Angriel had entered the room with the rest of her new demon campanions. As soon as she stepped in, the area bursted with battle. Cultists died as well as did the soldiers that fought them. Some of the demons banded together, in attempts to down a holy warrior, a Paladin, that stood at the back of the brawl. Within seconds, demons charge him only to back down, a dark mist was cast over him as well as a curse. The angel-demon summoned a spear of bone that shot the the soot filled air with a streak of blinding white light. The flames of Angriel's hair barely exposed the area in front of her face as she wandered through the blackness. She unraveled her whip and gave it a hard crack as its tip burst into flames. She continued wandering around the room, in circles for all she knew, cracking her whip every so often letting off a small plume of fire, lightening the area around her.
After finishing with his last victim, Tyreus saw the fiery cracks of Angriel's whip. Remembering her voluptuous curves, Tyreus took a brief break from causing misery to fill his own selfish indulgences.
He ported right behind where the whip was cracking and pinched Angriel's firm buttocks. He giggled slightly as he ported to the other side and repeated his actions.
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Zethrael used the bone spear as the perfect distraction to get within reach of the knight, unseen.
In a deep, menacing voice, Zethrael muttered "Behind you" into the ear of the knight.
The Paladin, caught off guard, whirled around to meet face to face with the terrible shadow demon. But before he could deliver a single blow, Zethrael latched his flaming hands onto the holy shield and hurled the Knight of Zakarum sailing through the air. Zethrael's hands were seared from where they contacted the shield, but he dared not to show the slightest grimace. Not amongst these creatures of Hell.
"Join the fight, coward knight!" Zethrael mocked as he catapulted the Paladin into the fray. The warrior hit with a loud metallic thud which sent the shield clattering away from his grasp. And now the Knight of Zakarum was truly afraid, for he lie directly in the center of the demon warriors, and without his shield.
"Feast my brothers!!" The shadow demon announced with wicked glee.
A whip cracks. A beast snarls. They move in for the kill.
It was an odd sensation to travel like this. The combination of dark and mental magic was new to Xantor, but he simply went with the current that drove him.
He arrived on Sanctuary in the heat of battle. In the small building the smell of blood and the sound of war was a refreshing change from the simple life he enjoyed in the Burning Hells.
"SOMEBODY BRING THAT ONE DOWN!" It was Damarus who gave the first command, as a true leader should. The man he pointed to was a manifestation of holy power, who filled the air with an unnerving frost.
"Fighting hellfire with frost will not save you" Xanthor said maliciously. He started to gather the icy energy around him, creating a ring of ice around his waist. He swirled his hands around and with each swipe the ring started to grow in size.
When he saw fit he spread his arms, forcing the ring to expand outwards. It struck every soldier in the room, leaving them in the same icy state the demons were.
As soon as Azriel made it in the cave, he shifted to his non-physical form and took to the ceiling. There he could spectate the battle and know when to strike... there.
He swooped down and saw an average soldier, and in a split second, overtook his body. The soldier dropped his sword...
"... what am I fighting for?" "Yes, what are you fighting for? Better yet, why fight at all? All your fellow soldiers, they don't want to fight either, they're just a figment of your rage. You're in your home, eating with your family... your wretched family, oh, you hate them so..." "I do not hate them, you're a liar!" "No... no, I think you do."
The soldier looked as though he would explode with rage. He picked up his sword and tried batting his head with the hilt, trying to make the voice go away. Azriel left swiftly, knowing the consequences of staying too long... and his plan worked perfectly. The soldier started to flail his sword around, in complete and utter insanity. Azriel saw his opportunity to throw his voice around the walls, cause some more damage.
"I'm over here, boy!"
The soldier moved towards three or four soldiers, couldn't really tell after their bodies were annihilated by the insane soldier. Azriel had done the easy work, now it was time to do some real battle...
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I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
Errtu could see the fear within the faces of the mortal warriors. And this was the moment he was waiting for. Seizing the opportunity, Errtu used their fear against them. He chanted briefly, held his hand up to his mouth and blew. their fears materialized themselves into Shadow Demonsthat literaly ripped themselves away from their "hosts".
"Take them! Pull them to the Hell that they fear! Harvest their souls!"
One by one the soldiers fell into the vortex, their souls ripping away from them as they fell in.
"Don't forget that one!" Errtu yelled as he pointed at the Pallidin who was holding on. The Pallidin looked straight at Errtu, and it was then that Errtu saw the Pallidin's true fear. And Errtu used it against him.
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Slaughter was the only word Damarus could find to describe the events that had transcribed. The soldiers had unwittingly waltzed into a meat grinder from hell, literally.
Damarus chuckled an odd chuckle, grinning maliciously as soldiers were burnt, frozen, turned against each other, even pulled into a vortex black as the abyss he came from.
All but one were dead, the lone paladin still clutching his shield to his chest as if it were all that was keeping him alive. In truth, Damarus knew that it was, for a shield of Zakarum was an incredibly difficult barrier to break, for a demon, at least.
But, Damarus knew he had other tricks up his sleeve.
He thrust his hand into the cavernous floor, driving it deep into the rocky floor. Cracks appeared, shooting towards the paladin in the blink of an eye. Jagged shards of rock burst upwards, skewering his shield, and pinning him to the ground. He was a pincushion, ready and waiting for his death.
"YOU SHALL NOT BREAK ME, FOUL BEAST, THE HEAVENS AWAIT ME!!" the man cried, no fear in his voice.
Impressive.. Damarus thought to himself, genuinely in awe of the mans nerves of steel. Any other mortal, even some of the lesser demons, would have broken down in the face of such an onslaught. Yet, this man held fast, despite the slaughter he had just witnessed.
"Oh, but we will, good knight, we will." Damarus said through grinning teeth. He moved over to the paladin, still skewered on the rocks, and tore his shield from him, and stripped him of his armor, leaving him in his pants and jerkin.
"Now, we can get down to business." Damarus leaned up against a wall, almost informally despite what he was about to do.
"I am looking for a town, knight. I want directions, population, even troops stationed there. Obviously, you came from somewhere, so tell me, from where do you hail?" he asked, doubting he would receive an answer.
The paladin merely spat in his face, and began chanting a prayer.
"I thought as much." Damarus said, somewhat pleased with what was to come next.
With a thought, he moulded his left arm into a wickedly sharp blade, and his right, into a mass of barbed knives. He looked at the paladin, and raised a stony eyebrow in question.
He did not budge, and continued chanting his prayer.
With a heavy sigh, Damarus brought his left arm down upon his right foot, and severed it at the ankle.. The paladin let loose a muffled cry, and began chanting his prayer louder.
With another swipe, his leg was severed at the knee. This process of chopping and pausing continued onwards until he was nothing but a bloodied torso, with one arm.
"I knew you would come around eventually." Damarus shot a glance over his shoulder. "You three, cultists, use this mans blood to contact Namphiel, tell him all is well, and that we will soon secure souls and corpses. Use any of the remaining corpses to raise undead, if any of the soldiers live, summon us imps. We will need them."
"Now, demons, we march upon Thurzen."
With that, Damarus left the caverns, and slowly approached the light of day. He emerged into a lush, green meadow. Trees formed a semi circle around the cavern opening, with a rock wall to his back. The sky glowed an eerie blue, not the familiar red of the planes of Hell.
"This will all be ours in time." Damarus said through a wicked grin, anticipating the coming battles.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Tired, De'Kamoth looked over the fields of battle. He made his way over to where Damarus stood torturing a the lone survivor, a Paladin. The fear the Damarus caused the man as he slashed at him and ripped his flesh was almost palpable and gave De'Kamoth new energy.
"Now, demons, we march upon Thurzen."
"Yes, Damarus." De'Kamoth said as he followed his new leader into the lush green fields, attempting to stick to only the shadows of the trees. "What do you propose we do to gain mortal allies? We cannot simply slaughter them all, we must... convert some of them, should we not?" He hissed at Damarus.
Zethrael bellowed a deep wicked laugh at the sight of the Paladin squealing away what he had surely promised to never tell.
"Now, demons, we march upon Thurzen."
Damarus stepped out of the cavern, and light began to permeate through the black smoke, which was now dissipating out the cave opening. Zethrael, relaxed after the slaughter, followed the leader of the demon squad into the daylight.
Zethrael emerged into a world he had nearly forgotten. Foul skies of blue, a bright green growth covered the ground, even the animals that he could see were odd to him.
Damarus spoke again, "This will all be ours in time."
The black charcoal smoke slowly billowed out of the cave, and started to cast a foreboding shadow that gradually engulfed the meadow as if predicting the spread of evil that would soon march across this world.
Angriel felt the squeeze of her hindquarters during the battle. She turned cracking her whip in the direction spliting the puff of smoke Tyreus left as he teleported away. That rascal, she thought, I'll have teach him about succubi later, the continued while a deviate smile came upon her face followed by a playful growl. Suddenly the walls shook violently and a wail of pain echoed onto the now quiet battle. She stumbled toward the sound, finding herself in the middle of the demished fray. Damarus stood overtop the paladin, who was impaled onto a rather unlucky spot for a stalagmite, although she was certain luck wasn't involded at all.
"I am looking for a town, knight. I want directions, population, even troops stationed there. Obviously, you came from somewhere, so tell me, from where do you hail?" Damarus demanded from the paladin who responded by spitting in his face and muttering prayers.
Damarus' arms quickly shifted their form into blades and her severed the foot of the paladin as a small smile crept onto Angriel's face. With every body part lopped off, Angriel became more and more eroused with Damarus' strength. What a monster, she thought to herself breathing heavily witnessing Damarus' ruthlessness. Finally, the paladin broke and told Damarus of his origins. Angriel, both happy and sad at the conclusion; happy that they have a path set to a mortal town, sad that the entertainment had ended.
Damarus ordered the cultists to contact Namphiel and told the rest of the demons of his new plan: an attack on Thurzen. Angrield followed Damarus out of the cave which faces a lush sea of green vegetation.
"This will all be ours in time," Damarus said to the new world.
"Yes," she responded with a small, sharp moan, cracking her whip once more "It shall be."
The battle was over. The paladin had been tortured into confession about their whereabouts. Stubbornly the pious one refused, but even Angels succumb to the torture of the Burning Hells. He was no match.
Outside the room it was a disturbing site. Sanctuary was overgrown with green and blue, nothing like the black and red of his native world. Other demons seemed to have been here before and revelled in their return. "This will all be ours in time," Damarus exclaimed, rousing the group.
Xanthor leaped into the sky. Controlling the air around him he took flight and surveyed their surroundings. He looked around, trying to find the village the paladin spoke of. Watching the road winding down the green fields he saw the outline of a town in the distance. He descended.
"His voice was true, or target lies down this road" he said as he pointed in the direction of their travels, "What is our approach?"
Azriel returned to his specter form and exited the cave. He hadn't felt Sanctuary's air in years, always breathing in the brimstone and smoke infested air of Hell. It brought energy into him, a nostalgic energy.
"One must think... humans are so innocent, yet they're not. In fields like this, one could almost forget that Baal's army stormed on Mount Arreat only years ago..."
Azriel floated back towards the cave. He had seen enough; now he wanted to show what he was truly capable of.
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I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
Adulphozael took great pleasure in watching the tortured paladin confess his town's whereabouts. As the doors to the cavern opened, light shone through the opening, and Adulphozael was revealed a familiar sight.
"Sanctuary. 800 years. Nearly 800 years I have been stolen of this sight. It disgusts me."
"Now, demons, we march upon Thurzen." Damarus said, as he entered the light of day. "This will all be ours in time," he said. "Humph." Adulphozael casually exited the cavern, into the world he so despised.
"One must think... humans are so innocent, yet they're not. In fields like this, one could almost forget that Baal's army stormed on Mount Arreat only years ago..."
Adulphozael took a liking to the way this one thought.
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"There's no doughnuts in Diablo. Oohhhh, I just threw it down. BlizzCon exclusive: no doughnuts. -Jay Wilson
Errtu could only imagine the looks of fear on the faces of the unsuspecting humans. What a treasure trove of fresh souls.
"This Demon may be a worthy leader after all. I may have been to quick to judge." Errtu thought to himself as they moved.
"Damarus, shall I send my lieutenants ahead to scout for us? We may come against some opposition along they way. It would be better to be prepared before we arrive at our destination."
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Screwtape had intently watched the dismemberment of the paladin in silence, eagerly listening to every word of the prayer and eventual breakdown of the now, bloody corpse. He was a demon of great knowledge that he used to aid all of his dark powers, every little slice he gained was added to his plethora of erudition. For most of the event he positioned himself well back from the gathering and growing circle of fellow demons. He was briefly beside De'Kamoth, until the demon of gloom ventured forward during the final screams, leaving him alone in the deep shadows. The demon seemed to receive a surge of vigor as he edged towards the helpless human. Screwtape could see the lust fluctuate through De'Karmoth's dark mass as human's agony climaxed.
"Now, demons, we march upon Thurzen." Damarus bellowed. Hearing this, Screwtape was pleased at the thought of going to a human town again. It had been a while. 'Even more fun to be had!' he thought as he followed the voice out of the cavern. Exiting from the rough stone over their heads, the party found themselves at the breadth of a large range beneath a looming cliff side. The vegetation underfoot inhabited rich green grass and standing tall, spotting the landscape, were many elderly trees, some in clumps and some alone. The sun was bright in the sky and Screwtape made out that is was about midday. He could see dark clouds on the horizon, arriving above some far off, hilly country, likely on its way here. Rain, he did not like rain.
His thoughts reminisced momentarily to his efforts in the battle that had recently ensued. If any had observed his fighting, attacking the enemy from the outer edges, they would have seen a savage almost graceful force at work. His long, poisoned dagger was always effective in cutting down numbers of opposition. It was clean and once again resting in the sanctuary within his cloak. Always ready at hand. He loved getting in close with the enemy, knocking the limbs away from the body, stabbing and thrusting up and out of the throat. All in one quick motion and on to the next enemy. That was his favourite way in combat. The blood exploding from the lacerations from his corrupted blade and how quickly the poison worked its magic, leaving the split body gnarled, sickly, and twisted. He supposed he could compare it to 'filleting' a fish these humans seemed to enjoy consuming. He laughed.
"Damarus, shall I send my lieutenants ahead to scout for us? We may come against some opposition along they way. It would be better to be prepared before we arrive at our destination." Errtu quickly asked their leader. Respect and strength apparent in not only his voice but also evident in his tall, imposing stance. Growing admiration of the hulk Damarus leading by example back in the cavern, Screwtape supposed.
Before Damarus could answer Screwtape stated: "There is little need Errtu, my brethren are already scouting ahead and are already traveling fast to Thurzen to gather all information possible. They can inform me quite quickly if any ordeal arises." He paused and then continued in a slightly humourus passing. "Though I'm sure too many scouts are never too bad a thing as long as your aids know how to stay out of sight. They are not bumbling fools I trust? And are not favourable to get us ambushed by some foolish ambitious army or venturing rebel raiders?" There were not too many situations that Screwtape did not find amusing.
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"So you have come here for information? I have some for you..."
Tyreus jumped up and down in glee from watching this brave soldier fight off his punishment. Every time the paladin resisted, Tyreus got more excited. The screams of pain were like the songs of angels to him.
As soon as the paladin gave in, Tyreus lowered his head, upset that the pain would finally be over.
Too far away to hear what the man had to say, Tyreus heard as Damarus said "Now, demons, we march upon Thurzen."
Tyreus began porting around the room so excited that he would get a chance to play with some fresh flesh.
"Let's go...Let's go" Tyreus claimed out to the others as he eagerly awaited his next victim.
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Azriel didn't want to go just yet. His thought were more focused on how they were actually going to transverse through the village without causing turmoil. They had just massacred a whole army and an able paladin, the wives of the soldiers were most likely going to cause panic in the small town. He floated over to the eager demon,
"And if we do go, if we do... then our mission will be in vain. The town will react violently to our approach, we will have no way of harvesting their souls... we must remember that we are trying to do this secretly. If we go in too fast, then the whole plan is ruined because humans are too feeble minded..."
Azriel felt that his point was made across and floated over to a shady part of the field.
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I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
"Damarus, shall I send my lieutenants ahead to scout for us? We may come against some opposition along they way. It would be better to be prepared before we arrive at our destination." Damarus sensed a new respect in the demons voice, it gave him immense satisfaction that the others were beginning to see that his position as leader was justified.
"Not yet... have them follow close by, we will need them for scouting soon enough."
"There is little need Errtu, my brethren are already scouting ahead and are already traveling fast to Thurzen to gather all information possible. They can inform me quite quickly if any ordeal arises."
"Be sure that they stay out of sight, have them watch for any patrols, we do not need to jeopardize this mission by being caught unaware. These humans, while weak, tend to travel in battalions."
Damarus took a deep breath, feeling a slight sting as the oxygen rich air flooded into his throat. His body was not used to such fresh air, it had been a long time since he had journeyed to Sanctuary. He had grown accustomed to the brimstone tinged air of the Hells, and liked this change. It was crisp, fresh, and millions of mortals could be tasted upon the air, their collective sins, wrongdoings, and guilt tainting the air.
For several hours the demons had been traversing the countryside, with a minimum of unexpected visitors. Several times the local fauna had stopped to gaze at the rag tag group as it passed through the tree canopys, confused with the new sights, wondering if they were friend or foe. Damarus did nothing, simply passed by without a second thought. It was not the deer, nor the bears they were seeking, it was the humans.
By the time they reached Thurzen, it was nightfall. The guards were closing up the gates, and the farms skirting the walls were slowly dimming, the fires inside burning out as the families drifted off to sleep, unaware of the danger looming nearby.
"Now... there is much to be done before we besiege this town. We must come up with a plan." Damarus looked around the group, making sure that all were listening.
"While some would argue for a frontal assault, in all my decades of militaristic leadership, I've learned that this is often the path to ruin."
"We will have two weeks to prepare for the assault, anything beyond this will begin to put out mission at risk of discoverey. As for things we need done, the first, and most pressing, is the matter of a band of local heroes is staying in one of the taverns... they should be moving on soon. If my sources are correct, they recently defended two other towns from a demon invasion. Taking them out is imperative."
"We also need more soldiers, the local populace will do well. If several outlying farms are raided, they will go unnoticed for quite some time. Somebody must kill them, and raise them as undead servants."
"There is also the issue of the town guard, and the gatehouse. We need the town guard whittled down, by any means necessary, and the gatehouse to be sabotaged. It must not function properly when the time comes to close the gates."
"The food stocks of the town may also work in our favor, if somebody could sneak into the towns warehouse and poison their food, we may have a much easier time dealing with the local populace. It must not be a lethal poison, though. Else we will not be able to take prisoners back to the cult."
"The port must also be sabotaged, ships must be ruined, the docks must be destroyed. We cannot let them escape when we attack, we need as many bodies as possible."
Damarus took a moment to look at the demons, making sure that they followed.
"These are the tasks that must be done, finish them alone, or in groups. In two weeks, we will commence out attack."
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
As Zethrael and the others started their march, a dark shroud began to hover over the demonic horde. Every step Zethrael took resulted in the earth at his feet being scorched and burned. Even with his flames completely extinguished, the only thing that remained behind him was the charred smoldering remains of plants.
Damarus chimed in, telling the horde of several tasks that were required of them before the assault on the town. One task caught Zethrael's attention. "A band of local heroes is staying in one of the taverns... they should be moving on soon. If my sources are correct, they recently defended two other towns from a demon invasion. Taking them out is imperative."
"My skills would be best used in head on combat, so am ready to move on the tavern to remove the band of heroes from this world, Damarus." said Zethrael. The burning eagerness to slaughter the heroes lingered on each word that left his blazing furnace-like mouth.
Angriel followed the group through the countryside toward Thurzen. Upon arrival Damarus gave out several orders to be done before they could assualt the town.
"There is also the issue of the town guard, and the gatehouse. We need the town guard whittled down, by any means necessary, and the gatehouse to be sabotaged. It must not function properly when the time comes to close the gates," Damarus said catching her attention.
Mmm, she thought licking her lips, mortal minds to corrupt, sounds like me."I'll see what I can do to the guard, Damarus," she declared, "However, I may need assistance with the gate, any takers?" she said seductively eyeing the group.
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He ported right behind where the whip was cracking and pinched Angriel's firm buttocks. He giggled slightly as he ported to the other side and repeated his actions.
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In a deep, menacing voice, Zethrael muttered "Behind you" into the ear of the knight.
The Paladin, caught off guard, whirled around to meet face to face with the terrible shadow demon. But before he could deliver a single blow, Zethrael latched his flaming hands onto the holy shield and hurled the Knight of Zakarum sailing through the air. Zethrael's hands were seared from where they contacted the shield, but he dared not to show the slightest grimace. Not amongst these creatures of Hell.
"Join the fight, coward knight!" Zethrael mocked as he catapulted the Paladin into the fray. The warrior hit with a loud metallic thud which sent the shield clattering away from his grasp. And now the Knight of Zakarum was truly afraid, for he lie directly in the center of the demon warriors, and without his shield.
"Feast my brothers!!" The shadow demon announced with wicked glee.
A whip cracks. A beast snarls. They move in for the kill.
He arrived on Sanctuary in the heat of battle. In the small building the smell of blood and the sound of war was a refreshing change from the simple life he enjoyed in the Burning Hells.
"SOMEBODY BRING THAT ONE DOWN!" It was Damarus who gave the first command, as a true leader should. The man he pointed to was a manifestation of holy power, who filled the air with an unnerving frost.
"Fighting hellfire with frost will not save you" Xanthor said maliciously. He started to gather the icy energy around him, creating a ring of ice around his waist. He swirled his hands around and with each swipe the ring started to grow in size.
When he saw fit he spread his arms, forcing the ring to expand outwards. It struck every soldier in the room, leaving them in the same icy state the demons were.
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He swooped down and saw an average soldier, and in a split second, overtook his body. The soldier dropped his sword...
"... what am I fighting for?"
"Yes, what are you fighting for? Better yet, why fight at all? All your fellow soldiers, they don't want to fight either, they're just a figment of your rage. You're in your home, eating with your family... your wretched family, oh, you hate them so..."
"I do not hate them, you're a liar!"
"No... no, I think you do."
The soldier looked as though he would explode with rage. He picked up his sword and tried batting his head with the hilt, trying to make the voice go away. Azriel left swiftly, knowing the consequences of staying too long... and his plan worked perfectly. The soldier started to flail his sword around, in complete and utter insanity. Azriel saw his opportunity to throw his voice around the walls, cause some more damage.
"I'm over here, boy!"
The soldier moved towards three or four soldiers, couldn't really tell after their bodies were annihilated by the insane soldier. Azriel had done the easy work, now it was time to do some real battle...
I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
"Take them! Pull them to the Hell that they fear! Harvest their souls!"
One by one the soldiers fell into the vortex, their souls ripping away from them as they fell in.
"Don't forget that one!" Errtu yelled as he pointed at the Pallidin who was holding on. The Pallidin looked straight at Errtu, and it was then that Errtu saw the Pallidin's true fear. And Errtu used it against him.
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Damarus chuckled an odd chuckle, grinning maliciously as soldiers were burnt, frozen, turned against each other, even pulled into a vortex black as the abyss he came from.
All but one were dead, the lone paladin still clutching his shield to his chest as if it were all that was keeping him alive. In truth, Damarus knew that it was, for a shield of Zakarum was an incredibly difficult barrier to break, for a demon, at least.
But, Damarus knew he had other tricks up his sleeve.
He thrust his hand into the cavernous floor, driving it deep into the rocky floor. Cracks appeared, shooting towards the paladin in the blink of an eye. Jagged shards of rock burst upwards, skewering his shield, and pinning him to the ground. He was a pincushion, ready and waiting for his death.
"YOU SHALL NOT BREAK ME, FOUL BEAST, THE HEAVENS AWAIT ME!!" the man cried, no fear in his voice.
Impressive.. Damarus thought to himself, genuinely in awe of the mans nerves of steel. Any other mortal, even some of the lesser demons, would have broken down in the face of such an onslaught. Yet, this man held fast, despite the slaughter he had just witnessed.
"Oh, but we will, good knight, we will." Damarus said through grinning teeth. He moved over to the paladin, still skewered on the rocks, and tore his shield from him, and stripped him of his armor, leaving him in his pants and jerkin.
"Now, we can get down to business." Damarus leaned up against a wall, almost informally despite what he was about to do.
"I am looking for a town, knight. I want directions, population, even troops stationed there. Obviously, you came from somewhere, so tell me, from where do you hail?" he asked, doubting he would receive an answer.
The paladin merely spat in his face, and began chanting a prayer.
"I thought as much." Damarus said, somewhat pleased with what was to come next.
With a thought, he moulded his left arm into a wickedly sharp blade, and his right, into a mass of barbed knives. He looked at the paladin, and raised a stony eyebrow in question.
He did not budge, and continued chanting his prayer.
With a heavy sigh, Damarus brought his left arm down upon his right foot, and severed it at the ankle.. The paladin let loose a muffled cry, and began chanting his prayer louder.
With another swipe, his leg was severed at the knee. This process of chopping and pausing continued onwards until he was nothing but a bloodied torso, with one arm.
"I knew you would come around eventually." Damarus shot a glance over his shoulder.
"You three, cultists, use this mans blood to contact Namphiel, tell him all is well, and that we will soon secure souls and corpses. Use any of the remaining corpses to raise undead, if any of the soldiers live, summon us imps. We will need them."
"Now, demons, we march upon Thurzen."
With that, Damarus left the caverns, and slowly approached the light of day. He emerged into a lush, green meadow. Trees formed a semi circle around the cavern opening, with a rock wall to his back. The sky glowed an eerie blue, not the familiar red of the planes of Hell.
"This will all be ours in time." Damarus said through a wicked grin, anticipating the coming battles.
"Now, demons, we march upon Thurzen."
"Yes, Damarus." De'Kamoth said as he followed his new leader into the lush green fields, attempting to stick to only the shadows of the trees. "What do you propose we do to gain mortal allies? We cannot simply slaughter them all, we must... convert some of them, should we not?" He hissed at Damarus.
"Now, demons, we march upon Thurzen."
Damarus stepped out of the cavern, and light began to permeate through the black smoke, which was now dissipating out the cave opening. Zethrael, relaxed after the slaughter, followed the leader of the demon squad into the daylight.
Zethrael emerged into a world he had nearly forgotten. Foul skies of blue, a bright green growth covered the ground, even the animals that he could see were odd to him.
Damarus spoke again, "This will all be ours in time."
The black charcoal smoke slowly billowed out of the cave, and started to cast a foreboding shadow that gradually engulfed the meadow as if predicting the spread of evil that would soon march across this world.
"I am looking for a town, knight. I want directions, population, even troops stationed there. Obviously, you came from somewhere, so tell me, from where do you hail?" Damarus demanded from the paladin who responded by spitting in his face and muttering prayers.
Damarus' arms quickly shifted their form into blades and her severed the foot of the paladin as a small smile crept onto Angriel's face. With every body part lopped off, Angriel became more and more eroused with Damarus' strength. What a monster, she thought to herself breathing heavily witnessing Damarus' ruthlessness. Finally, the paladin broke and told Damarus of his origins. Angriel, both happy and sad at the conclusion; happy that they have a path set to a mortal town, sad that the entertainment had ended.
Damarus ordered the cultists to contact Namphiel and told the rest of the demons of his new plan: an attack on Thurzen. Angrield followed Damarus out of the cave which faces a lush sea of green vegetation.
"This will all be ours in time," Damarus said to the new world.
"Yes," she responded with a small, sharp moan, cracking her whip once more "It shall be."
Outside the room it was a disturbing site. Sanctuary was overgrown with green and blue, nothing like the black and red of his native world. Other demons seemed to have been here before and revelled in their return. "This will all be ours in time," Damarus exclaimed, rousing the group.
Xanthor leaped into the sky. Controlling the air around him he took flight and surveyed their surroundings. He looked around, trying to find the village the paladin spoke of. Watching the road winding down the green fields he saw the outline of a town in the distance. He descended.
"His voice was true, or target lies down this road" he said as he pointed in the direction of their travels, "What is our approach?"
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"One must think... humans are so innocent, yet they're not. In fields like this, one could almost forget that Baal's army stormed on Mount Arreat only years ago..."
Azriel floated back towards the cave. He had seen enough; now he wanted to show what he was truly capable of.
I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
"Sanctuary. 800 years. Nearly 800 years I have been stolen of this sight. It disgusts me."
"Now, demons, we march upon Thurzen." Damarus said, as he entered the light of day. "This will all be ours in time," he said. "Humph." Adulphozael casually exited the cavern, into the world he so despised.
"One must think... humans are so innocent, yet they're not. In fields like this, one could almost forget that Baal's army stormed on Mount Arreat only years ago..."
Adulphozael took a liking to the way this one thought.
Errtu could only imagine the looks of fear on the faces of the unsuspecting humans. What a treasure trove of fresh souls.
"This Demon may be a worthy leader after all. I may have been to quick to judge." Errtu thought to himself as they moved.
"Damarus, shall I send my lieutenants ahead to scout for us? We may come against some opposition along they way. It would be better to be prepared before we arrive at our destination."
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"Now, demons, we march upon Thurzen." Damarus bellowed. Hearing this, Screwtape was pleased at the thought of going to a human town again. It had been a while. 'Even more fun to be had!' he thought as he followed the voice out of the cavern. Exiting from the rough stone over their heads, the party found themselves at the breadth of a large range beneath a looming cliff side. The vegetation underfoot inhabited rich green grass and standing tall, spotting the landscape, were many elderly trees, some in clumps and some alone. The sun was bright in the sky and Screwtape made out that is was about midday. He could see dark clouds on the horizon, arriving above some far off, hilly country, likely on its way here. Rain, he did not like rain.
His thoughts reminisced momentarily to his efforts in the battle that had recently ensued. If any had observed his fighting, attacking the enemy from the outer edges, they would have seen a savage almost graceful force at work. His long, poisoned dagger was always effective in cutting down numbers of opposition. It was clean and once again resting in the sanctuary within his cloak. Always ready at hand. He loved getting in close with the enemy, knocking the limbs away from the body, stabbing and thrusting up and out of the throat. All in one quick motion and on to the next enemy. That was his favourite way in combat. The blood exploding from the lacerations from his corrupted blade and how quickly the poison worked its magic, leaving the split body gnarled, sickly, and twisted. He supposed he could compare it to 'filleting' a fish these humans seemed to enjoy consuming. He laughed.
"Damarus, shall I send my lieutenants ahead to scout for us? We may come against some opposition along they way. It would be better to be prepared before we arrive at our destination." Errtu quickly asked their leader. Respect and strength apparent in not only his voice but also evident in his tall, imposing stance. Growing admiration of the hulk Damarus leading by example back in the cavern, Screwtape supposed.
Before Damarus could answer Screwtape stated: "There is little need Errtu, my brethren are already scouting ahead and are already traveling fast to Thurzen to gather all information possible. They can inform me quite quickly if any ordeal arises." He paused and then continued in a slightly humourus passing. "Though I'm sure too many scouts are never too bad a thing as long as your aids know how to stay out of sight. They are not bumbling fools I trust? And are not favourable to get us ambushed by some foolish ambitious army or venturing rebel raiders?" There were not too many situations that Screwtape did not find amusing.
As soon as the paladin gave in, Tyreus lowered his head, upset that the pain would finally be over.
Too far away to hear what the man had to say, Tyreus heard as Damarus said "Now, demons, we march upon Thurzen."
Tyreus began porting around the room so excited that he would get a chance to play with some fresh flesh.
"Let's go...Let's go" Tyreus claimed out to the others as he eagerly awaited his next victim.
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Azriel didn't want to go just yet. His thought were more focused on how they were actually going to transverse through the village without causing turmoil. They had just massacred a whole army and an able paladin, the wives of the soldiers were most likely going to cause panic in the small town. He floated over to the eager demon,
"And if we do go, if we do... then our mission will be in vain. The town will react violently to our approach, we will have no way of harvesting their souls... we must remember that we are trying to do this secretly. If we go in too fast, then the whole plan is ruined because humans are too feeble minded..."
Azriel felt that his point was made across and floated over to a shady part of the field.
I hate the way you cling to ignorance and pass it off as innocence
"Not yet... have them follow close by, we will need them for scouting soon enough."
"There is little need Errtu, my brethren are already scouting ahead and are already traveling fast to Thurzen to gather all information possible. They can inform me quite quickly if any ordeal arises."
"Be sure that they stay out of sight, have them watch for any patrols, we do not need to jeopardize this mission by being caught unaware. These humans, while weak, tend to travel in battalions."
Damarus took a deep breath, feeling a slight sting as the oxygen rich air flooded into his throat. His body was not used to such fresh air, it had been a long time since he had journeyed to Sanctuary. He had grown accustomed to the brimstone tinged air of the Hells, and liked this change. It was crisp, fresh, and millions of mortals could be tasted upon the air, their collective sins, wrongdoings, and guilt tainting the air.
For several hours the demons had been traversing the countryside, with a minimum of unexpected visitors. Several times the local fauna had stopped to gaze at the rag tag group as it passed through the tree canopys, confused with the new sights, wondering if they were friend or foe. Damarus did nothing, simply passed by without a second thought. It was not the deer, nor the bears they were seeking, it was the humans.
By the time they reached Thurzen, it was nightfall. The guards were closing up the gates, and the farms skirting the walls were slowly dimming, the fires inside burning out as the families drifted off to sleep, unaware of the danger looming nearby.
"Now... there is much to be done before we besiege this town. We must come up with a plan." Damarus looked around the group, making sure that all were listening.
"While some would argue for a frontal assault, in all my decades of militaristic leadership, I've learned that this is often the path to ruin."
"We will have two weeks to prepare for the assault, anything beyond this will begin to put out mission at risk of discoverey. As for things we need done, the first, and most pressing, is the matter of a band of local heroes is staying in one of the taverns... they should be moving on soon. If my sources are correct, they recently defended two other towns from a demon invasion. Taking them out is imperative."
"We also need more soldiers, the local populace will do well. If several outlying farms are raided, they will go unnoticed for quite some time. Somebody must kill them, and raise them as undead servants."
"There is also the issue of the town guard, and the gatehouse. We need the town guard whittled down, by any means necessary, and the gatehouse to be sabotaged. It must not function properly when the time comes to close the gates."
"The food stocks of the town may also work in our favor, if somebody could sneak into the towns warehouse and poison their food, we may have a much easier time dealing with the local populace. It must not be a lethal poison, though. Else we will not be able to take prisoners back to the cult."
"The port must also be sabotaged, ships must be ruined, the docks must be destroyed. We cannot let them escape when we attack, we need as many bodies as possible."
Damarus took a moment to look at the demons, making sure that they followed.
"These are the tasks that must be done, finish them alone, or in groups. In two weeks, we will commence out attack."
Damarus chimed in, telling the horde of several tasks that were required of them before the assault on the town. One task caught Zethrael's attention. "A band of local heroes is staying in one of the taverns... they should be moving on soon. If my sources are correct, they recently defended two other towns from a demon invasion. Taking them out is imperative."
"My skills would be best used in head on combat, so am ready to move on the tavern to remove the band of heroes from this world, Damarus." said Zethrael. The burning eagerness to slaughter the heroes lingered on each word that left his blazing furnace-like mouth.
"There is also the issue of the town guard, and the gatehouse. We need the town guard whittled down, by any means necessary, and the gatehouse to be sabotaged. It must not function properly when the time comes to close the gates," Damarus said catching her attention.
Mmm, she thought licking her lips, mortal minds to corrupt, sounds like me. "I'll see what I can do to the guard, Damarus," she declared, "However, I may need assistance with the gate, any takers?" she said seductively eyeing the group.