- Azurewrath

Legendary Sword
- 242.2 Damage Per Second
- Primary Stats
- 20 - 25% Chance to Freeze on Hit
- Secondary Stats
- Cold skills deal 10 - 15% more damage.
- Undead and Demon enemies within 25 yards take 500 - 650% weapon damage as Holy every second and are sometimes knocked into the air.
- One of 7 Magic Properties (varies)
+(1199 - 1490) Physical Damage
+(1199 - 1490) Fire Damage
+(1199 - 1490) Lightning Damage
+(1199 - 1490) Cold Damage
+(1199 - 1490) Poison Damage
+(1199 - 1490) Arcane Damage
+(1199 - 1490) Holy Damage
- + 2 Random Magic Properties