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    posted a message on My Diablo Trailer! :)
    Here's mine;

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Dangerous gaming too long?
    Yeah I've had five hour gaming sessions in the past. I used to eat rubbish all the time but you start feeling like rubbish after a while. I still eat junk food occasionally and also spend a few hours each day on a computer, but I eat healthy when I can and I exercise daily. I feel much better for it.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Rate the Signature above! (1-10)
    I missed out on Zelda so it doesn't mean too much to me. I mostly played on Ataris and DOS back in the day.

    I like the elf but I don't really like the texture on the background, and the small copy. It could give you a few extra seconds to read as well. It would be much cooler if Link was cut out like in your avatar IMO.

    6. Without the ugly background I would give it at least an 8 though. You could also change the font colour to suit the forum background.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Shooting in Norway
    Yeah so Muslims outside of Iran treat women with equality these days? Nobody is saying all Muslims or Christians are extremists, but I'm using Iran as an example of where Islam has a shitty reputation.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Can you feel it ?
    Let's hope it isn't a shit storm
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on The Monk Breaks his Vow of Silence
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Suicide booths?
    @ Equinox - Well before you can do anything you have to discover the root cause of the negative emotions. There are people who have really shit lives yet they can be far happier than you are. It's because they don't take everything so seriously and they are optimistic. When they're not doing anything in particular their mind won't be going over bad things that's happened to them, they won't be thinking I'm unhappy about this, or my life sucks, or why can't I have this. They'll be thinking about people they love, entertainment, things that they are passionate about or just day to day activities. They only worry when they need it to get the job done. They only feel depressed for short periods during stressful times. Once it's done or they realise there's nothing they can do further they'll drop the worry and go back to whatever their positive subconscious likes to think about.

    I'm saying that if you can reprogram your subconscious (you can with enough effort) then you will slowly begin to get more positive feelings from life in general. Focus on the happy feelings you get as much as you can, and as soon as you feel a negative thought coming stop yourself. If people annoy you that's their problem. It's only detrimental to yourself to let yourself worry about it. The idea is to see the silver lining in everything.

    Even if you have a bad day, where you just seem to feel shit no matter what, focus on what you have to be grateful for, don't hold grudges (Jesus was right with forgiveness) and milk everything that makes you happy for what it's worth. Everyone has passions and people that make them happy. If you focus on them for long enough every day you WILL retrain your subconscious. Learn to have dreams and take small steps to see them fulfilled. Accomplishments are a great source of confidence and happiness. For every accomplishment make sure your mind knows what a great job you did, and remind yourself of that moment when you're feeling down. Whenever you slip up realise you made a mistake and you'll do better next time.

    If you do this long enough your mind will stop defaulting to the fuck this it's not going to work attitude. You feel this way because you've trained your mind to treat yourself like this. You haven't always been like this (everyone's happy when they're a little kid playing with their toys, not a care in the world) you're like this because bad experiences in the past have reinforced your negative way of thinking. It's possible to fix depression plenty of people have done it before, but you won't be able to do it without even considering what I'm saying. It could also take years of forcing yourself to think this way before your subconscious learns how to think this way, then happiness will come more naturally.

    If you want to believe that I'm spouting BS go ahead.Ultimately only you can cure your depression. All I'm saying is our mind is a tool that can be instructed. You want to stop seeing everything so negatively? Relearn how to use it as God intended. It could take years but nothing's going to change if you sit idle.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Suicide booths?
    Depression is just mental conditioning. Once you become depressed for whatever reason, the longer you stay depressed the more you're teaching your subconscious how to function that way. So even when you go through happy periods while you're depressed, as soon as you turn your focus your subconscious will kick in and you'll find yourself thinking negatively about yourself or those around you.

    So if you've been depressed for years it will take a lot of work to get your positive thinking patterns back. It's not impossible, and every achievement helps to make you feel more fulfilled. However if you don't try and do anything about it (because depression can drain hope and will) then it will slowly get worse and worse, and harder to fix.

    It could also be related to serotonin deficiencies from bad diet, not enough exercise, or bad genetics. I don't recommend anti depressants as they don't always fix the problem, usually just disguising it for a while. However they do work for many people. The main thing with depression is how your mind works. Somewhere along the way you've trained it to be depressed.

    So the best thing you can do is training your mind rigorously all day every day to think happier, and commend yourself for achievements. Eat healthy, vitamins, and get all the exercise you can. Breathing properly is important, and getting enough sleep. Don't dwell on the past, you can't change it. Don't worry about trivial things of little importance. Do this for a few years (how long depends on how long you've been depressed) and you will be loaded with serotonin and have a healthy subconscious to enjoy life.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Suicide booths?
    Just no. There's a million different ways to kill yourself, having legal suicide booths would make it become more accepted and more people will kill themselves without properly considering the alternatives. Anything that promotes suicide is a lame idea.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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