 1 minute beating on the same monk standing still and couldnt hit him. He had 92% dodge with his buffs. When i finally hit him it was a one shot.
They literally did every single mistake the community told them not to do.
-PVE duration cc in PVP
-Possibility to have ridiculous ammount of Dodge
-No flat damage reduction
-Spamable invulnerability
Its time to move on from this trash, its clear the team that was formed for D3 are just terrible dev as a group. They might be all competant in their field as individual, but its clear that togheter they can only come up with mediocrity. While the wow team is not super solid, its still lead ahead of D3 team about anything, even pvp. SC2 team is just super solid overall and really the jewel of blizzard right now. Its time to just scrap Diablo team and move on. I am not waiting for Diablo expansion or anything, this series is dead with this team, the sooner people realise this, the sooner blizzard might just scrap the thing and move the franchise to a new start mabye? For now this team is just gona be a long stretched walk to the gaz chamber for this series. Just kill the thing now and save its dignity.
Peace out - A diablo fan that will never bother installing a PTR or this game anymore.
They had more then half a year to fix their video game, dont give me that patience crap.
If you didn't go all dps maybe you'd survive. On my barb I've been 1 - 2 shotting people with HoTa, but there's been a couple wizards now that tear my ass up, and it takes like 5-6 HoTa smashes to get him down.
My thoughts exactly. Can't you keep diamond skin up half the time with CM? I am not sure because wiz is my worst class. He'll you could even pick up a SS with a random wiz property on it for more armor and block%? There are options.
I two shot a barb that was using sword and board spec.. around 1000 resist and 10000 armor 80k hp, as a test he didnt use his 7 second ignore pain. I die in a matter of seconds if i do the same as well. If you dont one shot or kill people in less then 5 seconds(aside from monks and DH that you cannot hit) the problem might be your gear. In Hota spec i have 900 all resislt 8500 armor 63k hp and 280k dps. If you meet anyone with half decent gear its gona be crap for both players doesent matter what spec you pick.
You can keep lying to yourself that this is in any way even a good experience. Mark my words, unless there is major changes done to this PVP, watch the numbers of players online to shrink even more(should be neat when they added the player online counter for 1.07!!! You can see the 100 people online worldwide woo!!) Why will it shrink? Because it show the quality of what pvp is for them, aka crap, so we know that what ever they spend another half year making up to replace tdm, its gona be dog shit.
That was directed at the OP I didn't even read your post.
-Crowd ctrl dont work, every class can jump out of it really fast(except barb becouse of the high cooldown of WOTB).
-critical hit damage is too high.
1) Add Cooldown on smoke screen for pvp.
2) cap critical hit damage on 100% in pvp.
3) reduce pig time of Hex and the frequency of the transformation.
any sugestions?
How is this different from D2?
I guess a bit more specific PvP options would be nice so this PvP could truly be different from D2 PvP.