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Track all the latest tweets by the official Blizzard Diablo Twitter right in here!
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Diablo: The demonically-besieged world of Sanctuary needs heroes. Learn how you can join the battle for #FREE. >>
by @Diablo
0 1,472
Diablo: #gamescom 2012 starts this week. Stop by the #Blizzard booth or check our daily updates! >>
by @Diablo
0 1,749
Diablo: #D3 Patch 1.0.4 is fast approaching, find out more about the larger systems changes, and game improvements: >>
by @Diablo
0 2,502
Diablo_KR: 여러분의 계정에 관한 중요한 보안 업데이트를 확인하기 위해 이곳을 클릭하시기 바랍니다. >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,908
Diablo: Please click here to read an important security update about your account. >>
by @Diablo
0 2,464
Diablo: Our #Diablo III developers have been hard at work. Get a sneak peek of the upcoming patch 1.0.4 developer blogs. http:// >>
by @Diablo
0 2,449
Diablo_KR: 캐릭터의 장비와 기술 등을 웹에서도 볼 수 있는 디아블로판 전투정보실, 캐릭터 프로필이 업데이트되었습니다! #디아블로3 >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 2,479
Diablo: RT @CM_Zarhym: Big thanks to musician, producer, & DIII/WoW player Josh Eustis (@telefontelaviv, @puscifer) for visiting >>
by @Diablo
0 2,471
Diablo: Find out more about this incredible two-foot wide sculpture of the Lord of Sin, Azmodan: #D3 http:/ >>
by @Diablo
0 1,910
Diablo: RT @StarCraft: #GLHF, @MarsCuriosity. Thank you for daring mighty things, @NASA. #MSL >>
by @Diablo
0 1,748
BlizzCon: RT @StarCraft: #GLHF, @MarsCuriosity. Thank you for daring mighty things, @NASA. #MSL >>
by @BlizzCon
0 1,743
Diablo: @diablo3xnews congratulations on your 4 year anniversary :-) >>
by @Diablo
0 2,441
Diablo: The heavenly voices of @anuna_choir will perform 2 #D3 tracks tomorrow at their concert in Dublin, Ireland. More info: h >>
by @Diablo
0 2,438
Diablo: Check out this exquisite sculpture of the #Diablo III demon hunter by fan artist Samo Kramberger: >>
by @Diablo
0 2,952
Diablo: Coming soon to #D3 >>
by @Diablo
0 1,798
Diablo_KR: 반가운 소식이네요! 디아블로 III 아시아서버 추가 증설 작업이 최근 완료되었고, 일부 남아 있던 북미 지역 장비가 모두 제거되었다고 합니다. #디아블로3 >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 2,458
Diablo: @rxysurfchic We hope you and your friends have a great time whether you end up playing Diablo III, @StarCraft, or better >>
by @Diablo
0 2,474
Diablo: @xHatterzx We certainly wish you the best of luck on your quest for a level 60 of each #D3 class. Which is the next one >>
by @Diablo
0 1,461
Diablo: @_Rezinol That's certainly a noble effort. Have you tried to level another #D3 Hardcore character since then? >>
by @Diablo
0 1,473
Diablo: @Oscar7891 Welcome to the party: we're happy to have you. :) How have you been enjoying your adventures in Sanctuary so >>
by @Diablo
0 1,769
Diablo: @IchBinCameron How exciting! Have you already decided which #D3 hero class to start with on your adventure? >>
by @Diablo
0 1,495
Diablo: @Flundrine Diablo II recreated within #SC2? That looks like an intriguing project! We're eager to see how it progresses. >>
by @Diablo
0 1,469
Diablo: @The_BenMears Don't worry: we won't tell. ;) >>
by @Diablo
0 1,283
Diablo: @brandongregorio Your best bet is to seek out assistance on our Technical Support Forum: >>
by @Diablo
0 1,178
Diablo: @Dienforce If you believe you've encountered a bug, your best bet is to post them on our Bug Report Forum: >>
by @Diablo
0 1,419
BlizzCon: RT @Bashiok: Classic StarCraft, Diablo, and Diablo II music, available legit from the source. >>
by @BlizzCon
0 1,757
Diablo: RT @Bashiok: Classic StarCraft, Diablo, and Diablo II music, available legit from the source. >>
by @Diablo
0 1,807
Diablo_KR: RT @Warcraft_KR: 월드 오브 워크래프트: 판다리아의 안개™가 2012년 9월 25일부터 전세계에서 차례로 출시를 시작합니다! 귀여운 판다렌과 함께 판다리아 대륙을 뛰어다닐 시간이 이제 두달 앞으로 >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,766
Diablo: @theeriver A Facebook account is not required. There is an "Alternate Method of Entry" on the sweepstakes FAQ http://t.c >>
by @Diablo
0 1,757
Diablo: @Scarybooster Good news! A Facebook account is not required. Here's a link to the sweepstakes FAQ: >>
by @Diablo
0 1,771