They had sailors, pirates, and buccaneers in the Black Road. They weren't gun wielding pirates but they did exist in Diablo. Westmarch is a city reminiscent of sailing Europe.
That being said I don't think they are heroes to be placed as a class in the game; they're about as viable as an Innkeeper class.
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Join the Irish Mob. We like almost everybody. Read Pants are Good. It's funny. You'll like it.
Also read Wintendo, as DINGBANG is attempting to play through 764 SNES games in a back catalog.
Dang is that your real pic? Write me later, ill introduce myself
Anyway. AThe sailors, "piractes", buccaneers all turned out to be the same thing. Mercenairuies and mages, all of em, cuz when some died, they talked about hiring more, like nothing but soldiers, they were all warrior and amges, mot real pirates
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
If we're going by the modern day image of pirates, then no, they weren't. But not all pirates were the gun wielding mad men displaying in current media; most were ex-sailors and mercenaries.
I'm not showing my support of a pirate class, but nonetheless, pirates were in the Diablo universe.
EDIT: lol, that's Miss Ireland. xD
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Join the Irish Mob. We like almost everybody. Read Pants are Good. It's funny. You'll like it.
Also read Wintendo, as DINGBANG is attempting to play through 764 SNES games in a back catalog.
ill repeat. They were only CALLED pirates becuase thye were mercensaires that traveled by ship. Anyone that went by ship was called one of two things. Pirates if you were hired mercinary with jobs, or sailors if you were good folk just sailing.
EDIT:I dont mind, I can still talk u sound cute heh you seem like good people.
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Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
I'd also want to add, buccaneers is actually a french word transformed into an english word. Comes from Boucanier .... a french term for people who smoke things (food mostly) using a wooden frames. They turned to piracy because of the spanish trying to drive them off the carribeans Just my little 2 cents .
I'd also want to add, buccaneers is actually a french word transformed into an english word. Comes from Boucanier .... a french term for people who smoke things (food mostly) using a wooden frames. They turned to piracy because of the spanish trying to drive them off the carribeans Just my little 2 cents .
Lol you like a guy who smoke thing like weed lol !!
No. The Buccan smoked types food. Mainly wild pigs/boar. Buccaneers in the sense that pirates are referred to originated from the word Buccan, where as Buccaneers smoked various types of food caught at sea.
Boucane was a French word that was transformed into Bucaneir over time to describe French hunters who smoked various wild game.
The English colonists then instead of using a different name for each various culture of smokers favored the word Buccaneer.
Hence why the English language is so fucked up. So many words have too many different meanings.. but it does make it easier.
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Watching 240 guys talk trash about cavaliers is like two retards having a slapfight over a sippy cup.
I could see a type of Pirate or Bounty Hunter character; a breed of human on the fringe of society relying not on magic or dark arts, but only by his wits and and ingenuity.
For what reasons do the others have to fight against Hell? The Barbarian seeks retribution for the destruction of his homeland before his kind dies off; the Wizard combats the darkness with the most outre and taboo abilities to test herself and bolster her status in the eyes of others; the Witch Doctors struggle to maintain the balance between here and the hereafter; and the Monk fights solely to expel any and all demonic influence from the world, making it once more a Sanctuary.
But what of the common man and woman? Where there exists no law, no order, nothing but a twisted and mutable code among thieves? Even the world of brigands and ne'er-do-wells needs defending.
The Diablo Manual admitted that one driving force behind many quests was the acquisition of gold and loot. Maybe that's all some people need to drive them forward; hunting on behalf of some collector? Looting bodies to send money home to help out at the farm? Collecting trinkets and things simply for the pleasure of it?
There are many ways to fight outside magic; bows and arrows, crossbows, gunpowder weaponry, traps and explosives, molotov cocktails; connections with the underworld to acquire items at cheaper prices...
I think the Magical have garnered too much of the spotlight; let the common man prove himself in the face of the Burning Hells. We, ourselves, do something like that every day.
Why is it so absurd for a Pirate to call forth exotic birds down upon his foes? To scout the lay of the land with a trusted pet, affording him a measure of intelligence on his enemy and their movements? To snipe his enemies from afar with single-shot pistols? To sneak upon and backstab the unwary with concealed knives? The spin about like a dervish and fell all who stand near in a display of cold steel and bravado? Maybe even to curse enemies with loot they know to be cursed already? To raise the morale of his fellows and strengthen their dexterity and offense?
The history and culture of the pirate is a long and rich one; it's more than an offshoot of a scottish accent where people go "Aargh"; and so much more than Jonny Depp.
If the term "Pirate" bothers you so, then call 'em Brigands.
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Be it through hallowed grounds or lands of sorrow
All in the Forger's wake is left bereft and fallow
Is the residuum worth the cost of destruction and maiming;
Or is the shaping a culling and exercise in taming?
The road's goal is the dark Origin of Being
But be wary through what thickets it winds.
-Excerpt from the Litany of Residuum;
As Translated by He Who Brings Order
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"The lord of murder shall perish, but in his death he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos shall be sown in their footsteps"
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
That being said I don't think they are heroes to be placed as a class in the game; they're about as viable as an Innkeeper class.
Join the Irish Mob. We like almost everybody. Read Pants are Good. It's funny. You'll like it.
Also read Wintendo, as DINGBANG is attempting to play through 764 SNES games in a back catalog.
Anyway. AThe sailors, "piractes", buccaneers all turned out to be the same thing. Mercenairuies and mages, all of em, cuz when some died, they talked about hiring more, like nothing but soldiers, they were all warrior and amges, mot real pirates
I'm not showing my support of a pirate class, but nonetheless, pirates were in the Diablo universe.
EDIT: lol, that's Miss Ireland. xD
Join the Irish Mob. We like almost everybody. Read Pants are Good. It's funny. You'll like it.
Also read Wintendo, as DINGBANG is attempting to play through 764 SNES games in a back catalog.
EDIT:I dont mind, I can still talk
Lol you like a guy who smoke thing like weed lol !!
le boucanier boucane sa cabane !
No. The Buccan smoked types food. Mainly wild pigs/boar.
Buccaneers in the sense that pirates are referred to originated from the word Buccan, where as Buccaneers smoked various types of food caught at sea.
Boucane was a French word that was transformed into Bucaneir over time to describe French hunters who smoked various wild game.
The English colonists then instead of using a different name for each various culture of smokers favored the word Buccaneer.
Hence why the English language is so fucked up. So many words have too many different meanings.. but it does make it easier.
For what reasons do the others have to fight against Hell? The Barbarian seeks retribution for the destruction of his homeland before his kind dies off; the Wizard combats the darkness with the most outre and taboo abilities to test herself and bolster her status in the eyes of others; the Witch Doctors struggle to maintain the balance between here and the hereafter; and the Monk fights solely to expel any and all demonic influence from the world, making it once more a Sanctuary.
But what of the common man and woman? Where there exists no law, no order, nothing but a twisted and mutable code among thieves? Even the world of brigands and ne'er-do-wells needs defending.
The Diablo Manual admitted that one driving force behind many quests was the acquisition of gold and loot. Maybe that's all some people need to drive them forward; hunting on behalf of some collector? Looting bodies to send money home to help out at the farm? Collecting trinkets and things simply for the pleasure of it?
There are many ways to fight outside magic; bows and arrows, crossbows, gunpowder weaponry, traps and explosives, molotov cocktails; connections with the underworld to acquire items at cheaper prices...
I think the Magical have garnered too much of the spotlight; let the common man prove himself in the face of the Burning Hells. We, ourselves, do something like that every day.
Why is it so absurd for a Pirate to call forth exotic birds down upon his foes? To scout the lay of the land with a trusted pet, affording him a measure of intelligence on his enemy and their movements? To snipe his enemies from afar with single-shot pistols? To sneak upon and backstab the unwary with concealed knives? The spin about like a dervish and fell all who stand near in a display of cold steel and bravado? Maybe even to curse enemies with loot they know to be cursed already? To raise the morale of his fellows and strengthen their dexterity and offense?
The history and culture of the pirate is a long and rich one; it's more than an offshoot of a scottish accent where people go "Aargh"; and so much more than Jonny Depp.
If the term "Pirate" bothers you so, then call 'em Brigands.
All in the Forger's wake is left bereft and fallow-Excerpt from the Litany of Residuum;
As Translated by He Who Brings Order
Robin hood?
I guess your right.
OMG the 5th class is robin hood xD
Plus there is an art they released about a brigand village...might help to strengthen your point !
-So sayeth the wise Alaundo
Blizzard released it?
Nice. Like please?
Oh right, Brigand and Pirate.... hmmmm
Battle not with monsters lest you become one.