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Name Type Class Effects
Hell's LegacyLegendary ShouldersBarbarianSprint also leaves a trail of flames, dealing 208 damage to enemies over 4 seconds.
Animal InstinctLegendary ShouldersBarbarianLeap can now charge up to increase range and damage.
Broken GraspLegendary ShouldersBarbarianSprint also increases your dodge chance by 20%.
RagecallerLegendary Main HandBarbarianHammer of the Ancients is now also electrified, slowing enemy movement by 50% for 2 seconds.
Svot's ReachLegendary Main HandBarbarianCleave now strikes in a full circle around you.
Rending BiteLegendary Main HandBarbarianLacerate now inflicts Bleeding that deals 324 damage over 3 seconds.
StonefallLegendary Main HandBarbarianHammer of the Ancients damage increased by 10%.
Sellena's IronLegendary Main HandBarbarianLeap causes the ground to shake where you land, dealing 222 damage to all enemies in the area over 3 seconds.
The MaddeningLegendary Main HandBarbarianMovement speed increased by 15% while Frenzy is at its maximum stacks.
RazorgripLegendary Off HandBarbarianThe range and damage of Hammer of the Ancients can now be increased by charging it up.
Flesh SplitterLegendary Off HandBarbarianCleave damage increased by 10%.
Obin's Many FingersLegendary Off HandBarbarianChained Spear hurls 2 additional spears.
The RememberedLegendary Off HandBarbarianHammer of the Ancients now summons a Spirit of the Ancients who stuns all nearby enemies and then fights beside you for you for a while.
Virulent FistLegendary Off HandBarbarianEnemies killed by Cleave will explode, inflicting 100 damage on all nearby enemies.
Broken SoulLegendary Off HandBarbarianWrath of the Berserker now increases Critical Hit Chance instead of Attack Speed.
Dishonored BladeLegendary Off HandBarbarianDemoralize duration increased by 30%.
Tracker's RageLegendary Chest ArmorBarbarianAll damage you deal increased by 10% after activating Furious Charge.
Shattered GroundLegendary PantsBarbarianGround Stomp now produces an earthquake, continually damaging enemies in the area but no longer Stunning them.
Impending SlaughterLegendary HelmBarbarianDemoralize is replaced with an intimidating shout that damages nearby enemies and decreases their attack and movement speeds.
North WindLegendary Main HandBarbarianWhirlwind now also inflicts a stacking Chill.
The ForgottenLegendary Off HandBarbarianHammer of the Ancients now throws a giant hammer that damages enemies in its path and knocks them away. Picking up this hammer will reduce the remaining cooldown on Hammer of the Ancients.
Eager MaelstromLegendary Main HandBarbarianWhirlwind radius increased, but Whirlwind movement speed decreased.
GrimroostLegendary ShouldersBarbarianWhirlwind heals you for 3% of damage done.
Doom of the CowedLegendary ShouldersBarbarianActivating Wrath of the Berserker now immediately reduces the Movement Speed of all nearby enemies by 80%.
WreckfallLegendary ShouldersBarbarianWhirlwind also reduces all damage you take by 20% while channeling.