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    posted a message on Oh God, Stop Dreaming
    they are, however go read my earlier post
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Oh God, Stop Dreaming
    Quote from Wingless

    I assume you work at Blizzard, designing the AH system to make such statements.

    Btw; get a new keyboard, there's something wrong with your caps key.
    I assume you are trying to be witty, posting moronic sentences on diablofans.com.

    Btw; try again , you failed miserably.

    OT: Maybe if you play 9-5 or more you will get below minimum wage! Then after an year of playing you will have succesfully acquires the condition known as Carpal-tunnel syndrome! In addition to that you will be able to fry your eyes for free!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Oh God, Stop Dreaming
    Quote from Pitviper07

    Quote from Diisfunk


    HA HA

    lol I am thinking I will make enough to buy the expansions and maybe start up on WOW and pay the subscription, but I would never think of making a living off it. Plus if you put that much time into it you would not want to play for very long, maybe a month at 12 hours a day for 6 days a week..... But then what would you wanna do on your day off?
    you know that to be able to grind you will need to first gear up your character right? It's not like ok I start d3 BOOM ALL GEAR I GET WILL GO TO MY BANK

    subscript is all you will be able to pay
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Suggestions - "Winner Takes All" arenas
    Quote from Shades_X

    No, unfortunately Diablo 3 will never be a E-sport and that would essentially make it one. Its just not what the Diablo 3 team is looking to do for pvp

    Posted in: PvP Discussion
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    posted a message on Oh God, Stop Dreaming

    HA HA

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 PvP Discussion
    You all seem very worried about RMAH, but you forget to adress a very important issue. How things are being developed in regards to PvP. After reading http://www.diablofans.com/topic/26249-diablo-3-press-event-visit/ and reading Sixen's interview with Jay Wilson I have come to a couple conclusions:

    1. He doesn't want PvP to flourish at all, "Part of that is PvP isn’t our primary focus, so we want to keep it simple". Even though he acknowleges that many people will be playing the game with PvP in mind and try to make it an E-Sport, he just doesn't want that happening at all. What he doesn't understand is that we don't want an E-Sport we just want a competitive and reasonably balanced PvP enviroment.

    2. He keeps trying to make PvP more and more casual, "we have changed the arena mode a bit to feel more casual than the mode that was at Blizzcon which was very last man standing, high-pressure, because if you died, you were done for that round". He wants people to come in and sort of "pwn noobs with a big grin in their face". Which is okay.. but that only works for people who are new to ANY KIND OF GAMING OR ANY KIND OF PVP, and I'm sure that most of the people excited for Diablo arn't that. He also wants to purposely make PvP inbalanced "No, it’s going to be horrifically imbalanced, and that’s part of the fun". That might be the little kid's defenition of fun, but I doubt most people consider unbalanced PvP that fun.

    3. Taking the casual to the extreme: Jay Wilson said, " There is no ranking. There is an invisible ranking that we use for matchmaking but it’s a per player basis" In response to the matchmaking system. Why would he even want to do that... I see no logic in that. He follows by stating, "we don’t have a “I’m a 2200 rated player and therefore I am better than you as a 2100 rated player”. What we are focusing on is a more of a progression based system which is “I am a level 20 PvPer” which means I have played a lot of PvP". This is just ... I don't get the desire for the PvP to be so casual. Finally, "Currently, we don’t even do a win/loss ratio. We might do a number of wins but not a number of losses. Even in SC, we found that the number of wins actually feels a lot better than showing a win/loss ratio. That’s why people recycle accounts because people don’t want those losses shown. So, the solution was to not show them. We want to keep it more casual." This part just made me want to punch him, how stupid can someone be.

    4. His insistance in PvE when the Diablo series isn't challenging at all when keeping PvE in mind. "Whenever we run into a case where “this would be really awesome for PvE” and the PvP guys says “ that kind of screw PvP” the answer is always “shut up PvP guy, it’s awesome in PvE." Why does he want to insist in making PvE the priority by that much of a margin when the PvE system prob won't be challenging. Even in WoW where the PvE system is decently challenging a lot of people find PvP just that much more fun. Basically based on D2 people PvEd so that they could grind gear to PvP and I was pretty sure up until this press event that D3 would be the same.

    Overall, I feel like the point he's missing is that PvP is a huge part of Diablo. Argueably the only reason why D2 lived for so long is because of PvP. The main reason why people feel like they need to get better gear is to own people not to SLASH DEM EZMODE GRINDABLE MONSTERS HARDER. Even though Jay Wilson wants to make PvE the primary aspect of Diablo it's not possible to keep people hooked up on Diablo by just PvEing unless there's a really good and complicated end mode PvE system with new PvE coming out every few months. Anyhow, if that does happen, he should still strive to make PvP as best as possible not fucking ignore it. Anyways, if you want you can read Sixen's interview with Jay Wilson, but I'm pretty sure you will come to the same conclusions that I have come to.

    Basically my suggestions are:

    -Ranking System

    -Good Matchmaking System
    Gear+Raiting wise leaning on 65-70% Raiting 30-35% Gear for the matchmaking values

    -Just tuning down Dmg/Stuns/Slows for PvP (Have a PvP version and PvE version of a skill so it doesn't alter PvE)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Press Event Visit
    Quote from Scottehs

    Quote from Pit Stains

    Reading that D3 will have a Money-Based AH literally makes me sick to my stomach. Someone that starts the game 6 months late, but has $100 to blow, will suddenly be more geared than me (who will have started on day one). Or some lazy-fat kid is going to be better geared than me because he mommy will buy him everything. You might say "well you can buy items too" -- no! Fuck that, I refuse to by virtual items. I will also refuse to sell virtual items for real money. I will refuse to play with anyone that spends real money on items. Thanks Blizzard for this absolutely stupid new system. And wow, yeah, lets just let complete noobs buy a character. Fucking brilliant Blizzard (I hate you). You might have just turned me into a SWTOR fan... or maybe Guild Wars 2.

    Get over it. I don't see why you care if someone gets better gear than you as soon as he joins compared to your 6 months of farming. It sounds to me like you didn't enjoy your 6 months of farming so you dislike the guy who bought your exact items as soon as he joins.

    Your hatred will pass or just don't play a game you won't enjoy playing.

    All in All: Don't worry about someone else, worry about you.
    except this game is multiplayer not solo idiot oh yeah and read this post you ignorant: http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=27822642413&sid=3000
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Press Event Visit
    Quote from baso80


    Today was the first time I read diablo 3 news and actually thought: I might not play this game at all, this game isn't for me.

    1. The little PvP that was in just got completely destroyed for me.
    I didn't ask for:
    - super balance (because I understand this is a PvE game first and foremost and PvP is just a side order)
    - special gear for PvP players
    - blizzcon diablo 3 arena tournament
    - special achivements
    - to be able to actually see my MMR

    the ONLY thing I asked for was some sort of ladder system (like Starcraft 2) so that I can try to become "better" and reach a higher league. Now when that is thrown out of the window I see no reason at all for me to purchase this game actually.

    2. To see Blizzard take the step with the real money auction house made me sad. WoW has 3rd party systems selling characters, that doesn't mean Blizzard should implement one. If they want to do micro transactions they could find other ways of doing it. This is only leeching on the community, specially players that play maybe more than they should to try and earn a dollar or two.

    Today was the worst day in d3 and underwhealmed is and dissapointed is the only thing I feel :(
    this so god damn much

    this, right here(shitty ass casual pvp), is why I'm contemlating not playing D3

    the RMT shit is overcomable if you play enough

    how ever shit pvp is a big nono
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Press Event Visit
    Wow i don't know if I am going to even play D3 . First i'd like to mention that, while I hate the RMT system, I can live with it even if I will spend no money on items. Then, the part that strikes me the most is when Jay Wilson states that he has no, I MEAN NO, interest in pvp. He stated that he will FIGHT AGAINST it becoming an e-sport. He stated that there will be no rankings. He stated that THERE WILL ONLY BE INFO ON HOW MANY MATCHES YOU WON NOT HOW MANY LOSSES BECAUSE PEOPLE TEND TO CARE MORE ABOUT THEIR WINS HE FELT PEOPLE DIDN'T LIKE HAVING A LOT OF LOSSES SO HE WON'T SHOW THAT. Why would he FIGHT AGAINST PVP. The only reason why D2 is still "alive" and some people still play it is because of PvP not to mention the amount of PvP builds that one can try (builds also get drasticly reduced on D3. Then he states that what you gain from runes will be sort of random because he felt people didn't want to know what did every rune do exactly. His disregard for pvp is pathetic. GOD THIS GAME WILL BE WAY TOO CASUAL.

    So what are people gonna aspire to. "IM GOING TO GET THE BEST ITEMS IN THE GAME TO..." Basically there's no to ___ part because what you're gonna get better items to slay EASY monsters a bit harder than the next person. Most people will now get items just for the sake of "having better items".

    fucking pathetic
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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