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Quote from "Sixen" »"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Quote from "deathMars" »10/10 My first perfect score! Bad ass name.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
Still not liking it lol.
Despite hating on your avatar and signature, I rather enjoy your username...
Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions
Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions
unzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes, fsck, fsck, fsck, umount, sleep
My first perfect score! Bad ass name.
Really reminds me of Doom XD
Oh snap! thanks man!
unzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes, fsck, fsck, fsck, umount, sleep
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
It's Cool-Aid.
Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions