Personally, I would rather fast forward to the city, but I feel that Zhar or Party_Foul should post it since they're leading the RP. However, if people want to continue the talk and the journey to the city, I'm fine with that too.
The crowd watched in horror as Ja'quar slowly lifted the veil between life and death. The patron's body rose from the ground and shambled towards the door. "I guess he wants to avenge himself. Should I let him?"
woha!!! i loved that!!! great way to describe that... i just had to say it:thumbsup:
Well, your writing is actually an incentive for me to perform as well as I do. It's a team effort, really ;). Still, compliments are ego boosters, so thank you for those.
Well, I've got it the other way around. Somehow I'm able to express myself more fruitfully in English than in Dutch. Except the punctuation part of grammar is annoying. Being Dutch, I tend to use waaaay to many comma's.
Also, is the tavern door open or closed? I'm confused :S.
I tried to connect Jeru's and scyber's tale of 'entrance closed' with PF's version of 'door open and guns a-blazing'. Sorry to stop the action this way, but anybody who wants to can make the fallen break down the door and trample the patron's body underfoot.
... Not gonna say what.
Man I can't wait until- WAIT- I almost spilled the beans.
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yeah!! catch you!! moooahahahahaa:evil::P:P:evil:
woha!!! i loved that!!! great way to describe that... i just had to say it:thumbsup:
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Also, is the tavern door open or closed? I'm confused :S.
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And don't worry about commas, I go seriously overkill with them as well.
They're something that is really up to the discretion of the writer.
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