Thinking on it now, and being interested in different fields related, I remember reading something in the wikia and in the books its from.
Could the fifth class be a (the) Nephalem?
For those who dont know what that is, from the wikia,
***The Nephalem are the first generation of humans on Sanctuary. They are also known as Sanctuary's Children in the Sin War books. The Nephalem are the direct offspring of angels and demons, with the potential to be even greater than both. It is believed that such beings as Bul-Kathos, Rathma, and Esu, to name a few, are the first Nephalem to be born, and that their children are the current barbarians, necromancers, and sorceresses whom we know today in the Diablo universe.
Due to the Worldstone, the Nephalem's power has been slowly drained with each generation, therefore making any new offspring weaker and weaker.***
With the potential to be better than both, and children comprising all the other classes? Could this be the "leader" class missing? Everything makes so much sense, it wa the worldstone that weakened them, so its it possible theyre returning to strength now that its gone? Since mortal men are descendants of them, even they would be gaining more power. I believe it was lility that trid to return them to power in the SinWar to use to ride the war.
I think this would make perfect sense and could be turned into an amazing Final Class.
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Hmm I see where you are coming from but I don't think its gonna be nephalem. I've read the book and to me, their skills/style is too ambiguous to make them into a distinct class. I think Blizzard is gonna stick with what they are doing what they have done and create this class based on gameplay as opposed to storyline.
look lets put an end too this its obviously some sort of ranged class, could be anything from a holy ranger too something else like a hunter its doesnt matter cause no one is going too guess right without any proof..
i say lets have a ranged class that focuses on crossbows instead of bows...for example a scientific ranger class that uses science and ranged weapons i,e no magic just brains baby
/concur with much enthusiasm
That's the best idea for the fifth class I have ever heard.
Yeah, the Nephalem are technically already playable anyway, if they made them a single class, wouldn't it just be a combination of barb, sorc and necro? Also, the barb is already in it so you are sort of right, it's the first class, not the fifth.
nice thinking... i should just read the books before D3 comes out! i really few a lack of knolodge about the the sanctuary's background, and its bodering me more now that im playing D1 allover again, reading everysinge bookquest chat and tristram 'gossip'!
i was also reading a post here with Kanaak's enterview... are the books really good?? i dont know, as they were writen after D1, i have this feeling that, the storyline were just adjusted as they were having new ideas and also making D2... please enlightme!!
I love the books, they were made between and after both storylines, some mesh with the games, some are placed around it, I really like em.
And to you others, I still think this is a possibility, they could manifest them into a class, and do pretty well, even with the skills. And to the other, class versus race, most "classes" are almost a race in there own right, I think they have to essentially be a race almost to be a class, theyve all got there own, higly seperated lores and links, I think its a possibility.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
And to you others, I still think this is a possibility, they could manifest them into a class, and do pretty well, even with the skills. And to the other, class versus race, most "classes" are almost a race in there own right, I think they have to essentially be a race almost to be a class, theyve all got there own, higly seperated lores and links, I think its a possibility.
The classes are different cultures, but they are all genetically the same. Although in other games different races mean different countries, religions or something like that (like egyptians vs romans), so I guess the current classes could be considered different races. The Nephalem just doesn't seem like an appropriate class choice. Barbarian, Necromancer and Sorceress are all in the game and are decendants of the Nephalem so a Nephalem class would just be a combination of classes and that's a really lazy way to create a new class.
Besides, a Nephalem wouldn't really be a ranger type class and that's the slot that needs to be filled right now. I agree with Bannik, bring on the scientific ranger thing! That's one of the best class ideas I've ever heard. It can't be too scientific, there's not really much of that in Diablo, but basic science, like chemistry and MAYBE some steam powered stuff. Nothing like the gnomes in WoW though, that would be too much. Technology enhanced primitive weapons would be awesome. GETTING A LITTLE OFF TRACK HERE!
But yeah, Nephalem doesn't seem like a feasible class choice.
I mean, people want the bard, which is a jack-of-all-trades. Same thing as they would be, the "Original" class, having links to all. But I guess if a ranged must me made, (still no guarentee, ALL classes so far have ranged abilities, so an all-range isnt completly neccessary) I would look more toward a hunter type, having some traps like the sin, and archery like the zon, I think It would be a nice mesh, Zon and Sin.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Yeah, I guess technology wouldn't really fit into the Diablo feel, a trap/ranged based class would be best. Technological ranger is a damn good idea, but not for Diablo.
I never said the scientific hunter should be a machine. I was thinking that it would use bolts with vials of acid on the end or mines. Simple stuff, nothing major like a gun or something stupid like that.
It was only a humorous comparison, basically anything that enveloped into technology sounds like machine-esque, its meerly comparison to the style of diablo, that isnt machine nore technology based.
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Thats what I SAID lol but they arent actually every human anymore, any that derived into there own cultures, Necros - Barbs - Zons - ectect are actually different, they explord one root of there culture and therfore deversified themself. I think if they actually WERE to be there own class, it would be like a bard idea, jack of all trades, master of none, the worldstones only been 20 years gone, there returning, but not completly enough to amster their trades.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
you seem too forget that science is not always machines...gunpowder existed during middle ages (China) so having a guy who doesnt believe in religion and focuses on his science...think about it he uses a fast shooting crossbow (3 shots quickly and a lengthy reload) and then have things like gunpowder sacs too have exploding arrows... or have bomb like items and traps that use scinetific stuff...we are not talking machines and steam power just simple scientists using basic trial and error too figure out what works..
I mean how can you say that diablo shouldnt have a scientific feel they have windmills, how do you think armor is made...a magician now its a guy who uses metals and uses them ritual bullcrap,
this could give diablo a new approach and perspective....this scientific fella could not be liked for his heretic ways but he is still a good person, giving us an anti hero
he could be doing the quest just because he wants too solve the demon riddle scientifically - fits in well i think
they bloody have mines with mini rail tracks for small carts which is no medievil an i am sure they use dynamite too blow shit up...
science FTW!!!!
Reform said it best to this guy, other than Epic Fail. Diablo is the eact essence of the opposite of technology. Diablo will never have anything to do with guns, and gunpowder isnt a technological item, its a crafting item, u use it to craft guns, bombs, ect. Saying such, if you need an explosion, Diablo uses FIRE, its DIABLO. Drop triyng for tech.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Not science, CRAFTING again, BLACKSMITH not SCIENCELAB. And what im saying, is that if theres eough Nephalm in D2 to defeat all of them BEFORE the worldstone is destoryed, 20 years is plenty enough time to give many others a new rise.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
There are no Nephalem in Diablo II! It is impossible for the Nephalem to exist while the Worldstone exists!
BUZZZ! Wrong answer. They are Nephalem, ALL OF THE MORTAL RACE is Neohalem due to the breeding of demon and angel (went on a rant, almsot said alien lol). What is stated is the worldstone made each generation weaker, not that they didnt exist. There is also another way to bring there power back somehow, thats why the heros form D1 and D2 could defeat the evils, and why Lilith wanted the Nephalem or MORTALS on there side, she was trying to return them to power WITHOUT destroying the stone, so she could keep control of them.
What im simly saying is even though it degraded there power, some were still strong enoough to defeat the evils WITH the worldstone, so some are going to be even more powerful with it being gone twenty years.
Awww Snap!
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Every human is a nephalem, the "nephalem" that are commonly mentioned in the books, lore, and whatnot are the first generation of nephalem on sanctuary. Later, the nephalem became humanity.
For whatever reason, I have no idea :/.
Bottom line is, every human in sanctuary is a nephalem, with seriously diluted powers.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
you seem too forget that science is not always machines...gunpowder existed during middle ages (China) so having a guy who doesnt believe in religion and focuses on his science...think about it he uses a fast shooting crossbow (3 shots quickly and a lengthy reload) and then have things like gunpowder sacs too have exploding arrows... or have bomb like items and traps that use scinetific stuff...we are not talking machines and steam power just simple scientists using basic trial and error too figure out what works..
I mean how can you say that diablo shouldnt have a scientific feel they have windmills, how do you think armor is made...a magician now its a guy who uses metals and uses them ritual bullcrap,
this could give diablo a new approach and perspective....this scientific fella could not be liked for his heretic ways but he is still a good person, giving us an anti hero
he could be doing the quest just because he wants too solve the demon riddle scientifically - fits in well i think
they bloody have mines with mini rail tracks for small carts which is no medievil an i am sure they use dynamite too blow shit up...
science FTW!!!!
Who cares about Gunpowder?? the sorceress can 'summon' meteors, cast fireballs at will, the wizard can warp time...the druids,twisters... what could a simple 'fire exploding arrow' (please, not like immolation amazon skill...cause thats magical stuff...) do?? i guess nothing...
ALL humans STILL had the ower of the Naphalem, there powers never left, they just became severly weaked. YES, SOME were so diluted they didnt even realizee they had any power, but SOME also still had enough power to realize, take arms, and fight the demons, OUR HEROES. The worldstone WEAKENS, WEAKENS means still there, but diluted, so yes, they DID have power while it still existed.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
he could be doing the quest just because he wants too solve the demon riddle scientifically - fits in well i think
Bannik, it's a fantasy. Science is discouraged because it opens too many windows to stuff that strays from it. It also does not appeal to the vast majority of fantasy-minded people. That is what we have science fiction for.
Yes, obviously working with metals is a science. Actually, you could say anything is a science- wiping your ass, clicking a button, eating a banana. We draw lines so that it still feels like fantasy and not like a history text.
And, by the way, the arrows that exploded on impact and fire arrows- those are skills of the Amazon that cost mana. Magic
And now the topic:
Dorge, we have an issue here. Your just stated that every human is a Nephalem. It would therefor be redundant to have a Nephalem class, since all other humans are Nephalem and so are the other characters
Could the fifth class be a (the) Nephalem?
For those who dont know what that is, from the wikia,
***The Nephalem are the first generation of humans on Sanctuary. They are also known as Sanctuary's Children in the Sin War books. The Nephalem are the direct offspring of angels and demons, with the potential to be even greater than both. It is believed that such beings as Bul-Kathos, Rathma, and Esu, to name a few, are the first Nephalem to be born, and that their children are the current barbarians, necromancers, and sorceresses whom we know today in the Diablo universe.
Due to the Worldstone, the Nephalem's power has been slowly drained with each generation, therefore making any new offspring weaker and weaker.***
With the potential to be better than both, and children comprising all the other classes? Could this be the "leader" class missing? Everything makes so much sense, it wa the worldstone that weakened them, so its it possible theyre returning to strength now that its gone? Since mortal men are descendants of them, even they would be gaining more power. I believe it was lility that trid to return them to power in the SinWar to use to ride the war.
I think this would make perfect sense and could be turned into an amazing Final Class.
Battle not with monsters lest you become one.
That's the best idea for the fifth class I have ever heard.
Yeah, the Nephalem are technically already playable anyway, if they made them a single class, wouldn't it just be a combination of barb, sorc and necro? Also, the barb is already in it so you are sort of right, it's the first class, not the fifth.
i was also reading a post here with Kanaak's enterview... are the books really good?? i dont know, as they were writen after D1, i have this feeling that, the storyline were just adjusted as they were having new ideas and also making D2... please enlightme!!
And to you others, I still think this is a possibility, they could manifest them into a class, and do pretty well, even with the skills. And to the other, class versus race, most "classes" are almost a race in there own right, I think they have to essentially be a race almost to be a class, theyve all got there own, higly seperated lores and links, I think its a possibility.
The classes are different cultures, but they are all genetically the same. Although in other games different races mean different countries, religions or something like that (like egyptians vs romans), so I guess the current classes could be considered different races. The Nephalem just doesn't seem like an appropriate class choice. Barbarian, Necromancer and Sorceress are all in the game and are decendants of the Nephalem so a Nephalem class would just be a combination of classes and that's a really lazy way to create a new class.
Besides, a Nephalem wouldn't really be a ranger type class and that's the slot that needs to be filled right now. I agree with Bannik, bring on the scientific ranger thing! That's one of the best class ideas I've ever heard. It can't be too scientific, there's not really much of that in Diablo, but basic science, like chemistry and MAYBE some steam powered stuff. Nothing like the gnomes in WoW though, that would be too much. Technology enhanced primitive weapons would be awesome. GETTING A LITTLE OFF TRACK HERE!
But yeah, Nephalem doesn't seem like a feasible class choice.
Edit: 100th post for me
Reform said it best to this guy, other than Epic Fail. Diablo is the eact essence of the opposite of technology. Diablo will never have anything to do with guns, and gunpowder isnt a technological item, its a crafting item, u use it to craft guns, bombs, ect. Saying such, if you need an explosion, Diablo uses FIRE, its DIABLO. Drop triyng for tech.
BUZZZ! Wrong answer. They are Nephalem, ALL OF THE MORTAL RACE is Neohalem due to the breeding of demon and angel (went on a rant, almsot said alien lol). What is stated is the worldstone made each generation weaker, not that they didnt exist. There is also another way to bring there power back somehow, thats why the heros form D1 and D2 could defeat the evils, and why Lilith wanted the Nephalem or MORTALS on there side, she was trying to return them to power WITHOUT destroying the stone, so she could keep control of them.
What im simly saying is even though it degraded there power, some were still strong enoough to defeat the evils WITH the worldstone, so some are going to be even more powerful with it being gone twenty years.
Dauroth, ya failed :(.
Every human is a nephalem, the "nephalem" that are commonly mentioned in the books, lore, and whatnot are the first generation of nephalem on sanctuary. Later, the nephalem became humanity.
For whatever reason, I have no idea :/.
Bottom line is, every human in sanctuary is a nephalem, with seriously diluted powers.
Who cares about Gunpowder?? the sorceress can 'summon' meteors, cast fireballs at will, the wizard can warp time...the druids,twisters... what could a simple 'fire exploding arrow' (please, not like immolation amazon skill...cause thats magical stuff...) do?? i guess nothing...
Bannik, it's a fantasy. Science is discouraged because it opens too many windows to stuff that strays from it. It also does not appeal to the vast majority of fantasy-minded people. That is what we have science fiction for.
Yes, obviously working with metals is a science. Actually, you could say anything is a science- wiping your ass, clicking a button, eating a banana. We draw lines so that it still feels like fantasy and not like a history text.
And, by the way, the arrows that exploded on impact and fire arrows- those are skills of the Amazon that cost mana. Magic
And now the topic:
Dorge, we have an issue here. Your just stated that every human is a Nephalem. It would therefor be redundant to have a Nephalem class, since all other humans are Nephalem and so are the other characters