
Play forum games, discuss conspiracy theories, post your stand-up comedy routine, whatever. All your random thoughts and spam should be directed here. Posts in this forum are not counted towards your post count.
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Vegan Zombie >>
by OathofChaos
66 7,801
The Book of Eli >>
by Mephisto's Lament
17 2,941
The Fall of Light Preview >>
by Irrational
0 2,342
Presenting, The DiabloFans User Awards >>
by Mephisto's Lament
53 5,559
What if theres a zombie outbreak? >>
by captianbadass
108 10,420
The Dead Ball Sports Blog >>
by Irrational
2 2,395
Why did princess Diana cross the road? >>
by Mephisto's Lament
22 4,288
Guess which game I am playing! >>
by coom
19 2,450
Answer a question with another question game >>
by Nacho_ijp
4,096 110,903
Always Occupied When I try Calling >>
by Kaio
22 3,457
I'm thinking about doing this tournament.. >>
by Mephisto's Lament
49 6,316
The 2010 FIFA World Cup >>
by Irrational
363 25,913
Zubin? >>
by TwilightRealm
27 3,778
Diablo Fans User Awards (The Actual One) >>
by Mephisto's Lament
40 3,980
by Zhar
24 2,595
Epic Intro, Dudes >>
by Mephisto's Lament
8 1,870
Stealing D3 From Blizzcon >>
by Yumaro
22 3,108
Diablo Fans User Awards >>
by Mephisto's Lament
30 3,782
I'm not gonna say what this thread is about because its tooo intense, click!!! >>
by zeroRooter
5 1,867
4 years >>
by DarknessAngel
80 8,429
Whats the difference between a graphics card and a graphics driver? >>
by Dane
2 1,575
Rate A User Contest: Day 5 >>
by Mephisto's Lament
11 1,962
Wimbledon 2010 >>
by Irrational
29 4,719
Rate A User Contest: Day 4 >>
by Mephisto's Lament
18 2,548
Meph (Godric) looks like David Blaine >>
by Donsro
17 4,549
Does this place load a tad bit slowly for you guys? >>
by Mephisto's Lament
10 1,876
Rate A User Contest: Day 3 >>
by Mephisto's Lament
31 4,012
Rate A User Contest: Day 2 >>
by Mephisto's Lament
14 3,278
True or False Game >>
by Nektu
149 14,192
Rate A User Contest: Day 1 >>
by Mephisto's Lament
22 3,101