Hi Guys&Girls, I have recorded this one on the first or second day of PTR release. This is my longest 3v1 without dying. Nowadays people just leave the game too soon so can’t record any longer
Hope You enjoy the clip & feel free to add me on PtR if you are up for duels.
Lol... I think you're a little overgeared for them.
Plus, I think it's already a well-known fact that WD is overpowered when using Spirit Walk and Haunt.
Edit: Yeah... the better-geared barb should have at least lasted a little longer than one simple Haunt and a couple of Spirit Barrages. Same for the monk.
Watched all clip, you should be ashamed of yourself imo, para 100 griefing over 3 poor para 30 chars, you can clearly see the abuse of haunt to the oblivion.
Don't get me wrong, nothing personal, but why would anyone enjoy in watching an unfair match? You basically run around for 7 mins, spamming hex, haunt and SW, oneshotting the poor sobs. You also seem to have good life regen items.
I don't also find long vids fun, but the point of the video is, it's duration where I don't die for 7 mins. Another thing is you cannot find many WD's in that kind of action.
In top lvl pvp noone one shots other with any skill "haunt included" If I would share my vids where I duel top lvl WD's many would learn how to dodge haunt.
Most of the people whine about how op haunt is, actually it is SB which is OP. Regardless of your dodge, eventually you get hit with 1 SB crit and that either one shots you or takes away your most of your HP . Not to mention it hits behind walls, and it can be cast repetitively.
Considering WD's are top tier atm, i would rather enjoy watching a vid of a bottom tier char killing a top tier char, with skills, not seeing the classic abuse build/gameplay of 90% WD's over some random crap char's.
I wouldn't mind the vid if there were some new feats, or new tricks, but it's the same WD crap all WD's abuse since day1 pvp.
In this game you can't defeat others with pure skill.
Btw if you are this; http://www.diablopro...Slovenka/468743 I would understand your disappointment . But the equipment on this hunter isn't suitable for pvp.
DH's also one shot most of the toons. On some of my duels I have received like 70k dmg with single shot and I got sick defenses with pvp gear (got 105-110k HP, 950ish AR, 5xxx armor, 39 reduction from players-69 with recent dmg reduction in pvp)
As i stated, no offence intended, thanks for the video, you obviously put a lot of effort in it, but i would like to state that i would really enjoy watching an even match or some new feats.
None taken My duels vs top equipped ppl aren't that much fun btw, as I have written on several forums they are one sided where I always win. I don't share my vids with them else some of them wouldn't want to duel with me again But maybe I put some balanced WD vs WD vids soon.
@Jaetech, Yeah I was overgeared else I would die before 7 mins
@Groentjebe, I was reserving that for PvP
@Reiser, http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/witch-doctor#eUXgiY!ace!ZaYZZb is the build, I run with my regular gear, key points are % reduction on chest and litany. Also 50+ crit. For shield, get high 9-10 cc with good int and defensive stats.
Hope You enjoy the clip & feel free to add me on PtR if you are up for duels.
Plus, I think it's already a well-known fact that WD is overpowered when using Spirit Walk and Haunt.
Edit: Yeah... the better-geared barb should have at least lasted a little longer than one simple Haunt and a couple of Spirit Barrages. Same for the monk.
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I don't also find long vids fun, but the point of the video is, it's duration where I don't die for 7 mins. Another thing is you cannot find many WD's in that kind of action.
In top lvl pvp noone one shots other with any skill "haunt included" If I would share my vids where I duel top lvl WD's many would learn how to dodge haunt.
Most of the people whine about how op haunt is, actually it is SB which is OP. Regardless of your dodge, eventually you get hit with 1 SB crit and that either one shots you or takes away your most of your HP . Not to mention it hits behind walls, and it can be cast repetitively.
In this game you can't defeat others with pure skill.
Btw if you are this; http://www.diablopro...Slovenka/468743 I would understand your disappointment . But the equipment on this hunter isn't suitable for pvp.
DH's also one shot most of the toons. On some of my duels I have received like 70k dmg with single shot and I got sick defenses with pvp gear (got 105-110k HP, 950ish AR, 5xxx armor, 39 reduction from players-69 with recent dmg reduction in pvp)
None taken
@Groentjebe, I was reserving that for PvP
@Reiser, http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/witch-doctor#eUXgiY!ace!ZaYZZb is the build, I run with my regular gear, key points are % reduction on chest and litany. Also 50+ crit. For shield, get high 9-10 cc with good int and defensive stats.