Question: Who here would consider 1260 to be the Middle Ages?
Question: Who would consider Diablo to be based off the Middle Ages?
If yes to both, then a rudimentary hand cannon is possible, with siege cannons being probable.
But, sense nobody will listen to reason, a Pirate class could also use Bolas, Plumbata, Kyoketsu, and even the Sling could be used, along side the Hand Cannon and Matchlock Firearms. (Matchlock Firearms were used as early as the 1300's in standard chineese armies, showing up in the 1400's in European armies.)
But none of you saw any of these in Bravehart so you don't think it's Midde Age material... *Sigh.*
Who thinks Diablo is a realistic game? Who can go outside of your city to fight undead, animals, demons and such? Who knows how to revive creatures, cast elemental magic, wield gigantic mauls and tons of armour, cast glowing hammers, kill a person with a thunder arrow, set traps and assasinate people, turn into werevolves and werebears?
Ok, you guys cant? Well me either, now do we understand why Guns dont fit in diablo, and for most parts the Pirate either? If diablon was based in reality in the middle ages even, weed be fighting knnight not demons. Diablo doesnt fit all aspects of medevil stereotype.
sorry Link buddy, couldnt help it XD
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Agreed a pirate just doesnt fit into the lore of the Diablo universe, now if we had a desert raider or something like that then it would work.
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[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"The lord of murder shall perish, but in his death he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos shall be sown in their footsteps"
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
I could never see a pirate working in big battle scenes. Diablo going up against... Blackbeard? Yeah, nice try, but you can only be so cliche' when thinking of classes that work.
It's either a bowman or a knight of some form. Something tells me it's going to be neither. Just because the glove fits doesn't mean you're going to buy it.
Lol the pirate fighting would be pretty funny though, i would probably be laughing to hard to care that my character is dying.
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[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"The lord of murder shall perish, but in his death he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos shall be sown in their footsteps"
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
Innovation, industrial revolution, and that picture just about define it pretty well to me. Thanks. Wasnt what I expected, and noooo DONOT EVER make Diablo like that please? I wouldnt even want a Diablo spin-off type deal, NO DIABLO: FUTURE no nothing, leave Steampunk out of diablo plzzzzzzzz
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Oh my gosh, yes the existed during that time, but did a true necromancer? A barbarian? A sorceress? No, because Diablo goes off of Diablo time, so in Diablo time, pirates arent really in the scene, its not diablo lol
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And paid attention in class? Can I go to diablo school with you lol?
And yes, read my posts, ive read all 4 of that series of books, and YES they were technically called pirates, but I think thats becuase theyre an on-ship, rob people basis. If you pay attention to who was ON the boat, it was (the V word vizjeri whatever), warriors and mercinaries. So I think it only calls pirates because of the fact that they robbed people and travled on ship, but TONS of people did that in the diablo universe, just without the ships, there not really pirates, there mercinary for hiring. Like a warrior type class, mixed with some mages and a captain who was like a more trained soldier. Not pirates.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
And paid attention in class? Can I go to diablo school with you lol?
It's one of those optional classes in high school. I already finished high school and I was the only one in that class that knew everything. Our tests were about progressing through the game. The final exam was could we beat normal in an hour and a half, without help of any kind. Extra points was awarded to those of us who played Hardcore, and to those of us who got past act 2 nightmare. I scored a 96 because I just beat normal when the bell rang. Lost the four points because I forgot to pick up the drops from Baal.
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Just as the Scorpion hunts...
Silently Lurking...
"Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted." ~ Ezio Auditore de Firenze
I think the best case for a pirate being in D3 is the monk. Before Blizzcon, everyone was saying how stupid a monk would and that normal monks don't exist in Sanctuary. Low and behold at Blizzcon we got a monk. If Blizzard is willing to do a monk, there is no reason why they couldn't do a pirate. They would have to alter just like the monk but it is possible. They seem to be having problems with the last class, maybe their first attempt was to obvious or boring, maybe giving the ranged class a pirate twist is just what they need to make the class stand out.
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The monk is compellty different. The reaosn noone wantes it originally is becuase monks are ridculous in life, solitary, uber religios people that are usually even too pacifist to fight. We got a kick ass Diablo monk. Now they cant do that with pirates, they cant give us a kick-ass Diablo pirate, because the books already laid the basis of them. Hired mercinary that have some physical ability like a warrior, and some amges mixed in. And Regular pirates arent like that, by ship there all like fmaily, mercinaries are, if that guy dies, do the rest of us split the salarie? And moreso, regular pirates are next to naked dressed, dirty nasty pillagin raping things, not mercenaries on a boat, who do occasionally drink at port, and have consensual sex in the towns, the mercinaries are too goody compared to true pirates. THeres too much difference, they arent pirates, there mercenaries. And we have those in D3, called followers. We dont need a follower class, we need another leader.
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yea. there wont be, its been just about destroyed through this thread. People will want it, people will argue, and ill go on record right now just saying, honestly, it wont happen.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
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Who thinks Diablo is a realistic game? Who can go outside of your city to fight undead, animals, demons and such? Who knows how to revive creatures, cast elemental magic, wield gigantic mauls and tons of armour, cast glowing hammers, kill a person with a thunder arrow, set traps and assasinate people, turn into werevolves and werebears?
Ok, you guys cant? Well me either, now do we understand why Guns dont fit in diablo, and for most parts the Pirate either? If diablon was based in reality in the middle ages even, weed be fighting knnight not demons. Diablo doesnt fit all aspects of medevil stereotype.
Would you consider the Dark Cloud games Steampunk in their own sense?
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
And yes, read my posts, ive read all 4 of that series of books, and YES they were technically called pirates, but I think thats becuase theyre an on-ship, rob people basis. If you pay attention to who was ON the boat, it was (the V word vizjeri whatever), warriors and mercinaries. So I think it only calls pirates because of the fact that they robbed people and travled on ship, but TONS of people did that in the diablo universe, just without the ships, there not really pirates, there mercinary for hiring. Like a warrior type class, mixed with some mages and a captain who was like a more trained soldier. Not pirates.
It's one of those optional classes in high school. I already finished high school and I was the only one in that class that knew everything. Our tests were about progressing through the game. The final exam was could we beat normal in an hour and a half, without help of any kind. Extra points was awarded to those of us who played Hardcore, and to those of us who got past act 2 nightmare. I scored a 96 because I just beat normal when the bell rang. Lost the four points because I forgot to pick up the drops from Baal.
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"Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and Fvck the prom queen."
Yes, I was saying please no pirate.
"Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and Fvck the prom queen."