The panel today explaining how the Arena idea was born and how it became what it is was very enlightening.
Did you watch the Hearthstone panel Solmyr? They explained a lot.
No, I didn't watch anything so far. But I've read and thus learned, that an arena deck is limited to 9 wins currently (maybe that'll get extended to 12), so they don't stay infinitely. I've also gathered, that it takes 7 wins to win enough coin for another run.
I'm willing to watch it, too. Probably only the first 15 mins though. Don't know if there is much to be done after the cards have been dealt and losing to Priest and Hunter seems only natural
My focus will be on your decision-making-process regarding the deck construction.
By the way, knowing that we have a mod's attention: Would it be possible to code something like (card)name of the card(/card) and then we'd get a mouseover that shows the card? Like items on Wowhead or Magic cards on the Wizards board.
Sure that's not necessary on a Diablo board, but this network does have a Hearthstone site too, right? So just "steal" it
By the way, knowing that we have a mod's attention: Would it be possible to code something like (card)name of the card(/card) and then we'd get a mouseover that shows the card? Like items on Wowhead or Magic cards on the Wizards board.
Sure that's not necessary on a Diablo board, but this network does have a Hearthstone site too, right? So just "steal" it
I'm gonna be honest with you Solmyr, I have zero technical knowledge to answer you that.
I'm pretty sure it's possible in the new "platform" that we will be moving to (website beta news on the front page), as you said, just "steal" it from HearthPwn. But I don't know if it can be done in the current system, or even if it's possible that Curse would invest in coding/porting that [card] system when we're so close to going to the new system.
I will pass along the feedback. But I don't think it would be the most useful thing. Hearthstone discussions are a bit rare here on the DFans forums.
So, I got to watch it, all of it. I'm by no means an expert, but I have some advice for you:
Class selection:
Well, you're aware that Mage would've been (much) better.
Card selection:
I'd have made different choices in about 2/3 of the cases. That statement doesn't help on its own, so here's my reasoning:
My goals for a deck are board control and card advantage. My default pick is a creature. For me, to pick a non-creature card it would have to either kill one (ore more) creatures granting some kind of mana advantage (like killing a 5 mana creature with a 2 mana spell) or at the very least it should give card advantage.
With that being said, most of the time it's about identifying the best creature of the choices. The basic measure is to just put their core stats in relation to their cost. Extra abilities are not that easy to evaluate. Taunt is great obviously, but many others don't warrant a pick over a creature with higher core stats. Also, I prefer creatures with similar core stats, I mean, no 1/7 or 5/1 guys.
Actual play:
The concept of trading is very important. Make good trades, avoid bad ones. When in doubt, hit to the face and let him do the trading. I guess, of these ideas, avoiding bad trades is the most tricky one.
There was one situation that I especially didn't like: At about 19:04 you have a 4/3 and a 4/2 and he has a 4/1. First of all, I wouldn't trade a creature with combined stats of 6 for one with 5 and second, that was a dream scenario for that 1 damage to a minion card. You could have done 8 damage to him, keep your two 4 power guys and removed his.
No, I didn't watch anything so far. But I've read and thus learned, that an arena deck is limited to 9 wins currently (maybe that'll get extended to 12), so they don't stay infinitely. I've also gathered, that it takes 7 wins to win enough coin for another run.
I suck horribly in my very first arena set as a Warrior
Learn more about Hearthstone:
*Picking the Class - Warrior (1:01)
*Forging the Deck (1:26)
*Vs. Coroza (Priest) (15:38)
*Vs. DeCoyThatGuy (Hunter) (28:35)
*Vs. JodoKast (Hunter) (37:35)
*Arena Rewards (48:28)
*Pack Opening (49:00)
The Deck:
0 Charge
0 Inner Rage x2
1 Execute
1 Abusive Sergeant
2 Slam x2
2 Dire Wolf Alpha
2 Frostwolf Grunt
2 Knife Juggler
2 Mana Wraith
2 Sunfury Protector
3 Shield Block x2
3 Coldlight Oracle
3 Demolisher
3 Jungle Panther
3 Warsong Commander
4 Arathi Weaponsmith
4 Dark Iron Dwarf
4 Kor'kron Elite
4 Sen'jin Shieldmasta
5 Arcanite Reaper x2
5 Silver Hand Knight
5 Booty Bay Bodyguard
6 Windfury Harpy
6 Boulderfist Ogre
6 Sunwalker
7 Core Hound
My focus will be on your decision-making-process regarding the deck construction.
By the way, knowing that we have a mod's attention: Would it be possible to code something like (card)name of the card(/card) and then we'd get a mouseover that shows the card? Like items on Wowhead or Magic cards on the Wizards board.
Sure that's not necessary on a Diablo board, but this network does have a Hearthstone site too, right? So just "steal" it
I'm pretty sure it's possible in the new "platform" that we will be moving to (website beta news on the front page), as you said, just "steal" it from HearthPwn. But I don't know if it can be done in the current system, or even if it's possible that Curse would invest in coding/porting that [card] system when we're so close to going to the new system.
I will pass along the feedback. But I don't think it would be the most useful thing. Hearthstone discussions are a bit rare here on the DFans forums.
Class selection:
Well, you're aware that Mage would've been (much) better.
Card selection:
I'd have made different choices in about 2/3 of the cases. That statement doesn't help on its own, so here's my reasoning:
My goals for a deck are board control and card advantage. My default pick is a creature. For me, to pick a non-creature card it would have to either kill one (ore more) creatures granting some kind of mana advantage (like killing a 5 mana creature with a 2 mana spell) or at the very least it should give card advantage.
With that being said, most of the time it's about identifying the best creature of the choices. The basic measure is to just put their core stats in relation to their cost. Extra abilities are not that easy to evaluate. Taunt is great obviously, but many others don't warrant a pick over a creature with higher core stats. Also, I prefer creatures with similar core stats, I mean, no 1/7 or 5/1 guys.
Actual play:
The concept of trading is very important. Make good trades, avoid bad ones. When in doubt, hit to the face and let him do the trading. I guess, of these ideas, avoiding bad trades is the most tricky one.
There was one situation that I especially didn't like: At about 19:04 you have a 4/3 and a 4/2 and he has a 4/1. First of all, I wouldn't trade a creature with combined stats of 6 for one with 5 and second, that was a dream scenario for that 1 damage to a minion card. You could have done 8 damage to him, keep your two 4 power guys and removed his.