After coming from the PoE Open Beta Weekend, I'd have to say the game really does impress especially when you consider it's Indie developed and is Free to Play. It's very well done, honestly, even though it lacks a lot of polish that could make it great. I still find D3 more preferable to any other similar game, but I do enjoy each ARPG for its own flavor. It's like liking multiple flavors of ice cream, I guess.
The customization you can achieve in PoE is very high, the only problem with it is that you have to level up any skills you don't have from scratch and you can possibly lose a build you were using just by upgrading gear. It makes it so gear is even more important now than ever and it will make some seriously hard choices on do you want those stats on the item or do you really need those socket colors... or maybe there's an augment pathway that gives you a really good skill combination but you lose it if you were to chance that piece out, even though you could still keep the individual skills.
PoE does feel a bit slower. Ranged combat feels pretty good but melee felt wanting, as if monsters didn't really respond to your attacks like they should. It's kind of weird to describe as I only played a tiny tiny bit of melee. I found that I spammed one ability over and over and the AoE skills really didn't work well in larger packs over just casting fireball over and over. It's odd because some spells like fireball feel really good and strong but Firestorm feels weak, like those raining meteors are really just toasted marshmallows.
I suppose the biggest gripe I had bout it was the constant resetting of my instances when I wasn't in them. It made death a real chore even though you don't lose anything for it. You might end up having to clear an area over and over again when you just want to progress the story or get to the next difficulty. It was especially bad when I ran into the Act 1 end boss and really had nothing I could do other than die over and over again to kill it. It was a hard fight, but not really in the fun "I can get better" way, more like the frustrating "why does the boss have that ability" way.
The thing to remember, every issue listed is something that can be changed. The game only just put in the 2nd act boss, so there's plenty of time.
For anyone interested, I recorded my entire play session during the beta weekend and I muse over the game and give my thoughts as I play it. I put up part one where I just talk about the basic systems so if anyone's curious please have a look. The other videos will be going up in time, I just need to render and upload and I might get held back if the PS2 beta starts up today or tomorrow as has been suggested.
Hit the channel or the links in my signature if you care to see more.
Italofoca, gettin a little butthurt people are hatin on PoE when it's a PoS? Yet you dont understand when it's turned around and people defend D3.
Either way, PoE is not a very well done game at all. Very small number of monster types with usually one or two per zone. Every class being able to use every skill with gems means there almost isn't a single difference in what you roll. Combat is lame with just one or two skill spamming. Also the monitory system doesnt feel right at all. D3 is many light years ahead of D3.
PoE's combat is extremely clunky, I couldn't bring myself to like it. I do actually enjoy the "action" part of arpgs, and D3 is hands down the best in that department today (even TL2's combat feels very clunky).
Honestly, I couldn't help but think that Titan Quest or Torclight werea much better games than PoE when I tried it. Yes, it has beautiful textures and nice modern effects, but the systems lead to very obvious paths of least resistance and optimal builds in that game, and the bugs and clunky combat is just annoying.
It is one hell of a victory for an indie developer, but still not even close to an arpg masterpiece.
PoE's combat is extremely clunky, I couldn't bring myself to like it. I do actually enjoy the "action" part of arpgs, and D3 is hands down the best in that department today (even TL2's combat feels very clunky).
Honestly, I couldn't help but think that Titan Quest or Torclight werea much better games than PoE when I tried it. Yes, it has beautiful textures and nice modern effects, but the systems lead to very obvious paths of least resistance and optimal builds in that game, and the bugs and clunky combat is just annoying.
It is one hell of a victory for an indie developer, but still not even close to an arpg masterpiece.
I quite agree with the feel of combat being clunky. Torchlight 2 was better in that regard but Diablo 3 just really streamlines and captures what smooth combat should feel like.
My praise of the game is simply based on the Indie development front. There's a lot of work that's going on here that's got a ton of potential. Masterpiece? No, far from it. I think if they resolve the issues with combat and just pay attention to their community feedback that it could be a really amazing game... and you really can't beat the cost.
Combat controls in D3 are much smoother, that is for sure.
On the other hand, the item/build diversity and complexity and the end-game system in PoE is just so much more interesting than the ones in D3 - one can't even compare it. In D3 everything feels linearized and simplified at some point.
I guess I will take a break from D3 once the open beta of PoE starts (although I will return to D3 if Blizz manages to produce an expansion that takes D3 to another level - similar to D2 and LoD)
The end game of PoE is probably what surprised me the most and I like the idea they came up with. It would be cool if Diablo could incorporate something like that.
For those who haven't looked into it or seen the videos that Total Biscuit put out on it: End game you can find map pieces at random. You then generate a portal to a random world based on the map pieces you put together. each piece can have positive and negative modifiers to the map. You might be able to make sure that more large chests spawn, but the monsters are tougher. you might in turn then reduce the monster difficulty but add damage zones to the floor. There's little end to the amount of combinations it sounds like. This is really what makes me excited about their game.
Italofoca, gettin a little butthurt people are hatin on PoE when it's a PoS? Yet you dont understand when it's turned around and people defend D3.
Either way, PoE is not a very well done game at all. Very small number of monster types with usually one or two per zone. Every class being able to use every skill with gems means there almost isn't a single difference in what you roll. Combat is lame with just one or two skill spamming. Also the monitory system doesnt feel right at all. D3 is many light years ahead of D3.
I thought the same thing about every class using every skill when I first started. I was worried it'd be horribly homogenized but it really isn't. Your class choice dictates what primary attributes you get and those stats are the only ones that grow with level. Each skill will have level and stat requirements that means a Strength brawler like the Marauder won't be using spells as he has little to no Intelligence. The only way to work around this is to find gear with a lot of the stat you need or to pick up every +stat node in the passive skill tree. Even then you might not be able to use the highest levels of that skill. It allows hybrid classes to pick up skills from 2 different classes but not really master one or the other, but they can pick up passives that make them just a bit more unique.
Some of the passives are rather interesting, but I think those are rather few and far between. There's one that lets you take your mana shield and just turn it into mana. One that lets you have only 1HP but you get 50% more mana shield and immunity to one damage type. One allowed you to take the melee bonus damage from strength and turn it into ranged damage bonus. One removed your ability to "dodge" attacks but made it so you couldn't ever be stunned. There' some interesting ideas, but again they are kind of rare.
I think at this point the game is mostly feature complete. Feature complete does not mean content complete though. They only have 2 acts and just added the new boss so they still have a lot of work to go. It wouldn't surprise me if we see more monsters added into the game and the combat tightened up, assuming they listen to their fans/community. Of course, they could still be working on systems we don't know anything about yet as the end game map system was a fairly recent announcement.
Now, just so I don't sound like a gushing fanboy as I really do prefer Diablo 3 (I just get excited to see new games come up with new ideas) there are several issues I had with the game. I did not like that I pretty much spammed fireballs the entire beta weekend. I chalk that one up to my AoE spells and other abilities not having enough oomph or firepower behind them. Nothing seemed to trump the fireball to the face. I really do hope that a lot of effort goes into balancing the skills so they each have a role and feel strong. The combat was also fairly clunky as it was difficult to dodge anything as a ranged user just because of the longer cast times and such. It didn't quite feel right.
The maps were HUGE which is a good and bad thing for me. I like to explore so that part was fun, but the maps are pretty much just populated with monsters and there's not much to find out in the world. Even the treasure chests never really interested as I wasn't finding much along the lines of item upgrades. I think the maps could either be scaled down or they should add cool things to find in the world to make exploration worth it. I think Diablo 3 did a beautiful job on this with the random events system.
I did not like how the Act 1 final boss felt at all. I could only dodge one of the abilities being used and the other was an instant hit (no projectile) AoE chill/freeze. Thanks to the problem where I couldn't bring minions into the boss room, I was pretty much powerless against the boss and had to throw myself at her multiple times to win. The good note there is that the boss did not regen health so it's more like Diablo 2 in that regards. Even though I could beat her using that, I really would rather the boss be a challenge due to some mechanic I need to overcome, not just because I don't have enough potions or something. The very first boss (Brutus) was a good example of this, at least for ranged classes.
Lastly, I'm not sure I like having the possibility of losing my skills because of my gear. I cannot deny the augment system has tons of customization possibilities, but it just seems like a bit much to lose the abilities I can use just because my upgrade didn't have the right color slot. I almost think they should add a system where the colored slots aren't REQUIRED to slot a skill, but a gem in the right color slot might be more powerful. Or maybe make it like WoW where you get a bonus for using the right colors in the slots... I'm not sure, it's hard to say on that one.
As for the barter system, since you mentioned it, I think it's neat. I don't think I personally care for it over a gold system, but it's a new idea and new ideas for equipment purchasing are rare.
PoE's combat is not nearly as fluid as D3's. However, I think that PoE has much more support for suboptimal builds than D3. In PoE, it's not trivial to fully respec a character, so if you play a non-standard build, while you can correct errors in the build, it actually means something.
For instance, I have a claw spec witch, which is a pretty unusual build. If I were to play that deep into the game and share the link to that, or play with friends or whatever, there would be an acceptance that, while it's a shitty build all told, I was able to make it work, and I've put effort into it. It gives my character a little more flavor than the average witch. In D3 on the other hand, if you choose a comedy build, there's no indication that you've ever played it prior to choosing it that session, and as soon as things get to be a challenge, you can switch to a more optimal build, and potentially even back again.
Likewise, the tuning in PoE means that with some careful planning, your unusual build can still compete. In D3 the offensive strength of champions post 61 is so high that either you have a perfect build (which you can completely change whenever you want) or else you can't even kill anything. PoE on the other hand just forces you to kill things more slowly or more carefully, or spend more portals or something.
I do really like the fluidity of combat in D3, but I prefer the customization of PoE, and pretty much all of the late game and post-game decisions they've made. I really enjoy that you can find an item that's awesome, but slightly flawed, and can attempt to improve on its flaws. And the more I've played PoE the more I get used to the combat, and it ends up not feeling so bad.
For what it's worth I definitely *want* to like PoE.
In all my years of gaming I have found that it's great to have games like that (or even Facebook/Flash games) to add some variety to what you're doing. D3 could be the greatest game ever, and I'd still like to see PoE or TL2 succeed and I'd like to participate in that. I do not have any burning need to play D3 (or any game for that matter) 14 hours per day, every day.
DIII gameplay is much polished and any current flaws can be fixed by a few patches and a potential expansion. Remember DII when it came out? Critics and fans hated it.
PoE suffers from more a fundamental problem - it lacks the the polish and smoothness that DIII has. Still, for what it is and being free, PoE is an amazing achievement. Unfortunately, given the DIII competition, it just can't keep my attention for more than a few hours.
LOL. Underneath the shiny visuals I see a game that seems boring as hell, with a hero that moves as if on the Moon , killing waves of creatures with what seems an endless resource of skills that send enemies flying around the screen like rags dolls, our hero left untouched.. it is shiny, repetitive and so Asian..
Killing waves of creatures without a scratch, so exactly like we all do in D3 int he first 2 difficulties and most of its 3rd?
Shiny and repetitive? Like D3 isn't shiny and repetitive right?
Asian? I can't see anything in that video or any video I have seen for it that makes me think Asian unless great graphics are now synonymous with Asia.
No, it's not like DIII. In DIII mobs get to hurt you. In this gameplay video of LineageIII don't even come close.
No, DIII is not shiny and repetitive. The engine is several years old and each encounter with elites plays differently and required different strategy. In that video over there the guy just presses a button and everything around dies. So boring.
And yes, Asian, coz Asian games often overbuff the main hero and grant him over the top powers while battling an on-screen pandemonium without getting a scratch.
All in all, don't even talk to me about other action RGPs like PoB, TL2 or whatever. With all its flaws DIII is still miles ahead of them. And I am not a Blizz fanboy, btw..
Ummmm.... In normal, nightmare, and first 3 acts of hell I mowed through the game taking little to no damage at all. Of course maybe it is just because I don't suck.
D3 is not shiny, so you're saying D3 graphics suck or are dated? Okay.....
D3 is not repetitive because tactics change based on elite packs? I'm sorry but that's silly. Eventually it won't matter what elite pack combo you get, they will all be repetitive. Plus you are basing your idea that this game will be repetitive on a short preview video where he is just showing off abilities. Likely he has a over geared character that is hacking through early game shit just to be able to show off abilities.
Asian because all Asian games have an OP main toon.... I'm not going to bother pointing out how amazingly stupid that comment is.
D3 is miles ahead of games that aren't even on the market yet? Dude if you can see the future gimme next weeks lottery numbers. You're obviously some kind of fucking precog.
I messed in the PoE beta for a little while and it's very 'meh' for me. It's not a bad game by any stretch and some of their ideas seem solid. It's lacking in the execution though. Also I liked their passive skill tree design better the first time I saw it, back in 2001, when it was called the Sphere Grid in FFX
How could i even miss this?
Damn this looks so friggen awsome... its unreal.
I definatly keep an Eye on that... i kinda liked the first Lineage Part already.
PoE(free) and TL2(20$) are just a cheap copies of D3,they can be compared to D3 ofcorse but in a way how close they are to D3 in quality perspective, not which one is better.
Ah, so according to you... good games "must" cost 100 bucks or more?
Big Publishers love Customers like you, who throw Money with both Hands at them.
PoE(free) and TL2(20$) are just a cheap copies of D3,they can be compared to D3 ofcorse but in a way how close they are to D3 in quality perspective, not which one is better.
Ah, so according to you... good games "must" cost 100 bucks or more?
Big Publishers love Customers like you, who throw Money with both Hands at them.
I thought it was plainly obvious that the poster was saying that you get what you pay for, and that the lower expectations from the game being comparitively cheaper is what keeps the game within the realm of "worth discussing."
I really don't think he was insinuating that if you don't pay $100 for a game that you're not getting something good.
PoE(free) and TL2(20$) are just a cheap copies of D3,they can be compared to D3 ofcorse but in a way how close they are to D3 in quality perspective, not which one is better.
Ah, so according to you... good games "must" cost 100 bucks or more?
Big Publishers love Customers like you, who throw Money with both Hands at them.
I thought it was plainly obvious that the poster was saying that you get what you pay for, and that the lower expectations from the game being comparitively cheaper is what keeps the game within the realm of "worth discussing."
I really don't think he was insinuating that if you don't pay $100 for a game that you're not getting something good.
This. If PoE was $60 to play I am pretty sure it would be a non contender. It's fun but it knows it's limitations.
edited out comments about micro transactions since it's a. not relevant and b. just my gut feeling looking at the game objectively.
Since it came out this month and a lot has changed lets bump this thread up.
I am hooked to POE. I threw D3 in the trashcan when I started to get a hang of it. It has sooo much more potential than D3 and one class can be played in so many unique ways compared to d3 which sets you up on a strict path, both skillways and playstyle.
POE is therefore better!
Not true at all. Based on itemization yes but if you ignore the fact that you should have crit gear all around then you can honestly play any way you want. I beat inferno with straighht int gear and a close ranged build for a wizard... I know alot of people who play crit mass wizards beccause they get to farm "efficiently" I just came to play the game and I had a blast doing it my way with skills almost no one uses.such as ice armor and sleet storm (ray of frost rune). You really can play D3 in multiple ways just like PoE. The only difference is the amount of ways. PoE bombards you with choice... there's so many options but d3 limits those so it's easier to get into.
They're different games with different goals. D3 was there to be an easy jump into action I can fuck around and still win. PoE is all about deep customization that requires alot of effort to correctly design your passives.
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The customization you can achieve in PoE is very high, the only problem with it is that you have to level up any skills you don't have from scratch and you can possibly lose a build you were using just by upgrading gear. It makes it so gear is even more important now than ever and it will make some seriously hard choices on do you want those stats on the item or do you really need those socket colors... or maybe there's an augment pathway that gives you a really good skill combination but you lose it if you were to chance that piece out, even though you could still keep the individual skills.
PoE does feel a bit slower. Ranged combat feels pretty good but melee felt wanting, as if monsters didn't really respond to your attacks like they should. It's kind of weird to describe as I only played a tiny tiny bit of melee. I found that I spammed one ability over and over and the AoE skills really didn't work well in larger packs over just casting fireball over and over. It's odd because some spells like fireball feel really good and strong but Firestorm feels weak, like those raining meteors are really just toasted marshmallows.
I suppose the biggest gripe I had bout it was the constant resetting of my instances when I wasn't in them. It made death a real chore even though you don't lose anything for it. You might end up having to clear an area over and over again when you just want to progress the story or get to the next difficulty. It was especially bad when I ran into the Act 1 end boss and really had nothing I could do other than die over and over again to kill it. It was a hard fight, but not really in the fun "I can get better" way, more like the frustrating "why does the boss have that ability" way.
The thing to remember, every issue listed is something that can be changed. The game only just put in the 2nd act boss, so there's plenty of time.
For anyone interested, I recorded my entire play session during the beta weekend and I muse over the game and give my thoughts as I play it. I put up part one where I just talk about the basic systems so if anyone's curious please have a look. The other videos will be going up in time, I just need to render and upload and I might get held back if the PS2 beta starts up today or tomorrow as has been suggested.
Hit the channel or the links in my signature if you care to see more.
Either way, PoE is not a very well done game at all. Very small number of monster types with usually one or two per zone. Every class being able to use every skill with gems means there almost isn't a single difference in what you roll. Combat is lame with just one or two skill spamming. Also the monitory system doesnt feel right at all. D3 is many light years ahead of D3.
Honestly, I couldn't help but think that Titan Quest or Torclight werea much better games than PoE when I tried it. Yes, it has beautiful textures and nice modern effects, but the systems lead to very obvious paths of least resistance and optimal builds in that game, and the bugs and clunky combat is just annoying.
It is one hell of a victory for an indie developer, but still not even close to an arpg masterpiece.
I quite agree with the feel of combat being clunky. Torchlight 2 was better in that regard but Diablo 3 just really streamlines and captures what smooth combat should feel like.
My praise of the game is simply based on the Indie development front. There's a lot of work that's going on here that's got a ton of potential. Masterpiece? No, far from it. I think if they resolve the issues with combat and just pay attention to their community feedback that it could be a really amazing game... and you really can't beat the cost.
The end game of PoE is probably what surprised me the most and I like the idea they came up with. It would be cool if Diablo could incorporate something like that.
For those who haven't looked into it or seen the videos that Total Biscuit put out on it: End game you can find map pieces at random. You then generate a portal to a random world based on the map pieces you put together. each piece can have positive and negative modifiers to the map. You might be able to make sure that more large chests spawn, but the monsters are tougher. you might in turn then reduce the monster difficulty but add damage zones to the floor. There's little end to the amount of combinations it sounds like. This is really what makes me excited about their game.
I thought the same thing about every class using every skill when I first started. I was worried it'd be horribly homogenized but it really isn't. Your class choice dictates what primary attributes you get and those stats are the only ones that grow with level. Each skill will have level and stat requirements that means a Strength brawler like the Marauder won't be using spells as he has little to no Intelligence. The only way to work around this is to find gear with a lot of the stat you need or to pick up every +stat node in the passive skill tree. Even then you might not be able to use the highest levels of that skill. It allows hybrid classes to pick up skills from 2 different classes but not really master one or the other, but they can pick up passives that make them just a bit more unique.
Some of the passives are rather interesting, but I think those are rather few and far between. There's one that lets you take your mana shield and just turn it into mana. One that lets you have only 1HP but you get 50% more mana shield and immunity to one damage type. One allowed you to take the melee bonus damage from strength and turn it into ranged damage bonus. One removed your ability to "dodge" attacks but made it so you couldn't ever be stunned. There' some interesting ideas, but again they are kind of rare.
I think at this point the game is mostly feature complete. Feature complete does not mean content complete though. They only have 2 acts and just added the new boss so they still have a lot of work to go. It wouldn't surprise me if we see more monsters added into the game and the combat tightened up, assuming they listen to their fans/community. Of course, they could still be working on systems we don't know anything about yet as the end game map system was a fairly recent announcement.
Now, just so I don't sound like a gushing fanboy as I really do prefer Diablo 3 (I just get excited to see new games come up with new ideas) there are several issues I had with the game. I did not like that I pretty much spammed fireballs the entire beta weekend. I chalk that one up to my AoE spells and other abilities not having enough oomph or firepower behind them. Nothing seemed to trump the fireball to the face. I really do hope that a lot of effort goes into balancing the skills so they each have a role and feel strong. The combat was also fairly clunky as it was difficult to dodge anything as a ranged user just because of the longer cast times and such. It didn't quite feel right.
The maps were HUGE which is a good and bad thing for me. I like to explore so that part was fun, but the maps are pretty much just populated with monsters and there's not much to find out in the world. Even the treasure chests never really interested as I wasn't finding much along the lines of item upgrades. I think the maps could either be scaled down or they should add cool things to find in the world to make exploration worth it. I think Diablo 3 did a beautiful job on this with the random events system.
I did not like how the Act 1 final boss felt at all. I could only dodge one of the abilities being used and the other was an instant hit (no projectile) AoE chill/freeze. Thanks to the problem where I couldn't bring minions into the boss room, I was pretty much powerless against the boss and had to throw myself at her multiple times to win. The good note there is that the boss did not regen health so it's more like Diablo 2 in that regards. Even though I could beat her using that, I really would rather the boss be a challenge due to some mechanic I need to overcome, not just because I don't have enough potions or something. The very first boss (Brutus) was a good example of this, at least for ranged classes.
Lastly, I'm not sure I like having the possibility of losing my skills because of my gear. I cannot deny the augment system has tons of customization possibilities, but it just seems like a bit much to lose the abilities I can use just because my upgrade didn't have the right color slot. I almost think they should add a system where the colored slots aren't REQUIRED to slot a skill, but a gem in the right color slot might be more powerful. Or maybe make it like WoW where you get a bonus for using the right colors in the slots... I'm not sure, it's hard to say on that one.
As for the barter system, since you mentioned it, I think it's neat. I don't think I personally care for it over a gold system, but it's a new idea and new ideas for equipment purchasing are rare.
For instance, I have a claw spec witch, which is a pretty unusual build. If I were to play that deep into the game and share the link to that, or play with friends or whatever, there would be an acceptance that, while it's a shitty build all told, I was able to make it work, and I've put effort into it. It gives my character a little more flavor than the average witch. In D3 on the other hand, if you choose a comedy build, there's no indication that you've ever played it prior to choosing it that session, and as soon as things get to be a challenge, you can switch to a more optimal build, and potentially even back again.
Likewise, the tuning in PoE means that with some careful planning, your unusual build can still compete. In D3 the offensive strength of champions post 61 is so high that either you have a perfect build (which you can completely change whenever you want) or else you can't even kill anything. PoE on the other hand just forces you to kill things more slowly or more carefully, or spend more portals or something.
I do really like the fluidity of combat in D3, but I prefer the customization of PoE, and pretty much all of the late game and post-game decisions they've made. I really enjoy that you can find an item that's awesome, but slightly flawed, and can attempt to improve on its flaws. And the more I've played PoE the more I get used to the combat, and it ends up not feeling so bad.
Combat especially is pretty boring and slow.
In all my years of gaming I have found that it's great to have games like that (or even Facebook/Flash games) to add some variety to what you're doing. D3 could be the greatest game ever, and I'd still like to see PoE or TL2 succeed and I'd like to participate in that. I do not have any burning need to play D3 (or any game for that matter) 14 hours per day, every day.
PoE suffers from more a fundamental problem - it lacks the the polish and smoothness that DIII has. Still, for what it is and being free, PoE is an amazing achievement. Unfortunately, given the DIII competition, it just can't keep my attention for more than a few hours.
Ummmm.... In normal, nightmare, and first 3 acts of hell I mowed through the game taking little to no damage at all. Of course maybe it is just because I don't suck.
D3 is not shiny, so you're saying D3 graphics suck or are dated? Okay.....
D3 is not repetitive because tactics change based on elite packs? I'm sorry but that's silly. Eventually it won't matter what elite pack combo you get, they will all be repetitive. Plus you are basing your idea that this game will be repetitive on a short preview video where he is just showing off abilities. Likely he has a over geared character that is hacking through early game shit just to be able to show off abilities.
Asian because all Asian games have an OP main toon.... I'm not going to bother pointing out how amazingly stupid that comment is.
D3 is miles ahead of games that aren't even on the market yet? Dude if you can see the future gimme next weeks lottery numbers. You're obviously some kind of fucking precog.
PoE really looks like an improved D2, but I would rather play D2 than PoE. There characters looks stiff and the view angle seems kinda awkward.
I don't know but it's just me. I respect other people saying PoE is better but I would still stick to D3 than play PoE.
How could i even miss this?
Damn this looks so friggen awsome... its unreal.
I definatly keep an Eye on that... i kinda liked the first Lineage Part already.
Ah, so according to you... good games "must" cost 100 bucks or more?
Big Publishers love Customers like you, who throw Money with both Hands at them.
I thought it was plainly obvious that the poster was saying that you get what you pay for, and that the lower expectations from the game being comparitively cheaper is what keeps the game within the realm of "worth discussing."
I really don't think he was insinuating that if you don't pay $100 for a game that you're not getting something good.
This. If PoE was $60 to play I am pretty sure it would be a non contender. It's fun but it knows it's limitations.
edited out comments about micro transactions since it's a. not relevant and b. just my gut feeling looking at the game objectively.
Why not both?!
I sure did play both of them. And now I think of getting to POE again, but do not want to leave D3 also.
Not true at all. Based on itemization yes but if you ignore the fact that you should have crit gear all around then you can honestly play any way you want. I beat inferno with straighht int gear and a close ranged build for a wizard... I know alot of people who play crit mass wizards beccause they get to farm "efficiently" I just came to play the game and I had a blast doing it my way with skills almost no one uses.such as ice armor and sleet storm (ray of frost rune). You really can play D3 in multiple ways just like PoE. The only difference is the amount of ways. PoE bombards you with choice... there's so many options but d3 limits those so it's easier to get into.
They're different games with different goals. D3 was there to be an easy jump into action I can fuck around and still win. PoE is all about deep customization that requires alot of effort to correctly design your passives.